Blazing Drake

Looking to add the Blazing Drake to your collection of mounts in WoW? Look no further! Our Blazing Drake Mount Boosting Service is here to help you easily obtain this rare mount.

Blazing Drake Mount Boosting Service Includes

  • We provide multiple attempts at the boss, ensuring that you have the best chance of obtaining the Blazing Drake
  • Efficient and quick service with a focus on customer satisfaction
  • The professional and courteous team who will ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience
  • Our service is efficient and quick, with a focus on providing the best customer experience possible
  • We are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may have

This boost will be completed in Blazing Drake | Buy BoostPiloted mode.


Please remember that farming for the Blazing Drake mount is a random process and may require multiple attempts. The number of attempts required will vary depending on luck. 

Blazing Drake Boost Requirements

Level 70 character. Use our Dragonflight leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

 How to get The Blazing Drake

The Blazing Drake is a fiery dragon mount that can be obtained from the Dragon Soul raid in World of Warcraft. This mount is a rare drop from the Madness of Deathwing encounter on any difficulty. You must defeat Deathwing and hope for the Blazing Drake to drop to obtain the mount.

To increase your chances of obtaining the Blazing Drake, it is recommended that you run the Dragon Soul raid on the highest difficulty available to you. The mount has a low drop rate, so you may need to run the raid multiple times before it drops.

Head to the Dragon Soul raids in the Caverns of Time in Tanaris to begin your quest for the Blazing Drake. The raid consists of eight bosses, including the final boss, Deathwing. To access the Madness of Deathwing encounter, you must first defeat the previous seven bosses.

Once you have reached the Madness of Deathwing encounter, defeat the boss and hope for the Blazing Drake to drop. 

Note that the chance of obtaining this mount is low, and you can only attempt it once per week as the raid lockout resets. If the Blazing Drake does not drop, you must wait until the next weekly reset to try again.

    Select amount of runs:
