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Season of Discovery’s Extended Phase 3 Stirring Up Classic WoW!

Season of Discovery's Extended Phase 3 Stirring Up Classic WoW!
Season of Discovery's Extended Phase 3 Stirring Up Classic WoW!

Phase 3 of the Classic’s Season of Discovery isn’t packing up just yet! Blizzard’s been double-dipping with both Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic, and they’re not rushing the masterpiece. They’re like that artist who keeps dabbing just one more speck of paint—only it’s game content, and it’s epic.

PhaseStatusKey FeaturesExpected Rollouts
Phase 3ExtendedSunken Temple gear improvementsOngoing adjustments
Phase 4UpcomingPTR, Level 60 templates, class testing, tier set bonusesTBD, stay tuned for exact dates
PTR PlansAnnouncedFocused on combat and class testing; exclusive PTRLevel 60 conten


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Phase 4 Lowdown: It’s Teasing Time!

What’s the Buzz About Phase 4? Hold onto your helms because Phase 4 is peeking over the horizon with a tempting PTR tease. Expect to see Level 60 templated characters ready to smash and bash with all runes and abilities unlocked. And yes, they’re tossing in some tier set bonuses for good measure!

Get ready for some fresh WoW action because Phase 4 is lining up to be a blast. They’re rolling out a shiny PTR where you can:

Gear Power-Up: Sunken Temple Edition

Gear from the depths of the Sunken Temple is getting a beefy boost, especially for the casters among us who felt a tad underpowered. Get ready to feel the power coursing through your robes!

Calling all casters! Tired of feeling like your spells are more ‘meh’ than ‘wow’? Good news:

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From the Desk of Josh Greenfield

Josh Greenfield, the man behind the curtain, admits the delay in Phase 4 isn’t ideal, but hey, they’re spinning more plates than a circus act over there. The Classic vibe of 2019 is making a comeback, but with a fresh twist that promises to keep things exciting.

Josh, the big boss of game producing, dropped some truth:

Classic Raids Coming Your Way

They’re sticking to the classic rollout playbook with raids. The legendary Molten Core and Onyxia are up first, followed by Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub. Gear up, gather your guild, and get ready for some epic battles!

They’re sticking to the old school script with phased raid releases. Mark your calendars for:

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What To Do While You Wait

While waiting for more deets on Phase 4 and its PTR, why not dive into other WoW adventures? Whether you’re leveling alts or prepping for the next raid, there’s plenty to keep you busy.

Josh isn’t just bossing around; he’s gaming too! What’s your plan?

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Big Thanks & Bigger Plans

Josh himself is hitting the Pandaria Remix this weekend, and has plans to raid-ready his druid and paladin next week. What’s your game plan?

Shoutout from Blizzard to all the awesome WoW players keeping Azeroth alive! They’re pumped to keep the Classic vibes coming and promise more thrills on the horizon.

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