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Throne And Liberty: Wilds Of Talandre Weapon Tier List + Best Option For Each Weapon

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Talandre was supposed to be a calm place, but then monsters came, and now you need the best weapon to survive. Crazy, right?

In Throne And Liberty: Wilds Of Talandre Weapon Tier List guide, you will learn:

If you want to heal, tank, or do big damage, this guide will help you. So, grab your weapon, get ready, and let’s show Talandre who’s boss!

Throne and liberty: Wilds of Talandre Weapon Tier list | Overview

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In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, the Weapon Tier List helps you find the best weapons for Dungeons, Bossing, PvP, and PvE. The list shows which weapons are strong for DPS, Support, and Tank roles. Weapons are ranked from S (best) to F (worst) based on damage, utility, and support. This guide will help you choose the best weapons for your play style, even if you want high damage, strong healing, or solid tanking.

TierWeaponsBest For
SCrossbow/Dagger, Longbow/Staff, Longbow/CrossbowBest DPS in Dungeons and Bossing
AStaff/Crossbow, Greatsword/Crossbow, Spear/Crossbow, Spear/GreatswordGood DPS and Utility
BWand/Staff, Greatsword/Dagger, Longbow/Dagger, Staff/DaggerDecent Builds, Balanced Performance
CGreatsword/StaffNot Tested Enough
DSword and Shield/Staff, Sword and Shield/LongbowWeak Builds, Low Utility

Throne and liberty: Wilds of Talandre Weapon Tier list | DPS PVE tier list

In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, the DPS PvE Tier List shows the best weapons for Dungeons and Bossing. The list helps you find the top weapons for sustained damage (DPS) and party utility. Weapons are ranked from S (best) to F (worst) based on how strong they are in PvE (Player vs Environment) fights.

Best Choice for Each Weapon

TierWeaponBest ChoiceWhy This Weapon is Best
SCrossbow/DaggerBurken Seductive BladeHigh damage and stacking bonus, great for all content
SLongbow/StaffTavin BowGood for healing and DPS, extra projectiles for more damage
SLongbow/CrossbowQueen’s CrossbowStrong, reliable, easy to craft with dungeon tokens
AStaff/CrossbowDion’s Fire StaffHigh skill and burning damage, perfect for PvE
AGreatsword/CrossbowGiant For’s Corruption SwordBest for PvE, creates poison cloud on hit, but costly in Lucent
ASpear/CrossbowDelusional Hail SpearHigh base damage, stuns and pushes enemies
ASpear/GreatswordCrimson’s Carnage SpearBoosts damage of fury skills, strong for boss fights
BWand/StaffOvertier of Eternal SalvationHeals over time, good for support roles
BGreatsword/DaggerPilo Norus Frenzy SwordBoosts DPS and reduces skill cooldowns
BLongbow/DaggerArc of Lunar RadianceGood for healers, boosts attack speed for allies
BStaff/DaggerDelusion Ice DaggersCan freeze enemies in smoke screen, useful in dungeons
CGreatsword/StaffPeerless Obsidian RazorsDecent for DPS but not tested enough
DSword and Shield/StaffBullwark of InvulnerabilityGood for tanking but weak for DPS
DSword and Shield/LongbowDelusional Ice Sword SNSIncreases damage but better for tanks

Throne and liberty: Wilds of Talandre Weapon Tier list | Tank PVE tier List

In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, the Tank PvE Tier List shows the best weapons for holding enemy attention (aggro) in Dungeons and Bossing. The list ranks weapons from S (best) to F (worst) based on their utility and strength in tanking roles. The best tank weapons have strong defense and help control enemies. Also it great for leveling.

Best Choice for Each Weapon

TierWeaponBest ChoiceWhy This Weapon is Best
SSword and Shield / GreatswordBullwark of InvulnerabilityBest for tanking, pulls enemies with Chain Hook
SSword and Shield / WandOvertier of Eternal SalvationHeals over time, perfect for tanking support
ASword and Shield / DaggerBurken Seductive BladeIncreases damage and weakens enemies, great utility
ASword and Shield / CrossbowQueen’s CrossbowStrong and reliable, good for holding aggro
ASword and Shield / SpearDelusional Hail SpearHigh damage, stuns enemies by pushing them
BSword and Shield / StaffDion’s Fire StaffGood for burning damage and controlling groups
BSword and Shield / LongbowTavin BowHelps with healing and gives extra damage with projectiles

Throne and liberty: Wilds of Talandre Weapon Tier list | Support PVE tier list

In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, the Support PvE Tier List shows the best weapons for healing and helping your team in Dungeons and Bossing. The list ranks weapons from S (best) to F (worst) based on how well they heal, support, and boost party performance. Good support weapons keep the team alive and add utility in fights.

Best Choice for Each Weapon

Throne and liberty: Wilds of Talandre Weapon Tier list | PVP tier list

In “Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre,” the PvP Tier List shows the best weapons for player vs. player battles. The list ranks weapons from S (best) to F (worst) based on damage, utility, and control in PvP fights. The best PvP weapons help you win in 1v1, small team fights, and large-scale battles.

Best Choice for Each Weapon

TierWeaponBest ChoiceWhy This Weapon is Best
SDaggerBurken Seductive BladeHigh burst damage and weakens enemies, perfect for assassins
SCrossbowQueen’s CrossbowStrong and reliable, good for long-range damage
SSpearDelusional Hail SpearHigh damage, can stun and push enemies in PvP
SSword and ShieldBullwark of InvulnerabilityBest for tanking, pulls enemies with Chain Hook
AStaffDion’s Fire StaffGood burning damage, keeps pressure on enemies
ALongbowTavin BowStrong for healing and DPS, great for distance attacks
AWandOvertier of Eternal SalvationHeals over time, good for keeping team alive
BGreatswordGiant For’s Corruption SwordDecent for PvP, adds poison cloud for area control
CSword and ShieldDelusional Ice Sword SNSGood for DPS but not the best for PvP


In Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre, choosing the right weapon is very important. The Weapon Tier List helps you find the best weapons for different game modes like Dungeons, Bossing, PvP, and PvE. Weapons are ranked from S (best) to F (worst) based on damage, utility, and support.

For DPS PvE, the best weapons are Burken Seductive Blade, Tavin Bow, and Queen’s Crossbow. These weapons give high damage and good utility in Dungeons and Boss fights.

For Tank PvE, Bullwark of Invulnerability and Overtier of Eternal Salvation are top choices. These weapons help hold enemy attention (aggro) and keep your team safe.

For Support PvE, Overtier of Eternal Salvation and Queen Bander Staff are the best. They offer strong healing and support for your team in fights.

In PvP, Burken Seductive Blade, Queen’s Crossbow, and Delusional Hail Spear stand out. These weapons provide strong damage and good control over enemies in battles.

Overall, the best weapons help you with high damage, strong defense, or good healing, depending on your role. Use the S and A Tier weapons to perform well in all game situations. Focus on crafting and getting these top weapons to become stronger in “Throne and Liberty: Wilds of Talandre.”

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