Draenei Heritage Armor Questline: A Tale of Redemption, Satyr Bashing & Sick Transmog!

By: friolt
3 min read
Draenei Heritage Armor Questline: A Tale Of Redemption, Satyr Bashing &Amp; Sick Transmog!

The Exodar is abuzz, draenei of all kinds flocking to the once sleepy capital to witness Prophet Velen’s declaration: The Tishamaat is upon us! And with it, the return of the draenei heritage armor questline in Patch 10.2.7. Spoilers ahead, as we dive into the drama, the threats, and the awesome rewards.

Full Quest List

Quest NameDescription
An Artificer’s AppealRomuul beckons for your aid in a special Exodar project.
Reviving TraditionCelebrate the Tishamaat and uncover Draenei traditions.
Pressing DeadlinesRetrieve schematics from the elusive Ataanya in Shattrath.
Rush OrderAssist Ataanya’s apprentice to speed up her workload.
An Old WoundSeek guidance from Auchindoun to aid Ataanya’s grief.
Lingering ScarsCommune with tormented spirits to prepare for Tishamaat.
To See ClearlyConnect with Hataaru’s spirit and ease Ataanya’s burden.
Moving PastWitness Ataanya’s change of heart and journey to Exodar.
Emergency EffortsCombat satyr threats in Bloodmyst Isle to save Tishamaat.
Beneath the SkinUnearth demonic corruption in Bloodmyst and eliminate it.
Assessing the EnemyEngage in reconnaissance and confront demonic forces.
ExcisionExterminate the demonic leader threatening Bloodmyst.
At the SourceExpose the source of demonic corruption and cleanse it.
Pain RecedesConfront the aftermath of the battle and seek closure.
A Burden SharedBecome the tishataan and lift the community’s burdens.
Our Path ForwardVelen’s address marks a new era for the Draenei people.

The Loot: What’s in it for You?

Draenei Heritage Armor Questline: A Tale Of Redemption, Satyr Bashing &Amp; Sick Transmog!

Now, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for: the rewards! Complete the Draenei heritage armor questline, and you’ll strut away with the legendary Draenic Hologem. But wait, there’s more! You’ll also unlock the Endurance of Temple Telhamat (Orange Tint) and Embrace of Lost Embaari (Purple Tint) transmog sets, guaranteed to make you the envy of Azeroth!


The Tishamaat is back, and it’s time to earn some epic loot in style. The Draenei Heritage Armor questline in Patch 10.2.7 delivers lore, drama, and satyr-smashing action, all leading up to some glorious transmog rewards.

Draenei Heritage Armor Questline: A Tale Of Redemption, Satyr Bashing &Amp; Sick Transmog!

You’ll earn the Endurance of Temple Telhamat and Embrace of Lost Embaari heritage sets, plus a teleporting Draenic Hologem toy. Prophet Velen himself declared it’s the perfect time to revive the Tishamaat, so let’s gear up and celebrate like never before!

And remember: If you’re ever feeling down about your questing progress, just think of our brave draenei hero comically teetering on the edge of Dalaran, armor gleaming and hologem glowing, ready to take on whatever the Legion throws their way. Now, go forth and conquer the questline, and strut away as the most dazzling draenei in Azeroth!

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How do I start the Draenei Heritage Armor questline?

To begin the Draenei Heritage Armor questline, pick up the quest “An Artificer’s Appeal” from the Magically-Sealed Parcel at the Stormwind Embassy or your Adventure Journal. The quest will provide you with a Spare Hologem to teleport directly to the Exodar, where Grand Artificer Romuul is waiting with a special project.

What level/class requirements are there for this questline?

The Draenei Heritage Armor questline is available to draenei and lightforged draenei characters who are at least level 50. Make sure you have the right character to embark on this journey.

What are the main rewards for completing the questline?

Completing the questline will reward you with two unique heritage armor sets: the Endurance of Temple Telhamat (Orange Tint) and the Embrace of Lost Embaari (Purple Tint). You’ll also receive the Draenic Hologem, a toy that allows draenei and lightforged draenei to teleport to their Hearthstone location.

Can I use the Draenic Hologem on any character?

No, the Draenic Hologem is only usable by draenei and lightforged draenei characters. Other races won’t be able to access its teleportation feature.

What happens if I get stuck on a quest?

If you find yourself stuck on any quest, check your Adventure Journal for hints or look for quest markers on your in-game map. Additionally, guides and tips from fellow players can be invaluable in helping you navigate tricky steps.

What is the story behind the Tishamaat?

Tishamaat is an ancient draenei sacrament celebrating the burdens of the past and committing to a brighter future. Prophet Velen decided it’s the perfect time to revive this tradition, as the draenei people seek closure and healing. Through this questline, you’ll witness the challenges faced and overcome by the draenei people.

Are there any notable NPCs or cameos in this questline?

Yes! You’ll encounter several familiar faces, including Prophet Velen, High Artificer Ataanya, Chieftain Hatuun, Arzaal, Grand Artificer Romuul, and Exarch Maladaar. Expect a mix of lore-rich conversations and heartfelt moments.

Where can I see my collected rewards after completing the questline?

Once you complete the questline, the Draenic Hologem toy will be available in your Toy Box, and the two heritage armor sets can be found in your Transmog Wardrobe. Showcase your new look with pride as a paragon of the draenei people!
