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Guide to Season of Discovery Phase 5 Emblems in WoW — New Rune Currency

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In the Phase 5 PTR of WoW Season of Discovery, Blizzard added new account-wide Rune currencies. These make it easier to buy Runes across all your characters. You don’t have to earn the same Rune over and over again on different characters. This means that if you earned a Rune on one character, you can buy it for others without redoing everything.


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WoW SoD 5 Emblems Overview

Before falling into how to use each WoW SoD 5 Rune Currency, here’s a detailed look at the different emblems. These emblems serve as proof that you’ve completed certain tasks in the game, and you can use them to redeem Runes from Rune Brokers in capital cities. These WoW SoD 5 Rune Currencies are account-bound and can be redeemed across your characters.

Emblem NameItem LevelAccount-bound?DescriptionRedeem At
Emblem of the Wild GodsItem Level: 1YesProof of helping the Shadowtooth EmissaryRune Broker in capital cities
Emblem of DishonorItem Level: 1YesProof of confronting Illari DuskfeatherRune Broker in capital cities
Emblem of the Violet EyeItem Level: 1YesProof of defeating the Dark RidersRune Broker in capital cities
Emblem of the WorldcoreItem Level: 1YesProof of attuning to the Leyline ConfluxesRune Broker in capital cities

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WoW SoD 5 Rune Currency Abilities

WoW SoD 5 Rune Currency is essential for unlocking new Engraving abilities. Each Rune teaches you a different Engraving skill that your character can learn and use in battle. The Rune Currency allows you to diversify your abilities, making your characters stronger. Below are the new Runes added in WoW SoD 5:

Rune NameAbility Unlocked
Rune of Improved SanctuaryUnlocks Sanctuary Engraving ability
Rune of BackdraftUnlocks Backdraft Engraving ability
Rune of DisplacementUnlocks Displacement Engraving ability
Rune of DespairUnlocks Despair Engraving ability
Rune of Purifying PowerUnlocks Purifying Power Engraving ability

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WoW SoD 5 Changed Item Stats

WoW SoD 5 Rune Currency also plays a role in item changes, which can affect your gameplay strategy. Some items had their stats improved to make them more effective in battle. These changes to critical stats like Strength and Agility allow for better performance when fighting bosses. Here are the important changes:

ItemOld StatsNew Stats
Blessed Flame MantleFire Resistance: 15Fire Resistance: 25
Ashkandi, Greatsword of the BrotherhoodStrength: 0, Stamina: 33Strength: 20, Stamina: 23
Shoulders of WrathAgility: 0, Stamina: 16, Crit: 1%Agility: 14, Stamina: 12, Hit: 1%
Greaves of WrathAgility: 0, Stamina: 16, Crit: 1%Agility: 16, Stamina: 13, Hit: 1%

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In WoW Season of Discovery Phase 5, new Rune currencies are here to make things easier for all your characters. You can collect emblems to prove you finished important tasks, and then use those emblems to buy powerful Runes for all your characters. You don’t need to do the same thing on every character anymore. Just use the same Rune across them all.

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The new Runes also let your characters learn special abilities that make them stronger in battle. So, by using these emblems and Runes, you can make your game easier and more fun.

Some items got stronger too, with better stats like more fire resistance, strength, and agility. This means you’ll fight better and last longer in tough battles.

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