Damage Transfer Exploit Fixed: No More Shadow Priest One Shots In Mythic+ And Raid

This exploit was mostly a Shadow Priest party trick, although a few other clever folks found ways to get in on the action with different classes. Shadow Priests were using their Psychic Link to DoT up a bunch of enemies and then smack a critter with a single-target spell. Since critters are basically damage sponges, the big bad boss would end up taking all that amplified damage and… boom! Instant dirt nap for the boss, even in tough +19 dungeons.

This bug probably first showed up with Patch 10.2.7. Demon Hunters caught onto something similar with Ragefire, but that got patched out super fast. Unlike Ragefire, which is an AoE and could accidentally trigger, the Shadow Priest move was super deliberate—no “oops, I accidentally killed the boss in two seconds” here. That’s probably why Blizzard might be getting ready to drop the hammer on those who exploited it.

There’s chatter that other classes could pull off something similar with things like Shaman’s Lightning Bolt or maybe even a Hunter’s Aimed Shot, but nothing’s been as popular or as blatant as the Shadow Priest method.

Critter Damage Transfer Exploit

Damage Transfer Exploit Fixed: No More Shadow Priest One Shots In Mythic+ And Raid

Commonly associated with Shadow Priests due to the Psychic Link ability, this exploit was not exclusive to them. Players discovered that by applying Damage Over Time (DoT) spells across multiple enemies and then targeting a critter with a single-target spell, they could trigger an enormous damage multiplier. This was possible because critters take significantly increased damage, and Psychic Link allowed this damage to spread to all connected enemies. This method resulted in absurdly quick kills of high-difficulty targets, even in challenging +19 dungeons.

The loophole likely first appeared in Patch 10.2.7 and was initially identified by Demon Hunters using Ragefire, which was promptly corrected. Unlike Ragefire, which is an AoE spell and could accidentally be triggered, the Shadow Priest technique required deliberate single targeting of a critter, making accidental triggers nearly impossible. Given the intentional nature of this exploit, punitive actions against those who abused it seem imminent.

Impact on Keys and Leaderboards

Damage Transfer Exploit Fixed: No More Shadow Priest One Shots In Mythic+ And Raid

The exploit definitely messed with the leaderboards. Check out these insane dungeon clears:

+20 Algeth’ar Academy15:14
+19 Neltharus16:51
+19 Neltharus19:05
+17 Neltharus10 secsMagmatusk kill time
+18 Algeth’ar Academy6 secsOvergrown Ancient kill time

Some groups tried to be slick by blitzing through the dungeon and then just chilling until the timer looked a bit more “normal.” But guess what? Boss kill times are still a dead giveaway. And believe it or not, some geniuses even logged their runs while using the exploit. Talk about leaving breadcrumbs for Blizzard to follow!

So, there you have it—no more cheat codes, folks. Time to play the game the way it’s meant to be played. See you in the dungeons, and let’s keep it legit!