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Buy WoW Classic Anniversary BiS Gear Boost and pack your character with the best-possible equipment in every slot! Farming gear on your own is about as fun as fishing without bait. You know that feeling when spend hours in a dungeon only to watch the one item you need drop for someone else. We’re here to save you from that heartbreak. With Epiccarry, you can pass all the gear runs to professionals and switch to other activities. Our team knows where to go, what to do, and how to get the gear you need in the shortest time possible.
You log in, find your character geared and simply enjoy the game. Let everyone assume you’ve been playing since the launch without ever touching a grass! The secret is the only working life-hack -Epiccarry! Want to skip the drama and skip the wipes? Use the Classic Gear Planner Tool to create a list of items you need and place the order today!
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes.
Estimated Completion time: flexible, highly depends on RNG, can take up to 60 days.
Molten Core Attunement — finish Attunement to the Core quest to get an access to the raid;
Onyxia’s Lair Attunement — complete quest line and get the Drakefire Amulet to enter Onyxia’s Lair;
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros — get the legendary Two-Hand Mace from Molten Core raid;
Thunderfury — get the legendary One-Hand Sword from BWL and Molten Core raids.
Add 1000 Gold – an additional 1000 gold will be added to your order, enhancing your gameplay experience.
Stream – upon request, we'll provide a personalized stream to improve your experience.
Active World of Warcraft subscription;
Level 60 character. Use our WoW Classic Anniversary Leveling Boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
Raid Attunement Quests Completed.
Gearing your World of Warcraft Classic Anniversary character with BiS is a brutal quest. We bet you can find better way to spend your free time. Buy WoW Classic BiS Gear Boosting service, this is the answer to your loot dilemma! Here is how our WoW Classic Anniversary BiS Gear farming process works:
Epiccarry’s BiS Gear Boost is a shortcut that only chosen ones know! Live the Azeroth dream without the nightmare grind. Waking up, log in, and find your character wearing epics. No more RNG, no more loot council drama, and no more hours wasted waiting for that one drop to finally roll your way. It’s a win-win. Place WoW Classic Anniversary BiS Gear Boost order today, and get ready to change the game you know!
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
BiS gear, also known as the Best in Slot is the best possible loot for your character. It’s the gear you need to bring your character literally to its peak. It helps you to pull big numbers at you recount!
In WoW Classic Anniversary, BiS gear changes based on the phase. What’s hot in Phase 1 might be d-tier in Phase 5. Keep up with this!
Not everyone’s got the time or patience for this loot min-maxing life. We’ll farm the gear for you! And trust us, we’ve got this down to an art form!
We’ll grab the best gear in the game for your class and spec. We use guides from icy-veins and wowhead, so the gear we farm really is the best. We’ve got the exact gear you need to stop embarrassing yourself in raids.
You want that juicy Lionheart Helm? Done. Easy peasy. If RNG doesn’t smile on us, because RNG hates everyone, we’ll keepfarming to force RNG to smile! ;D
Persistence is the key.
Of course! If you’ve got your BiS list, we’re all ears. Use the WoW Classic Gear Planner Tool, and link us your dream setup. It’s like writing a letter to Santa, except Santa here is a team of sweaty nerds who love farming bosses and dungeons.
Be warned, though. Time travel isn’t real and if your list includes gear from an unreleased phase, we’ll replace it with something else.
Go to the website, choose your class, and spec, then start building your dream BiS list. It’s like playing dress-up, except instead of fashion, you’re picking stats. Agility? Stamina? Crit chance? Yes, please.
Double-check that the gear you’re picking is actually available in the current phase. Don’t be the guy asking for Phase 6 loot in Phase 3. It’s embarrassing and we are already tired of that. Once your list is ready, link it to our manager. We’ll take care of the rest – the hours of farming and boss fights.
No worries, friend. Not everyone’s a spreadsheet warrior. If you don’t have a BiS list ready, we’ll use guides from wowhead or icy-veins to figure out what’s best for your class and spec. Basically, we’ll do the homework while you AFK doing your business.
Our team knows what works for every class. We’ll gear you up so well that people will start whispering you for advice. Or gold. Probably gold.
It is repetitive, frustrating, and full of boring moments. That’s Classic, baby! If yo put jokes aside, the real challenge is finding a raid group that doesn’t wipe five minutes into the boss fight. Half the work is dodging pugs with no flasks or enchants.
If you don’t want to deal with it, we’ve got your back. Our team eats raid mechanics for breakfast! Contact our manager if you have any questions and they will help you to place the order!
We’ve got a team of pros who know their stuff. They’re top-tier raiders, PvP players, some of the are guys you watch on Twitch.
And don’t worry, we don’t use bots or cheats. Just good old-fashioned skill and a borderline unhealthy obsession with WoW. You’ll have your BiS gear, and no one in the raid will even suspect you didn’t farm it yourself. Unless, of course, you tell them.
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