Pandaria Remix Leveling Guide – How to level up fast + Secret Dungeon for leveling!

By: friolt
14 min read
Level 70 Pandaria Remix Guide

Okay, so the WoW Pandaria remix has already been released, and you might have already started your journey to the land of the Pandarens. Here, you strive to farm bronze, fight the good old bosses, and do all sorts of weird and different things. You already know that the leveling zones are scaled, so the main Pandaria remix leveling guide might look something like this —

  1. Level up where you’re comfortable.
  2. Do not disturb anyone.
  3. Reach level 70 with nearly every quest.
  4. Destroy everything. It’s all like in the current expansions.

But what if we at Epiccarry told you there’s an optimal way, that there’s a secret dungeon, and that using just the Dungeon Finder isn’t enough to play WoW Pandaria remix? What if fast leveling is your key to dominating the dungeons, farming bronze, improving, and becoming the strongest Brewmaster worldwide? If you’re ready to consider not just the common information, you’re welcome! However, please note, this Pandaria remix leveling guide isn’t only for Warcraft experts.

Starting quests for Alliance and for Horde —  Wow Pandaria Remix!

Epiccarry Pandaria Guide

Get pumped because the leveling journey in the Pandaria Expansion just got a major remix! Introducing the first wave of quests designed to turbo-charge your WoW remix character starting adventure in the Mists of Pandaria Remix. Whether you’re firing up a new WoW remix character or steering your seasoned hero into new chaos, these quests are your golden ticket to efficient leveling, gaining permanent power increases, and scooping up some seriously valuable loot. We’re separate guides for Horde, and for Alliance, so you’ll can find all the required information, in what, and how to do!

Horde Starting quests Wow —  Pandamonimum Remix

Your journey in the Pandaria remix kicks off in the wild and wonderful Jade Forest. This is where you’ll start proving your mettle and setting the stage for all the insane adventures that await. Get ready to push your leveling speed to the max!

Quest NameObjectivesFactionInformal Commentary
The Art of WarSpeak to General NazgrimHordeThe epic start! Dive into the warcraft remix story here.
The Right Tool For The JobCollect 10 Pandarian Wood LogsHordeGather up! It’s simple but hey, it’s XP!
Envoy of the HordeMeet Ambassador Han at Grookin HillHordeTime for some Horde diplomacy, or at least an attempt.
Green-ish EnergyGather 8 Energized JadeHordeSpark up your adventure with some shiny rocks.
Saving the SerpentRescue 5 Trapped Serpent HatchlingsHordeBe a hero and save these cuties; good karma and loot!
Instruments of WarCollect 10 Ancient Pandaren Mining ToolsHordeMore collecting, but hey, gear upgrades are gear upgrades!
Flight of the Jade SerpentDefend the Statue of the Jade SerpentHordeDefend your turf, show off those combat skills!
Between a Saurok and a Hard PlaceDefeat the Saurok WarleaderHordeTime to throw down and rake in some serious XP!

Alliance Starting quests Wow —  Pandamonimum Remix

Alliance crew, your epic leveling journey starts here in the Jade Forest. This place is not just about beauty—it’s about gaining experience, making allies, and prepping for the battles ahead in the remix Mists of Pandaria. Let’s make your WoW remix character the strongest out there!

Quest NameObjectivesFactionInformal Commentary
The King’s CommandSpeak to Admiral RogersAllianceKick it off with a bang and some heavy lore!
The MissionScout five points in Jade ForestAllianceYour chance to explore. Get out there and scout!
A New AllyBefriend a local Pandaren villagerAllianceMake friends and influence people—Pandaren style.
Unleashing the BeastKill 8 Sha-corrupted creaturesAllianceFlex those muscles and smash some bad guys!
Onward and UpwardClimb to the top of Serpent’s OverlookAllianceA bit of climbing—think of it as your daily workout.
Message in a BattleDeliver battle plans to Field Marshal TrotemanAllianceCarry the big news and feel important doing it!
Burning the WoodBurn 5 Stacks of Mogu WeaponsAlliancePlay with fire, burn their weapons—what’s not to love?
Rally the SurvivorsRescue 10 Wounded Pearlfin VillagersAllianceBe the hero. Save the day. Get the gratitude (and XP!).
Brewing the BrewGather ingredients for Pearlfin BrewAllianceA bit of downtime making brews—relaxing and rewarding!

These guides give you a real feel for what to expect in the opening rounds of your WoW remix mists adventure.

Scaled zones + table

Fast Leveling Pandaria Remix

So, without extra introductions, here’s a thing, what you’re looking for in this game. We mean – the Zones scales in the Panda Remix + list of activities. But especially for you, we’re not limited only by zones, and add some our specific recommendations.

Level RangeZonesScenariosDungeonsRaids
10-70The Jade ForestGreenstone VillageBrewing StormTheramore’s FallShado-Pan MonasteryScarlet HallsScarlet MonasteryScholomance
20-70Valley of the Four WindsKrasarang WildsUnga IngooDomination PointLion’s LandingA Little PatienceDagger in the DarkStormstout Brewery
25-70Kun-Lai SummitArena of AnnihilationBrewmoon FestivalCrypt of Forgotten KingsShado-Pan MonasteryMogu’shan Vaults
30-70Townlong SteppesAssault on Zan’vessSiege of Niuzao Temple
35-70Dread WastesHeart of Fear
40-70Vale of Eternal BlossomsBattle on the High SeasBlood in the SnowDark Heart of PandariaSecrets of RagefireMogu’shan PalaceGreenstone Village
45-70Timeless Isle
50-70Isle of ThunderThrone of Thunder
60-70Siege of Orgrimmar
70Heroic Raids

10-20 —  Start at The Jade Forest

Wow Pandaria Remix Leveling
  • Zones —  The Jade Forest
  • What to Do —  Hit Greenstone Village and Theramore’s Fall scenarios. Dive into dungeons like Shado-Pan Monastery and Scarlet Halls.
  • Why —  Fast XP, cool storylines, and the perfect spot for your wow mop remix character to kick off their adventure.

20-30 —  Valley of the Four Winds and Krasarang Wilds

  • Zones —  Valley of the Four Winds, Krasarang Wilds
  • What to Do —  Check out Unga Ingoo and Lion’s Landing. Don’t miss the Stormstout Brewery dungeon for good loot and brews.
  • Why —  These zones offer rich quests and the chance to convert unwanted items into useful loot, boosting both your experience points and unique identity.

30-40 —  Kun-Lai Summit

  • Zones —  Kun-Lai Summit
  • What to Do —  Tackle the Arena of Annihilation scenario and Shado-Pan Monastery dungeon again for increased permanent stats.
  • Why —  The high density of mobs and quests here means more XP and faster movement speed gains.

40-50 —  Dread Wastes and Townlong Steppes

Optimal Leveling Zones Pandaria
  • Zones —  Townlong Steppes, Dread Wastes
  • What to Do —  Complete the Assault on Zan’vess scenario and Siege of Niuzao Temple dungeon.
  • Why —  Tougher content that’s perfect for remix characters looking to test their combat skills and snag valuable loot.

50-60 —  Vale of Eternal Blossoms

  • Zones —  Vale of Eternal Blossoms
  • What to Do —  Engage in the Dark Heart of Pandaria scenario and clear out the Mogu’shan Palace dungeon.
  • Why —  Epic battles and epic loot—essential for any warcraft subscription or wow trial accounts aiming high.

60-70 —  Timeless Isle and Isle of Thunder

  • Zones —  Timeless Isle, Isle of Thunder
  • What to Do —  Relax a bit on Timeless Isle, then storm the Throne of Thunder for the ultimate raid experience before the finale.
  • Why —  Prepping for endgame? This is where you hone your skills, fill up your item slots, and restore health and resources.

Endgame —  Hit Level 70

Secret Dungeons Wow Pandaria
  • What to Do —  Siege of Orgrimmar and Heroic Raids.
  • Why —  Now’s the time to really show off those remix achievements and gain permanent power increases. This is where your character becomes legendary in the modern world of Warcraft.

Stick to this plan, and you’ll maximize your leveling efficiency, making the most of your game time. Whether you’re in it for the exciting turbo-charged quests or just to re-experience the magic of mop remix, these zones offer the best bang for your buck

Dungeon Finder Still the best for Leveling in the World of warcraft —  mists of the Pandaria remix

Wow Pandaria Remix Boost Service

If you’re diving into the Pandaria Remix, you gotta hook up with the Dungeon Finder. Here’s why it’s still the MVP for leveling up

  1. Grabbing new loot nearly every run? Yes, please! Keep your gear fresh without camping the auction house 24/7.
  2. These dungeons are not just about mindless grinding; they’ve got that timer mode that keeps you moving fast and furious. Perfect for when you wanna spice things up and test your class arsenal.
  3. Sure, you can technically sneak in some AFK time after joining a dungeon and scoot off to do whatever. But c’mon, where’s the fun in that? Plus, it’s kinda lame for the rest of the team grinding those mobs.
  4. Packed with mobs and bosses in tight spaces means you’re racking up XP like nobody’s business. Mob grinding for the win!

Whether you’ve got a subscription or game time on a trial, hitting up dungeons via the Dungeon Finder is clutch. Not only do you power level with style, but you also carve out your own unique identity in the Warcraft client. We’re talking permanent power increases, customizable items, and all the exciting updates that come with the Pandaria expansion.

Be the Tank, or the Heal. Or play together

Pandaria Remix Leveling Guide

Ok, the Real Advice is always the simple. Play the Classes, which are have 2 specs. Like, dru, war, Priest, or else. And always play with friends. So all you need, is just. Get the 10 level, and register to the Dungeon Finder system. With all those scaling, you will play all the time, without any Queues. SO it’s the fastest way to reach a lot of XP.

CoupleTank SpecHeal SpecInformal Commentary
Druid/PaladinGuardianHolyA match made in Azeroth! This combo blends nature’s resilience with divine healing, boosting leveling speed and mob grinding efficiency.
Warrior/PriestProtectionDiscipline/HolySteel meets spirit! Protection Warrior and Priest make dungeons a breeze with strong heals and iron defense—perfect for those looking to make their mark in the WoW Remix Mists.
Paladin/PriestProtectionHoly/DisciplineHoly protectors unite! With Paladin tanking and Priest healing, this duo is all about durability and permanent power increases, keeping you in the fight longer to conquer high density areas.
Druid/ShamanGuardianRestorationNature and elements together! The Guardian Druid and Restoration Shaman bring stellar survivability and healing, making them great for tackling tougher content and speeding through quests in the remix event.
Paladin/ShamanProtectionRestorationShield and tide combo! Protection Paladin and Restoration Shaman ensure you’re always battle-ready, offering solid protection and quick healing—ideal for fast leveling through the remix Mists of Pandaria.
Monk/PriestBrewmasterDiscipline/HolyBrews and blessings! Brewmaster Monk and Priest are your go-to for smooth sailing through dungeons, maximizing experience points and snagging new loot with ease.
Paladin/PaladinProtectionHolyDivine double trouble! With both tanking and healing covered by Paladins, you get a duo that’s practically invincible in high density areas. Expect stellar protection and healing, perfect for mastering Pandaria Remix challenges and gaining permanent power increases.
Druid/DruidGuardianRestorationDouble dose of nature! Guardian and Restoration Druids mean you’re both unbreakable and unstoppable. This combo excels at mob grinding and can breeze through quests with powerful heals and solid tanking. Ideal for those looking to maximize their leveling speed in the remix event.

The Secret Dungeons to leveling Faster

Fast Xp Pandaria Remix

Dive straight into Stormstout Brewery and Temple of the Jade Serpent. Why? These babies were part of the competitive speed-running scene back in the day, with record clears as fast as 3 to 5 minutes! Now, while your runs might take a bit longer, they’re still among the quickest dungeons out there.

DungeonLevel AvailableCompletion TimeWhy It Rocks
Stormstout Brewery10~5-10 minutesShort, sweet, and packed with mobs. Ideal for quick XP and cool loot.
Temple of the Jade Serpent10~5-10 minutesFast-paced with several quick quests and boss drops. Perfect for snagging experience and upgrading your gear.

Not only are you leveling at lightning speed, but you’re also gearing up, gaining permanent power increases, and basically prepping your character to be the strongest in the lands of the Pandaria Remix. Plus, you’re saving on subscription or game time by maximizing your leveling efficiency.

So, rev up your WoW mists adventure, choose the right class, and hit those dungeons hard. Remember, the event ends at some point, and you want to make the most of it by blasting through to level 70 with style and speed.

Cloak of Infinite potential Farm Tips

Pandaria Remix Pro Tips

Boost & Enhance your WoW Remix:Mists of Pandaria experience with the Cloak of Infinite Potential. This isn’t just another piece for your collection—it evolves as you adventure, making you stronger with every thread you gather.

Quest NameLevelDescriptionRewardsLocation
It’s About Time10Slay Archaios the Artificer and check out the Unstable Rift. Get ready to kick some serious temporal butt!1,400 XP, 20 BronzeTimeless Isle, The Jade Forest
Seeking Expert Advice10Got a weird spool? Take it to Moratari and see if she can figure it out. Might be your key to some rad upgrades.180 XP, 12 BronzeTimeless Isle, The Jade Forest
Weave It To Me10Infinite Ravagers got what you need —  Threads of Time. Snag 3 of these bad boys for your cloak!1,400 XP, 20 BronzeTimeless Isle
Knot My Problem10Time rifts acting up? No prob. Use your Chronostabilizer to zip ’em up tight.1,400 XP, 30 BronzeTimeless Isle
What’s Hours Is Yours10Grab a Chronobadge from Horos, chat with Momentus, and get that cloak stitched up with infinite swagger.Cloak of Infinite Potential, 710 XP, 10 BronzeTimeless Isle
Cloak and Needle10Throw on that shiny new cloak and rip a Thread of Power from an Infinite Ravager. Time to power up!180 XP, 12 BronzeTimeless Isle
Goodbyes Are Hard When You Live Forever10Eratus, the Unwoven Paradox, needs to chill. Take him down and stabilize the timeway.1,750 XP, 50 BronzeTimeless Isle

Boosting Your Cloak —  Threads and Their Powers

Pandaria Remix Horde Quests

Each thread you collect can be added to your cloak, each enhancing your abilities differently based on their type and level bracket.

Level BracketThread TypeStats BoostHow to Obtain
1-29Common (White)+1 statKilling low-level mobs and completing early quests.
30-49Uncommon (Green)+3 statsMid-level dungeons, raids, and specific quests.
50-60Rare (Blue)+7 statsHigh-level group content and late game quests.
60-70Epic (Purple)+12 statsEndgame dungeons, raids, and elite content.

What Stats Do Threads Provide?

Wow Mists Of Pandaria Remix

Each thread type enhances a specific aspect of your character, such as —

  • Critical Strike —  Increase your chance to hit critically.
  • Experience —  Boost your experience gains for faster leveling.
  • Haste —  Speed up your attack and spell casting speed.
  • Leech —  Gain health back on hitting enemies.
  • Mastery —  Improve class-specific skills.
  • Power —  Increase your primary stat for better overall performance.
  • Speed —  Enhance your movement speed to dodge and explore faster.
  • Stamina —  Boost your health for greater survivability.
  • Versatility —  Improve your damage done and reduce damage taken.

Rewards for Thread Collection

Collecting threads isn’t just about boosting your cloak’s stats; it also unlocks achievements and bonuses

  • Achievements —  Gain achievements at 40, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, and 2200 threads.
  • Ultimate Reward —  Upon collecting 4,200 threads, unlock the Infinite Power XII achievement and receive a legendary toy that adds a visual flair reminiscent of the original Mists of Pandaria legendary cloak questline.

Grind Zones — Waste

Pandaria Remix Alliance Quests

In this Pandaria remix leveling guide, we do not spend any time showing you Like Grind zones in the South of Pandaria or in the Eternal Blossoms, which offer you tons of gold, mats, and bronze. You may have a reasonable question—why do we not spend any time on the WoW remix leveling journey specifically about the grind?

The reason is pretty simple—the Dungeoning, or the questing in the current version of World of Warcraft, is much more worthwhile for leveling efficiency than common grinding. Of course, if you want to get some gold, or some pretty rare mounts, or something else, it’ll work, but the reality is that in the Remix Mists of Pandaria, it is much better to push the Temple of the Jade Serpent multiple times than to do anything else. So skip the grind, use your mind, and the Force will be with you!


Pandaria Remix Dungeon Finder

so you’re deep in the Pandaria Remix, right? Here’s the lowdown on leveling up fast and becoming the strongest character on the block. From the starter quests to epic dungeon runs, this remix event is a goldmine for gains permanent power increases and scoring upgrade items that are off the charts.

So, there you have it! Leveling in the Warcraft remix is all about making smart choices—upgrade items, strategically choosing your battles, and maximizing every opportunity for gains permanent power increases. Whether it’s a time limited event or just the daily grind, every quest, every dungeon, every raid is a chance to level up not just your character, but your entire WoW experience. Ready to take on the world? Pandaria awaits, remixed and ready for action

Do graphomaniac work since 2014 year. Have passion to Wow, Wow Classic and other MMO- games
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What is WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria?

It’s a fun, new way to play an old game where you can level up from 1 to 70 and explore cool places filled with adventures.

How do I start playing in Pandaria Remix?

Just follow the first story you’re given when you log in, and you’ll get to the right place to start your adventure!

How can I level up quickly?

Use the Dungeon Finder to go to places like Stormstout Brewery and Temple of the Jade Serpent. They are fast and give you lots of points and treasures.

What is the Cloak of Infinite Potential?

It’s a special cape you get early in the game. This cape gets better as you find threads on your adventure.

How do I make my cape better?

You find threads by completing quests and beating monsters. These threads make your cape stronger, which helps you in your adventures.

Why should I do dungeons with the Dungeon Finder?

It helps you find cool gear quickly and gives you lots of points without waiting too long. It’s a fast way to get stronger.

Can I just watch and still get points in dungeons?

You can, but it’s not nice to others, and you won’t learn how to be great at your character’s skills.

What are some good places to visit for quests?

Start in the Jade Forest and move to places like the Valley of the Four Winds and Kun-Lai Summit. Each place has fun quests that give you lots of rewards.

What cool items can I find?

Look for shiny gems called meta gems, special gear slots, and cool cosmetics that change how your character looks. You can find these items by exploring and finishing quests.

What are group activities?

Playing with friends in dungeons and quests is a group activity. It’s more fun and helps everyone do better.

How do I know which character to play?

Pick a character that sounds fun to you. Some can change into animals, fight with big swords, or even heal friends!

How do I track my cool cape’s power?

There’s a special sign on your screen that shows you how strong your cape is when you move your mouse over it.
