FF XIV The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden Trial Guide

By: friolt
8 min read
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Who’s ready for the ultimate FF XIV trial? The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden is here, and it’s no simple task. This high-level trial brings a unique set of challenges, so to pass them you need: ffxiv the minstrel’s ballad sphene’s burden trial guide, where you will learn about:

  • FF XIV’s toughest trial yet: The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden
  • master tethers, AOE attacks, and platform movement
  • Level 100 and Item Level 710 needed
  • 8 players: 2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 DPS
  • Prove your skill — conquer the trial and show off in Eorzea

In this trial, positioning, timing, and teamwork are everything. You’ll need to master mechanics like tethers, AOE attacks, and platform movement to succeed. With a strong party and the right strategy, you can conquer this trial and earn rare mounts, powerful gear, and achievements that show off your hard work.


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FF XIV The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden Trial | Overview

Sphene'S Burden Best Tank And Healer Setup

The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden is a high-level (level 100) extreme trial in Final Fantasy XIV, introduced with Patch 7.1. It’s known for its challenging gameplay and unique mechanics designed for experienced players. Here’s a quick overview of the trial’s key elements:

Level RequirementLevel 100
Item Level RequirementItem Level 710
Party SizeFull Party (8 players) — 2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 4 DPS
Time Limit60 minutes
LocationInterphos, Unlost World
Required QuestHow the West Was Sung
Unlock MethodAvailable in Patch 7.1, unlocked through the wandering minstrel
Tomestone RewardsAllagan Tomestone of Aesthetics (20) and Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry (10)
AccessFound via Duty Finder or Raid Finder (Trials)
Falling HazardPlayers can fall off the arena and face instant defeat
LoreFace off against Queen Eternal, a recreated queen aiming to preserve memories at all costs

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FF XIV The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden Trial | attunement

Ff Xiv Duty Finder Guide For Extreme Trials

To access the Sphene’s Burden Trial in FFXIV, players need to complete a special unlock quest and be at the required level. This process is simple but specific, as outlined below:

Quest NameHow the West Was Sung
Quest GiverWandering Minstrel
LocationTuliyollal (X:11.2, Y:14.7)
Level RequirementLevel 100
Required QuestComplete the Main Scenario Quest from the Dawntrail expansion
Completion MethodSpeak to the Wandering Minstrel to accept and instantly complete the quest
UnlocksThe Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden (Extreme Trial)
Repeat RequirementsPlayers must revisit the Wandering Minstrel after completing prerequisites for other trials

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Key Points for Attunement:

  • Required Level and Quest — Players must reach level 100 and finish the Dawntrail main story questline.
  • Simple Completion — No actions are required beyond talking to the Wandering Minstrel to unlock the trial.
  • Trial Access — After the attunement, the trial is available in Duty Finder under extreme difficulty trials.
  • Wandering Minstrel’s Role — To unlock future extreme trials, players will return to the Wandering Minstrel.

This attunement allows players to take on the extreme difficulty challenge of Sphene’s Burden and prepare for the rewarding weapons and materials that await them in this trial.

FF XIV The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden Trial | Raid composition

High-Level Ff Xiv Trials For Xbox Series Players

In Sphene’s Burden, the trial requires an 8-man party with specific roles for optimal success. Here’s a breakdown of the raid composition and the recommended jobs for each role to handle this extreme difficulty challenge effectively:

RoleSlotsRecommended Jobs
Tank2Warrior, Dark Knight
Healer2White Mage, Scholar
Melee DPS2Samurai, Dragoon
Ranged DPS1Bard
Magic DPS1Black Mage

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FF XIV The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden Trial | Battle tactics

This guide helps players in FFXIV with Sphene’s Burden Trial. Follow these simple steps to survive each part of the battle.

Important note: The following information in this guide, FFXIV: Sphene’s Burden Trial, is based on notations from the World’s First stream on Twitch. We recommend you review this section again once we finalize the guide instructions.

Basic Bridge PositioningFirst Cross — South Bridge: DPS players always go here. North Bridge: Support players always go here.
After IciclesHorizontal and Vertical Crosses — Horizontal players cross first, then vertical players. If you are closer to the middle, cross first. If you are on the outer edges, cross second.
Royal Domain (AOE Attack)Strong AOE Attack — Prepare to use damage reduction skills and heal when needed.
Vertical/Horizontal Conga LineFormation — Form a line in the correct direction (vertical or horizontal) and move together.
Platform MechanicsGoing Down/Up on Platforms — Follow instructions to jump down or move up on platforms when needed. L Formation — Follow an L shape to avoid dangerous spots or get into position for other mechanics.
Tether MechanicsTether — Follow the color or specific target of your tether. Cross accordingly. Healers and Tanks — Healers focus on healing; tanks may have special tethers or tasks for reducing damage.
Final Phase TipsPositioning — Stay in the correct position to avoid clashing with other players. Sprint/Quick Movement — Use sprint to move to safe spots quickly. Damage Control — Focus on reducing the boss’s health efficiently.

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FF XIV The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden Trial | Loot table

The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden is an extreme trial that rewards players with exclusive items and loot, ideal for those progressing in Final Fantasy XIV’s high-level content. This loot includes tomestones, unique mounts, and crafted materials — perfect for both experienced players and free trial players expanding their characters and unlocking more content in the game. The rewards enhance progression, provide glamour options, and add rare collectibles to your inventory. Below is a full loot table detailing what can be earned:

Item TypeReward ItemDetails
TomestonesAllagan Tomestone of Aesthetics20 per completion
TomestonesAllagan Tomestone of Heliometry10 per completion
Exclusive WeaponSphene’s Burden-themed WeaponsUnique weapon skins for each class
Crafting MaterialsHigh-grade crafting materialsUseful for crafting high-level gear
MountQueen Eternal’s Loyal ChocoboRare mount drop with a unique look
Orchestrion RollQueen’s ElegyUnlocks music from the trial in housing
AchievementsThe Burden Bearer AchievementFor first completion of the trial
Glamour GearQueen Eternal’s Attire PiecesUnique appearance items for characters

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Loot Highlights:

  • Tomestones — Earned in both normal trials and extreme trials, these can be exchanged at the market board or with vendors for top-tier gear.
  • Exclusive Weapons and Glamour Gear — These rare Sphene’s Burden-themed items let players add style and distinction to their characters.
  • Rare Mounts and Music — Queen Eternal’s Loyal Chocobo and the orchestrion roll are exclusive collectibles that set players apart.

This loot is designed for high-level players looking to progress their characters and gain items that showcase their accomplishments in FFXIV’s ever-expanding world.

FF XIV The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden Trial | conclusion

The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden is a tough extreme trial in FFXIV, offering a great challenge for experienced players. To join, players must reach level 100, complete the unlock quest, and form parties of 8 through the Party Finder or Duty Finder. This battle is part of the vast “Realm Reborn” world Square Enix created, where players take advantage of quests to expand their characters and experience new content.

Sphene’s Burden, like many trials, involves unique combat strategies and teamwork, requiring precise positioning and management of mechanics like tethers. This guide and future content updates will help new players and veterans alike log in and play efficiently to conquer these challenges. Whether you’re seeking exclusive mounts, tomestones, unique gear, or materials, the rewards enhance your character’s progression and expand your inventory, providing both fun and a sense of achievement.

This extreme trial is a perfect example of FFXIV’s wide array of content—encompassing chocobo racing, main scenario quests, and the far East-inspired settings introduced in the Stormblood expansion. Here, players can experience combat using a limited job like Blue Mage, fight as a team in their own realm, or even bring their character into the full game’s community, including the new Xbox Series players.

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What level and item level do I need to join The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden?

You need to be level 100 with an item level of 710 or higher to participate in this extreme trial.

How can I unlock Sphene’s Burden?

To unlock it, complete the quest “How the West Was Sung” given by the Wandering Minstrel in Tuliyollal (X:11.2, Y:14.7). You must also complete the main scenario quests from the Dawntrail expansion.

Can I play this trial solo?

No, Sphene’s Burden requires a full party of 8 players — 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 4 DPS. You can form a party through the Party Finder or Duty Finder.

What rewards can I earn from this trial?

Rewards include Allagan Tomestones of Aesthetics and Heliometry, exclusive weapons, high-grade crafting materials, rare mounts like the Queen Eternal’s Loyal Chocobo, and unique glamour items.

Are there other extreme trials similar to Sphene’s Burden?

Yes, Final Fantasy XIV includes many trials across different difficulty levels, including normal difficulty trials and two extreme trials that are comparable in challenge.

Can new players access this trial?

New players will need to level up and complete specific quests before accessing this high-level content. It is primarily designed for experienced players but is a great goal as you progress.

Is this trial available for Xbox Series players?

Yes, Xbox Series players with FFXIV can access this trial as part of the full game’s content once they meet the requirements.

What makes Sphene’s Burden different from other trials?

This trial features unique mechanics like platform positioning, tethers, and AOE damage management, requiring precise teamwork and strategy.

Can I earn achievements from this trial?

Yes, completing Sphene’s Burden grants achievements, exclusive mounts, and items that showcase your character’s accomplishments.

Will there be future content similar to this trial?

FFXIV continues to release new extreme trials and quests, offering many opportunities for high-level combat and exclusive rewards for those who enjoy this level of challenge.
