WoW Classic Anniversary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros Boost

Buy WoW Classic Anniversary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros Boost and get the Legendary Two-Hand Hammer your guild has been teasing you about. Yeah, the one they said you get after pigs fly. Guess what? Pigs just sprouted wings! We offer you this weapon without idiotic raid politics, RNG circus, and 4 a.m. wipes. We’ll handle the smelting, the rare drops, and all the business with the Elemental Lords. You? Nothing! Just hang around! Think of all the time you’ll save. Instead you could…well, actually playing the game. You set the priorities, you know.

Sulfuras, the Hand of Ragnaros is now just a boost away. Why do you even need it, you may think? Well, obviously to wield it and bonk your enemies, silly! This weapon isn’t about flexing in the capital city… Well, okay, who are we trying to fool, it’s totally about that flex in the capital city. Let Epiccarry do the work, but remember, when anyone asks how you got it, you can always say, “It just dropped.”

Service Includes

This boost will be completed in WoW Classic Anniversary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros BoostPiloted mode.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes.
Estimated Completion time: flexible, highly depends on RNG, can take up to 60 days.

Thunderfury Options

Full Legendary — get the Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros Legendary Two-Hand Mace from a scratch;
Eye of Sulfuras — we will farm Ragnaros in Molten Core to get you Eye of Sulfuras.
Sulfuron Hammer — our boosters will cover the entire process of getting you the Sulfuron Hammer weapon.

Additional Options

Molten Core Attunement — finish Attunement to the Core quest to get an access to the raid;
Add 1000 Gold – an additional 1000 gold will be added to your order, enhancing your gameplay experience.
Stream – upon request, we'll provide a personalized stream to improve your experience.


Active World of Warcraft subscription;
Level 60 character. Use our WoW Classic Anniversary Leveling Boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
Raid Attunement Quests Completed.

How it works

You want Sulfuras, the Hand of Ragnaros, but your guild won’t let you have it because they think you’re not “worthy” or whatever. Well, farming Eye of Sulfuras and crafting that hammer indeed is a headache the size of Azeroth. But what if you could skip the problems and just wake up one day holding this legendary 2-handed mace? Now this is where we pop up! During WoW Classic Anniversary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros Boosting we handle everything, from smelting bars to slapping Ragnaros until he coughs up the Eye of Sulfuras. All you need to do is exist and breath (optionally). Here’s how our WoW Classic Anniversary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros boosting service works, step by step:

  1. Choose the Region where you play;
  2. For this service you can only choose Piloted Mode. It means you hand over your account, and we do all the work;
  3. We offer you 3 options to pick: full legendary,  Eye of Sulfuras farming or Sulfuron Hammer crafting. Choose one;
  4. Need Molten Core attunement or Extra gold for your piggy bank? Check our our additional options
  5. Add everything you need to your cart and then proceed to checkout;
  6. After you pay, one of our managers will reach out;
  7. Discuss any extras, ask questions and set the boosting timetable;
  8. We’ll need your account info. We promise not to laugh at your embarrassing bank alt names;
  9. On the agreed day and hour, we’ll start the WoW Classic Anniversary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros carry;
  10. Once we’re done, you get your account back plus Legendary Sulfuras itself.

Congratulations, champion! You’re now the proud owner of Sulfuras, the Hand of Ragnaros! Was it worth it? Absolutely. You skipped months of molten-core-running. No raid leader yelling “MORE DOTS” no DKP drama, no wondering if you’ll ever see that stupid eye drop. We’re here if you need anything else, like Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker. Or another Sulfuras for your alt. Who are we to judge? Azeroth’s got plenty of loot for everyone!

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Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 3 weeks ago
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Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 3 weeks ago
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Good customer communication.
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Ashton L, 3 weeks ago
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Professional and trustworthy boosting service
Top players provide excellent boosting services in WoW.
Jimbolajt, 3 weeks ago
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Good boosting service
Website is easy to navigate, and customer service is great.
Christian A, 3 weeks ago
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Amazing people
Amazing team! Always quick to respond and flawless in fulfilling orders.
Brandon S, 3 weeks ago
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Great experience!
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Stephen W, 3 weeks ago
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Best customer service, most fun, best rewards
Epiccarry offers the best services, meets your requests, and makes the process enjoyable.
George G, 3 weeks ago
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Bought a lot of their WoW Services
Never had a bad experience. Service is fast unless RNG gets in the way. Highly reliable!
Jeanne M, 3 weeks ago
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Great and best of all secure.
Been with Epiccarry since 2022, and they’ve always delivered. Great communication and friendly boosters.
Grits, 3 weeks ago
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Consistently gave great service
Lost count of how many times I’ve used Epiccarry. Consistently great service every time. Thanks for...
Spectre, 3 weeks ago
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Exceeds expectations
Every time I use Epiccarry, I think they can’t get better - yet they always surprise...
Allen, 3 weeks ago
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Love the Epiccarry service
As a solo player, Epiccarry lets me enjoy Destiny without the hassle of LFG. Their service...
Dominick R, 3 weeks ago
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Very polite & professional
Very polite and professional service! I’ll definitely order again and recommend to friends. 😎
Lunerva, 3 weeks ago
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Perfect delivery every time. Used them several times and always satisfied.
Paolo M, 3 weeks ago
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Best experience i ever had in gaming services
Needed urgent help with a 24h event. They delivered quickly, customized the experience, and even gave...
Matt Peoples, 3 weeks ago
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Premium World of Warcraft Services
Great site with fast service, fair prices, and friendly staff who keep you updated on Discord.
Robert, 3 weeks ago
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Yoo I’m first timer on Epiccarry
First time with Epiccarry - amazing service! Quick and smooth. Definitely coming back. 🔥
Darren S, 3 weeks ago

What is Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros in WoW Classic?

It’s a legendary two-handed mace. Imagine if Ragnaros himself handed you his fire-punching stick to go forth and flex on plebs. That’s Sulfuras. This weapon has great damage and a fiery proc. You can’t just loot this thing off Ragnaros and call it a day. You gotta grind Molten Core like it’s your day job, pray for the Eye of Sulfuras to drop, and then gather an absurd worth of mats. And yet, all the pain is worth it.

If you don’t want to suffer, you can always get our WoW Classic Anniversary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros carry service. Let’s face it, not everyone’s got time to argue over Arcanite Bars in Trade Chat for weeks. Sulfuras is legendary, but your time’s valuable, too.

How do you get the Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros in WoW Classic?

First, you need the Eye of Sulfuras. It drops from Ragnaros himself in Molten Core. Next, you’re going to need a Sulfuron Hammer. Brace yourself because it requires:

  1. 8 Sulfuron Ingot 
  2. 20 Dark Iron Bar
  3. 50 Arcanite Bar
  4. 10 Blood of the Mountain
  5. 10 Lava Core
  6. 10 Fiery Core

Sulfuron Ingots drop from Golemagg the Incinerator. Arcanite Bars are made by transmuting Arcane Crystals with Thorium Bars. Blood of the Mountain? Get cozy with the Dark Iron deposits in Blackrock Depths. You’ll probably get one after mining, like, 50 nodes because WoW Classic hates your time. Lava Cores and Fiery Cores? Molten Core trash mobs drop these.

Once you’ve got the mats, find a Blacksmith to craft the Sulfuron Hammer for you. Finally, combine the Sulfuron Hammer and the Eye of Sulfuras to create the legendary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros. Ta-da!

Or, just grab our WoW Classic Anniversary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros Carry Service today!

Which classes can wield Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros in WoW Classic?

Only a few classes can wield this legendary weapon, they are only those who can equip two-handed maces.

Warriors’re first in line. Prot warriors probably won’t bother because shields are kind of their thing, but if you’re a Fury or Arms warrior? Sulfuras is your dream.

Paladins is another absolutely strong yes. It’s like it was designed for them to land crits. Sure, you’ll still hear “lol ret” in your guild chat, but with Sulfuras, you can just ignore them forever.

Shamans’re on the list too. If you’re an Enhancement shaman, Sulfuras is your spirit animal. Windfury procs on top of the fiery proc is some serious problems!

Druids technically can use it, but if you see a druid running around in bear form holding Sulfuras, you know something weird’s going on. It’s not exactly optimal for feral druids, but hey, it’s WoW, people do what they want. If you want to roleplay as “Ragnaros but furry,” go for it.

Hunters? Everything is a hunter weapon if you are brave enough. But not this time, simply no… Just no. Stop it. Get some help…

What is the drop chance of the Eye of Sulfuras?

The Eye of Sulfuras has a drop rate is low. We’re talking roughly 3-5%. Some players will get it on their first run, and others will still be trying after months of farming.

If your patience is as low as the Eye’s drop rate, you could always buy WoW Classic Anniversary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros Boost to help you with the farming. Let us do the endless Molten Core runs for you!

Is Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros Good in WoW Classic?

Stat-wise, it’s a monster. The damage range is absurd, which means every swing hits harder than your mom jokes in Barrens chat. Plus, it has that spicy proc. Imagine pairing that with Windfury Totem as a shaman.

But it isn’t for everyone or every situation. If you’re a tank, it’s probably not your best choice. Fury warriors will love it for PvP, but some raiders might argue that dual-wielding is better for sustained DPS. Ret pallies? You’ll crush mobs, but people will still call you “off-heals” no matter what. And Enhancement shamans? Sulfuras + Windfury = melted faces. Imagine mage’s face after getting hammered for half their health in one swing.

If grinding for it feels like too much work, consider WoW Classic Anniversary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros Farming service from Epiccarry. We can get you the legendary weapon from a scratch, or take on from the part you’ve stopped.