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How To Earn Strange Coins In Destiny 2: The Final Shape

How To Earn Strange Coins In Destiny 2: The Final Shape
How To Earn Strange Coins In Destiny 2: The Final Shape

Weekend shopping just got a twist in Destiny 2! If you’re eyeing those shiny Exotic items from our beloved vendor Xur, you’ll now need something a bit unusual — Strange Coins. Curious about snagging some for yourself? Buckle up as we dive into the ultimate coin chase!

What’s the Big Deal with Strange Coins?

Once a forgotten currency, Strange Coins are making a grand comeback in the latest expansion, The Final Shape. Forget about simple transactions; these coins are your golden ticket to Xur’s treasure trove of Exotic and Legendary goodies. Xur, the mysterious weekend vendor, now demands Strange Coins for his exotic treasures. Wondering how to get your hands on these peculiar coins? Let’s break it down in true tabloid style!


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Here’s How to Get Them

To stock up on Strange Coins, dive into Ritual activities. These include Strikes, Crucible matches, and Gambit matches. No need to mess around with the new Pathfinder system; just complete these activities, and the coins will come rolling in.

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Other Ways to Earn Coins

While Ritual activities are your best bet, coins can also pop up in campaign missions in The Final Shape and Overthrow in the Pale Heart. However, these sources are less reliable, appearing randomly as you play.

Xur’s Weekly Specials

With more Exotic weapons, weapon catalysts, and other goodies on offer, make sure to check out what Xur is selling each week. Your Strange Coins will be well spent!

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Keep up with your weekly routine, participate in Strikes, Crucible matches, and Gambit matches, and don’t forget to check out those campaign missions for occasional bonus coins.

Stay vigilant, stay informed, and keep that Strange Coin flow steady. With a bit of effort and some strategic spending, you’ll have everything you need from Xur’s exotic arsenal.

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