World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas Guide

By: friolt
32 min read
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WoW SoD Naxxramas Guide – the floating fortress of undead horror! This is the ultimate part of the Discovery Phase 7 series, and it’s huge for two reasons. First, Naxxramas is one of WoW’s most iconic raids with legendary loot and a deep story. Second, it’s a challenging raid that tests your skills and teamwork. Here’s what’s inside:

  • Which bosses drop the best loot and Tier 3 armor tokens.
  • How to prepare for each wing and its deadly bosses.
  • Tips for beating Kel’Thuzad, the final boss.
  • How to enter Naxxramas with the attunement quest.
  • Why Frost Resistance gear is so important for survival.

We’ll also cover:

  • The best raid composition to conquer Naxx.
  • Important quests, like The Dread Citadel and Splinter of Atiesh.
  • Which classes and abilities will shine in the raid.
  • A simple look at the epic story behind Naxxramas.

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World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas | Overview

How To Beat Sapphiron Wow

Naxxramas is the final raid of WoW Classic, floating high above the Plaguelands. It is home to the Lich King’s powerful servant, Kel’Thuzad, and other deadly bosses. The raid has five wings, including Spider Wing, Plague Wing, Deathknight Wing, Abomination Wing, and Frostwyrm Lair. Players need to complete the Naxxramas attunement quest by gaining Argent Dawn reputation. This raid features powerful loot, like Tier 3 armor sets and rare items like the Corrupted Ashbringer. Prepare well with consumables and strategies to face the Scourge’s toughest challenges!

Wings of the RaidFour main wings: Spider, Plague, Deathknight, and Abomination. You can do them in any order.
Final AreaFrostwyrm Lair, unlocked after the main wings.
Notable LootVery good items like Corrupted Ashbringer and Tier 3 Armor Sets.
AttunementYou need to be friends with Argent Dawn to start. The better your friendship, the less you pay to enter.
BossesEach wing has bosses with special fights. Examples include Maexxna in the Spider Wing and Loatheb in the Plague Wing.
LocationFound in Eastern Plaguelands. You teleport there through a special place in Plaguewood.

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World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas | Entrance

Best Raid Composition For Naxxramas

To enter Naxxramas in Season of Discovery, you must finish the attunement quest. Visit Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands and talk to Archmage Angela Dosantos. After the quest is done, go to Plaguewood (coordinates 39, 26) and use the teleport spire to enter Naxxramas. Both Horde and Alliance can access this raid.

FactionStarting PointTravel PathApprox. Coordinates
HordeUndercityTravel through Tirisfal Glades, enter Western Plaguelands, and head to Eastern Plaguelands. Go to Light’s Hope Chapel, then Plaguewood.39, 26
AllianceIronforgeFly to Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands. Travel to Eastern Plaguelands, visit Light’s Hope Chapel, then move to Plaguewood.39, 26

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas | attunement

Naxxramas Wings Overview

To enter Naxxramas, you need to complete a special quest called The Dread Citadel – Naxxramas. This quest requires a good reputation with Argent Dawn and some items, depending on your reputation level. After completing the quest, you can enter the raid.

  1. Check Your Argent Dawn Reputation
    1. You must be at least Honored with Argent Dawn to start the attunement.
  2. Go to Light’s Hope Chapel
    1. Travel to Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands.
  3. Talk to Archmage Angela Dosantos
    1. She gives you the quest The Dread Citadel – Naxxramas.
  4. Collect Required Items
    1. Depending on your reputation level, you need:
  5. Complete the Quest
    1. Give the required items and gold to Archmage Angela Dosantos to complete the quest.
  6. Use the Teleport to Naxxramas
    1. After attunement, go to Plaguewood in Eastern Plaguelands (coordinates 39, 26). Use the teleport spire to enter Naxxramas.

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas | Mounts

Argent Dawn Reputation Farming Guide

In Naxxramas, you can find a special mount called the Skeletal Steed Reins. This is a fast mount that looks very cool and is rare. To get it, you need to defeat certain bosses and hope it drops. Also there’re some new mounts, like:

Mount NameSeasonPhaseRequired LevelItem LevelType
Reins of ConquestSoDPhase 76060Mount
Reins of DeathSoDPhase 76060Mount
Reins of FamineSoDPhase 76060Mount
Reins of WarSoDPhase 76060Mount

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World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas | Raid composition

Splinter Of Atiesh Quest Guide

Naxxramas is a tough raid that needs a good mix of classes and roles. To win, you need tanks to hold bosses, healers to keep players alive, and damage dealers (DPS) to defeat enemies. A balanced group will make the raid much easier.

RoleRecommended ClassesNumber of Players
Main TanksWarriors, Druids2
Off TanksWarriors, Druids1-2
HealersPriests, Paladins, Druids, Shamans8-10
Melee DPSRogues, Warriors8-10
Ranged DPSMages, Warlocks, Hunters8-10
SupportPaladins, Shamans2-4

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas | Frost resistance

Corrupted Ashbringer Drop Location

Frost Resistance is very important in Naxxramas for surviving frost damage from bosses like Sapphiron. You need special gear, enchants, and potions to reduce damage and help healers keep the raid alive. Tanks and melee DPS need 150 Frost Resistance, and ranged DPS and healers need 100 Frost Resistance to stay safe.

Frost Resistance NeededHow Much You Can Collect
Tanks and Melee DPS: 150Up to 330+ (with gear)
Ranged and Healers: 100Up to 330+ (with gear)

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas | Boss tactics

Frostwyrm Lair Boss Guide Wow

Naxxramas is a tough raid with many dangerous bosses. Each boss has unique abilities that need special tactics. Work as a team, follow the strategy, and handle mechanics carefully to succeed.

Boss NameBoss WingKey Tactics (Informal)
Anub’RekhanSpider WingAvoid Locust Swarm, tanks keep him moving.
Grand Widow FaerlinaSpider WingKill adds fast to stop her Enrage.
MaexxnaSpider WingSpread out for webs; save cooldowns for the enrage phase.
Noth the PlaguebringerPlague WingDispel curses fast; handle skeletons in the room.
Heigan the UncleanPlague WingDance on the platform to avoid Eruption.
LoathebPlague WingHeal smart during the healing window; kill spores for buffs.
Instructor RazuviousDeathknight WingUse Mind Control for tanking; switch tanks properly.
Gothik the HarvesterDeathknight WingSplit raid for adds; regroup for boss phase.
The Four HorsemenDeathknight WingRotate tanks to manage Marks; spread out properly.
PatchwerkAbomination WingTanks need big healing; DPS burn him fast.
GrobbulusAbomination WingDrop poison clouds away from the group; kite boss.
GluthAbomination WingKeep adds away from boss; use slows and frost traps.
ThaddiusAbomination WingWatch polarities; stack with matching charges.
SapphironFrostwyrm LairSpread out; hide behind ice blocks for Blizzard.
Kel’ThuzadFrostwyrm LairHandle adds; avoid Frost Blast and focus on positioning

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Wow SoD Anub’Rekhan Guide

How To Defeat Anub'Rekhan

In Naxxramas’ Spider Wing, Anub’Rekhan is a tricky boss in the Season of Discovery (SoD). He uses Impale and Locust Swarm to deal big damage, while summoning scarabs when adds or players die. Tanks must kite, DPS must clear adds, and healers need to handle fall and AoE damage. Coordination is key.

DPS + Boss Abilities

  • Impale — Spread out, dodge the line of spikes.
  • Corpse Scarabs — Kill them fast to protect healers.
  • Locust Swarm — Stay far away from the boss.

Healers + Boss Abilities

  • Impale — Heal players mid-air to avoid fall deaths.
  • Locust Swarm — Keep distance; heal raid damage.
  • Corpse Scarabs — Watch for sudden healer aggro.

Tanks + Boss Abilities

  • Impale — Position carefully to avoid spikes.
  • Locust Swarm — Kite boss; avoid staying in AoE range.
  • Crypt Guards — Face adds away from the raid.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Spread Out — Avoid stacking to dodge Impale.
  2. Kite Locust Swarm — Tanks run fast across the room while the raid moves away.
  3. Kill Adds Fast — Focus scarabs to protect healers.
  4. Position Carefully — Tanks face Crypt Guards away to avoid raid damage.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
ImpaleHighDodgeDon’t fly without wings!
Locust SwarmVery HighKiteRun like the wind, or get silenced!
Corpse ScarabsMediumAoESquish bugs before they squish you!
Cleave (Crypt Guards)MediumFace AwayDon’t share the love with melee!
Web (Crypt Guards)LowImmuneNo time for sticky situations!

Wow SoD Grand Widow Faerlina Guide

Maexxna Fight Tips Wow

Grand Widow Faerlina fight in the Season of Discovery! This boss loves chaos, but with smart teamwork, you can send her packing. Priests, get ready to mind-control, and everyone else—avoid the fire and don’t smash the Worshippers!

DPS + Boss Abilities

  • Poison Bolt Volley — Stay spread out to reduce damage.
  • Rain of Fire — Move out fast if you see fire under your feet.
  • Followers — Kill the Followers first to stop their silences.

Healers + Boss Abilities

  • Poison Bolt Volley — Remove poison debuffs ASAP.
  • Rain of Fire — Heal anyone caught in fire ticks.
  • Enrage — Be ready for heavy tank healing during this phase.

Tanks + Boss Abilities

  • Followers — Tank them away from the raid.
  • Worshippers — Hold them steady for Priests to mind-control.
  • Rain of Fire — Move Faerlina out of the fire quickly.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Kill Followers First — They silence and charge; get rid of them fast.
  2. Mind-Control Worshippers — Priests must sacrifice Worshippers to stop Enrage.
  3. Avoid Fire — Move out of Rain of Fire instantly.
  4. Dispel Poison — Healers need to focus on poison removal and healing fire damage.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
Poison Bolt VolleyHighDispelPoison is not a snack!
Rain of FireHighMoveIf it’s hot, it’s not your spot!
EnrageVery HighSacrificeFeed her Worshippers—she’s hungry!
Silence (Followers)MediumKillSilence isn’t golden here!
Widow’s EmbraceLowUsePriests, it’s your time to shine!

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Wow SoD Maexxna Guide

Noth The Plaguebringer Strategy

Welcome to Maexxna, the spider queen of Naxxramas’ Spider Wing in the Season of Discovery! If you hate spiders, this fight will give you nightmares—but don’t worry, teamwork will help you squash her like a bug!

DPS + Boss Abilities

  • Web Wrap — Ranged must break cocoons to free trapped players.
  • Spiderlings — AoE them quickly before they eat healers.
  • Enrage — Save big cooldowns for this phase.

Healers + Boss Abilities

  • Necrotic Poison — Cleanse poison immediately to avoid healing loss.
  • Web Spray — Heal raid after the stun ends.
  • Cocoon Drops — Heal freed players; they take fall damage.

Tanks + Boss Abilities

  • Poison Shock — Face Maexxna away from the raid.
  • Spiderlings — Position boss to allow cleave damage.
  • Enrage — Use cooldowns and extra mitigation tools.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Face Maexxna Away — Tanks keep Poison Shock from hitting the raid.
  2. Kill Spiderlings Quickly — AoE them to protect healers.
  3. Cleanse Necrotic Poison — Healers remove it ASAP.
  4. Break Web Wraps — Ranged free cocooned players fast.
  5. Prepare for Enrage — Use cooldowns at 30% health.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
Web WrapMediumFreeDon’t leave your friends stuck like bugs!
Web SprayHighHeal8 seconds of panic, then heal like crazy!
Poison ShockMediumFace AwayTank it like you mean it!
Necrotic PoisonHighCleanseNo heals? No chance!
SpiderlingsMediumAoEStep on them before they step on you!
EnrageVery HighBurnGo big or go home!

Wow SoD Noth the Plaguebringer Guide

Heigan The Unclean Dance Guide

Season of Discovery’s first boss in the Plague Wing, Noth the Plaguebringer! He’s like that one annoying guest who keeps running upstairs and summoning skeletons while cursing everyone. Don’t worry—this guide will make him a thing of the past!

DPS + Boss Abilities

  • Curse of the Plaguebringer — DPS must wait for curses to be cleansed before continuing damage.
  • Plagued Skeletons — Focus them during balcony phases; save big cooldowns for Noth.
  • Blink — Stay spread to avoid Cripple debuff when Noth teleports back.

Healers + Boss Abilities

  • Curse of the Plaguebringer — Remove curses immediately to stop raid-wide damage.
  • Plagued Guardians — Prepare heavy healing during their Arcane Explosion.
  • Blink — Cleanse Cripple from the tank so they can pick up Noth quickly.

Tanks + Boss Abilities

  • Summon Skeletons — Off tanks pick up adds as they spawn from the bone piles.
  • Mortal Strike (Champions) — Mitigate damage; healers must focus tanks during balcony phases.
  • Arcane Explosion (Guardians) — Position mobs and call for stuns to protect the raid.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Remove Curse Quickly — Mages/Druids must cleanse Curse of the Plaguebringer.
  2. Kill Adds Fast — Prioritize Guardians (stun them), then Champions, then Warriors.
  3. Spread for Blink — Avoid Cripple and let tanks pick Noth up smoothly.
  4. Save Cooldowns for Noth — Focus damage on the boss during ground phases.
  5. Tank Adds Properly — Off tanks should grab skeletons immediately to protect the raid
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
Curse of the PlaguebringerHighCleanseCleansing saves lives!
Summon SkeletonsMediumTankMore skeletons? Halloween came early!
BlinkMediumSpreadDon’t stand too close—you might get Crippled!
Teleport BalconyMediumKill AddsHe’s hiding upstairs. Time to clean house!
Arcane ExplosionHighStunInterrupt or boom—your choice!
Mortal StrikeMediumHealBig damage on tanks—heal like it’s your job!

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Wow SoD Heigan the Unclean Guide

Loatheb Tactics And Strategies

Heigan’s Slimy Dance Academy, where the tuition is pain, and the final exam is survival! Heigan doesn’t just bring the plague—he brings rhythm! Miss a step in his dance of doom, and you’re doing the floor shuffle with poison eruptions.

DPS + Boss Ability

  • Eruption — Dance through safe zones or take slime damage.
  • Teleport — Return quickly from the Eye Stalk Tunnel if sent there.
  • Decrepit Fever — Let healers cleanse the debuff before you die from half-health hits.

Healers + Boss Ability

  • Decrepit Fever — Cleanse it ASAP (low health + ticking damage = bad).
  • Eruption — Stay alive during the dance and focus healing post-phase.
  • Mana Burn — Avoid standing near Heigan to keep your mana safe.

Tanks + Boss Ability

  • Mana Burn — Keep Heigan away from the platform to protect mana users.
  • Eruption — Lead the raid safely through the dance pattern.
  • Teleport — Maintain threat while others return from the tunnel.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Stay spread — Mana users on the platform; others stay clear of Mana Burn range.
  2. Cleanse fast — Decrepit Fever must go immediately; it’s deadly.
  3. Dance smart — Eruptions speed up each phase, so focus on movement over damage.
  4. Handle the tunnel — Players teleported need to clear mobs and return quickly.
  5. Position the boss — Tanks must keep Heigan far from the platform to protect healers and casters.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
EruptionHighDodgeDance or slime—you choose!
Decrepit FeverHighCleanseHalf-health? Yikes! Fix it now!
Mana BurnMediumSpreadMana users, get on the platform and stay!
TeleportLowReturnEye tunnel fun! Fight back and rejoin!

Wow SoD Loatheb Guide

Four Horsemen Boss Fight Explained

SoD’s Loatheb is basically a massive mushroom with an attitude! This fungal foe doesn’t want you healing much, so healers get to be DPS stars, and everyone else needs to dodge doom and stay alive. Pack your potions, snacks, and maybe some bug spray—Loatheb isn’t playing nice!


  • Poison Aura — Melee dodge poison; bandage when needed.
  • Fungal Bloom — Kill spores in groups of 5; boost crits.
  • Inevitable Doom — Self-heal or perish.

For Healers

  • Corrupted Mind — One heal every 60 seconds; make it count!
  • Doom Management — Rotate heals during Inevitable Doom.
  • Fungal Bloom — Join assigned spore kills for crit boost.

For Tanks

  • Poison Aura — Stay tough; absorb damage.
  • Threat Maintenance — Keep Loatheb’s focus.
  • Fungal Bloom — Manage spore pickup rotation for threat-free taunts.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  • Spore Groups — Always assign 5 people for spore kills. No overlapping!
  • Self-Healing — Everyone must bring consumables: bandages, potions, and food buffs.
  • Healer Rotation — Plan heals to keep the tank alive through Corrupted Mind.
  • Burn Fast — Kill Loatheb quickly before Inevitable Doom becomes unmanageable.
Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Commentary
Poison AuraMediumDodgeSmells worse than your potions!
Corrupted MindHighHealOne heal, one job—don’t mess it up!
Inevitable DoomVery HighSurviveYour health bar’s on borrowed time!
Summon SporeLowGroupFive’s a party; crits are wild!
Remove CurseMediumReapplyWarlocks, get back to work!

Wow SoD Instructor Razuvious Guide

Gluth Decimate Mechanics Guide

Instructor Razuvious is like your scary gym teacher who skipped play nice day. He hits tanks harder than a bad dodgeball throw and yells loud enough to burn your mana. Good luck surviving class in SoD’s Naxxramas raid!


  • Unbalancing Strike — Don’t pull threat; let Understudies tank.
  • Disrupting Shout — Stay out of line of sight or kiss your mana goodbye.

For Healers

  • Understudy Health — Heal them up; they’re your real tanks!
  • Disrupting Shout — Hide when he yells, or you’ll regret it.

For Tanks

  • Initial Pull — Hold him briefly until Mind Control kicks in.
  • Unbalancing Strike — Stay ready to taunt if things go bad.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  • Mind Control Priority — Priests rotate Mind Controls; no breaks!
  • Position Smart — Keep Razuvious at the stair bottom; avoid his yell.
  • Protect Understudies — Heal them, or the raid falls apart.
  • LoS for Mana Users — Don’t let Disrupting Shout ruin your day.
Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Commentary
Unbalancing StrikeHighMind ControlHe hits tanks like a truck—literally.
Disrupting ShoutMediumHideMana burn? More like mana gone!
Deathknight TauntLowRotateUnderstudy takes the spotlight now!

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Wow SoD Gothik the Harvester Guide

Grobbulus Positioning And Kiting Tips

Gothik the Harvester is like that one boss who makes you work in two rooms and still wants more! His creepy live-undead side mechanic will keep your raid hopping like caffeinated frogs.


  • Live Side — Crowd control and don’t kill too fast.
  • Undead Side — Spread out, focus priority mobs, and use stuns.

For Healers

  • Live Side — Keep tanks alive and cleanse debuffs.
  • Undead Side — Focus raid healing; AoE damage gets heavy.

For Tanks

  • Live Side — Grab adds quickly at spawn points.
  • Undead Side — Watch for spawning spirits and position mobs carefully.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  • Split the Raid — Assign groups to live and undead sides; communicate often.
  • Control Adds — Use crowd control on live side, stuns on undead side.
  • Watch Gothik — Be ready to burst when he teleports down.
  • Don’t Panic — Balance your side’s pace to avoid overwhelming the other side.
Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Commentary
Adds OverwhelmHighBalanceTwo sides, one disaster? Keep it steady!
Harvest SoulMediumBurn BossSoul diet? Lose 10% health, no gym needed.
TeleportLowChaseWhere’s he now? Gothik’s playing hide and seek!

Wow SoD The Four Horsemen Guide

Thaddius Polarity Shift Mechanics

The Four Horsemen in Naxxramas! Imagine four bosses, each with their own tricks, forcing your raid to dance around the room like it’s a medieval waltz. Tanks juggle bosses, DPS manages marks, and healers run marathons. Let’s get through this chaos together!

DPS + Boss Abilities

  • Meteor (Thane Korth’azz) — Stack tightly to split damage.
  • Void Zone (Lady Blaumeux) — Move away from the black circles.
  • Holy Wrath (Sir Zeliek) — Stay far from the tank to avoid chain damage.
  • Mark Stacks — Switch targets before marks stack too high.

Healers + Boss Abilities

  • Mark Stacks — Rotate to new bosses to avoid death from marks.
  • Tank Heals — Prioritize tanks taking fire damage (Righteous Fire).
  • Raid Healing — Watch for Meteor and Holy Wrath victims.

Tanks + Boss Abilities

  • Positioning — Drag each boss to a separate corner quickly.
  • Mark Stacks — Rotate out when marks get high.
  • Boss-Specific Mechanics — Disarm bosses when possible, avoid standing in Void Zone.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Four Corners Rule — Each boss stays in its corner to avoid overlapping mechanics.
  2. Mark Management — Rotate bosses and players to keep mark stacks low.
  3. Position Smart — Tanks handle bosses carefully, DPS spreads or stacks as needed.
  4. Prioritize Survival — Don’t get greedy with damage; live to finish the fight.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
MeteorHighGroupTeam hug or go kaboom!
Void ZoneMediumMoveDon’t stand in the spooky black hole!
Holy WrathHighSpreadLightning hurts, so keep your distance!
Righteous FireMediumHealTanks are on fire—literally!

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Wow SoD Patchwerk Guide

Naxxramas Entrance Location

Patchwerk is a big, angry abomination in Naxxramas’ Abomination Wing. He has one goal: smash tanks with Hateful Strike while DPS races to burn him down. It’s a simple fight—until someone messes up. Let’s not mess up!

DPS + Boss Abilities

  • Hateful Strike — Stay below tanks on threat or risk getting smashed.
  • Threat Management — Melee can use the slime to lower health if needed.
  • Enrage — Burn down the boss quickly at the end.

Healers + Boss Abilities

  • Hateful Strike — Keep off-tanks at full health always.
  • Auto Attacks — Maintain steady heals on the main tank.
  • Threat Awareness — Don’t heal melee who intentionally lower health in slime.

Tanks + Boss Abilities

  • Hateful Strike — Off-tanks must stay second, third, and fourth on threat.
  • Positioning — Tank Patchwerk near the slime for melee safety.
  • Enrage — Use cooldowns like Shield Wall if needed.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Off-Tanks — Soak Hateful Strikes and stay full health.
  2. Threat Management — DPS stay below all tanks on threat.
  3. Burn Fast — Push hard during Enrage to avoid Berserk.
  4. Slime Safety — Melee use the slime to drop health if needed.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
Hateful StrikeVery HighSoakTanks: you’re the chosen ones!
Auto AttacksMediumHealMain tank gets the easy job!
EnrageHighBurnTime to smash Patchwerk fast!
BerserkGuaranteed WipeRun7 minutes to live. No pressure!
Slime MechanicMediumUseSlime is your friend, kind of.

Wow SoD Grobbulus Guide

Best Consumables For Naxxramas Raid

Meet Grobbulus, the king of slime and toxic surprises in Naxxramas’ Abomination Wing. If you like playing hopscotch around poison clouds and kiting a giant, you’re in the right place. Just don’t cleanse too soon—chaos loves poor planning!

DPS + Boss Abilities

  • Mutating Injection — Run out of the group to drop your poison cloud safely.
  • Fallout Slime — Focus slimes quickly after Slime Spray.
  • Slime Stream — Stay in melee range if you’re the tank; avoid unnecessary kiting.

Healers + Boss Abilities

  • Mutating Injection — Don’t cleanse until players are in position.
  • Poison Cloud Damage — Watch for people taking unnecessary nature damage.
  • Main Tank Heals — Prioritize heals as they kite Grobbulus.

Tanks + Boss Abilities

  • Kiting — Move Grobbulus slowly, keeping him away from poison clouds.
  • Slime Spray — Keep Grobbulus facing away from melee to reduce slime spawns.
  • Poison Clouds — Position carefully to leave clean paths for the raid.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Kite Slowly — Tanks should move Grobbulus slowly to avoid triggering Slime Stream.
  2. Spread Clouds — Players with Mutating Injection must drop clouds in clean spots behind the boss.
  3. Focus Slimes — Quickly kill slimes spawned from Slime Spray.
  4. Avoid Front — Everyone stays away from Grobbulus’ cone attacks.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
Poison CloudHighKiteGrobbulus loves green donuts!
Mutating InjectionHighRunMove or become a toxic puddle!
Slime SprayMediumAvoidCone of slime—don’t stand in front!
Slime StreamVery HighStay MeleeTank too far? Get slimed everywhere!
EnrageMediumBurnRace the clock or get squished!

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Wow SoD Gluth Guide

Skeletal Steed Reins Drop Rate Wow

Gluth is a giant zombie dog with one big appetite. He loves Zombie Chow snacks, so your job is simple: don’t let him eat them, or you’ll be here all day! Ready to stop his feast? Let’s go!

DPS Instructions

  • Zombie Chow — Focus on killing Zombie Chow after Decimate.
  • Terrifying Roar — Avoid fear by using the door frame or fear wards.
  • Decimate — Be ready to burst AOE on low-health Zombie Chow.

Healer Instructions

  • Terrifying Roar — Max range Gluth to avoid fear; stay grouped with ranged DPS.
  • Zombie Chow Aggro — Watch for aggro and stay away from Gluth.
  • Decimate — Heal tanks quickly after the AOE stomp.

Tank Instructions

  • Position Gluth — Tank him in the far corner near the door.
  • Mortal Wound — Switch tanks if healing reduction stacks get too high.
  • Decimate — Use defensive cooldowns to survive post-stomp.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Tank Gluth in the corner — Position him far from Zombie Chow spawns.
  2. Control Zombie Chow — Kite, slow, and AOE them quickly, especially after Decimate.
  3. Fear Management — Use door frame, Tremor Totems, or Fear Wards to avoid chaos.
  4. Heal Tanks Fast — After Decimate, tanks need immediate heals to survive.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
Zombie ChowHighKiteChow time for Gluth? Not today!
Mortal WoundMediumSwapHealing? What healing?
Terrifying RoarMediumAvoidDoor frame: your best friend!
DecimateHighAOE5% health—easy cleanup or total chaos!
FrenzyMediumTranquilizeHe’s hangry! Hit him with the tranq!

Wow SoD Thaddius Guide

Wow Phase 7 Sod Naxxramas Overview

Think of it as a deadly game of magnetism—stand in the right spot, or zap your friends into oblivion. Ready to embrace the power of polarity and zap this abomination back to the void? Let’s go!

DPS Instructions

  • Polarity Shift — Watch your charge! Stand on the correct side (Negative = Left, Positive = Right).
  • Chain Lightning — Spread out to avoid bounce damage.
  • Split Phase — Help balance DPS on Stalagg and Feugen; kill them together.

Healer Instructions

  • Polarity Shift — Stand on the correct side based on charge.
  • Static Field — Avoid Feugen’s mana burn by max ranging.
  • Split Phase — Keep both tanks alive during platform phase.

Tank Instructions

  • Magnetic Pull — Be ready to swap aggro when switched between Stalagg and Feugen.
  • Tesla Chain — Keep Stalagg/Feugen near their platform to avoid massive raid damage.
  • Phase 2 — Face Thaddius and stay in melee range to prevent Ball Lightning.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Balance DPS on Stalagg and Feugen — Kill both at the same time to avoid resurrection.
  2. Manage Polarity Shift — Always check your charge and move to the correct side.
  3. Tank Positioning — Keep Stalagg and Feugen close to their Tesla Coils.
  4. Phase 2 Stacking — Positive charges on the right, Negative on the left; boost damage by stacking with matching charges.
  5. Prevent Ball Lightning — Keep someone in melee range of Thaddius at all times.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
Polarity ShiftHighPositionWrong side? Kaboom!
Tesla ChainHighStay CloseZap zap—stay on the platform!
Magnetic PullMediumSwapTank shuffle time!
Chain LightningMediumSpreadDon’t bounce the bolts, spread out!
Ball LightningHighMeleeDon’t let Thaddius play dodgeball!

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Wow SoD Sapphiron Guide

Lair of Sapphiron, the frostiest dragon in the Season of Discovery! This fight is all about Frost Resistance and clever positioning. Don’t get frozen—or your raid will feel the chill of defeat!

DPS Instructions

  • Frost Aura — Always keep Greater Frost Protection Potion active.
  • Blizzard — Avoid roaming frost clouds.
  • Icebolt — When targeted, stay still and let others spread out to avoid splash damage.
  • Air Phase — Hide behind ice cubes to survive Frost Breath.

Healer Instructions

  • Frost Aura — Assign healing rotations; heavy raid healing is required.
  • Life Drain — Mages and Druids must remove curses fast.
  • Air Phase — Find ice cubes for Frost Breath safety.

Tank Instructions

  • Positioning — Face Sapphiron away from the raid to avoid Cleave and tail sweep.
  • Blizzard — Move her carefully to avoid keeping her in a frost cloud.
  • Air Phase — Stand near ice cubes for quick cover from Frost Breath.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Spread Out — Minimize damage from Blizzard and Icebolt.
  2. Frost Resistance — Gear up and use Greater Frost Protection Potion before pull.
  3. Positioning — Tanks keep Sapphiron’s Cleave and tail sweep away from the raid.
  4. Icebolt Handling — Players hit with Icebolt become ice cubes—stand behind them during Frost Breath.
  5. Raid Awareness — Stay calm, dodge blizzards, and follow positioning calls for survival.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
Frost AuraHighPotionFrostbite hurts. Use potions!
BlizzardMediumDodgeMove or become a frosty puddle!
Life DrainHighDecurseLet her heal? No way!
IceboltHighSpread/HideYou’re the cube hero—save the raid!
Frost BreathInstant DeathHideBehind the cube or see the light!

Wow SoD Kel’Thuzad Guide

Kel’Thuzad, the ultimate boss in the Season of Discovery Naxxramas raid! This spooky lich has all the tricks—mind control, frost damage, and angry skeletons. Stay cool, dodge the bad stuff, and victory is yours!


  • Phase 1 — Kill skeletons and ghosts fast before they reach the raid center.
  • Phase 2 — Interrupt Frostbolt, avoid Shadow Fissure, and spread out to reduce Detonate Mana damage.
  • Phase 3 — Focus Kel’Thuzad, assist tanks or kite Guardians if needed.

For Healers

  • Phase 1 — Focus on tanks taking damage from abominations.
  • Phase 2 — Spread out, heal Frost Blast targets immediately, and remove curses quickly.
  • Phase 3 — Heal tanks and shackled targets; help with Frost Resistance as needed.

For Tanks

  • Phase 1 — Pick up abominations quickly and hold aggro.
  • Phase 2 — Main Tank holds Kel’Thuzad while Off Tanks stay ready for mind control.
  • Phase 3 — Off Tanks kite or hold Guardians while Main Tank finishes Kel’Thuzad.

Main Strategy Recommendations

  1. Phase 1 — Kill adds fast before they reach the raid center.
  2. Phase 2 — Spread out to avoid chained damage, interrupt Frostbolt, and heal frozen players quickly.
  3. Phase 3 — Priests shackle Guardians immediately; Off Tanks kite if necessary.
  4. Preparation — Equip Frost Resistance gear, use consumables like Greater Frost Protection Potion, and spread out positioning like for Sapphiron.
  5. Focus — Burn Kel’Thuzad quickly in Phase 3 while controlling adds.
AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoFunny Comment
FrostboltHighInterruptKick it like it’s 7k damage savings!
Frostbolt VolleyMediumResistEveryone loves frost potions!
Chains of Kel’ThuzadHighCCMind-controlled friends are NOT friends!
Shadow FissureHighDodgeRed circle = death donut. Step away!
Frost BlastHighHealFrozen friends need urgent TLC!
Detonate ManaMediumSpreadBoom! Keep distance if you like mana.
Blood Tap (Guardians)MediumKiteBig angry guardians? Run circles!

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas | Plot

Naxxramas Loot Table Season Of Discovery

Naxxramas is a big scary floating fortress in WoW Classic. It is a raid where heroes (players) fight undead monsters and powerful bosses. It is ruled by Kel’Thuzad, a lich who works for the Lich King. Naxxramas was added in Season of Discovery Phase 7, as part of the discovery phase updates.

The story — Kel’Thuzad was once a human wizard. But he betrayed his people and joined the Lich King. Now, he uses Naxxramas to spread death and sickness across the world.

Heroes (players) go to Naxxramas to stop him. The fortress has many dangerous rooms. Each room has a group of bosses with their own stories and abilities. There are four sections:

  1. Spider Quarter — Full of giant spiders and their boss, Maexxna.
  2. Plague Quarter — Full of sickness and plague monsters, led by Heigan the Unclean and Loatheb.
  3. Military Quarter — This is where undead warriors are trained. Big bosses like Instructor Razuvious are here.
  4. Construct Quarter — Full of scary experiments and monsters, like Patchwerk and Thaddius.

At the end, players fight Kel’Thuzad himself. He is very powerful, but if heroes win, they stop the Lich King’s plan to take over the world.

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas | Quests

In WoW Classic: Season of Discovery, Naxxramas is a raid where players can get powerful gear and rewards for level 60 characters. This table shows the names of items, their categories, the classes that can use them, and where to find them in Naxxramas. Items like Bonescythe, Frostfire, and Dreadnaught are part of special armor sets for specific classes, and each piece helps make your character stronger. Players can also earn gold, experience, and rare items like Corrupted Ashbringer or Splinter of Atiesh during their raid adventures.

Belt of Faith PriestBelt of Faith
Bindings of Faith PriestBindings of Faith
Bonescythe BracersBonescythe Bracers
Bonescythe BreastplateBonescythe Breastplate
Bonescythe Gauntlets RogueBonescythe Gauntlets
Bonescythe HelmetBonescythe Helmet
Bonescythe LegplatesBonescythe Legplates
Bonescythe PauldronsBonescythe Pauldrons
Bonescythe SabatonsBonescythe Sabatons
Bonescythe WaistguardBonescythe Waistguard
Book of Deathstones
Circlet of Faith PriestCirclet of Faith
Cryptstalker BootsCryptstalker Boots
Cryptstalker Girdle HunterCryptstalker Girdle
Cryptstalker Handguards HunterCryptstalker Handguards
Cryptstalker HeadpieceCryptstalker Headpiece
Cryptstalker Legguards HunterCryptstalker Legguards
Cryptstalker SpauldersCryptstalker Spaulders
Cryptstalker TunicCryptstalker Tunic
Cryptstalker Wristguards HunterCryptstalker Wristguards
Dreadnaught Bracers WarriorDreadnaught Bracers
Dreadnaught Breastplate WarriorDreadnaught Breastplate
Dreadnaught Gauntlets WarriorDreadnaught Gauntlets
Dreadnaught Helmet WarriorDreadnaught Helmet
Dreadnaught Legplates WarriorDreadnaught Legplates
Dreadnaught Pauldrons WarriorDreadnaught Pauldrons
Dreadnaught Sabatons WarriorDreadnaught Sabatons
Dreadnaught Waistguard WarriorDreadnaught Waistguard
Dreamwalker BootsDreamwalker Boots
Dreamwalker GirdleDreamwalker Girdle
Dreamwalker HandguardsDreamwalker Handguards
Dreamwalker HeadpieceDreamwalker Headpiece
Dreamwalker LegguardsDreamwalker Legguards
Dreamwalker SpauldersDreamwalker Spaulders
Dreamwalker TunicDreamwalker Tunic
Dreamwalker WristguardsDreamwalker Wristguards
Earthshatter BootsEarthshatter Boots
Earthshatter GirdleEarthshatter Girdle
Earthshatter HandguardsEarthshatter Handguards
Earthshatter HeadpieceEarthshatter Headpiece
Earthshatter LegguardsEarthshatter Legguards
Earthshatter SpauldersEarthshatter Spaulders
Earthshatter TunicEarthshatter Tunic
Earthshatter WristguardsEarthshatter Wristguards
Echoes of War
Frostfire BeltFrostfire Belt
Frostfire BindingsFrostfire Bindings
Frostfire CircletFrostfire Circlet
Frostfire GlovesFrostfire Gloves
Frostfire LeggingsFrostfire Leggings
Frostfire RobeFrostfire Robe
Frostfire SandalsFrostfire Sandals
Frostfire ShoulderpadsFrostfire Shoulderpads
Glacial CloakGlacial Cloak
Glacial GlovesGlacial Gloves
Glacial VestGlacial Vest
Glacial WristsGlacial Wrists
Gloves of Faith PriestGloves of Faith
Icebane BracersIcebane Bracers
Icebane BreastplateIcebane Breastplate
Icebane GauntletsIcebane Gauntlets
Icy Scale BracersIcy Scale Bracers
Icy Scale BreastplateIcy Scale Breastplate
Icy Scale GauntletsIcy Scale Gauntlets
Leggings of FaithLeggings of Faith
Omarion’s Handbook
Plagueheart BeltPlagueheart Belt
Plagueheart BindingsPlagueheart Bindings
Plagueheart CircletPlagueheart Circlet
Plagueheart GlovesPlagueheart Gloves
Plagueheart LeggingsPlagueheart Leggings
Plagueheart RobePlagueheart Robe
Plagueheart Sandals WarlockPlagueheart Sandals
Plagueheart Shoulderpads WarlockPlagueheart Shoulderpads
Polar BracersPolar Bracers
Polar GlovesPolar Gloves
Polar TunicPolar Tunic
Ramaladni’s Icy GraspRamaladni’s Icy Grasp
Redemption BootsRedemption Boots
Redemption GirdleRedemption Girdle
Redemption HandguardsRedemption Handguards
Redemption HeadpieceRedemption Headpiece
Redemption LegguardsRedemption Legguards
Redemption SpauldersRedemption Spaulders
Redemption TunicRedemption Tunic
Redemption WristguardsRedemption Wristguards
Robe of FaithRobe of Faith
Sandals of FaithSandals of Faith
Shoulderpads of Faith PriestShoulderpads of Faith
The Fall of Kel’Thuzad
The Fall of Kel’Thuzad
The Fate of Ramaladni
The Only Song I Know…

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World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Naxxramas | Loot table

The Naxxramas loot table in the Season of Discovery Phase 7 has epic items for every class. The raid is full of Tier 3 armor tokens, powerful weapons, and unique trinkets. Each wing of Naxxramas drops gear tailored to different roles:

  • Spider Wing — Great for DPS, with items like the Cryptfiend Silk Cloak and Ring of the Eternal Flame.
  • Plague Wing — Awesome for casters and healers, including Desecrated robes and Hailstone Band.
  • Deathknight Wing — Packed with melee DPS and tank gear, such as the Iblis, Blade of the Fallen Seraph.
  • Abomination Wing — Offers sturdy tank items and hybrid DPS gear like The End of Dreams and Claymore of Unholy Might.
  • Frostwyrm Lair (Sapphiron and Kel’Thuzad) — Best loot in the raid, including Corrupted Ashbringer, Soulseeker, and unique quest items like Splinter of Atiesh.

Naxxramas is the ultimate loot destination, with something for every class and spec. Get your Tier 3 sets, raid-best weapons, and frost resistance gear!

Desecrated Legplates RogueWarriorLoatheb NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Helmet RogueWarriorThaddius NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Pauldrons RogueWarriorBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Bracers RogueWarriorBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Waistguard RogueWarriorBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Gauntlets RogueWarriorMaexxna NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Sabatons RogueWarriorBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Legguards DruidHunterPaladinShamanLoatheb NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Headpiece DruidHunterPaladinShamanThaddius NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Spaulders DruidHunterPaladinShamanBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Wristguards DruidHunterPaladinShamanBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Girdle DruidHunterPaladinShamanBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Handguards DruidHunterPaladinShamanMaexxna NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Boots DruidHunterPaladinShamanBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Leggings MagePriestWarlockLoatheb NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Circlet MagePriestWarlockThaddius NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Shoulderpads MagePriestWarlockBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Bindings MagePriestWarlockBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Belt MagePriestWarlockBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Gloves MagePriestWarlockMaexxna NaxxramasArmor Token
Desecrated Sandals MagePriestWarlockBoss Drop NaxxramasArmor Token
Wartorn Leather ScrapZone Drop NaxxramasQuest
Wartorn Chain ScrapZone Drop NaxxramasQuest
Wartorn Plate ScrapZone Drop NaxxramasQuest
Wartorn Cloth ScrapZone Drop NaxxramasQuest
The Phylactery of Kel’ThuzadKel’Thuzad NaxxramasQuest
Frozen RuneZone Drop NaxxramasTrade Good
Splinter of Atiesh DruidMagePriestWarlockBoss Drop NaxxramasQuest
Staff Head of AtieshKel’Thuzad NaxxramasQuest
Might of MenethilKel’Thuzad NaxxramasTwo-Handed Mace
SoulseekerKel’Thuzad NaxxramasStaff
Brimstone StaffLoatheb NaxxramasStaff
Spire of TwilightThaddius NaxxramasStaff
KingsfallKel’Thuzad NaxxramasDagger
Midnight HazeGrobbulus NaxxramasDagger
Maexxna’s FangMaexxna NaxxramasDagger
Widow’s RemorseGrand Widow Faerlina NaxxramasOne-Handed Sword
Wraith BladeMaexxna NaxxramasOne-Handed Sword
The CastigatorThaddius NaxxramasOne-Handed Mace
Toxin InjectorGrobbulus NaxxramasGun
Nerubian SlavemakerKel’Thuzad NaxxramasCrossbow
Claymore of Unholy MightGluth NaxxramasTwo-Handed Sword
SeverancePatchwerk NaxxramasTwo-Handed Axe
Hatchet of Sundered BoneNoth the Plaguebringer NaxxramasOne-Handed Axe
The Plague BearerPatchwerk NaxxramasShield
Shield of CondemnationKel’Thuzad NaxxramasShield
Wand of FatesPatchwerk NaxxramasWand
DoomfingerKel’Thuzad NaxxramasWand
Touch of FrostAnub’Rekhan NaxxramasAmulet
Wristguards of VengeanceAnub’Rekhan NaxxramasPlate Armor
Gem of NerubisAnub’Rekhan NaxxramasOff-hand Frill
Cryptfiend Silk CloakAnub’Rekhan NaxxramasCloak
Band of Unanswered PrayersAnub’Rekhan NaxxramasRing
Icebane PauldronsGrand Widow Faerlina NaxxramasPlate Armor
Polar Shoulder PadsGrand Widow Faerlina NaxxramasLeather Armor
The Widow’s EmbraceGrand Widow Faerlina NaxxramasOne-Handed Mace
Malice Stone PendantGrand Widow Faerlina NaxxramasAmulet
Pendant of Forgotten NamesMaexxna NaxxramasAmulet
Kiss of the SpiderMaexxna NaxxramasTrinket
Cloak of SuturingPatchwerk NaxxramasCloak
Band of ReanimationPatchwerk NaxxramasRing
Icy Scale SpauldersGrobbulus NaxxramasMail Armor
Glacial MantleGrobbulus NaxxramasCloth Armor
Gluth’s Missing CollarGluth NaxxramasAmulet
Rime Covered MantleGluth NaxxramasCloth Armor
The End of DreamsGrobbulus NaxxramasOne-Handed Mace
Digested Hand of PowerGluth NaxxramasOff-hand Frill
Plated Abomination RibcageThaddius NaxxramasPlate Armor
Eye of DiminutionThaddius NaxxramasTrinket
Idol of LongevityInstructor Razuvious NaxxramasIdol
Totem of Flowing WaterNoth the Plaguebringer NaxxramasTotem
Libram of LightNoth the Plaguebringer NaxxramasLibram
Wand of the Whispering DeadInstructor Razuvious NaxxramasWand
Iblis, Blade of the Fallen SeraphInstructor Razuvious NaxxramasOne-Handed Sword
Veil of EclipseInstructor Razuvious NaxxramasCloak
Signet of the Fallen DefenderInstructor Razuvious NaxxramasRing
Icebane HelmetHeigan the Unclean NaxxramasPlate Armor
Polar HelmetGothik the Harvester NaxxramasLeather Armor
The Soul Harvester’s BindingsGothik the Harvester NaxxramasCloth Armor
Sadist’s CollarGothik the Harvester NaxxramasAmulet
Hailstone BandNoth the Plaguebringer NaxxramasRing
Noth’s Frigid HeartNoth the Plaguebringer NaxxramasOff-hand Frill
Cloak of the ScourgeNoth the Plaguebringer NaxxramasCloak
Band of the InevitableNoth the Plaguebringer NaxxramasRing
Glacial HeaddressGothik the Harvester NaxxramasCloth Armor
Icy Scale CoifHeigan the Unclean NaxxramasMail Armor
Preceptor’s HatHeigan the Unclean NaxxramasCloth Armor
Necklace of NecropsyHeigan the Unclean NaxxramasAmulet
Ring of Spiritual FervorLoatheb NaxxramasRing
Band of Unnatural ForcesLoatheb NaxxramasRing
The Eye of NerubLoatheb NaxxramasPolearm
Glyph of DeflectionSapphiron NaxxramasTrinket
Slayer’s CrestSapphiron NaxxramasTrinket
Loatheb’s ReflectionLoatheb NaxxramasTrinket
The Face of DeathSapphiron NaxxramasShield
Harbinger of DoomZone Drop NaxxramasDagger
Shroud of DominionSapphiron NaxxramasCloak
The Restrained Essence of SapphironSapphiron NaxxramasTrinket
Eye of the DeadSapphiron NaxxramasTrinket
Sapphiron’s Right EyeSapphiron NaxxramasOff-hand Frill
Sapphiron’s Left EyeSapphiron NaxxramasOff-hand Frill
Cloak of the NecropolisSapphiron NaxxramasCloak
Stormrage’s Talisman of SeethingKel’Thuzad NaxxramasAmulet
Gressil, Dawn of RuinKel’Thuzad NaxxramasOne-Handed Sword
Hammer of the Twisting NetherKel’Thuzad NaxxramasOne-Handed Mace
Gem of Trapped InnocentsKel’Thuzad NaxxramasAmulet
Ring of the Dreadnaught WarriorKel’Thuzad NaxxramasRing
Bonescythe Ring RogueKel’Thuzad NaxxramasRing
Ring of Faith PriestKel’Thuzad NaxxramasRing
Frostfire Ring MageKel’Thuzad NaxxramasRing
Plagueheart Ring WarlockKel’Thuzad NaxxramasRing
Ring of the Dreamwalker DruidKel’Thuzad NaxxramasRing
Ring of the Earthshatterer ShamanKel’Thuzad NaxxramasRing
Ring of Redemption PaladinKel’Thuzad NaxxramasRing
Ring of the Cryptstalker HunterKel’Thuzad NaxxramasRing
Legplates of CarnageHeigan the Unclean NaxxramasPlate Armor
Necro-Knight’s Garb MagePriestWarlockZone Drop NaxxramasCloth Armor
Leggings of PolarityThaddius NaxxramasCloth Armor
Boots of DisplacementGothik the Harvester NaxxramasLeather Armor
Death’s BargainGluth NaxxramasShield
Girdle of the MentorInstructor Razuvious NaxxramasPlate Armor
Crystal Webbed RobeMaexxna NaxxramasCloth Armor
Misplaced Servo ArmZone Drop NaxxramasOne-Handed Mace
Ghoul Skin TunicZone Drop NaxxramasLeather Armor
Ring of the Eternal FlameZone Drop NaxxramasRing
Stygian BucklerZone Drop NaxxramasShield
Claw of the Frost WyrmSapphiron NaxxramasFist Weapon
Power of the ScourgeSapphiron NaxxramasPermanent Item Enhancement
Resilience of the ScourgeSapphiron NaxxramasPermanent Item Enhancement
Might of the ScourgeSapphiron NaxxramasPermanent Item Enhancement
Fortitude of the ScourgeSapphiron NaxxramasPermanent Item Enhancement
The Hungering ColdKel’Thuzad NaxxramasOne-Handed Sword
Girdle of Elemental FuryZone Drop NaxxramasMail Armor
Pauldrons of Elemental Fury ShamanZone Drop NaxxramasMail Armor
Leggings of Elemental Fury ShamanZone Drop NaxxramasMail Armor
Belt of the Grand Crusader PaladinZone Drop NaxxramasPlate Armor
Spaulders of the Grand Crusader PaladinZone Drop NaxxramasPlate Armor
Leggings of the Grand Crusader PaladinZone Drop NaxxramasPlate Armor

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Wow Classic Hardest Raid Bosses

Naxxramas is the hardest raid in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7. It is full of dangerous bosses, strong enemies, and tricky mechanics. Players must work together, plan carefully, and stay focused to succeed.

The raid offers some of the best rewards in the game. You can get rare items, powerful weapons, and Tier 3 armor sets. Each wing gives special loot for different classes. The final battles in Frostwyrm Lair have the best treasures, including legendary gear.

Naxxramas is not just about loot. It is a test of skill, teamwork, and preparation. Defeating Kel’Thuzad and stopping his plans is a big achievement for any raid team. It is a true adventure for every WoW player!

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What is Naxxramas?

Naxxramas is a big raid in World of Warcraft. It is full of undead monsters and strong bosses. It is in the Eastern Plaguelands and floats in the sky.

Who is the final boss of Naxxramas?

The final boss is Kel’Thuzad. He is a lich and works for the Lich King.

How many wings are in Naxxramas?

There are five wings — Spider Wing, Plague Wing, Deathknight Wing, Abomination Wing, and Frostwyrm Lair.

What is the attunement for Naxxramas?

You need to do a quest called The Dread Citadel – Naxxramas. It requires good reputation with Argent Dawn and some items.

How do I enter Naxxramas?

After finishing the quest, go to Plaguewood in Eastern Plaguelands. Use the teleport spire at coordinates 39, 26.

Do Horde and Alliance both raid Naxxramas?

Yes, players from both Horde and Alliance can enter Naxxramas.

What is the best loot in Naxxramas?

The best loot is in Frostwyrm Lair. Items like Corrupted Ashbringer and Splinter of Atiesh are very powerful.

What classes are good for Naxxramas?

All classes can help if they play their roles well. Tanks, healers, and DPS are all needed.

How important is Frost Resistance gear?

Frost Resistance gear is very important, especially for Sapphiron. Tanks need 150 Frost Resistance, and others need 100.

What is the hardest boss in Naxxramas?

Many players say Kel’Thuzad is the hardest because of his powerful abilities and many mechanics.

What loot drops in Spider Wing?

Spider Wing has great DPS gear, like Maexxna’s Fang and Cryptfiend Silk Cloak.

What is special about Plague Wing?

Plague Wing has caster and healer items, like Desecrated Robes and Hailstone Band.

What gear drops in Deathknight Wing?

Deathknight Wing has items for melee DPS and tanks, like Iblis, Blade of the Fallen Seraph.

What does Abomination Wing offer?

It has tank gear and hybrid DPS items, like Claymore of Unholy Might and End of Dreams.

How do I defeat Anub’Rekhan?

Avoid his Locust Swarm and kill his scarabs fast. Tanks must kite him carefully.

What are the main tactics for Kel’Thuzad?

Spread out to avoid Frostbolts, interrupt his casts, and handle adds in the final phase.

What is the easiest boss in Naxxramas?

Many players think Patchwerk is simple because his fight is mostly about healing and DPSing fast.

How do I prepare for Naxxramas?

Bring consumables, Frost Resistance gear, and know strategies for every boss. Work with your team to plan roles.

What is special about the loot in Frostwyrm Lair?

It has legendary items and the best loot, like Corrupted Ashbringer and Kel’Thuzad’s gear.

Can I get a mount in Naxxramas?

Yes, Skeletal Steed Reins is a rare mount that can drop in the raid.

How do I stop Gluth from eating Zombie Chow?

Kite the Zombie Chow and kill them quickly after Decimate.

What happens during Thaddius’ Polarity Shift?

Players must move to the correct side based on their charge. If you are positive, go right. If negative, go left.

How do I avoid Sapphiron’s Frost Breath?

Hide behind ice blocks created by Icebolt during the air phase.

Why is Heigan called the Dance Boss?

He has a mechanic where players must move in a pattern to avoid poison eruptions.

What is special about the Four Horsemen fight?

It needs lots of coordination. Tanks must rotate, and players must manage stacking marks.

What do I do during Grobbulus’ Mutating Injection?

Run out of the group and drop the poison cloud in a safe spot.

What is Decimate in Gluth’s fight?

Decimate reduces all health to 5%, making it easier to kill Zombie Chow.

How do I avoid Patchwerk’s Hateful Strikes?

Only tanks should take Hateful Strikes by staying high on threat and at full health.

What is the main reward for defeating Kel’Thuzad?

Players can get amazing items like Might of Menethil, Corrupted Ashbringer, and Tier 3 armor rings.

Why is Naxxramas so famous in WoW?

It is one of the hardest and most iconic raids in World of Warcraft, with legendary rewards and epic battles.
