Cataclysm Classic Dragon Soul Boost & Carry

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The Hour of Twilight! The final content update for Cataclysm featuring the Dragon Soul raid — the very last epic instance where you have to literally take down none other than Deathwing the Destroyer, the main antagonist of the expansion, along with his minions! Dragon Soul is considered one of the most prominent raids in WoW, with its scale and encounters searing into your memory for years to come! There are eight boss fights in Dragon Soul available in five raid modes: 10-man Normal, 25-man Normal, 10-man Heroic, 25-man Heroic, and well as the brand new one — the Raid Finder, or LFR, mode (always for 25 players). Aside from that, there’s some fresh ilvl 384 to 416 loot to plunder, new Tier 13 class sets, mounts, achievements, titles, and a lot more! Moreover, the new Rogue quest chain featuring the bad-ass ilvl 416 legendary Fangs of the Father daggers — Golad, Twilight of Aspects and Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages — is completed mainly in the Dragon Soul raid — with lots of grind, of course. Quite a lot to do, right?

Don’t worry, Epiccarry has you covered! We’ve been helping players with online game tasks like this for more than 12 years now, and we’re simply the perfect choice for this! If you want a hassle-free experience in Dragon Soul, look no further than the services we’ve gathered on this page for your convenience! By choosing us, you guarantee yourself everything you can imagine that can be obtained in Dragon Soul, be it gear, mounts, achievements, titles — anything! The best World of Warcraft boosters work for us, employing the safest methods to carry out your desired tasks: VPN connection, live streams, and options that make your journey with us as convenient as possible!

Here, you can find all the necessary information on the Dragon Soul raid content: Bosses, Loot & Gear, Achievements, and Mounts — all the essential stuff in a concise form! Cool, right?

Cataclysm Classic Dragon Soul Bosses

Here’s how the Dragon Soul bosses work, in a nutshell. Out of eight bosses total, four of them are put under “The Siege of Wyrmrest Temple” category — yes, the first half of the raid takes place in Northrend! The other half is the “Fall of Deathwing” leading up to the Destroyer’s demise. There are no extra Heroic bosses: all of them are available on both difficulties. Additionally, there are no optional bosses in this raid as well. Here’s the full roster:

  • Morchok — this fun guy is the very first Dragon Soul boss you’ll encounter and the one you have to complete before proceeding. Unlike the Firelands with the free-roam, the Dragon Soul raid is more straightforward than that. Morchok possesses a lot of area of effect abilities, so watch your step;
  • Warlord Zon’ozz — after Morchok is defeated, you can choose to either face Warlord Zon’ozz or Yor’sahj the Unsleeping (the one we discuss below); the order here does not matter. Warlord Zon’ozz is a member of the n’raqi race, or the faceless ones. Zon’ozz inhabits the fleshy Maw of Go’rath, where you’ll be transported to in order to encounter him;
  • Yor’sahj the Unsleeping — just like the previous boss, Yor’sahj could be selected as a second encounter of the Dragon Soul raid. Being of the n’raqi race just like his Warlord counterpart, Yor’sahj awaits you in the Maw of Shu’ma just outside the Wyrmrest temple. The fight involves a lot of positioning and dealing with the blood globules Yor’sahj invokes from the flesh of the Maw of Shu’ma.
    Fun fact: both Maws of Shu’ma and Go’rath are a reference to Marvel’s otherworldly character named Shuma-Gorath, which in turn was clearly inspired by H. P. Lovecraft’s Shub-Niggurath. Does the name of another Lovecraftian entity, Yog-Sothoth, also ring a bell to you?
  • Hagara the Stormbinder — during the fourth boss fight of Dragon Soul, you are transported into the Eye of Eternity nestled within the faraway Nexus (or somewhere in that direction). Hagara is the Orcish shaman conjuring ice spells and calling upon elementals to aid her;
  • Ultraxion — back to the Wyrmrest Temple and onward to save Azeroth! Ultraxion is a formidable Twilight Dragon you fight on top of the Temple;
  • Warmaster Blackhorn — once Ultraxion is defeated, you and other brave adventurers will board the gunship to chase Deathwing himself! But before you reach him, you have to take down Warmaster Blackhorn and his Twilight dragonriders assaulting the ship;
  • Spine of Deathwing — the penultimate boss fight of Dragon Soul is finally Deathwing! …or some semblance of him: you land on his spine from the gunship using parachutes and fight your way through his Elementium plates and boiling Corrupted blood. Note that Deathwing will do rolls in order to throw you off his spine, so careful positioning is key here, too. The great news is this boss fight yields higher ilvl loot as well as the final encounter.
  • Madness of Deathwing — here’s where things become epic! Malevolent Deathwing falls into the Maelstrom, and you join forces with the Dragon Aspects to put an and to the Destroyer.

This is it! If you’re interested in Dragon Soul boss fights, we’ve gathered the following Dragon Soul Boosting Service offers for your pleasure: Cataclysm Dragon Soul Normal Raid Boost and Cataclysm Dragon Soul Heroic Raid Boost, which will help you with either Normal or Heroic Dragon Soul runs performed by our seasoned team. Onward to a great experience!

Cataclysm Classic Dragon Soul Loot & Gear

Let’s have a look at how the Dragon Soul gear works. Since there’s a new difficulty level added (Raid Finder, or LFR), we provide a full list of all possible gear item levels obtained in Dragon Soul, including the brand-new difficulty:

  • LFR difficulty:
    • Item level 384 — all bosses except Deathwing (both Spine and Madness);
    • Item level 390 — Deathwing (both Spine and Madness);
  • Normal difficulty:
    • Item level 397 — all bosses except Deathwing (both Spine and Madness);
    • Item level 403 — Deathwing (both Spine and Madness);
  • Heroic difficulty:
    • Item level 410 — all bosses except Deathwing (both Spine and Madness);
    • Item level 416 — Deathwing (both Spine and Madness);

The 25-man raid size loot is not better than that of the 10-man raid size: all the stats, items, and item levels are the same between the 10- and 25-man raid sizes of a chosen difficulty. LFR difficulty is an exception as it only features 25-player mode.

Here’s a small list of loot items dropped in the Dragon Soul raid that might pique your interest (all of them are available on any selected difficulty; the only difference between LFR, Normal, and Heroic items will be item levels and stats):

  • Visage of the Destroyer (2H staff dropped by Warmaster Blackhorn) — apparently, there was more than one Deathwing as this is yet another jaw of his (the other jaw pieces are suspended in Stormwind and Orgrimmar on public display);
  • Maw of the Dragonlord (1H Mace dropped by Madness of Deathwing) — ah, another jaw, alright…
  • Cord of the Slain Champion (Cloth Waist item dropped by Warlord Zon’ozz) — a leftover from the previous raid group attempting Zon’ozz;
  • Imperfect Specimens 27 and 28 (Mail Shoulder item dropped by Ultraxion) — whew, and here we thought the Dragon Soul loot is the best…
  • Infinite Loop (Ring dropped by multiple bosses) — don’t get lost in it;
  • Hardheart Ring (Ring dropped by multiple bosses) — heart-hard what?
  • Essence of Destruction — this is an exception here since this is not a gear item per se, and it does not drop on the LFR difficulty. This item can be dropped by any boss on Normal and Heroic difficulty and is used to craft powerful ilvl 397 gear through professions along with a multitude of other reagents required (you need skill level 525 in your Leatherworking/Tailoring/Blacksmithing as well).

Dragon Soul Tier 13 Gear

The icing on the cake of the whole Dragon Soul experience for a lot of players is the Tier 13 class gear sets. Those are sets unique for your class, giving you extra passive bonuses when you wear two or more items of the same set. The full Tier 13 set roster can be inspected here.

The Hour of Twilight update revamped the system for obtaining Tier 13 items, and it is now impossible to purchase them with Valor points. Instead, all of the Armor tokens (like this one: Shoulders of the Corrupted Protector) needed to purchase Tier 13 gear items will now drop from the Dragon Soul bosses only — with the exception of both Deathwing boss fights.
The Armor tokens are dropped by bosses of all the Dragon Soul difficulties: LFR, Normal, and Heroic. The addition of the LFR difficulty brought not two but three cosmetic variants of a class set, unlike what we were familiar with up until that point. The LFR, Normal, and Heroic sets are distinct not only visually but also in terms of stats and item level.

This is the full list of all the Tier 13 Dragon Soul Armor tokens and where you can get them:

Our website offers you to consider the following Dragon Soul raid boost options if you want to focus on collecting the gear and other unique rewards:

Cataclysm Classic Dragon Soul Achievements

There’s a whole plethora of WoW Cataclysm Dragon Soul Boost achievements you can obtain during your runs! There are rewards for some of those as well:

Interested in the Dragon Soul achievement-related boost service? Or want to complete the Fangs of the Father questline without a fuss? Check these:

Cataclysm Classic Dragon Soul Mounts

There are four mounts total you can earn in the Dragon Soul raid:

  • Twilight Harbinger — this flying mount is earned by unlocking the Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider meta-achievement, which gives you the Reins of the Twilight Harbinger item as a reward;
  • Experiment 12-B — the Experiment 12-B item is a super rare drop from Ultraxion on Normal and Heroic difficulties;
  • Life-Binder’s Handmaiden — another flying mount from Dragon Soul. The Life-Binder’s Handmaiden item is dropped by Madness of Deathwing on Normal and Heroic, but there’s a nice detail to it: while Cataclysm is the most current expansion, the Life-Binder’s Handmaiden drop is guaranteed on Heroic, with two copies of this mount dropped in the 25-man version! When the Cataclysm expansion comes to an end, the drop chance will be decreased drastically on Heroic difficulty to around 1%. Normal Deathwing always drops it with a 1% chance on Normal, though;
  • Blazing Drake — there’s a small chance (around 2%) of the Reins of the Blazing Drake being dropped by Normal or Heroic Madness of Deathwing.

Consider the following Dragon Soul boosting service options to obtain any mount mentioned in our list:

What additional options can I expect from the Dragon Soul Boost service? Are raid-related achievements included in the Dragon Soul raid boosts?



We are hell-bent on giving you as many options as possible to customize your request and enhance your boosting experience, and the Dragon Soul Boost service options are no exception. There are extra gold, additional mounts, and full loot priority options for you to enjoy. The full loot priority option allows you to keep all the gear relevant for your class and character that drops during the boost. Full loot priority usually allows you to gear up much faster than you could've otherwise.

Which boosting modes are available during the WoW Cataclysm Classic Dragon Soul boost services?


Our booster teams complete the World of Warcraft boost services in two modes: self-play mode and piloted mode (account sharing). During self-play, you join our booster team to conquer the World of Warcraft content firsthand, along with the best of the best. The piloted mode, however, unlike self-play, allows you to give the reins of your character to a trusted member of our booster team so they can do all the boring stuff in your stead. We are very serious about security, so you don't need to worry about your character or account. We provide a price match option as well in case you find a non-scam service provider selling the identical boosting service at a lower price than we do.

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