Let’s get started! If you’re heading into the TWW Stonevault dungeon, there are a few important things to know. What is the Stonevault? Why is Void Speaker Eirich so dangerous? And how can you complete the dungeon and get awesome rewards?
First, we won’t just explain how to beat bosses like E.D.N.A. and Skarmorak. You will learn:
- How to find the dungeon entrance and use the minecart to move faster.
- Why you must stop Void Speaker Eirich and how to avoid his dangerous Void Corruption.
- How to plan your route and save time using Mythic Dungeon Tools (MDT).
- The best way to earn achievements and upgrade your Mythic+ key.
- How to win the rare Stonevault Mechsuit mount by defeating the final boss.
- And why teamwork is so important to survive the boss fights!
Now you’re ready to take on the Stonevault and defeat Void Speaker Eirich! Let’s begin!
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Wow TWW The Stonevault Dungeon | overview

The TWW Stonevault dungeon is in the very north of The Ringing Deeps. There are four big bosses to fight, and the last one, Void Speaker Eirich, used to be the leader, but now he’s taken over by the Void and must be stopped. To get to the Stonevault, go to the northern part of The Ringing Deeps. The closest flying point is Gundargaz. Inside the dungeon, you start in the Central Processing area. After beating some bosses, you can use a minecart to move faster between areas of the dungeon.
Key Features | Details |
Where is it? | In The Ringing Deeps (North part) |
Main Bad Guy | Void Speaker Eirich |
Other Bad Guys | E.D.N.A., Skarmorak, Master Machinists |
Fast Travel | Use a minecart to travel quickly after fighting bosses |
Special Power Up | Imbued Iron Energy (helps some players fight better) |
Achievements | Earn special rewards for beating the dungeon on harder modes |
Mount | You can get a Stonevault Mechsuit from Void Speaker Eirich |
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Wow TWW The Stonevault Dungeon | Entrance

The TWW Stonevault dungeon is in the very north of The Ringing Deeps. The entrance is easy to find if you go to coordinates 46.8, 9.4. The closest flight point to get there is Gundargaz at coordinates 46.9, 32.8. When you get to the northern area, look for the big walkway. That’s where the entrance to the Stonevault dungeon is. Both Horde and Alliance players can reach the dungeon from different places, so follow the right route to get there quickly!
Faction | Route to The Stonevault |
Horde | Fly to Gundargaz, then head north to 46.8, 9.4. Follow the main walkway to find the dungeon entrance. |
Alliance | Fly to Gundargaz, then go north to 46.8, 9.4. Walk along the main path to reach the Stonevault dungeon entrance. |
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Wow TWW The Stonevault Dungeon | timer

In the TWW Stonevault dungeon, you have a set time to complete the dungeon, depending on how fast you are aiming to go. To get the best rewards, finishing faster will increase your key level and give better loot. The timer for +1, +2, and +3 completion times are important, so make sure your team works together to beat the clock!
Completion Time | Timer |
+1 Key Upgrade | 33:00 minutes |
+2 Key Upgrade | 26:24 minutes |
+3 Key Upgrade | 19:48 minutes |
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Wow TWW The Stonevault Dungeon | MDT

The TWW Stonevault dungeon can be easier with a plan. You can use MDT (Mythic Dungeon Tools) to find the best way to go through the dungeon. You will start at the entrance, go to Central Processing, and decide which boss to fight first. This tool helps you save time and choose the best path to beat the dungeon quickly.
Name of Route | Who Passes | Informal Commentary |
Classic Quick Run | Both Horde and Alliance | Start at entrance, fight E.D.N.A. first, then finish with Eirich. |
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Wow TWW The Stonevault Dungeon | Bosses

In the TWW Stonevault dungeon, players will face four unique bosses, each with their own set of challenges. These bosses must be defeated to stop Void Speaker Eirich from gaining more power. Get ready for tough fights, and be sure to work together as a team to bring them down!
- E.D.N.A. — A powerful defense golem;
- Skarmorak — A fierce creature in the crucible;
- Master Machinists — Skilled engineers in the forge;
- Void Speaker Eirich — The final corrupted leader.
E.D.N.A. boss guide

Say hello to E.D.N.A., the big stone robot with a bad attitude! This giant golem doesn’t care who you are — if you enter the TWW Stonevault, it’s ready to zap, smash, and explode you with all sorts of nasty tricks. But don’t worry, with a bit of teamwork and some careful dodging, you can take it down and keep your gear in one piece!
- DPS — Stay away from the beams and spikes, and focus on avoiding damage!
- Healers — Keep everyone’s health up, especially after Earth Shatterer. Watch for spike damage!
- Tanks — Position E.D.N.A. away from the group and control Volatile Spikes.
Ability Name | Wipe Potential | Who Focuses | What To Do | Informal Commentary |
Refracting Beam | Medium | DPS, Healers | Dodge | Big zappy beam – don’t stand in front of it! |
Volatile Spike | High | Tanks, DPS | Explode | Explode them, but don’t get too close, it hurts! |
Earth Shatterer | High | Healers | Heal | Big boom. Everyone takes damage, heal fast! |
Seismic Smash | Medium | Tanks | Defend | Big hit on the tank – keep defenses up! |
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Skarmorak boss guide

Meet Skarmorak, the rock monster with a serious smashing habit! This boss loves nothing more than throwing giant crystals around and covering himself with a tough shell. You’ll need to break through his defenses while dodging his void attacks — it’s like trying to fight a walking mountain!
- DPS — Focus on breaking Skarmorak’s Crumbling Shell. Avoid standing near Void Fragments.
- Healers — Keep everyone alive after Void Discharge. Watch for damage-over-time effects.
- Tanks — Hold Skarmorak steady, but avoid Crystalline Smash. Soak Void Fragments when needed.
Ability Name | Wipe Potential | Who Focuses | What To Do | Informal Commentary |
Crystalline Smash | High | Tanks | Avoid | Big hit! Tanks need to be ready for heavy damage. |
Crumbling Shell | Medium | DPS | Break | Break the shell to stun Skarmorak briefly! |
Void Discharge | High | Healers | Heal | Group-wide damage — healers, it’s your moment! |
Void Fragment | Medium | Tanks, DPS | Dodge | Don’t stand near these, they hurt! |
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Master Machinists boss guide

The Master Machinists are a dynamic duo, Brokk and Dorlita. They’re a mix of scrap, fire, and teamwork. If you love dodging molten metal and getting squashed by a giant metal cube, you’ll love this fight! Get ready to keep moving, break their gadgets, and survive their fiery temper tantrums.
- DPS — Focus on breaking the Scrap Cube and avoid the Flaming Scrap.
- Healers — Keep an eye on players hit by Molten Metal and be ready for Lava Expulsion damage.
- Tanks — Hold both bosses, dodge Scrap Cube, and avoid Molten Hammer.
Ability Name | Wipe Potential | Who Focuses | What To Do | Informal Commentary |
Scrap Song | Medium | DPS | Break | Watch out for the big cube and break it! |
Molten Metal | High | Healers | Heal | It hurts and slows you down, healers beware! |
Lava Expulsion | High | DPS, Healers | Dodge | Don’t get hit by this huge lava ball. |
Molten Hammer | High | Tanks | Avoid | Big damage on tanks, be ready! |
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Void Speaker Eirich boss guide

Void Speaker Eirich, once the leader of the Stonevault, has now completely lost it thanks to a Void artifact. Now, he’s all about void magic and weird rifts trying to pull everyone in. He’s pretty much a giant glowing rock with a bad attitude, and you’ll need to avoid his dark powers if you don’t want to end up crushed by the Void!
- DPS — Stay away from Void Rift and focus on removing Void Corruption.
- Healers — Heal players affected by Void Corruption and watch out for Entropic Reckoning damage zones.
- Tanks — Position Eirich away from the group and keep everyone safe from his Unbridled Void.
Ability Name | Wipe Potential | Who Focuses | What To Do | Informal Commentary |
Void Rift | High | Everyone | Avoid | Don’t get pulled into the rift, or you’re toast! |
Void Corruption | High | Healers, DPS | Cleanse | It ramps up fast, remove it quickly! |
Entropic Reckoning | Medium | DPS, Healers | Dodge | Stay out of the shadow zones to avoid extra damage. |
Unbridled Void | High | Tanks | Block | A giant void blast — tanks, be ready! |
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Wow TWW The Stonevault Dungeon | Mount

In the TWW Stonevault dungeon, players have a chance to earn a cool mount called the Stonevault Mechsuit. This mount is a mechanical masterpiece, restored from old metal parts, and brought back to life. It drops from the final boss of the dungeon, Void Speaker Eirich, so make sure to take him down for a chance to ride in style!
Mount Name | Source | Drop Location | Appearance |
Stonevault Mechsuit | Void Speaker Eirich (Boss) | Final boss in the TWW Stonevault | Mechanical, restored metal look |
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Wow TWW The Stonevault Dungeon | Loot table

In the TWW Stonevault dungeon, you can get some great gear from each boss. Here’s a simple list of what you can find:
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Wow TWW The Stonevault Dungeon | Achievements

In the TWW Stonevault dungeon, there are special achievements for players who defeat Void Speaker Eirich and complete the dungeon on different difficulty levels. These achievements come with unique rewards, such as teleportation to the dungeon, making it easier to return in future runs. Completing the dungeon on Mythic difficulty also adds a special achievement for higher challenge players!
Achievement Name | How to Earn |
The Stonevault | Defeat Void Speaker Eirich in The Stonevault |
Heroic: The Stonevault | Defeat Void Speaker Eirich on Heroic difficulty |
Mythic: The Stonevault | Defeat Void Speaker Eirich on Mythic difficulty |
Keystone Hero: The Stonevault | Complete The Stonevault at Mythic+ Level 10 or higher |
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Wow TWW The Stonevault Dungeon | lore

The Stonevault lies deep within The Ringing Deeps, an ancient underground complex carved by titan hands. For centuries, it stood as a testament to the might and ingenuity of the Machine Speakers, a secretive order that maintained the titan facilities designed to guard the world. Their leader, High Speaker Eirich, once commanded respect and authority, overseeing the operations of the Stonevault and ensuring the continued balance between the titans’ creations and the mortal world above.
However, everything changed when Eirich discovered a mysterious titan artifact hidden in the innermost sanctum of the Stonevault. The artifact pulsed with raw, unbridled Void energy, and despite warnings from his peers, Eirich was drawn to its power. Driven by a mix of ambition and curiosity, he sought to use its immense strength to further his control over the Stonevault. But the Void’s influence proved far too strong. Eirich’s mind, body, and soul were corrupted, turning him into a Void Speaker — a twisted servant of the Void, consumed by madness and thirsting for greater power.

The once-mighty High Speaker became a dangerous tyrant, secluding himself deep within the Stonevault, surrounded by fanatical followers and void-infused minions. His most loyal servants, the Master Machinists — Brokk and Dorlita, tirelessly work to maintain the Stonevault’s defenses, while also aiding Eirich’s rise to void-fueled power. Meanwhile, the once peaceful titan-forged machine E.D.N.A. (Earthen Defense and Neutralization Automaton) has been reprogrammed to eliminate all intruders, mistaking them for threats to Eirich’s twisted vision.
To make matters worse, Eirich’s transformation has caused a destabilization of the very foundation of the Stonevault. Skarmorak, an ancient elemental construct infused with corrupted titan energies, has been awakened. Now, this once dormant creature patrols the Earthblood Crucible, the heart of the Stonevault’s energy production, and serves as an additional barrier for those seeking to reach Eirich.
As the corruption spreads, the balance between the titan forces and the Void hangs in the balance. Heroes must venture deep into the Stonevault, not only to stop Eirich before he gains complete control over the Void, but to restore the facility and ensure that the titan technology does not fall into the hands of a void-driven madman. Failure would mean the rise of a new Void-infused power, with Eirich at the helm, and the devastation of Azeroth’s delicate balance.
Wow TWW The Stonevault Dungeon | Conclusion

The Stonevault dungeon is an exciting and challenging adventure in the northern part of The Ringing Deeps. It’s home to four big bosses, including the final enemy, Void Speaker Eirich, who has been corrupted by Void power. The dungeon offers fast travel options like minecarts and helpful buffs like Imbued Iron Energy.
Players will face tough battles against E.D.N.A., Skarmorak, Master Machinists, and Void Speaker Eirich. Each boss has its own set of abilities, so teamwork and strategy are key to success. Make sure to avoid dangerous attacks and break through defenses to defeat them.

By completing the dungeon on higher difficulties, players can earn special rewards, including achievements and the chance to teleport directly to the Stonevault. The final boss, Void Speaker Eirich, also drops the Stonevault Mechsuit, a unique mount that will be a great addition to any player’s collection.
In the end, the heroes must stop Void Speaker Eirich from gaining full control over the Stonevault. Completing the dungeon will not only bring great rewards but also save the world from his twisted plans.
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Where is the Stonevault dungeon located?
The Stonevault dungeon is in the northern part of The Ringing Deeps. You can reach it by flying to Gundargaz, then heading north to coordinates 46.8, 9.4.
How many bosses are in the Stonevault dungeon?
There are four bosses in total: E.D.N.A., Skarmorak, Master Machinists, and the final boss, Void Speaker Eirich.
How can I travel quickly inside the dungeon?
After defeating some bosses, you can use a minecart to travel faster between different areas in the dungeon.
What is the final boss of the dungeon?
The final boss is Void Speaker Eirich, who was once the leader of the Stonevault but has been corrupted by Void power.
Are there any special rewards for completing the dungeon?
Yes! You can earn achievements, better loot for finishing quickly, and the Stonevault Mechsuit mount from Void Speaker Eirich.
What is the timer for completing the dungeon in Mythic+?
To earn the best rewards, aim to finish within: — 33:00 minutes for a +1 key upgrade — 26:24 minutes for a +2 key upgrade — 19:48 minutes for a +3 key upgrade
How can I plan my route in the dungeon?
You can use Mythic Dungeon Tools (MDT) to help plan your path, decide which boss to fight first, and save time.
What achievements can I get from this dungeon?
You can earn achievements for completing the dungeon on Heroic, Mythic, and Mythic+ levels, including a special achievement for completing it at Mythic+ Level 10 or higher.