Season of Discovery Phase 4 Mounts Guide – Full Collection

By: friolt
15 min read
Wow Phase 4 Riding Skills

So, it’s finally happened — Blizzard has started Phase 4 of World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery. What does this mean? Simply put, almost all mounts are now available in the game, and here at EpicCarry, we’re back to create our definitive Season of Discovery Phase 4 Mounts guide. Today’s program will cover:

  1. New Horde mounts for level 60.
  2. New Alliance mounts for level 60.
  3. Previously unobtainable mounts from Classic Vanilla.
  4. New event mount for WoW SoD 4.
  5. Rare mounts from dungeons.
  6. Ultra-rare mounts from raids.
  7. Incredible PvP mounts.
  8. Specific quest/class mounts. And of course, as a final note, we’ll provide you with all the mounts that are now available in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery: Phase 4!

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Wow SoD 4 Riding overview changes

Wow Phase 4 Mount Achievements

In World of Warcraft Classic’s Season of Discovery Phase 4, the riding system gets more exciting as players hit the new level cap of 60, allowing them to use better mounts. This phase brings in several cool mounts that help players move faster and look unique. These new mounts are not just for speed; they come with special features for the higher-level areas and challenges. Below is a simple breakdown of what’s new with the riding system in Phase 4:

Types of MountsMore types, including those themed after Molten Core and Ahn’Qiraj.
Level to UsePlayers need to be level 60 to use new Phase 4 mounts.
Special FeaturesSome mounts have special powers or go faster than usual mounts.
How to Get ThemPlayers can get these mounts by finishing raids, earning PvP rewards, or from vendors.
DesignsNew looks that match the themes of Phase 4, like fire-resistant designs.

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This update makes riding more important in the game, as it not only helps with travel but also shows off player achievements in WoW SoD.

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 4 Horde mounts

Wow Season Of Discovery Phase 4 Mounts

Horde mounts for level 60 in WoW’s Season of Discovery, Phase 4. If you’re ready to ride in style, Horde style, you’re in the right place! Each race offers their own unique set of mounts, with options ranging from the rugged to the bone-chilling. Depending on your allegiance or reputation, these rides can be snagged at reduced costs, so make sure you’re in good standing!

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s available:

RaceMount TypeCost (Standard/Discounted)Location and Coordinates
OrcHorn of the Brown/Dire/Timber Wolf80/64Ogunaro Wolfrunner, Orgrimmar (69.4, 12.2)
OrcHorn of the Swift Brown/Gray/Timber Wolf1,000/800Ogunaro Wolfrunner, Orgrimmar (69.4, 12.2)
UndeadBlue/Brown/Red Skeletal Horse80/64Zachariah Post, Brill, Tirisfal Glades (59.8, 52.6)
UndeadGreen/Purple Skeletal Warhorse1,000/800Zachariah Post, Brill, Tirisfal Glades (59.8, 52.6)
TaurenBrown/Gray Kodo80/64Harb Clawhoof, Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore (47.6, 58.6)
TaurenGreat Brown/Gray/White Kodo1,000/800Harb Clawhoof, Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore (47.6, 58.6)
TrollWhistle of the Emerald/Turquoise/Violet Raptor80/64Zjolnir, Sen’jin Village, Durotar (55.2, 75.4)
TrollSwift Blue/Olive/Orange Raptor1,000/800Zjolnir, Sen’jin Village, Durotar (55.2, 75.4)

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Each mount requires a specific riding skill, which can be learned for 20 (16 with discounts). Just make sure you’re either a part of the respective race or exalted with their faction to enjoy these cool rides!

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 4 Alliance mounts

Wow Phase 4 Mounts Guide

Alliance side of things in WoW’s Season of Discovery, Phase 4, we’ve got a stellar lineup of mounts ready for level 60 players who are all about that noble vibe. Whether you’re trotting through Elwynn Forest or cruising through Darnassus, each race has a stylish set of wheels (well, hooves and paws, actually) at your disposal, complete with a discount for those who’ve earned their stripes.

Here’s the lowdown on what you can snag:

RaceMount TypeCost (Standard/Discounted)Location and Coordinates
HumanPinto/Brown/Chestnut Mare Bridle80/64Katie Hunter, Eastvale Logging Camp, Elwynn Forest (84.2, 65.6)
HumanSwift Brown/Palomino/White Steed1,000/800Katie Hunter, Eastvale Logging Camp, Elwynn Forest (84.2, 65.6)
HumanBlack Stallion Bridle80/64Unger Statforth, Menethil, Wetlands (8.6, 54.4)
DwarfBrown/Gray/White Ram80/64Veron Amberstill, Amberstill Ranch, Dun Morogh (63.4, 50.6)
DwarfSwift Brown/Gray/White Ram1,000/800Veron Amberstill, Amberstill Ranch, Dun Morogh (63.4, 50.6)
Night ElfReins of the Spotted/Striped Frostsaber/Nightsaber80/64Lelanai, Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus (38.2, 15.6)
Night ElfReins of the Swift Frostsaber/Mistsaber/Stormsaber1,000/800Lelanai, Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus (38.2, 15.6)
GnomeBlue/Green/Red/Unpainted Mechanostrider80/64Milli Featherwhistle, Kharanos, Dun Morogh (49.0, 48.0)
GnomeSwift Green/White/Yellow Mechanostrider1,000/800Milli Featherwhistle, Kharanos, Dun Morogh (49.0, 48.0)

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To buy these mounts, you’ll need the respective riding skills, which are also a bargain if you’re tight with the right folks, going for 20 (16 with discounts). Get your rep up and these cool rides are yours for the taking!

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 4 Neutral mounts

Wow New Mounts Phase 4

In WoW’s Season of Discovery, Phase 4, neutral mounts are basically loot that can turn any mount chase into an epic adventure. Whether you’re raiding dungeons, tackling old bosses, or summoning demonic rides as a Warlock, these mounts are your ticket to showing off some serious swagger.

Check out the lineup:

MountDrop Spot
Deathcharger’s ReinsBaron Rivendare’s loot, Stratholme
Swift Razzashi RaptorBloodlord Mandokir’s loot, Zul’Gurub
Swift Zulian TigerHigh Priest Thekal’s loot, Zul’Gurub
Qiraji Resonating Crystals (Blue/Green/Yellow/Red)Trash mobs, Ahn’Qiraj
Black Qiraji Resonating CrystalAhn’Qiraj event, super rare questline
Wow Sod Phase 4 Mounts

For the Warlocks out there:

SummonWhen you get it
FelsteedLevel 40
DreadsteedLevel 60

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 4 Rare Quest mounts

Wow Sod Mounts List

In the frosty expanses of Winterspring, there’s a single mount for those who brave the grind. We’re talking about the Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber, a sleek beauty that’s all yours if you hit exalted with the Wintersaber Trainers. This quest line will test your mettle, but the payoff? Totally worth it. Here’s what you need to know if you’re on the hunt:

MountCostRequirementVendor and Location
Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber900Exalted with Wintersaber TrainersRivern Frostwind, Frostsaber Rock, Winterspring (49.9, 9.8)

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Remember, you’ll need the Tiger Riding skill to actually use this mount. Alliance players, this one’s for you, as Horde players will have to wait until WotLK for their quest-specific mount, the Whistle of the Venomhide Ravasaur.

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 4 Was unobtainable mounts

Wow Horde Mounts Phase 4

In WoW’s Season of Discovery, Phase 4, some mounts are like the unicorns of Azeroth—totally legendary and, well, unobtainable. These are the original, unarmored versions that have become the stuff of vanilla WoW legend. Blizzard kept these beauties locked away to prevent a mad dash to level 60 just for the sake of gold farming for these mounts. Here’s a peek at what’s off-limits:

AlliancePalomino BridleHuman
AllianceWhite Stallion BridleHuman
AllianceBlack RamDwarf
AllianceFrost RamDwarf
AllianceReins of the FrostsaberNight Elf
AllianceReins of the NightsaberNight Elf
AllianceIcy Blue Mechanostrider Mod AGnome
AllianceWhite Mechanostrider Mod AGnome
HordeHorn of the Arctic WolfOrc
HordeHorn of the Red WolfOrc
HordeGreen KodoTauren
HordeTeal KodoTauren
HordeWhistle of the Ivory RaptorTroll
HordeWhistle of the Mottled Red RaptorTroll
Wow Alliance Mounts Phase 4

Interestingly, the Undead are the only Horde race without these original versions because they started with armored mounts right from the get-go.

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 4 PVP mounts

Wow Rare Mounts Phase 4

When it comes to PvP in WoW’s Season of Discovery, Phase 4, reaching those high ranks pays off in style with exclusive mounts for both Horde and Alliance. Hit Rank 11, and you can snag a unique war mount to show off your battlefield prowess. For those who thrive in the frosty battles of Alterac Valley, reaching exalted with the right faction brings its own rewards.

AllianceBlack War Steed Bridle100Lieutenant Karter, Champions Hall, Stormwind City (72.4, 50.8)
AllianceBlack War Ram100Lieutenant Karter, Champions Hall, Stormwind City (72.4, 50.8)
AllianceReins of the Black War Tiger100Lieutenant Karter, Champions Hall, Stormwind City (72.4, 50.8)
AllianceBlack Battlestrider100Lieutenant Karter, Champions Hall, Stormwind City (72.4, 50.8)
HordeHorn of the Black War Wolf100Raider Bork, Hall of Legends, Orgrimmar (40.2, 69.7)
HordeRed Skeletal Warhorse100Raider Bork, Hall of Legends, Orgrimmar (40.2, 69.7)
HordeBlack War Kodo100Raider Bork, Hall of Legends, Orgrimmar (40.2, 69.7)
HordeWhistle of the Black War Raptor100Raider Bork, Hall of Legends, Orgrimmar (40.2, 69.7)
FactionMountCostVendor and Location
AllianceStormpike Battle Charger800Thanthaldis Snowgleam/Gaelden Hammersmith, Alterac Mountains (39.4, 81.7/44.3, 18.2)
HordeHorn of the Frostwolf Howler800Jekyll Flandring/Grunnda Wolfheart, Alterac Mountains (62.8, 59.3/49.3, 82.5)

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World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery phase 4 ALL mounts LIST!

Wow Pvp Mounts Phase 4

Here’s a simple table that lists all the cool mounts you can find in Warcraft’s Season of Discovery. Whether you’re looking for a wow sod mount, scouting for exclusive sod mounts, or just curious about the latest season of discovery mounts, this table has got you covered. Check it out to see what fits your adventure style!

Skeletal Steed
Reins of the Bengal Tiger
Reins of the Golden SabercatMai’zin Vendor in Stranglethorn Vale
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Trainee’s Outrider WolfKelm Hargunth Vendor in The Barrens
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Trainee’s Sentinel NightsaberIlliyana Moonblaze Vendor in Ashenvale
Whistle of the Mottled Blood RaptorMai’zin Vendor in Stranglethorn Vale
Black Qiraji Resonating CrystalBang a Gong! Silithus
Fabled Steed
DwarfGnome Black BattlestriderLieutenant Karter
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Black Ram
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Black War KodoRaider Bork
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Black War RamLieutenant Karter
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Black War Steed BridleLieutenant Karter
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Frost Ram
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Great Brown KodoQuest, Vendor
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Great Gray KodoQuest, Vendor
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Great White KodoQuest, Vendor
OrcTrollUndead Green Skeletal WarhorseZachariah Post Vendor in Tirisfal Glades
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Arctic Wolf
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Black War WolfRaider Bork
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Red Wolf
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Swift Brown WolfQuest, Vendor
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Swift Gray WolfQuest, Vendor
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Swift Timber WolfQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnome Icy Blue Mechanostrider Mod A
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Palomino Bridle
OrcTrollUndead Purple Skeletal WarhorseZachariah Post Vendor in Tirisfal Glades
OrcTrollUndead Red Skeletal WarhorseRaider Bork
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Black War TigerLieutenant Karter
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Frostsaber
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Nightsaber
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Swift Dawnsaber
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Swift FrostsaberQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Swift MistsaberQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Swift StormsaberQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Winterspring FrostsaberRivern Frostwind Vendor in Winterspring
Skeletal Steed Reins
Stormpike Battle ChargerVendors
OrcTrollUndead Swift Blue RaptorQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Swift Brown RamQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Swift Brown SteedQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Swift Gray RamQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnome Swift Green MechanostriderQuest, Vendor
OrcTrollUndead Swift Olive RaptorQuest, Vendor
OrcTrollUndead Swift Orange RaptorQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Swift PalominoQuest, Vendor
Swift Razzashi RaptorBloodlord Mandokir Zul’Gurub
DwarfGnome Swift White MechanostriderQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Swift White RamQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Swift White SteedQuest, Vendor
DwarfGnome Swift Yellow MechanostriderQuest, Vendor
Swift Zulian TigerHigh Priest Thekal Zul’Gurub
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Teal Kodo
OrcTrollUndead Whistle of the Black War RaptorRaider Bork
OrcTrollUndead Whistle of the Ivory Raptor
OrcTrollUndead Whistle of the Mottled Red Raptor
DwarfGnome White Mechanostrider Mod A
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf White Stallion Bridle
DwarfGnome Blue MechanostriderMilli Featherwhistle Vendor in Dun Morogh
Blue Qiraji Resonating CrystalZone Drop Ahn’Qiraj
OrcTrollUndead Blue Skeletal HorseZachariah Post Vendor in Tirisfal Glades
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Brown Horse BridleVendors
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Brown KodoHarb Clawhoof Vendor in Mulgore
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Brown RamVeron Amberstill Vendor in Dun Morogh
OrcTrollUndead Brown Skeletal HorseZachariah Post Vendor in Tirisfal Glades
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Chestnut Mare BridleVendors
Deathcharger’s Reins
Fluorescent Green MechanostriderMekgineer Thermaplugg Gnomeregan
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Gray KodoHarb Clawhoof Vendor in Mulgore
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Gray RamVeron Amberstill Vendor in Dun Morogh
DwarfGnome Green MechanostriderMilli Featherwhistle Vendor in Dun Morogh
Green Qiraji Resonating CrystalZone Drop Ahn’Qiraj
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Brown WolfOgunaro Wolfrunner Vendor in Orgrimmar
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Dire WolfOgunaro Wolfrunner Vendor in Orgrimmar
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Timber WolfOgunaro Wolfrunner Vendor in Orgrimmar
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Pinto BridleVendors
DwarfGnome Purple Mechanostrider
DwarfGnome Red & Blue Mechanostrider
DwarfGnome Red MechanostriderMilli Featherwhistle Vendor in Dun Morogh
Red Qiraji Resonating CrystalZone Drop Ahn’Qiraj
OrcTrollUndead Red Skeletal HorseZachariah Post Vendor in Tirisfal Glades
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Golden Sabercat
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Primal Leopard
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Spotted FrostsaberLelanai Vendor in Darnassus
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Striped FrostsaberLelanai Vendor in Darnassus
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Striped NightsaberLelanai Vendor in Darnassus
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Tawny Sabercat
DwarfGnome Unpainted MechanostriderMilli Featherwhistle Vendor in Dun Morogh
OrcTrollUndead Whistle of the Emerald RaptorZjolnir Vendor in Durotar
OrcTrollUndead Whistle of the Turquoise RaptorZjolnir Vendor in Durotar
OrcTrollUndead Whistle of the Violet RaptorZjolnir Vendor in Durotar
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf White RamVeron Amberstill Vendor in Dun Morogh
Yellow Qiraji Resonating CrystalZone Drop Ahn’Qiraj
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Black Stallion BridleUnger Statforth Vendor in Wetlands
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Blood Guard’s Mount
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Commander’s Steed
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Harness: Black Ram
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Harness: Blue Ram
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Black Wolf
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Gray Wolf
OrcTaurenTrollUndead Horn of the Red Wolf
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Horn of the Skeletal Mount
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Horn of the Winter Wolf
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Knight-Lieutenant’s Steed
Kodo Mount
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Lieutenant General’s Mount
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Old Whistle of the Ivory Raptor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Old Whistle of the Obsidian Raptor
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Palomino
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Bengal Tiger
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Leopard
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Night saber
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf Reins of the Spotted Nightsaber
Riding Turtle
DwarfGnomeHumanNight Elf White Stallion
Wow Quest Mounts Phase 4


Wow Unobtainable Mounts Phase 4

In the world of WoW, there are lots of cool rides for your characters! In Phase 4, you can get all kinds of mounts to make your adventures more fun. Let’s see what we have:

New Horde Mounts
For the Horde, each race has its own special mounts. Orcs can ride different types of wolves, which are strong and fierce. Undead players get spooky skeletal horses that look super cool. Tauren ride big, strong kodos, which are like huge, gentle giants. Trolls, on the other hand, ride colorful raptors that are fast and agile. Each of these mounts can be bought if you have the right skills and reputation.

Wow Season Of Discovery Mounts

New Alliance Mounts
On the Alliance side, there are stylish and noble mounts for each race. Humans can ride different horses, which are elegant and speedy. Dwarves have rams, which are sturdy and tough. Night Elves ride sabers, which are sleek and fast. Gnomes, being the quirky race they are, have mechanostriders, which are mechanical and fun. Just like the Horde, these mounts require specific skills and reputation to obtain.

Wow Sod 4 Mount Locations

Rare Mounts
Some mounts are really special because they drop from powerful bosses in dungeons and raids. You can get the Deathcharger’s Reins from Baron Rivendare in Stratholme, which is a rare and spooky horse. In Zul’Gurub, you can find the Swift Razzashi Raptor from Bloodlord Mandokir and the Swift Zulian Tiger from High Priest Thekal. These mounts are not easy to get, but they are worth the effort!

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Wow Sod 4 Mount Vendors

PvP Mounts
For those who love PvP battles, there are exclusive mounts for both Horde and Alliance. Alliance players can earn war steeds, rams, tigers, and battlestriders by reaching high ranks. Horde players can get war wolves, kodos, raptors, and skeletal warhorses. Additionally, in Alterac Valley, Alliance can get the Stormpike Battle Charger and Horde can get the Frostwolf Howler by reaching exalted status with their respective factions.

Unobtainable Mounts
Some mounts are like legends because you can’t get them anymore. For the Alliance, there were unique horses, rams, sabers, and mechanostriders. Horde had special wolves, kodos, and raptors. These mounts were part of the original WoW and are no longer available, making them extra special for those who have them.

These mounts help you travel faster and look super cool! Ready to ride?

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What are the new mounts available for Horde players in Phase 4?

In Phase 4, Horde players can get different mounts based on their race. Orcs ride wolves, Undead ride skeletal horses, Tauren ride kodos, and Trolls ride raptors. Each of these mounts can be purchased with the appropriate riding skills and reputation.

What mounts can Alliance players obtain in Phase 4?

Alliance players can obtain mounts specific to their race. Humans ride different types of horses, Dwarves ride rams, Night Elves ride sabers, and Gnomes ride mechanostriders. These mounts also require specific riding skills and reputation.

What are some rare mounts that can be obtained in Phase 4?

Rare mounts include the Deathcharger’s Reins from Baron Rivendare in Stratholme, the Swift Razzashi Raptor from Bloodlord Mandokir in Zul’Gurub, and the Swift Zulian Tiger from High Priest Thekal in Zul’Gurub.

How can I get PvP mounts in Phase 4?

PvP mounts are earned by reaching high ranks in PvP. Alliance players can get war steeds, rams, tigers, and battlestriders, while Horde players can get war wolves, kodos, raptors, and skeletal warhorses. Additionally, the Stormpike Battle Charger and Frostwolf Howler can be obtained by reaching exalted status with the respective factions in Alterac Valley.

Are there any mounts that are no longer obtainable in Phase 4?

Yes, there are several unobtainable mounts that were part of the original WoW. For the Alliance, these include unique horses, rams, sabers, and mechanostriders. For the Horde, these include special wolves, kodos, and raptors.

Do I need any special skills to ride these mounts?

Yes, you need specific riding skills to ride these mounts. These skills can be purchased, and having a high reputation with the respective faction can reduce the cost.

Where can I find vendors to buy these mounts?

Each race has specific vendors located in their respective starting areas or major cities. For example, Orc mounts can be bought from Ogunaro Wolfrunner in Orgrimmar, and Human mounts can be bought from Katie Hunter in Elwynn Forest. Check the guide for exact coordinates and vendor locations.

Are there any special features for mounts in Phase 4?

Yes, some new mounts come with special features or powers and can move faster than usual mounts. They also have new designs that match the themes of Phase 4, like fire-resistant designs for higher-level areas and challenges.

What about Warlock mounts? How do I get them?

Warlocks have exclusive mounts. They can summon a Felsteed at level 40 and a Dreadsteed at level 60. Detailed guides are available on how to obtain these mounts.

Are there any mounts specific to events or quests?

Yes, the Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber can be obtained by reaching exalted with the Wintersaber Trainers through a series of quests in Winterspring. This mount requires the Tiger Riding skill.
