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Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre preparation guide — How To Prepare For Wilds Of Talandre

What contracts to save for Wilds of Talandre update
Throne and Liberty new dungeons and bosses Wilds of Talandre

In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, Mastery Rank is a big deal. The new update will change how Mastery Points work, giving you more points and new choices. You need to plan ahead, pick the best Mastery nodes, and get ready for the new system.

Here’s what you need to know:

That’s it! Just focus on your Mastery Rank, save resources, and make the best choices to win big in Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre. Go for it!

Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre preparation | Main principles + checklist

Should I upgrade Tier 1 gear in Throne and Liberty?

When preparing for the Wilds of Talandre update, focus on three main things:

  1. Keep all important materials, ores, and contracts. Do not waste them on old gear.
  2. Decide early which Epic Mastery you need for your build. You will not have enough Mastery points for everything.
  3. Avoid spending on Tier 1 gear. Gather items needed for Tier 2 gear instead.
Save OreGather up to 90 ore for each Epic Mastery type.
Plan Mastery ChoicesChoose the most important Epic Mastery for your build.
Level Multiple WeaponsAim for Mastery Rank 20 to get 80 Mastery points.
Do Not Upgrade Tier 1 GearAvoid spending rubrics, stones, or contracts on Tier 1 gear.
Collect Tier 2 MaterialsSave up to 1350 rubrics and lots of ore for Tier 2 weapons.
Fail Stack for Tier 2 TraitsCollect at least 4160 Blessings on a T1 Epic Gear Piece.
Transfer for BlessingsTransfer your fully traited +9 Epic Gear Piece into the 4160 Blessings piece to get 5480 Blessings.
Upgrade to T2 GearTransfer this Gear Piece into your desired T2 Gear Piece to get 8120 Blessings.
Max Out ContractsSave all Weekly Contracts. Run Taedel’s Tower Contracts for Mastery XP.
Save Important MaterialsYou need 186,390,000 Sollant, 6720 Magic Powder, 5824 Ore, and 5824 Polished Crystal for full Tier 2 gear.

Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre preparation | Currency prepare and caps

To prepare for the Wilds of Talandre update, you need to save important currencies and reach the maximum limits. This will help you get new items, gear, and Mastery XP quickly when the update arrives.

CurrencyMax CapWhat to Do
Contracts5 Accepted, 69/60 CapSave all Weekly Contracts. They turn into Talandre contracts at a 2:1 ratio.
Abyssal Contract Token PointsMax 40,000 (1,000 x 40)Save for Epic Level 2 Equipment Chests.
Abyss Coin & Abyssal AggregateNo LimitUse them to craft Epic Level 2 Equipment Chests.
Randomized Matchmaking RewardsNo LimitSave 2-Star boxes. They may contain Dimensional Essence: Desire.
Arena CoinsNo LimitSave for Precious Blessing Pouch: Plateau for Epic Tier 2 Gear.
Contract CoinsAs Many as PossibleNeed 3,000 for Tier 2 Weapon Boxes and 250 per Blessing Pouch.
Special Resistance MedalsNo Limit1 Medal gives 100k Weapon Mastery XP (10 times per week).
Trait Unlockstone & Conversion StoneNo LimitSave to make Mastery and Traits smoother in the new update.

Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre preparation | what’s new in the Talandre?

The Wilds of Talandre update in Throne and Liberty brings big changes. There is a new Mastery System, new Tier 2 weapons, armor, and accessories, new dungeons, and higher level caps. You need to plan for new content, save materials, and be ready for the Mastery changes.

New FeatureDetails
Level Cap IncreaseLevel cap raised to 55, with 3% damage reduction per level past 50.
New Mastery SystemYour old Mastery points change to the new system. Plan your Mastery choices early.
New Gear (Tier 2)Get ready for new Tier 2 weapons, armor, and accessories.
New DungeonsIncludes new Tier 3 Dungeons and Open World Dungeons.
New BossesFight new Field Bosses and Arch Bosses.
New Stat PointsGain 5 extra stat points with the level increase.

Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre preparation | Blessings

In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, Blessings are super important. They help you upgrade your gear and get better traits. You need a lot of Blessings to make your Tier 2 gear strong. The goal is to get 8120 Blessings on your Epic Tier 2 gear by using fail stacking and smart transfers.

Start with a T1 Epic Gear PieceBuild up at least 4160 Blessings on a base piece.
Transfer +9 Fully Traited T1 GearThis adds 1320 Blessings, bringing your total to 5480 Blessings.
Upgrade to T2 GearTransfer again to reach 8120 Blessings on your Epic Tier 2 piece.
Fail Stacking MethodUse blue and purple items to fail stack and gain Blessings.
Plan for 900 Blessings per TraitEach Epic Trait in T2 gear needs 900 Blessings.
Save Trait Conversion StonesThey help in stacking more Blessings efficiently.

Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre preparation | contracts and dungeons

ave all your Weekly Contracts, Abyss Coins, and Abyssal Aggregates. They help you get new Tier 2 gear and Mastery XP fast.

Max Weekly ContractsKeep 5 Accepted, and reach 69/60 cap. Save them for the update.
Abyssal Contract Token PointsSave up to 40,000 points for Epic Level 2 Equipment Chests.
Taedel’s Tower ContractsSave these for better Mastery XP after the update.
Abyss Coin & Abyssal AggregateSave all of them to craft new Tier 2 equipment.
2-Star Matchmaking RewardsKeep these unopened. They might have Dimensional Essence: Desire.
Arena CoinsSave for Precious Blessing Pouch: Plateau for Tier 2 gear.
Contract CoinsSave 3,000 for Tier 2 Weapon Boxes and 250 per Blessing Pouch.
Special Resistance MedalsUse them for Weapon Mastery Seals. 1 Medal = 100k Weapon XP (10/week).

Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre preparation | What to prepare for growshstones

In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, Growthstones are super important for upgrading your Tier 2 gear. You need different types of Growthstones for weapons, armor, and accessories. Save all materials and Growthstones now to avoid getting stuck when the update arrives. Focus on collecting Sollant, Magic Powder, Ore, and Polished Crystals.

Item TypeSollant NeededMagic PowderOre TypeOre NeededPolished Crystal
Weapons49,704,0001792Rubrix Ore896896
Armor74,556,0002688Stalon Ore26882688
Accessories62,130,0002240Emeret Ore22402240
Total for Full Gear186,390,0006720All Types58245824

Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre preparation | cost of full gear

In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, getting full Tier 2 gear is not cheap. You need a lot of Sollant, Magic Powder, Ore, and Polished Crystals. Preparing early will save you time and resources when the update drops. Below is a simple table with the full cost of weapons, armor, and accessories.

Gear TypeSollant NeededMagic PowderOre TypeOre NeededPolished Crystal
Weapons49,704,0001792Rubrix Ore896896
Armor74,556,0002688Stalon Ore26882688
Accessories62,130,0002240Emeret Ore22402240
Total for All186,390,0006720All Types58245824

Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre preparation | Mastery rank

In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, the Mastery Rank system will change. Your current Mastery Points will be multiplied by 4 in the new system. This means if you have Mastery Rank 20 now, it will become 80 points. It’s important to plan your Mastery choices early to get ahead in the game. You will not have enough points for all Epic Mastery nodes, so choose the most important ones for your build.

Current Mastery RankNew Mastery Points
Mastery Rank 1040 Points
Mastery Rank 1456 Points
Mastery Rank 2080 Points
Mastery Rank 25100 Points
Mastery Rank 30120 Points


In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, Mastery Rank will change. Your Mastery Points will be 4 times more. You need to plan early. Pick the best Mastery nodes. You cannot get all the Epic Mastery nodes, so choose the most important ones.

Save all your resources. Do not use your materials, ores, and contracts on old gear. Keep everything for Tier 2 gear. You need a lot of Sollant, Magic Powder, Ore, and Polished Crystals. Do not buy or upgrade Tier 1 gear. Focus on getting items for Tier 2 gear.

The update will bring new things. There will be new weapons, armor, dungeons, and bosses. The level cap will go up to 55. You will get 5 extra stat points. The Mastery system will be new. You need to be ready.

To win in Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, you must plan well. Save resources, pick the best Mastery nodes, and avoid wasting on old gear. Preparing early will help you do well in the game.

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