Hallowfall Fishing Derby: How to Catch Crystalline Sturgeon, Specular Rainbowfish, and Sanguine Dogfish

By: friolt
2 min read
Crystalline Sturgeon Fishing Locations In The Ringing Deeps

This week, the Hallowfall Fishing Derby asks you to catch three special fish: Crystalline Sturgeon, Specular Rainbowfish, and Sanguine Dogfish. Let’s see where to find them!

The Hallowfall Fishing Derby in The War Within

How To Avoid Cursed Fish In Royal Ripple Pools

Important: Once you accept the quest, you only have one real hour to catch the Trophy Fish and earn Mereldar Derby Marks. If you leave the game or give up while the Derby Dasher buff is still on, the timer keeps running. After the Derby Dasher runs out, you can’t get the buff again until the next event.

Crystalline SturgeonIsle of Dorn, The Ringing DeepsGlimmerpool
Specular RainbowfishIsle of Dorn, The Ringing DeepsGlimmerpool
Sanguine DogfishAll Zones of Khaz AlgarBlood in the Water, Bloody Perch Swarm

Where to Find the Trophy Fish

Warcraft Fishing Derby Quest Guide For Trophy Fish

1. Crystalline Sturgeon

  • Zones — Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
  • Pools — Glimmerpool

The Crystalline Sturgeon is a common fish, but you can only catch it in the Glimmerpool. Luckily, this pool shows up a lot in both Isle of Dorn and The Ringing Deeps.

2. Specular Rainbowfish

  • Zones — Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
  • Pools — Glimmerpool

The Specular Rainbowfish isn’t as rare as it seems, but it can be tricky to find. It shares the same pools and zones as the Crystalline Sturgeon, so just look for the Glimmerpool in Isle of Dorn or The Ringing Deeps.

3. Sanguine Dogfish

  • Zones — All Zones of Khaz Algar
  • Pools — Blood in the Water, Bloody Perch Swarm

The Sanguine Dogfish is rare, but you can make it easier to catch. It’s found in any zone of Khaz Algar, but fishing in Blood in the Water or Bloody Perch Swarm pools is the best option. You’ll catch Bloody Perch from these pools. Once you catch 10, throw them back in the water for a guaranteed Sanguine Dogfish on the next try. Just remember not to move after throwing the Bloody Perch, as this cancels the Bloody Chum effect.

Getting Mereldar Derby Marks

How To Use Bloody Perch To Catch Sanguine Dogfish

After catching the three Trophy Fish, keep fishing to earn more Mereldar Derby Marks. Each unique fish you catch with the Derby Dasher buff gives you 1 Mereldar Derby Mark. Check out our fishing guide to learn where to find the rest of the fish in Khaz Algar!

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What is the Hallowfall Fishing Derby?

The Hallowfall Fishing Derby is a special fishing event in The War Within that happens every week. You get a quest to catch three special Trophy Fish, and you have one real hour to catch them. If you finish the quest, you earn Mereldar Derby Marks, which can be used to buy special rewards like items and gear. Just remember, if you log off or abandon the quest, the one-hour timer keeps going, so don’t waste time!

What are the Trophy Fish for this week?

This week, the Trophy Fish you need to catch are Crystalline Sturgeon, Specular Rainbowfish, and Sanguine Dogfish. Each fish is found in specific zones and pools. The Crystalline Sturgeon and Specular Rainbowfish are found in Isle of Dorn and The Ringing Deeps, while the Sanguine Dogfish can be found in any zone in Khaz Algar. It’s important to fish in the right pools to have a better chance of catching these fish.

Where do I catch the Crystalline Sturgeon?

The Crystalline Sturgeon is a common Trophy Fish, and you can catch it in the Glimmerpool. This pool can be found in both the Isle of Dorn and The Ringing Deeps. Since the pool is fairly common, you shouldn’t have much trouble finding it. Just make sure to fish in these zones and look for the Glimmerpool.

How do I catch the Specular Rainbowfish?

The Specular Rainbowfish is a little harder to find than the Crystalline Sturgeon, but it can also be caught in the Glimmerpool in Isle of Dorn and The Ringing Deeps. Even though it’s considered uncommon, using the same pool and zone as the Crystalline Sturgeon will give you a good chance to catch it. Keep fishing in the Glimmerpool until you get it!

Where do I find the Sanguine Dogfish?

The Sanguine Dogfish is a rare Trophy Fish, but there’s a special trick to catching it. You can find this fish in any zone of Khaz Algar, but the best places to fish are in the Blood in the Water or Bloody Perch Swarm pools. When you catch 10 Bloody Perch, throw them back into the water, and on your next cast, you’ll get the Sanguine Dogfish. Just remember to stay still after throwing the Bloody Perch, because moving will cancel the effect.

What are Mereldar Derby Marks?

Mereldar Derby Marks are special rewards you get from completing the fishing quest during the Hallowfall Fishing Derby. After catching the three Trophy Fish, you can continue fishing to get more marks. For every unique fish you catch while the Derby Dasher buff is still active, you’ll earn 1 Mereldar Derby Mark. These marks can be used to buy special items, so it’s worth catching as many unique fish as possible before the buff runs out.
