World Of Warcraft: The War Within Beast Mastery Hunter Guide | Changes | Rotation | Talents | Others

By: friolt
7 min read
Beast Mastery Hunter Pet Management Wow Tww

Let’s skip the hard stuff and get right to the fun. World of Warcraft: The War Within is making Beast Mastery Hunter super cool. You’ll fight with your pets, shoot from far away, and keep moving—making you really strong in both PvE and PvP. This guide will help you play Beast Mastery Hunter easily and have a great time doing it.

Here’s what you’ll find in our guide:

  • What makes Beast Mastery Hunter awesome in The War Within.
  • How to use your pets and attacks to win fights.
  • The best talents and moves to beat enemies.
  • Which stats and gear will make you powerful.
  • The best potions and enchants to make you even stronger.

And if you want more guides for The War Within, we’ve got those too!

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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Beast Mastery Hunter | overview

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A Beast Mastery (BM) Hunter is a cool archer who fights side-by-side with their trusty animal pets. They shoot from afar and never stop moving, making them great for battles. Their pets do a lot of the fighting, and together, they make a strong team that’s simple and fun to play.

High MobilityCan attack while moving, no need to stand still.
Pet PowerPets do a lot of the damage and tanking.
Simple RotationEasy to learn and play, great for beginners.
Single-Target StrengthStrong against one big enemy, great for boss fights.
Weak AoE DamageNot as strong when fighting many enemies at once.
Pet ManagementMust take care of your pets; they are key to your power.

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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Beast Mastery Hunter | Talent changes

New Talents For Beast Mastery Hunter In Wow Tww

In The War Within, Beast Mastery Hunter got some new talents and changes to old ones. These talents make your pets even stronger and add some cool new abilities. You’ll have more ways to hurt enemies, and your pets will be tougher in fights

Venom’s BiteKill Shot now applies Serpent Sting for 18 seconds, adding poison damage.
Basilisk CollarEach damage-over-time effect increases the damage your pet does by 5%/10%.
Huntmaster’s CallEvery third Dire Beast summons a legendary wolf (Hati or Fenryr) to help.
A Murder of CrowsBecomes passive; every 5 Kill Commands summon a Murder of Crows.
BarrageNow also grants Beast Cleave, making pets hit multiple enemies.
Improved Kill CommandKill Command talent improved, making it more powerful for BM hunters.
Killer InstinctMoved to the BM talent tree for more focused damage with Kill Command.
Alpha PredatorNow a BM talent, allowing for an extra charge of Kill Command.
Survival of the FittestNow reduces all damage taken by you and your pet by 30% (was 20%).
Lone SurvivorNow also reduces the cooldown of Counter Shot and Muzzle by 2 seconds.
Bursting ShotNow a choice node with Scatter Shot, moved from the Marksmanship tree.
Padded ArmorNew talent; Survival of the Fittest gains an extra charge.

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Beast Mastery Hunter Beginner Guide The War Within

Removed Talents:

World Of Warcraft: The War Within Beast Mastery Hunter | Rotation

How To Master Beast Mastery Hunter The War Within

if you’re learning to play Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within, here’s how you make your character attack enemies with the best moves. This will help you be strong in fights, whether you’re fighting one big enemy or lots of smaller ones

StepST SpellST CommentAoE SpellAoE Comment
1Hunter’s MarkMark the target before starting.Hunter’s MarkMark the main target before starting.
2Bestial WrathActivate before combat for more damage.Multi-ShotActivate Beast Cleave.
3Dire BeastSummon a beast to assist.Dire BeastSummon a beast for added damage.
4Kill CommandCommand your pet to attack.Bestial WrathIncrease damage output.
5Barbed ShotSpeed up pet’s attacks.Black ArrowTarget the main enemy for extra damage.
6Kill CommandCommand your pet to attack again.Multi-ShotRefresh Beast Cleave to maintain AoE damage.
7Barbed ShotMaintain pet’s attack speed.Kill CommandCommand your pet to attack main target.
8Black ArrowAdditional damage and target marking.Explosive ShotFill in gaps for AoE burst.
9Kill ShotUse on low-health targets for high damage.Barbed ShotMaintain Frenzy and apply to multiple targets.
10Call of the WildUse with potions for maximum damage.Multi-ShotKeep applying Beast Cleave.
11Explosive ShotUse as filler when Bestial Wrath is over.Black ArrowContinue targeting key enemies.
12Continue RotationFollow priority list for ongoing damage.Call of the WildEnhance overall damage output.
13Bestial WrathKeep enhancing damage as cooldown permits.
14Kill CommandFrequent pet attacks for consistent damage.
15Barbed ShotKeep Frenzy up on pets for continuous damage.
16Cobra ShotGenerate Kill Command resets during Bestial Wrath.
17Kill ShotApply and refresh Serpent Sting with Kill Shots.
18Dire BeastRe-summon beast as cooldown resets.
19Explosive ShotUse on cooldown for AoE burst.
20Cobra ShotUse when Focus is high for sustained damage.

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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Beast Mastery Hunter | Stat priorities

Best Macros For Beast Mastery Hunter Wow Tww

When playing as a Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within, choosing the right stats helps make your character stronger. Below is a simple guide on which stats are best for your hunter, both when fighting one big enemy (Single-Target) and lots of enemies at once (AoE).

PrioritySingle-Target StatsWhy It’s GoodAoE StatsWhy It’s Good for AoE
1HasteMakes you and your abilities faster.MasteryMakes your AoE attacks stronger.
2Critical StrikeYou hit harder and sometimes do extra damage.HasteKeeps your speed up in fights against many enemies.
3MasteryMakes your pet stronger.Critical StrikeYou hit many enemies harder.
4VersatilityMakes you slightly better at everything.VersatilitySlightly better at everything in big fights.

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As you get more of a stat, it doesn’t help as much. Here’s when stats start to help less:

  • Critical Strike: After 21,000 or 44%
  • Haste: After 19,800 or 30%
  • Versatility: After 23,400 or 30%
  • Mastery: After 21,000

Keep an eye on these numbers. If you get too much of one stat, it might be good to look for others.

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World Of Warcraft: The War Within Beast Mastery Hunter | Consumables

Beast Mastery Hunter Mythic Plus Guide The War Within

Time for a power-up! Here’s a list of magical goodies that will make your Beast Mastery Hunter super strong in The War Within. Whether you’re fighting one big bad boss or a bunch of baddies, we’ve got you covered!

TypeBest Option for Single-Target (ST)Best Option for AoE
FlaskFlask of Alchemical ChaosFlask of Tempered Mastery
Combat PotionTempered PotionTempered Potion
Health PotionAlgari Healing PotionGrotesque Vial
Augment RuneCrystallized Augment RuneCrystallized Augment Rune
Weapon BuffAlgari Mana OilAlgari Mana Oil
FoodHearty Deepfin PattyOutsider’s Provisions
DiamondCulminating BlasphemiteCulminating Blasphemite
Other GemsQuick Ruby, Masterful Ruby, Deadly EmeraldQuick Ruby, Masterful Ruby, Deadly Emerald

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Beast Mastery Hunter Bis Gear Wow Tww

Here’s the ultimate cheat sheet for decking out your gear with the coolest enchantments in The War Within. Make your enemies cry with envy!

Gear SlotBest Enchant
WeaponAuthority of the Depths (ST) / Stonebound Artistry (AoE)
CloakChant of Winged Grace
ChestCrystalline Radiance
BracersChant of Armored Avoidance
LegsStormbound Armor Kit
BootsDefender’s March
RingRadiant Haste (ST) / Radiant Mastery (AoE)

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How To Optimize Beast Mastery Hunter Wow Tww

In World of Warcraft: The War Within, playing as a Beast Mastery Hunter is all about being quick, powerful, and having a great bond with your pets. With your pets doing most of the fighting and you supporting them from a distance, it’s a fun and straightforward way to enjoy the game.

The new talents in The War Within make your pets even stronger and give you cool new abilities to play with, whether you’re taking on a big boss or lots of enemies at once. Knowing the right rotation and choosing the best stats will help you stay on top of your game.

Don’t forget to use the best consumables and enchants to make sure your gear is as powerful as possible. With the right setup, you’ll be unstoppable in both PvE and PvP battles. So gear up, power up, and enjoy being one of the coolest archers in Azeroth!

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What is the main role of a Beast Mastery Hunter?

To deal damage from a distance while managing and empowering your pets.

How do pets contribute to your damage?

Pets deal significant damage and can tank enemies, making them essential in your rotation.

What are the biggest weaknesses of Beast Mastery Hunters?

Weak AoE damage and the need to constantly manage pets.

Which talents should I prioritize for maximum damage?

Venom’s Bite, Huntmaster’s Call, and Improved Kill Command.

What’s the best opener for a single-target fight?

Mark the target with Hunter’s Mark, then use Bestial Wrath, followed by Kill Command and Barbed Shot.

How do I keep up my damage during long fights?

Maintain Frenzy on your pets with Barbed Shot and use Kill Command and Dire Beast on cooldown.

What’s the ideal gear setup?

Prioritize Haste and Critical Strike for single-target fights and Mastery for AoE fights.

What potions should I use in fights?

Tempered Potion for both single-target and AoE encounters.

How do I enchant my gear?

Use Authority of the Depths for single-target and Stonebound Artistry for AoE on weapons.

How do I deal with multiple enemies as a Beast Mastery Hunter?

Activate Beast Cleave with Multi-Shot and keep it up by refreshing with more Multi-Shots.

When should I use Call of the Wild?

Use it during high-damage phases, paired with potions, for maximum effect.

How do I avoid losing damage in long boss fights?

Keep Frenzy stacks on your pet with Barbed Shot and use your cooldowns wisely.

What should I do if my pet dies during a fight?

Revive your pet quickly with Revive Pet, or switch to a backup pet if available.

How can I maximize my AoE damage?

Keep Beast Cleave active by using Multi-Shot and use Explosive Shot for burst AoE.

Which secondary stats should I focus on?

For single-target, focus on Haste and Critical Strike; for AoE, focus on Mastery and Haste.

What’s the best way to manage multiple pets?

Use the talent A Murder of Crows to automatically summon more pets during fights.

How do I handle high-damage situations?

Use Survival of the Fittest and Lone Survivor to reduce incoming damage for you and your pet.

What’s the best strategy for PvP as a Beast Mastery Hunter?

Keep moving, maintain distance, and use your pets to pressure your opponent while staying out of reach.

How do I maintain high uptime on Frenzy?

Continuously use Barbed Shot to refresh Frenzy and keep your pet’s attack speed high.

How can I improve my pet’s survivability?

Use the talent Padded Armor for extra durability and manage pet abilities to avoid unnecessary damage.

What’s the ideal pet for Beast Mastery Hunter?

Use a Ferocity pet for increased damage and self-healing, or a Tenacity pet for extra survivability.
