World Of Warcraft Molten Core Raid Changes

When Molten Core dropped in Season of Discovery, a hilarious bug let players storm the raid with more than 20 heroes. Just like in the good ol’ days of taking 40 folks to tackle Azuregos, Lord Kazzak, and Onyxia’s Lair, players thought Molten Core was no different. But surprise! It was a bug, not a feature.

The Big Fix

Season Of Discovery Raid Size Adjustments

About a week after launch, Blizzard pulled the plug on the party and capped Molten Core raids at 20 players. Raiders were miffed, claiming they’d have to bench some guildmates. Blizzard’s ears are open though, and they’re toying with the idea of variable raid sizes for future phases of Season of Discovery.

Molten Core BugAllowed more than 20 players in a raid
Fix ImplementedCapped raid size to 20 players
Player ReactionUpset about benching guildmates
Blizzard’s ResponseExploring variable raid sizes for future
Current Status in Other RaidsOnyxia, Kazzak, Azuregos with up to 40 players

Blizzard’s Official Word

Thanks for your feedback and love for variable size raiding in Season of Discovery. The bug allowing over 20 players into Molten Core caused unintended issues, so we had to fix it. We’re happy with how it’s working in Onyxia, Kazzak, and Azuregos, and we’re exploring adding this to more raids in future phases. Keep sharing your thoughts!


Molten Core Raid Size Bug Season Of Discovery

The launch of Molten Core in the Season of Discovery brought a fun surprise with a bug that let more than 20 players join the raid. Many players thought this was a new feature, like the 40-player raids for Azuregos, Lord Kazzak, and Onyxia’s Lair. However, Blizzard soon fixed this bug, limiting the raid size to 20 players. This change upset many raiders who now had to leave some guild members behind.

Blizzard listened to the players’ feedback and is considering adding variable raid sizes in future phases of Season of Discovery. This means we might see more flexible raid groups in upcoming raids, allowing more friends to join the adventure. Players are excited about the possibility of bringing more guildmates into future raids, making the game even more enjoyable.

In the end, while the initial bug was a bit of a letdown for some, Blizzard’s willingness to explore new options shows they’re committed to making the game better for everyone.