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All About Ward of Dawn: What’s Up with the Nerfs?

All About Ward of Dawn: What’s Up with the Nerfs?
All About Ward of Dawn: What’s Up with the Nerfs?

Ward of Dawn, in Destiny 2 — Originally, this super was the go-to for Titans rocking the Defender subclass and now the Sentinel subclass, turning Void light into this super tough dome shield that keeps you and your buddies from getting zapped.

Key Features of Ward of Dawn

What’s New with the Bubble?

Bungie decided the bubble was just too buff. It used to hold up with a whopping 13,500 health, but now it’s down to just 8,000. The Armor of Light got a trim too, going from a hefty 425 down to 300.

Why the change? Turns out Ward of Dawn was just too good in modes like capture zone trials and that chaotic cabal turret disaster in Iron Banner. So, they dialed it back everywhere, which has some of us scratching our heads.

Real Talk: How Bad Are These Nerfs?

Since the nerfs, the Ward of Dawn isn’t the indestructible fortress it used to be. It’s way easier to crack now, especially with the new Strand supers slamming against it. If you’re inside your trusty bubble, you’re more likely to catch some serious damage than before.

PvP Impact

In PvP, the nerfed Ward of Dawn feels a bit like showing up to a gunfight with a slingshot. Sure, it still gives you some cover, but it’s not the panic button it once was. You’ve gotta be smart about when and where to drop your bubble, or you’ll just end up giving the other team a nice target.

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The Bottom Line

The Ward of Dawn is still cool and can definitely clutch up in the right situations, but it’s no longer the Titan’s get-out-of-jail-free card. The nerfs have taken a chunk out of its reliability, so keep your wits about you and maybe don’t rely on it quite as much.

Ward of Dawn Nerf Breakdown

What Got HitOld SpecsNew SpecsWhat It Means
Max Health13,5008,000Shield’s a lot easier to bust open.
Armor of Light425300You’re taking more damage, faster.


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