Mad World

This service will be unavailable during or after Shadowlands’ pre-patch – for now there is no definite date for the release, so please contact our Support Team to check if we can complete it in time.

[description-heading ]Mad World[/description-heading]

You will get the Mad World achievement.

You will also get title the Faceless One.

Boost 7-21 days (Incase you don’t have masks) and 7-10 days (Incase you have all masks).

Vessel of Horrific Visions farm included in price.


This boost will be completed in Mad World | Buy BoostPiloted mode.

[description-heading ]Requirements[/description-heading]

Level 70 character. Use our Dragonflight leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

Your average gear level has to be 465+ . You can use our PvE gear boost if you don't meet this requirement.

Rank 14 Ashjra’kamas, Shroud of Resolve.

We will need access to your account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. The account will be occupied while we work.

Please remove the authenticator from your account or cancel “Ask code each time I login” mode. Your account will still be protected by the secret question.


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