Final Fantasy XIV Trials guide | All Trials Type Explained

By: friolt
18 min read
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One of the best things in Final Fantasy XIV? Trials. Where you and seven other brave souls face off against bosses who take personal joy in stomping your plans flat. Whether it’s the Relic Reborn journey, the Big Bridge showdown, or one more Last Vow before the screen fades to black, there’s nothing quite like the mix of terror and reward—or lack thereof. Each Trial is a new chance to get pulverized, from the basics all the way up to Extreme, where dodging is an art, and mistakes are fatal.

But fear not! Here’s your final fantasy 14 trials guide—just follow these steps, and maybe you’ll survive:

  1. Start your journey in the latest expansion for that easy trial experience.
  2. Aim for the Relic Reborn trials, but don’t get too attached to the idea of winning.
  3. Build patience at the Big Bridge, and don’t worry, falling happens to most players.
  4. Complete your Last Vow and get ready for the next inevitable retry.


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What are trials in the Final Fantasy 14? FFXIV TRIALS OVERVIEW

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Welcome to Final Fantasy XIV Trials — a place where your hopes and dreams are shattered by pixelated gods who laugh at your pathetic attempts to dodge glowing circles. Think of Trials as the devs’ way of saying, What if we throw players against this impossible boss with mechanics even a mad scientist would think twice about? In these multi-phase nightmares, you’ll face beasts that make you wonder why you didn’t just stick to crafting. Got friends? Good — you’ll need at least four or eight souls ready to suffer with you. And if you’re diving into Extreme or Unreal Trials, bring your A-game (and maybe a therapist). Rewards? Sure, but they might not be worth the emotional toll.

Participants4 to 8 poor souls, depending on the trial level.
Difficulty LevelsNormal, Hard, Extreme trial, and Unreal trial — each sounding less possible than the last.
Boss MechanicsMulti-phase, dodge-or-die scenarios, often with adds and insta-death moves.
Main PurposeStory progression, if you survive, plus loot, tokens, and some rare items.
RewardsMostly tokens and vanity items, with rare mounts or crafting materials.
Extreme TrialsUnforgiving versions of Normal Trials, sometimes dropping exclusive weapons and mounts.
Unreal TrialsRevamped horrors from past trials, scaled up to remind you how bad you are at the game.
Duty Finder vs. Party FinderParty Finder for serious players; Duty Finder for when you’re feeling lucky or need a quick way to despair.
Item Level SyncOnly for some trials; otherwise, your gear won’t save you from your own lack of skill.
Best AdviceDon’t try alone. Trust us. Bring friends, or go back to ocean fishing.

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FF XIV Trials Types

How To Beat The Hardest Ffxiv Trials

FFXIV Trials are like a theme park of torture, split into delightful types to match your flavor of masochism. You’ve got your basic trials — where the boss just wants to see you sweat a little — and then the Extreme and Unreal versions that’ll crush your spirit and mock you with each glowing attack zone you fail to dodge. Whether you’re here for story, loot, or a good existential crisis, there’s a Trial for you. From the basic Normal and Hard to the absolutely deranged Extreme and Unreal, each Trial type has its own way of making you regret queuing up.

Trial TypeDescriptionKey Features
Normal TrialsBasic boss fights, relatively straightforward and forgiving.Story-driven, 4 or 8 players, no significant item rewards but progresses main quests.
Hard TrialsSimilar to Normal, but with a little extra spice.8 players, unlocked through main quests or optional ones, mostly a warm-up for Extreme content.
Extreme TrialsThe boss cranked up on caffeine, with stricter mechanics and lethal attacks.8 players, requires skill, has enrage mechanics, and drops high-level weapons and rare mounts.
Unreal TrialsRevived bosses from past nightmares, scaled up to match current power levels.Strict item level sync, exclusive to Faux Hollows minigame, rewards vanity items and glamour gear.
Story TrialsIntegrated into the main story, these Trials allow you to pretend you’re progressing calmly.4 or 8 players, mandatory for story progression, often has Duty Support with NPCs.
Chronicles TrialsExtra lore and fan service for masochists who just can’t get enough punishment.High difficulty, optional, tied to Chronicles of a New Era quests, may include exclusive mounts.

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FF XIV normal trials overview

Ffxiv Trial Progress And Difficulty Ranking

Normal Trials — the casual stroll of Final Fantasy XIV that quickly turns into a crash course on dodging death. These trials are deceptively simple: just an easy 4- or 8-player showdown against one enormous, angry boss who wants nothing more than to flatten you. These fights are mostly mandatory for story progression, but don’t let that fool you into thinking they’re a breeze. Normal Trials might sound chill, but you’ll be tasting floor more times than you’d like while you pray for merciful party members to carry you through.

Key FeatureDescription
Party Size4-8 players, depending on the trial.
DifficultyEasy-ish, but don’t get cocky — you’ll still need to dodge and listen to that healer.
PurposeMainly story progression with some loot as a bonus.
RewardsMinimal rewards; usually just experience, Gil, or the occasional token.
UnlockPart of Main Scenario Quests, so you can’t avoid them — no matter how much you might want to.
MechanicsBasic dodge-and-survive with some adds or phases sprinkled in to keep you on your toes.
ResetsNo weekly restrictions, so feel free to wipe as many times as your pride can handle.

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FF XIV Hard trials overview

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Hard Trials in FFXIV are what happens when you want to feel like you’re doing something intense without actually signing your soul away to the grind of Extreme or Unreal content. Think of them as Normal Trials with a few extra sparkly mechanics and just enough pain to remind you that you’re still playing FFXIV. In these eight-player showdowns, you’ll face bosses that have been amped up slightly, testing your reaction speed and your ability to follow flashing indicators without walking directly into doom. They’re usually part of the main story or optional quests but don’t drop much loot, because, well, Square Enix knows you didn’t come here for the rewards.

Key FeatureDescription
Party Size8 players required — no exceptions, so don’t even think about solo glory.
DifficultyHarder than Normal Trials, with a few extra mechanics
PurposeProgression through story or side quests, a stepping stone for those wanting to flirt with danger.
RewardsGenerally limited; mostly experience and story progression with rare item drops on occasion.
UnlockFound in Main Scenario and Feature Quests across expansions.
MechanicsBosses with multi-phase attacks and sometimes minor adds, but nothing truly life-shattering.
Replay ValueNo weekly restrictions, so you’re free to go at it again if you didn’t get enough punishment.

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FF XIV Extreme trials overview

Ffxiv Relic Reborn Trials Guide

Extreme Trials in FFXIV are where fun goes to die and frustration comes to thrive. These aren’t your average just show up trials. Extreme Trials take every annoying mechanic from the Normal and Hard Trials and turn them into life-or-death decisions. The devs want you to dodge, dance, and maybe even beg a little to survive. Each trial has a ridiculous enrage timer and requires almost perfect execution, or you’re sent straight back to Mor Dhona. With rare mounts, exclusive weapons, and crafting materials, the loot is tempting, but don’t expect to roll a winning number. This is high-difficulty content designed to remind you how little you actually know about ultimate power & ultimate weapon for more trials.

Key FeatureDescription
Party Size8 players only — you’ll need every one of them (trust me).
DifficultyCranked to the max; you’re expected to die a lot before you even think about winning.
PurposeExclusive mounts, rare items, and the thrill of suffering for hours to get that one clear.
RewardsHigh-level weapons, rare mounts, special crafting materials — but only if you survive long enough to roll.
UnlockUsually requires completing Normal/Hard trials and special unlock quests across expansions.
MechanicsMulti-phase fights with brutal enrage timers, near-lethal adds, and zero forgiveness for mistakes.
Enrage TimerYes, there’s a timer — and yes, it’s there to ensure you stay terrified and focused.

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FF XIV unreal trials overview

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Unreal Trials in FFXIV are where nostalgia meets trauma — familiar Extreme Trials from your past, resurrected just to remind you how awful you once were (and maybe still are). Each patch brings a new Unreal Trial, which is really just an old boss with a fresh coat of difficulty. With your gear synced down to max out the suffering, Unreal Trials are a twisted way to relive your mistakes and fight once-vanquished foes who’ve had some serious upgrades. Rewards? Sure, if you call a chance at playing a minigame and the honor of finally winning something meaningful. But let’s be real: Unreal Trials exist to let you die gloriously, with a sprinkle of humiliation.

Key FeatureDescription
Party Size8 players — because you’ll need the whole crew to share in the pain.
DifficultyHarder than Extreme, thanks to forced item level sync and strict requirements — perfect for masochists.
PurposeAn authentic old-school challenge, plus a minigame prize attempt if you survive.
RewardsAccess to Faux Hollows minigame for currency to unlock mounts, minions, and glam items.
UnlockAvailable per major patch through Fantastic Mr. Faux quest; rotates with each patch update.
MechanicsSame old mechanics but harder, and a reminder of why you didn’t miss this boss in the first place.
Party Finder CultureStandard in North American and European data centers; mostly to ensure everyone suffers together.

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FF XIV Trials Achievements

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FFXIV Trial Achievements are proof that you’ve willingly suffered through thousands of Trials for points and bragging rights — and maybe a shiny title if you’re lucky. Imagine looking at a list that says, Complete 10,000 Trials and thinking, Yeah, sounds like a good way to spend my time. For every big boss you conquer, like Nidhogg or Thordan, you inch closer to that Dungeon Master status. But here’s the kicker: your reward is mostly points, a title, and maybe a few pity cheers from other players who wonder why you haven’t stepped outside in years. Welcome to the grind — where the only real achievement is keeping your sanity intact.

To the Dungeons I5Complete 5 unique dungeon/trials
To the Dungeons II10Complete 10 unique dungeon/trials
To the Dungeons III20Complete 20 unique dungeon/trials
To the Dungeons IV20Complete 30 unique dungeon/trials
To the Dungeons V20Complete 40 unique dungeon/trials
To the Dungeons VI20Complete 50 unique dungeon/trials
Dungeon Siege I5Complete 10 dungeon/trials
Dungeon Siege II5Complete 30 dungeon/trials
Dungeon Siege III5Complete 100 dungeon/trials
Dungeon Siege IV10Complete 300 dungeon/trialsDungeon Master title
Dungeon Master20Complete 1,000 dungeon/trials
Lifer I20Complete 2,000 dungeon/trials
Lifer II20Complete 5,000 dungeon/trials
Lifer III20Complete 10,000 dungeon/trials

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FF XIV A Realm Reborn High-end Trials

These trials are where nightmares like Ultima Weapon, Garuda, and Shiva show up to show you exactly how fragile your sense of accomplishment is. Think you’ve mastered dodging? Try it again with Garuda’s winds tossing you around, or Leviathan turning the whole arena into a water park from hell. These trials are where you’ll realize your equipment doesn’t save you; skill does (or lack thereof). And if you actually survive, you’re rewarded with some Allagan Tomestones and loot that’s mostly good for looking shiny while you crawl away, exhausted.

Trial NameLeveliLevelParty SizeBossLoot Item LevelTomestones RewardUnlock Quest
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Ultima’s Bane50618Ultima Weapon8015 PoeticsFeature Quest: The Ultimate Ballad
The Howling Eye (Extreme)50658Garuda9020 PoeticsFeature Quest: Gale-force Warning
The Navel (Extreme)50678Titan9020 PoeticsFeature Quest: Quake Me Up Before You O’Ghomoro
The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)50708Ifrit9020 PoeticsFeature Quest: Ifrit Ain’t Broke
Thornmarch (Extreme)50808Good King Moggle Mog XII10020 PoeticsFeature Quest: The King Lives
The Whorleater (Extreme)50808Leviathan9520 PoeticsFeature Quest: Whorl of a Time
The Striking Tree (Extreme)50858Ramuh10020 PoeticsFeature Quest: Judgment Bolts and Lightning
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)50958Shiva11022 PoeticsFeature Quest: Drop Dead Shiva

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FF XIV Heavensward High-end Trials

These Trials bring out Heavensward’s nastiest, from the flying turtle Bismarck to the demigod Ravana, each with their own special way of making you question your life choices. The devs have made sure you’ll need every ounce of skill (and maybe a few gallons of holy water) to survive these fights. Each boss is powered up to remind you that loot rolls are earned with sweat and sacrifice — mostly yours. Expect to be tossed, smashed, and burned repeatedly, all in the name of loot, glory, and a healthy amount of trauma.

Trial NameLeveliLevelParty SizeBossLoot Item LevelTomestones RewardUnlock Quest
The Limitless Blue (Extreme)601658Bismarck17515 PoeticsFeature Quest: The Diabolical Bismarck
Thok ast Thok (Extreme)601758Ravana19015 PoeticsFeature Quest: Thok Around the Clock
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Thordan’s Reign601908King Thordan20520 PoeticsFeature Quest: Thordan’s Reign
Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)602058Sephirot22020 PoeticsFeature Quest: A Fiendish Likeness
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Nidhogg’s Rage602208Nidhogg23520 PoeticsFeature Quest: Nidhogg’s Rage
Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)602358Sophia25525 PoeticsFeature Quest: A Deific Simulacrum
Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme)602508Zurvan26525 PoeticsFeature Quest: A Demonic Duplicate

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FF XIV Stormblood High-end Trials

In FFXIV’s Stormblood High-End Trials, you’ll face everything from dragons to giant samurai spirits, all determined to crush your confidence and your item level. These Trials take you on a worldwide tour of pain: from fighting Tsukuyomi under the moonlight to facing the giant monster hunter Rathalos. Stormblood introduces not just tougher bosses but also wild mechanics that keep you guessing. And remember, there’s no mercy from Shinryu or Suzaku, only the hope that your healer’s reflexes are better than your own. Each Trial is its own unique brand of chaos — where loot is the lure, and defeat is the main course.

Trial NameLeveliLevelParty SizeBossTomestones RewardUnlock Quest
The Pool of Tribute638SusanoMain Scenario Quest: The Lord of the Revel
Emanation678LakshmiMain Scenario Quest: The Lady of Bliss
The Royal Menagerie702808Shinryu12 PoeticsMain Scenario Quest: Stormblood
The Jade Stoa703258Byakko12 PoeticsFeature Quest: An Auspicious Encounter
Castrum Fluminis703358Tsukuyomi12 PoeticsMain Scenario Quest: The Primary Agreement
The Great Hunt703208Rathalos10 PoeticsFeature Quest: The New King on the Block
Hells’ Kier703558Suzaku15 PoeticsFeature Quest: The Fire-bird Down Below
The Wreath of Snakes703658Seiryu15 PoeticsFeature Quest: Surpassing the Samurai
Kugane Ohashi703658Yojimbo10 PoeticsFeature Quest: The Past Is Never Past

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Every Trial here is an extreme test in its own right, daring you to hold onto your sanity as well as your health bar. Whether it’s Susano’s thunderous attacks or Yojimbo’s wild sword throws, this expansion’s bosses are nothing short of merciless.

FF XIV Shadowbringers High-end Trials

In FFXIV’s Shadowbringers High-End Trials, you’ll face everything from soul-crushing fairies to weaponized nightmares with bad attitudes. These trials are where the Shadowbringers bosses unleash their extreme side, turning your everyday boss fight into a deadly game of Guess the Mechanic or Die. You’ll face the Emerald, Ruby, and Diamond Weapons, plus the fury of Titania, Hades, and a Warrior of Light who’s clearly holding a grudge. These fights are a one-way ticket to frustration, with mechanics designed to make you feel like a hero and a fool, all at once. If you survive, you’ll earn tomestones and gear that screams, I was dumb enough to try this!

Trial NameLeveliLevelParty SizeBossLoot Item LevelTomestones RewardUnlock Quest
Castrum Marinum (Extreme)805008The Emerald Weapon51525 PoeticsFeature Quest: Weapon of Choice
Cinder Drift (Extreme)804708The Ruby Weapon48525 PoeticsFeature Quest: Weapon of Choice
Memoria Misera (Extreme)804708Varis yae Galvus48020 PoeticsFeature Quest: The Bozja Incident
The Cloud Deck (Extreme)805108The Diamond Weapon52525 PoeticsFeature Quest: Weapon of Choice
The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme)804308Innocence45015 PoeticsFeature Quest: Minstrel from Another Mother
The Dancing Plague (Extreme)804308Titania45015 PoeticsFeature Quest: Minstrel from Another Mother
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hades’s Elegy804508Hades46520 PoeticsFeature Quest: Minstrel from Another Mother
The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme)804808Warrior of Light49525 PoeticsFeature Quest: Minstrel from Another Mother

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Each Trial is a twisted gauntlet that tests your patience and your party’s willingness to revive you. From dodging Titania’s fairy dust to trying not to get vaporized by the Warrior of Light, these trials are here to remind you that being a hero is a full-time job — and one with terrible job security.

FF XIV Endwalker High-end Trials

Tips For Surviving Ffxiv Extreme Fights

In FFXIV’s Endwalker High-End Trials, the bosses are bigger, the mechanics are nastier, and your pride is sure to be shattered. These Trials are packed with god-like foes like Zodiark, Hydaelyn, and the melodramatic Endsinger. Each boss feels like they went to villain school to specialize in Making Players Miserable. Here, Endwalker pulls out all the stops with Barbariccia’s stormy attacks, Golbez’s dark magic, and Zeromus’s unforgiving mechanics. You thought you were tough? Think again. These trials push your group to the limit and beyond, forcing even the most battle-hardened players to question why they signed up for this.

Trial NameLeveliLevelParty SizeBossLoot Item LevelTomestones RewardUnlock Quest
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Zodiark’s Fall905608Zodiark58015 PoeticsFeature Quest: I Wandered Sharlayan as a Minstrel
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hydaelyn’s Call905608Hydaelyn58015 PoeticsFeature Quest: I Wandered Sharlayan as a Minstrel
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Endsinger’s Aria905808The Endsinger59520 PoeticsFeature Quest: I Wandered Sharlayan as a Minstrel
Storm’s Crown (Extreme)906008Barbariccia61525 PoeticsFeature Quest: I Wandered Sharlayan as a Minstrel
Mount Ordeals (Extreme)906108Rubicante62525 PoeticsFeature Quest: I Wandered Sharlayan as a Minstrel
The Voidcast Dais (Extreme)906308Golbez64525 PoeticsFeature Quest: I Wandered Sharlayan as a Minstrel
The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)906408Zeromus65525 PoeticsFeature Quest: I Wandered Sharlayan as a Minstrel

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These Trials are a brutal checklist of everything that could go wrong in a boss fight — and you signed up for it. Expect to see more floor than sky, beg for a healer’s mercy, and come away with a sense of victory… if you’re lucky enough to survive.

FF XIV Dawntrail High-end Trials

Each Trial, from facing the fiery Valigarmanda to challenging the resurrected Queen Eternal, is designed to make you doubt every decision that led you here. Extreme doesn’t even cover it. Expect to be thrown across arenas, barely dodge lethal AOE attacks, and pray for your healer’s mana pool. Your reward? Glory, some fancy loot, and the chance to tell everyone, Yes, I survived that.

Trial NameLeveliLevelParty SizeBossLoot Item LevelTomestones RewardUnlock Quest
Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme)1006908Valigarmanda71015 Aesthetics, 8 HeliometryFeature Quest: How the West Was Sung
Everkeep (Extreme)1006908Zoraal Ja71015 Aesthetics, 8 HeliometryFeature Quest: How the West Was Sung
The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden1007108Queen Eternal72520 Aesthetics, 10 HeliometryFeature Quest: How the West Was Sung
The Jade Stoa (Unreal)1006908Byakko695 (Synced)20 Aesthetics, 10 HeliometryFeature Quest: Fantastic Mr. Faux

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These Trials are a rollercoaster of misery, triumph, and loot. Whether you’re testing your patience against Valigarmanda’s flame attacks or dodging the Queen Eternal’s relentless AOE, each battle is a lesson in humility. If you complete it, the loot and tomestones await — but remember, nothing about these Trials is designed to be kind.


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In Final Fantasy 14, Trials are not just simple boss fights; they’re a relentless test of your patience, reflexes, and sometimes your sanity. Most Trials throw you into extreme fights across the game’s world, from the Waking Sands to the Singularity Reactor. Whether you’re in Western Thanalan or the Ruby Sea, every Trial has its own unique way of reminding you that being a solo player here isn’t really an option.

From relic weapon steps to the Final Steps of Faith, each battle pushes most players to their limits. Trials evolve across expansions, getting tougher and more complex. Some Trials, like the fight at Dragon’s Neck or the climb up the Big Keep, are more than battles—they’re statements from Square Enix saying, Good luck, you’ll need it.

For those who make it through the big moments, whether by the skin of their teeth or after countless retries, there’s a sense of triumph that only these high-stakes encounters can deliver.

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What are Trials in Final Fantasy 14?

Trials are intense, multi-phase boss fights designed to test your skill, reflexes, and patience. They range from manageable encounters to brutal Extreme and Unreal modes meant to make you question your life choices.

Do I need a full party for Trials?

Most Trials require 8 players, though some early ones need only 4. If you’re thinking of soloing, prepare to see the floor more than the boss.

What’s the difference between Normal, Hard, and Extreme Trials?

Normal Trials are for story progression, Hard Trials are slightly more challenging, and Extreme Trials are where the game dials up the chaos with strict mechanics and enrage timers.

Are there rewards for completing Trials?

Yes, Trials offer loot, including unique mounts, high-level weapons, and Tomestones for gear. But don’t expect easy loot rolls—everyone’s fighting for those rare rewards.

Do Trials have level or item requirements?

Many Trials have level and item level requirements, especially in higher difficulties. Some even sync your gear down to keep things challenging.

Can I complete Trials using Duty Finder?

You can, but experienced players often use Party Finder for better coordination. Duty Finder is for those feeling lucky—or desperate for a quick queue.
