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Did someone say Buy WoW Classic Anniversary Thunderfury Boost? Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker is more like Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of “I’ve spent months farming bindings that won’t drop.” Let’s skip that nightmare. Here’s the deal. We release you from endless Molten Core runs. Since now it is on us! What about Crafting Thunderfury you may ask? We take that too! All in all we will get you Sulfuron Ingots, Elementium Bars and will farm both Bindings. You just have to show up on Discord for the screenshot of the progress to see that awkward group selfie with Thunderaan.
Buy WoW Classic Anniversary Thunderfury Boost and leave that repetitive raiding! Are you going to Molten Core again? Really? At this point, even Ragnaros is tired of seeing you. Still believe you get those bindings this time? Ha-ha, keep this copium for someone else! We offer you the real solution. Press “Buy” button and walk away with Thunderfury, dragging a literal storm with you!
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes.
Estimated Completion time: flexible, highly depends on RNG, can take up to 90 days.
Full Legendary — get the Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker legendary sword from a scratch;
Garr Binding — we will farm Garr in Molten Core to get you left half of the Bindings of the Windseeker;
Baron Geddon Binding — we will farm Baron Geddon in Molten Core to get you the right half of the Bindings of the Windseeker.
Molten Core Attunement — finish Attunement to the Core quest to get an access to the raid;
Add 1000 Gold – an additional 1000 gold will be added to your order, enhancing your gameplay experience.
Stream – upon request, we'll provide a personalized stream to improve your experience.
Active World of Warcraft subscription;
Level 60 character. Use our WoW Classic Anniversary Leveling Boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
Raid Attunement Quests Completed.
Feel tired of Weekly Molten Core? It’s time to put an end to this misery. Behold! WoW Classic Anniversary Thunderfury Boost! We’ve got the plan, the patience, and the caffeine needed to get you Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker. Just say the word, and we’ll take it from here. All you’ve gotta do is hand us your account. We’ll farm both Bindings, craft the Elementium Bars, wrangle Sulfuron Ingots, and complete the long, and let’s be honest, boring quest chain. Deal? Deal. Here’s how the WoW Classic Anniversary Thunderfury Boosting process works:
Still on the fence? Let us paint you a picture. Imagine that Thunderfury strapped to your back! People inspect you and they know they will never get it. We offer you that and freedom from Garr and Baron Geddon’s terrible drop rates. It’s a chance to show Ragnaros who’s boss without having to hear “By Fire Be Purged!” for the 500th time. You know what to do.
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker is the legendary one-handed sword from World of Warcraft Classic. It’s tied to the Elemental Lord Thunderaan. The sword crackles with lightning and shoots out an AoE damage. It is the must-have toy for warriors and rogues. Why does everyone lose their minds over it? It’s legendary, flashy, and comes with a built-in “I’m better than you” sticker.
First, you’ll need the Bindings of the Windseeker. Theey drop from two bosses in Molten Core: Garr and Baron Geddon. Step one is farming Molten Core and praying for drop. Garr drops the left Binding, and Baron Geddon drops the right.
Once you somehow get both Bindings, you take them to Highlord Demitrian in Silithus. He’ll send you on a quest to collect some random junk, like Elementium Bars. These bars come from Blackwing Lair and require your guild’s blacksmith to smelt them.
Then comes the fun part: slaying Ragnaros. Yep, you need his Essence of the Firelord. When you’ve got the Essence, Bindings, and Elementium Bars, it’s time for the grand finale – Thunderaan himself. Bring your guild, kill him, and Thunderfury is yours.
Thunderfury is a one-handed sword, so only sword-wielding classes can even pretend to touch it. If you’re a warrior or a rogue, congrats, you’re at the front of the line.
If you’re dreaming of Thunderfury, be ready for drama, spreadsheets, and DKP wars. Just remember, it’s not about who needs it most, it’s about who can make the most convincing sob story to the loot council.
Whatever it is, it’s not enough. For real, the left Binding from Garr has about a 3-4% drop rate, and the right Binding from Baron Geddon has roughly the same. And the game’s not gonna drop both Bindings back-to-back. In short, Bindings are rare. Like, “screenshot this moment because it’ll never happen again” rare.
It’s not just good, it’s ridiculously good! If you’re a tank, it’s basically your best friend. For DPS, it’s not bad, but most raids will say, “Sorry, rogue friend, this belongs to the tank.” This sword was made for tanks and aggro.
In PvP, Thunderfury is basically an intimidation tool. Imagine running into a warrior or rogue wielding it. You’re already planning your graveyard walk. So is it good? Absolutely. Oh wait, did someone say..
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