World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Class Tier List | Best Naxxramas Class

By: friolt
13 min read
Wow Sod 7 Mythic+ Tier List

It’s finally here, and you better be ready! World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 has arrived, and it’s not for the weak. What does this mean for us, the brave (or foolish) adventurers of Azeroth? Tougher challenges! More deadly bosses! New class runes! And gear so good it’ll make your enemies cry!

In this WoW SoD Phase 7 Class Guide, we’ll break down the strongest and weakest classes so you don’t waste your time:

  • Which tanks can handle Naxxramas without crumbling?
  • The best DPS to melt bosses and Owe PvP.
  • Healers who can keep your team alive—or let them die in shame.
  • The top class picks for PvP chaos and battleground domination.
  • And the absolute losers you should avoid like the plague.

Stop wasting time! Learn what’s good, what’s trash, and how to make sure YOU are the hero—not the reason your raid wipes.

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World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 PVE Tank tier list

Top Pve Healing Classes Wow Sod 7

Tanking in WoW Classic Season of Discovery is like getting punched in the face for fun while trying not to let your raid eat dirt. Some tanks handle the job like pros; others are about as useful as a wet piece of paper. This tier list ranks tanks by how well they survive, deal damage, hold threat, and overall make life easier (or harder) for the raid. Get ready to see which classes dominate and which ones are better left to collect dust.

SPaladinProtectionBest mitigation, insane AoE threat, unmatched defensive cooldowns.
ADruidFeral (Tank)High single-target damage, strong scaling, lacks AoE threat.
BWarriorProtectionFun but hard to play, weak AoE tools, high skill cap.

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Criteria for PvE Tank Tier List

Wow Phase 7 Best Melee Dps
  • Damage Mitigation — How well tanks reduce damage from bosses and mobs.
  • Damage Consistency — Avoiding big spikes of damage.
  • Threat Generation — How fast and reliably tanks hold aggro.
  • Damage Output — Because tanks doing DPS is funny and sometimes useful.
  • Utility — Buffs, debuffs, and tools that help the raid.

S-Tier: Protection Paladins

Paladins are kings of tanking in the Classic Season of Discovery. With abilities like Holy Shield, Consecration, and Divine Protection, they take hits like a champ, generate threat like mad, and support the raid with buffs. Everyone loves having a Prot Paladin, even if you hate their smug faces.

A-Tier: Feral Druids

Discipline Priest Healing Wow Phase 7

Druids in bear form bring big damage with Mangle (Bear) and Berserk, but their Swipe (Bear) is meh for AoE. They shine when geared but struggle early on. Big bursts of damage can leave them crying in their fur.

B-Tier: Protection Warriors

Warriors are fun and fast, but they need serious skill to keep up. Abilities like Shield Slam and Revenge are good, but holding threat on big packs is a nightmare. Play this if you like pain and showing off your skills.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 PVE DPS tier list

Best Ranged Dps In Wow Phase 7

DPS in Season of Discovery Phase 7 isn’t just about pressing buttons; it’s about dealing so much damage that your enemies cry and your raid leader begs you to stay. Some classes shred the damage charts, while others barely tickle the bosses. Here’s the ultra-violent truth about who rules PvE DPS in Naxxramas and who should stick to fishing.

SHunterBeast MasteryInsane burst damage with Kill Command and Scorpid Poison synergy; top-tier ranged DPS.
SRogueCombatHigh burst and sustained damage with Saber Slash; dominates single-target fights.
AMageFrostfireStrong AoE and consistent single-target damage with Frostfire Bolt and Blizzard.
AShamanEnhancementHigh melee burst with Windfury Totem and Lava Lash; great utility.
BWarlockAfflictionExcellent DoT damage and Chaos Bolt; struggles with mobility-heavy fights.
BPriestShadowDecent damage with Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Sear, but overshadowed by others.

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Criteria for PvE DPS Tier List

Wow Sod 7 Best Gear For Tanks
  • Raw Damage Output — How much pain they bring to bosses and mobs.
  • Sustainability — Can they keep up their damage without running out of mana or energy?
  • AoE vs. Single-Target Damage — Are they strong in multi-target fights or single-target slugfests?
  • Utility and Buffs — Do they bring something extra to the raid, like buffs or crowd control?
  • Ease of Play — Can they deliver damage without needing a PhD in rotations?

S-Tier: Hunters and Rogues

  • Hunters are the best. They shoot from far away, and their pet poisons everything. Kill Command hits so hard that bosses want to quit.
  • Rogues are sneaky killers. They jump into fights, slice like crazy, and make everyone else jealous of their Saber Slash damage.

A-Tier: Mages and Shamans

Wow Season Of Discovery Hardest Classes
  • Mages use Frostfire Bolt to freeze and burn enemies at the same time. They destroy groups with Blizzard.
  • Enhancement Shamans smash with Lava Lash and boost the team with Windfury Totem. Great for melee lovers.

B-Tier: Warlocks and Shadow Priests

  • Warlocks do good damage with Chaos Bolt and their DoTs, but they are slow and bad at moving fights.
  • Shadow Priests help a little, but their Shadow Word: Pain doesn’t hit hard enough to keep up.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 PVE Healer tier list

How To Survive In Wow Naxxramas

Healing in Season of Discovery Phase 7 is about saving your raid from disaster while dealing with terrible players who can’t dodge. Some healers are gods of life, keeping everyone alive with ease. Others are mana-burning disasters that leave your raid dead. Here’s the real healer tier list—no sugar-coating.

TierClassSpecWhy They’re Here
SPriestHolyInsane group healing with Prayer of Healing and Holy Word: Serenity. Best cooldowns.
SDruidRestorationBest raid-wide healing with Rejuvenation and Tranquility. Never stops moving.
APaladinHolyAmazing single-target heals with Holy Light and Beacon of Light. Great cooldowns.
AShamanRestorationStrong AoE healing with Chain Heal and great buffs from Totems.
BPriestDisciplineCool damage-to-heal style with Atonement, but mana problems in long fights.

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Criteria for PvE Healer Tier List

Wow Sod 7 Fastest Leveling Class
  • Healing Power — How much health can they pump out?
  • Mana Efficiency — Can they heal without running out of mana halfway through the fight?
  • AoE vs. Single-Target Healing — Are they better at healing groups or focusing on one target?
  • Utility — Buffs, cooldowns, and tools to save the raid from wipes.
  • Survivability — Can they stay alive while healing in tough fights?

S-Tier: Holy Priests and Resto Druids

  • Holy Priests are pure healing machines. Prayer of Healing fixes your whole raid after a bad AoE, and Holy Word: Serenity saves tanks from death. Best in the game, period.
  • Restoration Druids are raid saviors. Their HoTs like Rejuvenation keep everyone alive without spamming. They also run while healing, which is unfair to slower classes.

A-Tier: Holy Paladins and Resto Shamans

Wow Sod 7 Easy Classes To Play
  • Holy Paladins are tank healers. Beacon of Light makes them heal two people at once, and Holy Shock adds fast heals. But they can’t handle big group damage as well as others.
  • Restoration Shamans rock group healing with Chain Heal and Healing Rain, and Totems give the raid huge buffs. They’re awesome, but need good positioning.

B-Tier: Discipline Priests

  • Discipline Priests use Atonement to heal while doing damage, which is fun and cool. But they burn mana fast and struggle with massive raid damage. Good, but not great.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 PVP DPS tier list

Worst Classes In Wow Phase 7

PvP in Season of Discovery Phase 7 is pure chaos—kill or be killed. Some classes are absolute monsters, destroying everyone with huge damage and deadly tricks. Others are just free honor points waiting to be farmed. Here’s the real list of who’s good at PvP and who’s just embarrassing.

TierClassSpecWhy They’re Here
SRogueSubtletyStealth, stuns, and huge burst damage make them kings of PvP.
SWarriorFuryMassive damage with Bloodthirst and unstoppable with a healer.
AHunterBeast MasteryRanged death machine with Lone Wolf and pet support. Great for controlling the battlefield.
ADruidFeralInsane mobility and strong burst damage with Rip and Ferocious Bite.
BPaladinRetributionSolid burst with Crusader Strike, plus heals and buffs for staying alive.
BWarlockAfflictionGreat crowd control and DoTs like Corruption, but too slow in fast fights.
CShamanEnhancementDecent melee burst with Lava Lash, but weak defensively.
CMageFrostGood control with Frost Nova, but not enough burst to dominate.

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Criteria for PvP DPS Tier List

A-Tier Classes In Wow Sod 7
  • Burst Damage — Can they kill enemies fast?
  • Survivability — How hard are they to kill?
  • Mobility — Can they chase and escape fights?
  • Control — Can they stun, slow, or silence enemies?
  • Team Support — Do they help their group with buffs or utility?

S-Tier: Rogues and Warriors

  • Rogues are deadly assassins. They sneak up, stun you, and destroy you before you can blink. If you’re their target, you’re dead.
  • Warriors smash everything with huge damage from Bloodthirst and Raging Blow. Add a healer, and they become unkillable monsters.

A-Tier: Hunters and Druids

  • Hunters rain death from afar. Their pets are annoying, and Lone Wolf makes them hit even harder.
  • Feral Druids run circles around everyone. They hit hard and are impossible to catch.

B-Tier: Paladins and Warlocks

How To Play Protection Warrior Phase 7
  • Retribution Paladins are hard to kill with their heals and Crusader Strike, but they lack the speed to chase enemies.
  • Warlocks can destroy groups with DoTs, but they need time to work. In PvP, time means death.

C-Tier: Shamans and Mages

  • Enhancement Shamans hit hard for a moment but die too fast to matter.
  • Frost Mages can slow everyone, but their damage isn’t enough to win fights.

World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 PVP Heal tier list

How To Dominate In Wow Pvp Phase 7

In Season of Discovery Phase 7, healing in PvP isn’t for the weak. If you’re not saving lives while dodging stuns and insults, what are you even doing? Some healers are unstoppable, keeping their team alive while enemies cry in frustration. Others? They heal like they’re using a wet sponge. Here’s the brutally honest healer tier list for PvP.

TierClassSpecWhy They’re Here
SPriestHolyPrayer of Mending and Guardian Spirit keep teams alive forever. Great stuns like Psychic Scream.
SDruidRestorationRejuvenation spam and Cyclone for perfect enemy control. Never stops moving.
APaladinHolyDivine Shield makes them unkillable, and Holy Shock is a lifesaver.
BShamanRestorationChain Heal is strong, and Earth Shield helps tanks, but they’re too easy to kill.
CPriestDisciplineAtonement is fun but way too slow in PvP. Not enough burst to save teammates.

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Criteria for PvP Healer Tier List

Wow Sod 7 Best Naxxramas Builds
  • Survivability — Can they heal while staying alive under pressure?
  • Burst Healing — Can they save allies from sudden big damage?
  • Crowd Control — Do they have stuns, slows, or silences to disrupt enemies?
  • Utility — Buffs or tools to help the team beyond just healing.
  • Mana Efficiency — Can they keep healing or run dry too fast?

S-Tier: Holy Priests and Resto Druids

  • Holy Priests dominate PvP healing. Their Prayer of Mending bounces all over, keeping everyone alive. Guardian Spirit saves allies from death, and Psychic Scream sends enemies running like cowards.
  • Restoration Druids never die. They spam Rejuvenation, heal while running, and shut enemies down with Cyclone. Perfect PvP healers.

A-Tier: Holy Paladins

  • Holy Paladins are tanks with heals. Divine Shield makes them immune, and Holy Shock is a fast lifesaver. They’re great at single-target heals but can’t handle heavy AoE damage.

B-Tier: Restoration Shamans

Enhancement Shaman Tips Wow Phase 7
  • Restoration Shamans have strong heals like Chain Heal, but they can’t move or survive well in PvP. Earth Shield is nice, but they’re too slow to shine.

C-Tier: Discipline Priests

  • Discipline Priests use Atonement to heal with damage, which is cool but way too slow for PvP. They struggle to save anyone under heavy fire.

Who is the best to play in WoW SoD 7

New Class Runes In Wow Sod 7

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7, only the strongest classes and specs rise to the top. Whether you’re tanking, dealing damage, or healing, this guide highlights the S and A-tier classes for PvE and PvP. These are the absolute best choices for dominating raids, dungeons, and battlegrounds, offering unmatched power, utility, and efficiency. If you want to succeed in Phase 7, stick to these top-performing picks!

RoleTierClassSpecWhy They’re Best
PvE TankSPaladinProtectionAmazing damage reduction, AoE threat, and great cooldowns.
ADruidFeral (Tank)High single-target damage, scales well with gear.
PvE DPSSHunterBeast MasteryTop burst damage and great pet synergy.
SRogueCombatBest single-target damage and sustained burst.
AMageFrostfireGreat AoE and solid single-target damage.
AShamanEnhancementStrong melee burst and good utility.
PvE HealerSPriestHolyTop group heals and best cooldowns for saving the raid.
SDruidRestorationBest raid-wide heals and great mobility.
APaladinHolyExcellent single-target heals and strong cooldowns.
AShamanRestorationStrong AoE heals and buffs with totems.
PvP TankSNot Mentioned
PvP DPSSRogueSubtletyBest stealth and burst damage for PvP.
SWarriorFuryInsane burst with a healer, unkillable.
AHunterBeast MasteryRanged dominance with pets for control.
ADruidFeralExcellent mobility and strong burst.
PvP HealerSPriestHolyAmazing group heals, stuns, and cooldowns.
SDruidRestorationTop mobility and perfect control with Cyclone.
APaladinHolyTanky healer with strong single-target saves.

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Best Team For Wow Pvp Phase 7

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7, some classes are much stronger than others. If you want to play well, pick the best classes from the S-Tier or A-Tier. These classes are very powerful and help you win in the game.

For PvE, the best tank is Protection Paladin. They take less damage, protect the group, and keep enemies under control. Feral Druids are good tanks for single enemies but not as good for groups. For DPS, the strongest are Beast Mastery Hunters and Combat Rogues. They do very high damage. Frostfire Mages and Enhancement Shamans are also very good at hurting many enemies. For healing, the best are Holy Priests and Restoration Druids. They save the group easily. Holy Paladins and Restoration Shamans are strong too but not always the best.

In PvP, the best damage dealers are Subtlety Rogues and Fury Warriors. Rogues sneak and kill fast. Warriors hit very hard and are hard to kill if they have a healer. Beast Mastery Hunters and Feral Druids are also very strong because they move fast and control enemies. For healing in PvP, the best are Holy Priests and Restoration Druids. They heal and help the team stay alive. Holy Paladins are also good but slower than the others.

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What is the best tank for PvE in WoW SoD 7?

Protection Paladin is the best. They block damage and protect the group.

Who is the best DPS for PvE in WoW SoD 7?

Hunters (Beast Mastery) and Rogues (Combat) are the best. They do the most damage.

Who is the best healer for PvE in WoW SoD 7?

Holy Priest and Restoration Druid are the best at healing the group.

Who is the best tank for PvP in WoW SoD 7?

No tanks were ranked as the best for PvP in this phase.

Who is the best DPS for PvP in WoW SoD 7?

Rogues (Subtlety) and Warriors (Fury) are the best. They kill enemies very fast.

Who is the best healer for PvP in WoW SoD 7?

Holy Priest and Restoration Druid are the best. They heal and stay alive.

What is the easiest class to play in PvE in WoW SoD 7?

Beast Mastery Hunter is easy because they use pets to fight.

What is the hardest tank to play in WoW SoD 7?

Protection Warrior is hard. They need skill to hold enemies.

What is the hardest healer to play in WoW SoD 7?

Discipline Priest is hard because they heal by doing damage.

Can I play any class and still win in WoW SoD 7?

Yes, but S-Tier and A-Tier classes are much stronger.

What makes a good tank in WoW SoD 7?

A good tank blocks damage, protects the group, and controls enemies.

What makes a good healer in WoW SoD 7?

A good healer keeps everyone alive and doesn’t run out of mana.

What makes a good DPS in WoW SoD 7?

A good DPS does big damage fast and helps the team win.

How do I know which class to pick in WoW SoD 7?

Pick from the S-Tier or A-Tier lists for the role you like. These classes are the best!
