Wow Bronze Celebration Tokens Guide | How To Farm Bronze Celebrations Tokens

By: friolt
6 min read
Wow Blackrock Depths Quest For Bronze Celebration Tokens

Bronze Celebration Tokens in WoW 11.0.5, where knowing the best activities is key. Without wasting time, here’s what we’ll cover on how to farm Bronze Celebration Tokens in the 20th anniversary event:

  • We’ll explain why these tokens are important and what you can buy with them, like mounts, pets, and tier sets.
  • We’ll break down the best activities to get tokens quickly, like completing quests and defeating world bosses.
  • Learn about the top quests and events, including Khaz Algar quests and PvP battles, that will help you maximize token earnings.
  • We’ll tell you how many tokens you can collect each week and when the cap is removed.
  • Get simple tips on how to manage your weekly quests and activities for maximum rewards.

What are Bronze Celebration tokens in wow tww 20th anniversary?

Strategies To Reach 100 Bronze Celebration Tokens In Wow 11.0.5

Bronze Celebration Tokens are a special event currency in World of Warcraft’s 20th anniversary, patch 11.0.5. Players can earn these tokens through different anniversary-themed activities, including weekly and one-time quests, world bosses, and special events like Khaz algar. These tokens are used to purchase exclusive rewards such as remade tier sets, mounts, pets, and other cosmetic items. Players are capped on how many tokens they can earn weekly, so maximizing your activities is key to collecting as many tokens as possible during the event.

Key FeaturesDetails
How to FarmComplete weekly quests, world bosses, Khaz algar activities
Fastest Way to EarnFocus on high-token activities like anniversary events and world bosses
Weekly Token CapUp to 48 tokens in the first week, about 33 tokens in following weeks
Token UsagePurchase remade tier sets, mounts, pets, and cosmetics
Best ActivitiesKhaz algar quests, PvP quests, world bosses
Are Tokens Account-bound?Yes, only one set of tokens per account per week
Can Alts Earn Tokens?Alts can participate, but tokens are awarded only once per account weekly

How to farm Bronze celebration tokens in wow tww 20th anniversary?

Strategies To Reach 100 Bronze Celebration Tokens In Wow 11.0.5

In WoW 11.0.5, the fastest way to farm Bronze Celebration Tokens is by completing weekly quests, one-time quests, and world boss kills. The best activities to earn tokens include Khaz Algar quests, anniversary quests, PvP battles, and the Blackrock Depths quest. You can get tokens weekly by focusing on these activities and maximize your earnings by doing them all. Tokens can be used for mounts, pets, and tier 2 remade sets. Here’s a breakdown of different ways to farm tokens and how many you can earn.

ActivityTokens Earned
One-time anniversary quests13 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Weekly Khaz Algar activities17 Bronze Celebration Tokens
World boss kills1 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Weekly PvP quests and warmode4 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Weekly anniversary quests (Tanaris area)18 Bronze Celebration Tokens

Khaz Algar activities

Strategies To Reach 100 Bronze Celebration Tokens In Wow 11.0.5

In WoW 11.0.5, the best activities to earn Bronze Celebration Tokens in Khaz Algar are the weekly quests and special assignments. These activities will give you tokens when completed, and they reset every week. Farming Bronze Celebration Tokens here is one of the fastest ways to get them during the 20th anniversary event. Make sure to complete the world boss kills and special weekly quests for maximum tokens.

ActivityBronze Celebration Tokens Earned
Theater Troupe Weekly1 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Awakening the Machine Weekly1 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Wax Collection Weekly1 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Spreading the Light Weekly1 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Severed Threads Weekly1 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Special Assignment (Twice Weekly)2 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Khaz Algar World Boss Kill1 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Weekly PvP Warmode1 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Weekly PvP Quests (Arena + Skirmish)2 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Weekly PvP Brawl1 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Khaz Algar Weekly Quest2 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Queen Ansurek Kill3 Bronze Celebration Tokens


Can Alts Earn Bronze Celebration Tokens In Wow Anniversary Event?

In WoW 11.0.5, the best way to farm Bronze Celebration Tokens is by completing both one-time and weekly quests. These quests offer various amounts of tokens depending on the difficulty and type of quest. Focusing on weekly quests in Khaz Algar and special anniversary quests will give you the most tokens. Some of these quests can only be done once, but they give a nice boost to your token count.

QuestBronze Celebration Tokens Earned
One-time anniversary quests13 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Introduction Anniversary Quest8 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Meet and Greet3 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Shopping Squee!5 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Truth of the Dark Irons5 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Weekly Khaz Algar quests17 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Weekly PvP Quests4 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Queen Ansurek Kill (LFR or higher)3 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Weekly Anniversary Quests (Tanaris area)18 Bronze Celebration Tokens

Anniversary activities

How To Maximize Weekly Bronze Celebration Token Earnings In Wow

In WoW 11.0.5, the best activities to farm Bronze Celebration Tokens are the weekly anniversary quests. These quests are available during the event and offer a good number of tokens for completion. To get the fastest and most tokens, focus on completing the anniversary quests and participate in various activities. These tokens can be used for mounts, pets, and other rewards.

ActivityBronze Celebration Tokens Earned
Celebrate Good Fun!3 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Timely Gate Crashers3 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Chromie’s Codex3 Bronze Celebration Tokens
An Original Path Through Time3 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Disturbance Detected: Blackrock Depths3 Bronze Celebration Tokens
Soldier of Time3 Bronze Celebration Tokens

Bronze celebration tokens Cap

In WoW 11.0.5, you can earn Bronze Celebration Tokens during the 20th anniversary event by completing different activities. The fastest way to earn Bronze Celebration Tokens is by doing weekly quests, especially in Khaz Algar, world bosses, and one-time quests like Blackrock Depths. You can also get tokens from PvP quests and farming other event activities. However, there is a weekly limit to how many tokens you can collect until you reach 100. After that, you can farm more freely. Bronze Celebration Tokens can be used to buy mounts, pets, and tier 2 remade sets.

WeekBronze Celebration Tokens CapCalendar Dates
Week 148 TokensOctober 23 – October 29
Week 233 TokensOctober 30 – November 5
Week 3+No Cap (after 100)November 6 – November 12+

Where to spend Boinze celebration tokens

Bronze Celebration Token Drop Rate From World Bosses In Wow

You can spend Bronze Celebration Tokens at the Bronze Celebration event outside the Caverns of Time. Use them to buy special rewards like remade tier sets, mounts, pets, and fun cosmetic items during WoW’s 20th anniversary.

Obsidian WorldbreakerMount20
Ensemble: Pale Rider’s Eternal ArmorConsumable60
Core Hound ChainMount20
Ensemble: Eternal Judgment ArmorConsumable60
Ensemble: Eternal Battlegear of the August AcolyteConsumable60
Ensemble: Eternal Ten StormsConsumable60
Ensemble: Netherwalker’s Eternal ArmorConsumable60
Ensemble: Eternal Battlegear of WrathConsumable60
Ensemble: Dragonstalker’s Eternal ArmorConsumable60
Ensemble: Eternal Stormrage ArmorConsumable60
Ensemble: Eternal Bloodfang ArmorConsumable60
Ensemble: Eternal Nemesis RaimentConsumable60
Ensemble: Eternal Vestments of TranscendenceConsumable60
Ensemble: Eternal Netherwind RegaliaConsumable60
Ensemble: Earth-Warder’s Eternal ArmorConsumable60
Lil’Doomy’s HiltCompanion10
Coldflame’s EdgeOne-Handed Sword10
Coldflame Winged CrownCosmetic10
Hatespark the TinyCompanion10
Coldflame Edged CrestCosmetic15
Coldflame RingMiscellaneous Item10
Coldflame BulwarkShield10
Molten CorgiCompanion10
Lil’ NefarianCompanion10
20th Anniversary Balloon ChestConsumable10
Bag of Timewarped BadgesMiscellaneous Item1
Onyxian WhelplingCompanion80 10
Baby Blizzard BearCompanion85 10


In WoW 11.0.5, Bronze Celebration Tokens are a special currency you can earn during the 20th anniversary event. The fastest way to farm these tokens is by completing weekly quests, one-time quests, and world boss kills. Focus on activities in Khaz Algar, PvP battles, and the Blackrock Depths quest to maximize your token earnings. Each week, you can collect up to 48 tokens in the first week, and about 33 tokens in the following weeks. Use the tokens to buy remade tier sets, mounts, pets, and other event rewards. After reaching 100 tokens, there’s no cap, allowing you to farm even more tokens freely.

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What are Bronze Celebration Tokens in WoW 11.0.3?

Bronze Celebration Tokens are a special event currency used to buy exclusive rewards during WoW’s 20th anniversary, like tier sets, mounts, pets, and cosmetics.

How do I farm Bronze Celebration Tokens in WoW?

You can farm them by completing weekly quests, one-time quests, world boss kills, and PvP quests during the anniversary event.

What is the fastest way to earn Bronze Celebration Tokens in WoW 20th anniversary?

Focus on high-token activities like Khaz Algar weekly quests, anniversary quests, and world boss kills for the fastest earnings.

How many Bronze Celebration Tokens can I earn weekly in WoW?

You can earn up to 48 tokens in the first week and about 33 tokens in the following weeks. After earning 100 tokens, there is no weekly cap.

Are Bronze Celebration Tokens account-bound in WoW 11.0.3?

Yes, Bronze Celebration Tokens are account-bound, so only one character on your account can earn tokens each week.

Can alts earn Bronze Celebration Tokens in WoW anniversary event?

Alts can participate in the event, but the tokens are only awarded once per account each week.

What are the best activities to farm Bronze Celebration Tokens in WoW anniversary?

The best activities include weekly quests in Khaz Algar, PvP quests, world bosses, and anniversary quests in the Tanaris area.

How can I use Bronze Celebration Tokens in WoW?

You can use them to buy remade tier sets, mounts, pets, and special cosmetic items during the anniversary event.

Can I farm Bronze Celebration Tokens from world bosses in WoW?

Yes, defeating world bosses during the anniversary event will reward you with tokens.
