Destiny 2 The Dawning 2024 Event Guide

Destiny 2
By: friolt
15 min read
Destiny 2 Dawning Event 2023

Every year, every season, Destiny 2 provides us with the Dawning event. And every year, there’s a little bit of different rewards. So, if you’re looking for a Slippery Patch legendary emote or the Stay Frosty legendary pulse rifle, you must bake the cake! We’ve just created this Destiny 2 Dawning event guide for the current year to show you the way to collect all the rewards from the Destiny 2 Dawning event in 2024. So, prepare to learn about:

  1. Where to find Christmas recipes for baking.
  2. How to collect the Dawning Essence in the current event.
  3. What rewards you can get from this event.
  4. How to have fun in the Destiny 2 Dawning 2024 event.

So, get ready to bake cookies because the Destiny 2 Christmas event for 2024 has already started!

Destiny Dawning event 2024 rewards

Destiny 2 The Dawning 2023

We want to start from a primal. From what can you get from the Dawning event in the new year, and how it been helpful in your destiny journey. So we can’t waste your time anymore. And we’re able to provide you with a fullest table of rewards from a destiny 2: season of wishes event, ever:

Name of the RewardWay to GetClass of the RewardInformal Commentary
Angelic Wings Exotic EmotePurchase of the Upgraded Event CardExotic EmoteCapture the Dawning spirit with this emotive gesture, symbolizing the joy of the season.
Frostflower Exotic SparrowPurchase of the Upgraded Event CardExotic SparrowA Dawning surprise, soaring through the Season of the Wish with elegance.
Ornamental Shell Exotic Ghost Shell7 Event Tickets on the Upgraded Event CardExotic Ghost ShellA Dawning memento for your ghost, featuring superb texture and festive charm.
Hiera Hodos Exotic ShipCompleting specific Event ChallengesExotic ShipSail through the stars with this new Dawning ship, a reward for completing event card challenges.
Stay Frosty Legendary Pulse RifleCompleting specific Event ChallengesLegendary Pulse RifleA new Dawning weapon, perfect for pulse rifle kills in the frosty battles of Long winter.
Zephyr Legendary SwordEvent ChallengesLegendary Sword (Stasis)The only stasis sword in Dawning, freezing enemies with each strike – a true Dawning gift.
Cold Front Legendary SMGCompleting specific Event ChallengesLegendary SMGTackle the cold of winter with this Dawning weapon, ideal for defeating enemies in the Dreaming City.
Avalanche Legendary Machine GunEvent ChallengesLegendary Machine GunFarm Dawning essence with ease using this powerful machine gun, a key to earning more Dawning spirit.
Glacioclasm Legendary Fusion RifleCompleting specific Event ChallengesLegendary Fusion RifleA fusion of power and Dawning spirit, this rifle is a testament to the Dawning’s essence.
Albedo Wing Legendary GlaiveEvent ChallengesLegendary GlaiveThe new Albedo Wing Glaive, a beacon of the Dawning, ideal for close-quarters combat.
Slippery Patch Legendary Emote5 Event Tickets on the Upgraded Event CardLegendary EmoteSlide into the Dawning season with this emote, a delightful addition to your collection.
Festive Entrance Transmat Effect2 Event Tickets on the Upgraded Event CardTransmat EffectMake a grand entrance with the Festive Entrance Transmat Effect, a Dawning exclusive.
Tundra Guide Ghost Projection1 Event Ticket on the Upgraded Event CardGhost ProjectionGuide your path with the Tundra Guide Ghost Projection, a Dawning gift for the explorers.
Star Baker TitleCompleting all 16 Dawning 2024 ChallengesTitleA title earned by mastering the Dawning oven and completing all the event card challenges.

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Destiny 2 The Dawning Event Overview

Destiny 2 The Dawning Armor

The Destiny 2 Dawning Event 2024 is a festive holiday event where players focus on earning Dawning spirit and farming Dawning essence. Key activities include completing event card challenges and baking with Eva’s holiday oven. Players should aim to earn new Dawning weapons like the only stasis sword and the new Albedo Wing Glaive with the beacon rounds perk. Collecting Dawning gifts and delivering baked goods using dawning ingredients like dark ether cane are also central to the event. The Dawning 2024 is about festive engagement, gathering bright dust, and enjoying the season of the wish in the spirit of Destiny.

In Destiny 2’s Dawning 2024 event, you’ve got some cool activities lined up:

  1. Cookie Time: Whip up some sweet treats like Gjallardoodles in Eva’s holiday oven. Grab ingredients and Dawning Essence while you’re out busting baddies and ticking off bounties.
  2. Level Up with Baking: Handing out those cookies and smashing event card challenges gets you Dawning Spirit. Spend it to snag some cool upgrades, like extra perks on Dawning weapons and super-charged Stasis snowballs.
  3. Snowball Fights, Destiny Style: Knock out an enemy with Dawning gear, and boom – you get a Stasis snowball spawn point.
  4. New Shiny Things: Tackle the Winter Night quest from Eva for a fancy new Dawning Memento. Keep baking and gifting for even more goodies.
  5. Albedo Wing Glaive: This new toy is up for grabs and comes with the neat Beacon Rounds perk. Earn it through challenges, focusing, or Festive Engrams.
  6. Weapons with a Twist: Dawning weapons this year are loaded with cool perks like Deconstruct and Cold Steel. Plus, there’s the Dawning Surprise trait for an extra kick in comparison to previous years.

So yeah, get baking, throw some snowballs, and enjoy the new gear! Dawning 2024 is all about fun treats and cool beats. Also you can get the gift from eva’s holiday oven, with a thousand layer cookie.

Eva’s holiday oven | bake dawning weapons

Destiny 2 Spirit

Eva’s Holiday Oven in Destiny 2’s Dawning 2024 is all about mixing combat and cooking. You gather ingredients by doing what Guardians do best – defeating enemies and completing activities. Each enemy type drops a specific ingredient – think Cabal Oil from Cabal or Vex Milk from Vex. Then, mix these with Essence of Dawning you’ve farmed to bake unique treats.

Here’s the fun part: each cookie recipe needs a specific mix of ingredients. Once you’ve got your recipes down, head to Eva’s oven in your Quests tab and start baking. Pro tip: Masterwork that oven to cut down on Essence costs.

Baked goodies aren’t just for show – gift them to various NPCs and earn cool rewards, like Dawning engrams, new mementos, or even special Dawning weapons. It’s a festive way to earn some extra perks and gear. So get out there, defeat those enemies, activate those boons, and bake your way to glory in this year’s Dawning!

Dawning resources | not only essence of dawning

Destiny 2 Solstice 2023

In Destiny 2’s Dawning 2024, you’re looking at a whole pantry of ingredients to gather for Eva’s holiday oven. These ingredients drop from doing what Guardians do best – defeating enemies, using various weapons and abilities. Each has its unique drop source, from Cabal Oil from Cabal enemies to Vex Milk from Vex. These ingredients are essential for baking those delicious Dawning treats, contributing to the holiday spirit and earning some sweet Dawning gifts.

Name of ResourceWay to GetMost Optimal LocationFor What You Need ItLaconic Informal Commentary
Balanced FlavorsBow, Scout Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Pulse Rifle killsAnywhere with long sightlinesDawning recipesFor the sharpshooters out there.
Bullet SprayAuto Rifle, SMG, Machine Gun killsCrowded areas like Public EventsDawning recipesSpray and pray, then bake away!
Cabal OilCabal enemiesEDZ, Cabal-themed StrikesDawning recipesGrease up those recipes with Cabal Oil.
Chitin PowderHive enemiesMoon, Hive-themed StrikesDawning recipesHive hunting equals baking fun.
Dark Ether CaneScorn enemiesTangled Shore, Dreaming CityDawning recipesFor a bitter-sweet touch.
Dark FrostingStasis killsAnywhere with crowdsDawning recipesChill out and gather this frosty flavor.
Delicious ExplosionAoE kills (grenades, grenade launchers, rocket launchers)Anywhere with groupsDawning recipesBoom! Adds a blast to your baking.
Electric FlavorArc killsStrikes with Arc singeDawning recipesShockingly good for baking.
Ether CaneFallen enemiesCosmodrome, EuropaDawning recipesFallen foes for festive feasts.
Finishing TouchFinisher killsAnywhere with weakened enemiesDawning recipesFinish ’em off for a tasty touch.
Flash of InspirationGenerate Orbs of PowerActivities with lots of supersDawning recipesLight up your recipes with this.
Impossible HeatSolar killsMercury, Sun-drenched areasDawning recipesTurn up the heat for these treats.
Multifaceted FlavorsMultikillsPublic Events, horde activitiesDawning recipesDouble the fun, double the flavor.
Null TasteVoid killsVoid-focused activitiesDawning recipesA void-flavored twist to your dishes.
Perfect TastePrecision killsAnywhere you can snipeDawning recipesAim true for this fine ingredient.
Personal TouchMelee killsClose combat encountersDawning recipesGet personal with your baking.
Pinch of LightCollect Orbs of PowerSuper-heavy activitiesDawning recipesLight up your oven with this.
Sharp FlavorSword and Glaive killsClose quarters like Lost SectorsDawning recipesSlice and dice for this spice.
Superb TextureSuper killsMayhem, high-super areasDawning recipesSuper up your holiday baking.
Taken ButterTaken enemiesIo, The Dreaming CityDawning recipesA Taken twist to your treats.
Vex MilkVex enemiesNessus, Vex-heavy areasDawning recipesEssential for those robot-themed recipes.

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How to farm Dawning Essence

Spirit Destiny Game
Powerful Targets

Here’s your cheat sheet for racking up Essence of Dawning fast. Whether it’s striking down in Lake of Shadows for a quick 9 Essence or dungeon diving for a hefty 20, we’ve got you covered. Skip the grind in Gambit and Crucible, focus on these top spots, and you’ll be baking those festive treats in no time. Ready, set, farm!

Fast-Track Essence Farming

  • Lake of Shadows Strike: Quick and easy, bag 9 Essence each run.
  • Nightmare Hunt on the Moon: Low difficulty, fast, 5 Essence a pop.
  • The Investigation Mission: A bit longer, but drops 17 Essence.
  • Shattered Throne Dungeon Boss: Score a cool 20 Essence.
  • Legend/Master Lost Sectors: Team up, tackle them, and grab 15 Essence each time.
Bonus Event Rewards
Long Winter

Skip the long Gambit matches and regular Crucible strikes if you’re in a rush. Bake those Dawning cookies with all the Essence you collect. The more Essence, the merrier your Dawning event. And there you go!

How to farm Vex Milk

Dawning Engram Focusing Option
Strange Cookies

Vex Milk in Destiny 2’s Dawning Event 2024 is a unique ingredient, not actual milk but a reference to the white radiolarian fluid from Vex enemies. Farm it by defeating Vex, with Nessus and Europa being prime spots. Use Vex Milk in Eva’s holiday oven for Dawning recipes like Impossible Heat Strange Cookies. It’s a festive twist in the game, adding to the Dawning spirit and essential for completing event card challenges and earning Dawning gifts. Perfect for crafting new Dawning mementos and focusing on Dawning engrams. A key to enjoying the holiday event in Destiny 2.

So if you want to farm Vex Milk in the Dawning event, we strictly recommend to read our Vex milk guide, but if you do not want, you can limits only with a following table

Dawning Cost
Completing Activities
NessusThe Orrery Lost SectorHigh density of Vex, ideal for repetitive farming.4/5
EuropaBunker E15 Lost SectorGood balance of challenge and Vex density.3/5
EuropaPerdition Lost SectorRich in Vex, easier final boss compared to Bunker E15.3/5
MoonGarden of Salvation Raid EntranceSwarms with Vex, high density near the entrance.4/5
NessusSpire of the Watcher DungeonContinuous waves of Vex for efficient farming.5/5
Vault of Glass Raid EntranceSpecific to Raid farmSubstantial number of Vex, best in a group.3/5
targets awards

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Dawning recipes

Dawning Event Card
Chocolate Ship Cookies

Dawning 2024 in Destiny 2 is all about whipping up some cosmic cuisine for your favorite NPCs. With Eva’s masterwork holiday oven, get ready to mix, bake, and deliver a variety of space-themed treats, each with unique ingredients and rewards. From the Traveler Donut Holes for Ikora to the strange but delightful cookies for Xur, each recipe is your ticket to earning Dawning spirit, special engrams, and maybe even new Dawning weapons. So, gather your ingredients by defeating enemies, complete those Dawning bounties, and let’s get baking!

RecipeWhat is it?Who Gives You?What Can You Craft With It?Laconic Informal Commentary
GjallardoodlesDawning CookieZavala (Tower)Etheric Cane, Delicious ExplosionZavala’s favorite. Classic and explosive!
Traveler Donut HolesDawning CookieIkora Rey (Tower)Cabal Oil, Flash of InspirationCosmic donuts for the wise Ikora.
Chocolate Ship CookiesDawning CookieAmanda Holliday (Tower)Cabal Oil, Null TasteSweet and savory treat for Amanda.
Telemetry TapiocaDawning CookieBanshee-44 (Tower)Vex Milk, Bullet SprayBanshee’s techy delight.
Eliksni BirdseedDawning CookieHawthorne (Tower)Ether Cane, Personal TouchHawthorne’s snack, with a personal touch.
Gentleman’s ShortbreadDawning CookieDevrim Kay (EDZ)Ether Cane, Perfect TasteA refined choice for Devrim.
Infinite Forest CakeDawning CookieFailsafe (Nessus)Vex Milk, Impossible HeatFailsafe’s pick, with a fiery twist.
Vanilla BladesDawning CookieShaxx (Tower)Cabal Oil, Sharp FlavorShaxx’s fave, sharp and sweet.
Dark Chocolate MotesDawning CookieDrifter (Tower)Taken Butter, Null TasteDrifter’s dark, mysterious choice.
Candy Dead GhostsDawning CookieSpider (Eliksni Quarter)Dark Ether Cane, Flash of InspirationSpider’s ghostly delight.
Ill-Fortune CookiesDawning CookiePetra Venj (Dreaming City)Dark Ether Cane, Impossible HeatPetra’s bittersweet treat.
Strange CookiesDawning CookieXur (Treasure Hoard)Taken Butter, Electric FlavorMysterious and electrifying for Xur.
Lavender Ribbon CookiesDawning CookieSaint-14 (Tower)Vex Milk, Personal TouchSaint-14’s choice, simple yet powerful.
Hot Crossfire BunsDawning CookieAda-1 (Tower)Ether Cane, Balanced FlavorsAda’s spicy and sweet selection.
Ascendant Oatmeal Raisin CookiesDawning CookieEris Morn (Moon)Chitin Powder, Finishing TouchEris’s mysterious and hearty choice.
Etheric ColdsnapsDawning CookieVariks (Europa)Chitin Powder, Electric FlavorVariks’s icy treat.
Blueberry CrumblesDawning CookieShaw Han (Cosmodrome)Ether Cane, Bullet SprayShaw’s fruity and fierce favorite.
Bittersweet BiscottiDawning CookieCrow (H.E.L.M.)Dark Ether Cane, Balanced FlavorsCrow’s mixed-flavor special.
Bright-Dusted SnowballsDawning CookieTess Everis (Tower)Chitin Powder, Multifaceted FlavorsTess’s sparkly snowball surprise.
Classic Butter CookiesDawning CookieEva Levante (Tower)Taken Butter, Superb TextureEva’s own old-fashioned goodness.
Starwort ThinsDawning CookieExo Stranger (Europa)Dark Ether Cane, Dark FrostingExo Stranger’s starry delight.
Lucent CrunchDawning CookieFynch (Savathun’s Throne World)Chitin Powder, Perfect TasteFynch’s crisp and sharp snack.

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Bake up these cosmic treats, and you’re set to spread some Dawning cheer across the solar system.

Dawning Weapon boosts for dawning spirit

Masterwork Eva'S Holiday Oven
Ill Fortune Cookies

Let’s break down the cool perks on Dawning weapons for new Destiny 2 Dawning 2024. These perks aren’t just your average boosts; they add some serious oomph to your arsenal. From refilling your ammo to slowing down enemies, these perks make your weapons a whole lot more fun. Plus, there’s the Dawning Surprise origin trait – rapid kills rack up Dawning gifts, and taking down the big baddies counts even more. So, whether you’re stacking damage with Deconstruct or tracking targets with Beacon Rounds, you’re in for a treat.

Perk NameDescriptionWeapon TypeInformal Commentary
DeconstructSustained damage boosts damage against vehicles/constructs and refills the magAnyKeep shooting, keep hitting harder, and never run out of ammo.
Attrition OrbsCreating sustained damage generates an Orb of PowerAnyDamage your foes, power your friends. It’s a win-win.
Cold SteelPowered Sword hits slow targetsSwordsSwing that sword and watch enemies slow to a crawl.
Beacon RoundsFinal blows grant projectile tracking, extra damage extends itAnyHit your mark every time, then hit ’em harder.
Dawning SurpriseRapidly defeating targets awards Dawning gifts, powerful targets count moreAny with Dawning SurpriseRack up those gifts faster than Santa on a speeder.

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Whether you’re in Savathun’s Throne World or just hanging in the Tower, these perks spice up the year’s Dawning.

Destiny 2 Dawning weapon god roll

Earn Dawning Weapons
Winter’S Night Quest

Dawning 2024 in Destiny 2 is dishing out some slick weapons, each with its own flavor of destruction.

  1. Albedo Wing: This Arc Glaive missed the Stasis mark but still rocks with Beacon Rounds and Close to Melee, making it a decent pick for PvE. PvP-wise, mix in Grave Robber and Demolitionist for some fun times.
  2. Avalanche: A solid choice for both newbies and vets. This Solar Machine Gun shines with Subsistence and Incandescent in PvE. PvP players might want to stick to their rockets though.
  3. Cold Front: Honestly, this SMG’s stats are a bit of a letdown. PvE perks like Stats for All and One for All are your best bet. PvP? Maybe look elsewhere.
  4. Glacioclasm: This High-Impact Fusion Rifle’s a beast in both PvE and PvP. With Slideshot and Successful Warm-Up, it turns into a Crucible monster. PvE-wise, think Subsistence and Reservoir Burst for some serious damage.
  5. Stay Frosty: Lightweight Pulse Rifle fans, take note. PvE perks like Enlightened Action and Headstone are solid, and in PvP, Encore and Kill Clip make it a serious contender.
  6. Zephyr: The only Stasis Sword out there. With Cold Steel, you’re slowing enemies down with every hit. Tireless Blade’s a great add-on for utility.
WeaponPvP God RollPvE God Roll
Albedo WingAuxiliary Reserves, Accurized Rounds, Grave Robber, Demolitionist, RangeAuxiliary Reserves, Accurized Rounds, Beacon Rounds, Close to Melee, Range
AvalancheArrowhead Brake, Accurized Rounds, Dynamic Sway Reduction, Vorpal Weapon, RangeArrowhead Brake, Accurized Rounds, Subsistence, Incandescent, Range
Cold FrontSmallbore, Steady Rounds, Perpetual Motion, Rampage, RangeSmallbore, Steady Rounds, Stats for All, One for All, Range
GlacioclasmSmallbore, Projection Fuse, Slideshot, Successful Warm-Up, Charge TimeSmallbore, Accelerated Coils, Overflow, Controlled Burst, Charge Time
Stay FrostyArrowhead Brake, Accurized Rounds, Encore, Kill Clip OR Desperado, RangeSmallbore, Accurized Rounds, Enlightened Action, Headstone, Range
ZephyrEnduring Blade, Accurized Rounds, Tireless Blade, Cold Steel, ImpactHungry Edge, Tactical Mag, Tireless Blade, Cold Steel, Impact

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These are the weapons to keep an eye on. With Dawning engram focusing and a bit of luck, you can snag these bad boys and give your arsenal a serious upgrade.


Destiny 2 Christmas Event 2023
Impossible Heat Strange Cookies

Wrapping up this epic journey through Destiny 2’s Dawning Event 2024, it’s been a wild ride of festive fun and weapon crafting. From mastering Eva’s Holiday Oven to mixing it up in the Tower with new Dawning weapons, we’ve covered it all. Bake your way through the solar system with treats for every NPC, rack up that Dawning spirit, and unleash havoc with the latest arsenal upgrades.

Feeling the Dawning spirit? You better be! This event’s packed with everything from snowball fights to baking cosmic cookies. And let’s not forget about those god rolls on weapons like Albedo Wing and Avalanche, tailor-made for both PvE and PvP. These aren’t just any guns; they’re the cream of the crop, ready to boost your game to new heights.

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The Dawning isn’t just about the loot, though. It’s a whole vibe, complete with masterworking ovens, defeating baddies for ingredients, and Dawning engram focusing for that perfect gear. Whether you’re chasing the new Beacon Rounds perk or farming essence, there’s something for everyone.

So, Guardians, get out there, defeat enemies, activate those boons, and dive into those exotic quests. With a little luck and a lot of spirit, you’ll be the star baker and the terror of the Crucible. Dawning 2024 is your playground, so make the most of it and show the cosmos what you’re made of!

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How long is the Dawning event in Destiny 2?

The Dawning event in Destiny 2 typically runs for about three weeks during the holiday season. For instance, in the 2024 event, it started on December 12 and concluded on January 2.

What is Dawning spirit in Destiny 2?

Dawning spirit in Destiny 2 is a special event currency. Players earn it by participating in Dawning activities, such as completing specific challenges, baking and delivering treats using Eva’s Holiday Oven, and other event-related tasks. Dawning spirit is used to purchase upgrades and special items during the event.

How do I participate in the Dawning?

To participate in the Dawning, head to the Tower and speak with Eva Levante, who serves as the central NPC for the event. She’ll provide you with the Holiday Oven and the initial quest to start baking treats. Participate in various activities across Destiny 2 to gather ingredients and Essence of Dawning, which are used for baking and delivering treats to NPCs for rewards.

How do I get all the Dawning ingredients?

Dawning ingredients are obtained by defeating different types of enemies and using various methods of combat in Destiny 2. For example:

  • Ether Cane is dropped by Fallen enemies.
  • Cabal Oil is obtained from defeating Cabal enemies.
  • Vex Milk comes from defeating Vex enemies.
  • Different actions like getting kills with specific weapon types (e.g., Auto Rifles, Swords) or using certain abilities (e.g., Arc kills, Solar kills) yield other unique ingredients.

You can find these ingredients across various locations and activities in the game, such as Strikes, Patrols, and specific planetary locations where these enemies are prevalent.

What is The Dawning 2024 event in Destiny 2?

The Dawning 2024 is a festive holiday event in Destiny 2 where players bake cookies, earn Dawning spirit, and participate in various activities to collect unique rewards.

How do I earn Dawning spirit and what is its use?

Earn Dawning spirit by completing event card challenges and delivering baked goods. Use it for event upgrades, like enhancing Dawning weapons or unlocking new mementos.

What are some of the key activities in The Dawning 2024?

Key activities include baking with Eva’s masterwork holiday oven, participating in snowball fights, and completing specific event challenges to earn exclusive rewards.

How can I focus on Dawning engrams?

Use the Dawning engram focusing option to target specific Dawning weapons and items. This can be done by spending Dawning spirit and earning Dawning engrams through various event activities.

What are some unique rewards I can get from The Dawning 2024?

Unique rewards include the Angelic Wings Exotic Emote, Frostflower Exotic Sparrow, and various legendary weapons like the Stay Frosty Pulse Rifle and Zephyr Stasis Sword.

Can I receive a gift in return for my activities during The Dawning?

Yes, delivering baked goods to NPCs grants you gift bags containing Dawning engrams, new mementos, and other bonus event rewards.

What is the Dawning cost and how does it affect my gameplay?

The Dawning cost refers to the resources needed to participate in the event, like Essence of Dawning for baking. Managing these resources is key to maximizing your event participation.

How do I farm Essence of Dawning?

Farm Essence by completing activities like the Lake of Shadows Strike, Nightmare Hunt on the Moon, and various Lost Sectors. Each activity provides different amounts of Essence.

What are the benefits of masterworking Eva’s holiday oven?

Masterworking the oven reduces the Essence cost for baking recipes, making it more efficient to craft treats for NPCs and earn rewards.

How do I obtain new Dawning weapons and what are their perks?

Earn new Dawning weapons by completing event challenges and focusing Dawning engrams. Weapons come with unique perks like Deconstruct, Cold Steel, and the Dawning Surprise origin trait.

What are the additional perks available in Dawning weapons?

Additional perks include unique abilities that enhance weapon performance, such as increased damage, tracking projectiles, and generating Orbs of Power.

Can I use a limited exchange ticket in The Dawning?

Yes, a limited exchange ticket can be used for specific focusing options within the Dawning engram focusing system, allowing for more targeted loot acquisition.

What’s the best way to defeat combatants in The Dawning?

The best way to defeat combatants during The Dawning is by utilizing the event-specific weapons and perks, as well as participating in event activities and challenges.

How do I activate boons during The Dawning?

Activate boons by participating in various playlist activities and using specific items or bonuses available during The Dawning event.

Are there any event upgrades available in The Dawning 2024?

Yes, players can purchase event upgrades using Dawning spirit, which enhances various aspects of the event, including baking efficiency and weapon performance.

What is the significance of killing enemies during The Dawning?

Killing enemies during The Dawning is crucial for farming ingredients for Eva’s holiday oven recipes and for completing it.
