All Spool of Eternal Thread Drops in MoP Remix

By: friolt
4 min read
All Spool Of Eternal Thread Drops In Mop Remix

With the MoP Remix update, you’ve probably heard about the Spools of Eternal Thread. These nifty items are a game-changer for upgrading your Cloak of Infinite Potential. We’ve gathered all the ways you can get these drops, so let’s dive in and make your cloak unstoppable!

Spool of Eternal Thread

First up, let’s break down the Spools of Eternal Thread. These bad boys come in different qualities, each giving you a boost in Threads of Time:

Spool TypeThreads Amount
Minor Spool of Eternal Thread40 Threads
Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread50 Threads
Spool of Eternal Thread100 Threads
Greater Spool of Eternal Thread180 Threads

The better the spool, the more power you get. Simple, right? Now, let’s see how you can score these goodies.

Daily Events

All Spool Of Eternal Thread Drops In Mop Remix

Daily activities are your bread and butter for gathering Spools of Eternal Thread. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Every World Boss — You can get a Greater Spool of Eternal Thread from each world boss. So, get ready to take down Oondasta, Sha of Anger, Nalak, Galleon, the Timeless Isle Celestials, and Ordos. These bosses are tough, but the rewards are worth it.
  • Infinite Bazaar Daily Quests — These quests are another goldmine for Greater Spool of Eternal Thread. Look for quests like A Fresh Scene, Looking for More, and Looking for Group. They’re repeatable, so hit them up daily!
  • Random Normal LFG Dungeon — Running these dungeons daily can net you a Spool of Eternal Thread. Perfect for a quick power-up.
  • Random Heroic LFG Dungeon — Similar to the normal dungeons, but with better rewards. Expect a Spool of Eternal Thread here too.
  • Random Scenarios (Daily) — Knock out these scenarios for another Spool of Eternal Thread. Quick and easy!
  • Each LFR Wing — Each wing of Looking For Raid (LFR) you complete will drop a Spool of Eternal Thread.
  • Mix and match these daily activities to maximize your Threads of Time every day.

One-Time Achievements

Achievements are a great way to get Spools of Eternal Thread, though these are one-time deals. Here’s the scoop:

  • Campaign Quests — Completing these will grant you a Greater Spool of Eternal Thread. Keep an eye out for these questlines.
  • Reputation — As you build reputation, you’ll earn a Spool of Eternal Thread. Get friendly with those factions!
  • Exploration — Exploring new areas can reward you with a Minor Spool of Eternal Thread. It’s a nice bonus for wandering around.
  • Treasures and Rares — Finding treasures and defeating rare mobs will give you a Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread. Adventure pays off!
  • Scenarios — Completing scenarios will net you a Minor Spool of Eternal Thread. Heroic scenarios give you a Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread.
  • Zone Tour — Touring zones grants a Spool of Eternal Thread. Take a grand tour of Pandaria!
  • Heroic Dungeon — Heroic dungeons will reward you with a Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread.
  • World Boss — Taking down a world boss for the first time gives you a Minor Spool of Eternal Thread.
  • LFR, Normal, and Heroic Raids — Completing these raid difficulties grants corresponding spools, from Spool of Eternal Thread to Greater Spool of Eternal Thread for Heroic.

Keep pushing for these achievements to pile up your Threads of Time.

Blue Post

All Spool Of Eternal Thread Drops In Mop Remix

Blizzard recently announced some sweet changes to help us out. They’ve introduced four new items to give our Cloak of Infinite Potential a serious boost:

  • Minor Spool of Eternal Thread
  • Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread
  • Spool of Eternal Thread
  • Greater Spool of Eternal Thread

These items can be found in a variety of sources, so no one gets left behind. You can find them in Infinite Bazaar Repeatable Dailies, first-time daily scenarios, dungeons, each LFR queue, world bosses, and Remix achievements. Blizzard’s goal is to make sure we have plenty of ways to power up our cloaks, no matter our playstyle. So get out there and start collecting those threads!


With this guide, you’re now equipped to maximize your Threads of Time and supercharge your Cloak of Infinite Potential. Whether you’re taking down world bosses, completing daily quests, or chasing achievements, there are plenty of ways to gather these valuable spools. So, get out there, dive into the lush world of Pandaria, and start collecting. Remember, every thread counts in making your character the ultimate powerhouse. Happy adventuring, and may your spools be plenty!

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What are Spools of Eternal Thread?

They’re items that boost your Threads of Time for the Cloak of Infinite Potential. The higher the quality, the more Threads you get.

How can I get Greater Spool of Eternal Thread?

You can score these from every world boss and Infinite Bazaar Daily Quests.

Are Spools of Eternal Thread awarded retroactively for completed achievements?

Nope, you’ll need to complete the achievements on a character after the update to get the spools.

Can lower-level characters receive Spools of Eternal Thread?

Yes, but they might get lower quality spools compared to higher-level characters.

What are the sources for Spools of Eternal Thread in MoP Remix?

You can get them from world bosses, Infinite Bazaar Daily Quests, random dungeons, scenarios, and various achievements.

