How to Catch Bloody Perch, Roaring Anglerseeker, & Spiked Sea Raven – Hallowfall Fishing Derby

By: friolt
2 min read
Mereldar Derby Marks Farming Strategies

In this week’s Hallowfall Fishing Derby, you’ll need to catch three special Trophy Fish — Bloody Perch, Roaring Anglerseeker, and Spiked Sea Raven. This guide will help you find these fish quickly so you can complete the quest.

FishSpecial Zone LocationsSpecific Pools
Bloody PerchIsle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, HallowfallBlood in the Water, Bloody Perch Swarm, Calm Surfacing Ripple, Festering Rotpool, Swarm of Slum Sharks
Roaring AnglerseekerAll Zones (Best: The Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall)Anglerseeker Torrent
Spiked Sea RavenIsle of Dorn, HallowfallAnglerseeker Torrent, Calm Surfacing Ripple, Glimmerpool, Stargazer Swarm

The Hallowfall Fishing Derby

The Hallowfall Fishing Derby is a special event in The War Within. Your goal is to catch the Trophy Fish before your Derby Dasher buff runs out. Prioritize these fish to make the most of your time.

Where to Find the Trophy Fish

Complete Fish Pool List For Hallowfall Fishing Derby

1. Bloody Perch

  • Zones — Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall
  • Pools — Blood in the Water, Bloody Perch Swarm, Calm Surfacing Ripple, Festering Rotpool, Swarm of Slum Sharks

The Bloody Perch is a common fish found in various zones. Focus on the pools listed above to catch it.

2. Roaring Anglerseeker

  • Zones — All Zones (Best in The Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall)
  • Pool — Anglerseeker Torrent

The Roaring Anglerseeker is an uncommon fish found in the Anglerseeker Torrent pool. It can be caught in any zone, but The Ringing Deeps and Hallowfall are your best bets.

3. Spiked Sea Raven

  • Zones — Isle of Dorn, Hallowfall
  • Pools — Anglerseeker Torrent, Calm Surfacing Ripple, Glimmerpool, Stargazer Swarm

The Spiked Sea Raven is a rare fish that can be found in several pools. Focus on the Isle of Dorn and Hallowfall zones.

Earning Mereldar Derby Marks

Once you’ve caught all three Trophy Fish, you can keep fishing to earn Mereldar Derby Marks. You’ll get 1 mark for each unique fish you catch while your Derby Dasher buff is still active.


The Hallowfall Fishing Derby is all about catching the right fish quickly. Start by focusing on the Bloody Perch, Roaring Anglerseeker, and Spiked Sea Raven in the specific zones and pools mentioned. This will help you complete the quest efficiently.

Once you’ve caught these Trophy Fish, you can keep fishing to earn extra Mereldar Derby Marks. Just remember to make the most of your Derby Dasher buff before it runs out. Enjoy the event and good luck with your catches!

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What is the Hallowfall Fishing Derby?

The Hallowfall Fishing Derby is a special fishing event in The War Within where players are tasked with catching specific Trophy Fish within a limited time, using the Derby Dasher buff.

What fish do I need to catch for the Hallowfall Fishing Derby?

You need to catch three Trophy Fish: Bloody Perch, Roaring Anglerseeker, and Spiked Sea Raven.

Where can I find the Bloody Perch?

The Bloody Perch can be found in Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, and Hallowfall. Look for it in the following pools: Blood in the Water, Bloody Perch Swarm, Calm Surfacing Ripple, Festering Rotpool, and Swarm of Slum Sharks.

Where can I find the Roaring Anglerseeker?

The Roaring Anglerseeker can be caught in any zone, but it is most commonly found in The Ringing Deeps and Hallowfall, specifically in the Anglerseeker Torrent pool.

Where can I find the Spiked Sea Raven?

The Spiked Sea Raven is found in Isle of Dorn and Hallowfall. It can be caught in the Anglerseeker Torrent, Calm Surfacing Ripple, Glimmerpool, and Stargazer Swarm pools.

What do I do after catching the Trophy Fish?

After catching all three Trophy Fish, you can continue fishing to earn Mereldar Derby Marks. You will earn 1 mark for each unique fish you catch while your Derby Dasher buff is active.
