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WoW Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid Guide | 10 & 25

How to beat Throne of the Four Winds
Throne of the Four Winds loot table

The Throne of the Four Winds. This is the pred-tech of all the Mega dungeons in the Retail Warcraft. Something, which is looks like Raid, feels like raid, have a similar mode to raid – but not a raid. But in the Classic Cataclysm the Throne of the Four Winds is your unique chance to loot many different cool epic gears, without spending a lot time? In cause? Simple – in the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm – there’s only 5 bosses. Or 2 big bosses, and 3 small bosses, through all the raid. But to learn, how to beat them all, you need our incredible Cataclysm classic Throne of the Four Winds Raid Guide!

Here you’ll learn:

  1. How to enter the Throne of the Four Winds?
  2. Which of drakes are waiting on you right here?
  3. How to beat this raid in the heroic difficulty?
  4. Why those elementals, are so… annoyable.
  5. What about the best raid composition?
  6. Is there any different between the Vanilla Throne of the Four Winds and the Classic Throne of the Four winds?
  7. Who is final boss?
  8. What about the plot of this raid?
  9. What achievements can you earn in this part of the raid?


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And many other things. Oh! Of course, you’ll learn about the main things. About Tactics and strategies for the Throne of the Four Winds with our ToTFW Raid Guide! You’re Welcome!

Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid | Overview

The Cataclysm Classic Throne of the Four Winds Raid Guide takes you above the sands of southern Uldum to battle ancient wind elementals on a quest for epic loot. This high-flying encounter, set in the Elemental Plane of Air, features a council type battle against the Conclave of Wind followed by a stormy showdown with Al’Akir, the elemental lord himself. Whether you’re swooping in for Heroic difficulty thrills or just cruising through Normal, prepare for tricky winds, precise movement, and new mechanics that demand top-notch DPS and proper positioning. Rally your raid group, because whether it’s mastering the stacking debuff Wind Chill or seizing control from the elemental invasion, you’re in for one whirlwind of a fight!

ZoneUldum, Skywall
Boss Encounters2 (Conclave of Wind, Al’Akir)
DifficultiesNormal, Heroic
Key MechanicsMultiple phases, precise movement, Wind Chill (stacking debuff)
Heroic SpecialsEssence of the Forlorn, extra titles, and achievements
Loot HighlightsReins of the Drake of the South Wind, Tier 11 tokens
Entrance Coordinates/way 38.5, 80.5
Player Modes10-Player, 25-Player
Unique ChallengeDefeating Al’Akir with Feedback from a Stormling for the Four Play achievement

Keep this guide handy as you prepare to take on the elemental challenges that await in the windswept heights of the Throne of the Four Winds!

Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid | Entrance

Heading over to the Cataclysm Classic Throne of the Four Winds Raid? It’s perched above the southwest coast of Uldum, waiting at the precise coordinates /way 38.5, 80.5. Grab your flying mount, because you’re floating high in the Elemental Plane of Air! Look for the lone summoning stone on the far side of the entry platform—it’s your main landmark before you take on the djinn council and the elemental lord Al’Akir.

How to Get to the Throne of the Four Winds

AllianceFly south from Ramkahen in Uldum. Cross over the ocean, keeping an eye out for the swirling vortex of clouds marking the raid entrance.
HordeStart from the southern tip of Uldum at Ramkahen. Head directly southward over the sea, and you’ll spot the swirling winds and platforms floating in the sky.

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Ready your raid group and make sure everyone’s equipped for some precise movement and heroic challenges in this high-flying encounter!

Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid | Raid composition

Hopping into the Cataclysm Classic Throne of the Four Winds Raid requires a solid crew that can handle everything from the howling winds to the council-type encounter with the Conclave of Wind, and finally, the elemental showdown with Al’Akir. The raid is set up for either 10 or 25 players, and both configurations have a blend of tanks, DPS, and healers to ensure you can seize control of the winds and emerge victorious against the bosses.

Recommended Raid Composition

Raid SizeTanksDPSHealers

For both raid sizes, the emphasis is on precise movement and control, essential for managing the multiple phases and mechanics of each boss. The small number of tanks reflects the nature of the encounters, where positioning and handling of boss mechanics often outweigh pure tanking demands. DPS and healers need to dynamically adjust to the shifting requirements of the fights, whether it’s spreading out to avoid stacking debuffs like Wind Chill or grouping up to handle bursts of damage efficiently.

Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid | Mobs abilities + tactics

These lesser mobs, like the Ravenous Creeper and the Stormling, play crucial roles during the encounters, especially on heroic mode where handling them correctly can be pivotal.

Mobs and Key Actions in Throne of the Four Winds

Mob NameKey SkillWhat to doInformal Commentary
Ravenous CreeperToxic SporesDispelSpores worse than your moldy bread. Dispel or regret!
StormlingStatic ShockAbsorbZap incoming! Gather ’round for a shock absorbing party.


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In the raid, the Ravenous Creepers and their Toxic Spores require quick dispels to keep the raid clean and healthy, preventing the spores from overwhelming the group with damage over time. Meanwhile, the Stormlings, with their Static Shock, are a critical mechanic in Al’Akir’s fight, especially in heroic mode.

Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid | Boss tactics

The setup? Three elemental bosses—Nezir, Anshal, and Rohash—each embodying the fierce power of North, West, and East Winds, respectively. These three must be defeated simultaneously to avoid any of them regenerating health, which is like trying to balance plates during a tornado. Conquering these three as a coordinated raid team unlocks the final challenge against the elemental lord himself, Al’Akir. It’s a dynamic battle that tests agility, coordination, and the ability to withstand new challenges flung at you faster than a gust on a stormy day.

Nezir tactics

When tackling Nezir, the frosty North Wind of the Conclave, it’s all about managing frost damage and staying mobile. He’s literally a chill dude with a frosty temper, blasting ice at anyone within reach. His abilities stack up the frostbite quickly, so be ready to skate around his Ice Patches and share the chilly love during his Sleet Storm to minimize the deep freeze.

Tactical Breakdown by Role

AbilityEffectHandling StrategyCommentary
Wind ChillInflicts Frost damage and increases Frost damage taken; affects all within 90 yards.SpreadStay frosty… literally.
PermafrostChannels Frost damage in a cone toward the target.PositionDon’t freeze in place!
Ice PatchCreates icy areas that damage and slow movement.AvoidSlippery slope alert!
Sleet StormDivides heavy Frost damage among all players within 90 yards.ClusterGroup hug for warmth!

Managing Nezir is a frosty dance of positioning and damage control—stay sharp, move smart, and keep those toes toasty!

Anshal tactics

Anshal, the West Wind in the Throne of the Four Winds, is all about managing his garden of Ravenous Creepers and dodging the areas where he makes things a little too serene with his Soothing Breeze. Keep your raid clean of creepers, and avoid his silencing zones unless you fancy a moment of unexpected peace in the middle of a chaotic battle.

Role-Specific Tactics for Anshal

AbilityEffectHandling StrategyInformal Commentary
NurtureSummons multiple Ravenous Creepers over a few seconds.Kill quicklyChop those Creepers down like you’re in a rush!
Ravenous CreeperReleases Toxic Spores that damage and stack a toxin on nearby players.AvoidStep back unless you want a spore makeover!
Toxic SporesInflicts Nature damage and stacks a poison effect on nearby players.Dispel/MoveThis isn’t just a breeze, it’s a full-on toxic gale!
Soothing BreezeCreates a healing and silencing zone at a Creeper’s location.Stay outLooks calm, but it’s a silent storm sent by the old gods!
ZephyrHeals Creepers and boosts their damage when Anshal reaches full wind energy, also affects Anshal.Interrupt/PreventKill the vibe before the Zephyr turns this into a nightmare on Winds’ Throne!

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Raid members, listen up! Anshal’s platform isn’t just another spot in the instance; it’s where you face one of the three bosses that rule the winds, offering rewards that are worth the whirl. Stay sharp, move quick, and remember, every moment counts—let’s keep those old gods’ minions in check and show them how the Winds serve us today!

Rolash Tactics

Rohash, the East Wind in the Throne of the Four Winds, is your go-to for a whirlwind experience. This air-bender keeps you on your toes with his wind-themed gymnastics. Dodging and precision are key as he slaps the raid with gusts, tornadoes, and a full-blown hurricane. Ready for a breath of fresh, albeit fierce, air? Rohash won’t disappoint with his aerial antics.

Rohash Role-Specific Tactics

Rohash Key Abilities Table

AbilityEffectHandling StrategyCommentary
Slicing GaleInflicts Nature damage to a random player, stacking a debuff in Heroic mode.SpreadStay sharp, this wind cuts deep!
Wind BlastRotates and blasts wind in a cone, causing damage and knockback.Avoid frontDon’t get blown away—literally!
TornadoSummons tornadoes that move randomly, damaging and knocking back anyone they touch.DodgeIt’s twisty—keep your feet moving!
HurricaneLifts players in the air, dealing damage over time, then drops them, possibly causing more damage.Group healUp and away! Group heal on landing.
Storm Shield(Heroic) Absorbs damage and deals periodic damage to all on the platform.MitigateShield’s up! Mitigate or suffer!

Rohash demands precision and quick reflexes from everyone. Master the winds, and you’ll seize control, turning the whirlwind challenge into a rewarding breeze.

Al’Akir tactics

Al’Akir, the elemental lord of air in the Throne of the Four Winds, ups the ante with a stormy display of wind, ice, and lightning. As the final boss, he waits until you’ve handled the Conclave of Wind and then challenges you with everything a tempest can muster. This is a fight where staying grounded (figuratively) and keeping a cool head amidst the elemental chaos is crucial.

Tactics for Al’Akir

Key Abilities of Al’Akir

AbilityEffectHandling StrategyCommentary
Wind BurstKnocks back all players and inflicts Nature damage.StabilizeBrace yourselves, wind’s coming!
Squall LineSummons a line of tornadoes that rotate around the platform, dealing damage to those caught.AvoidDodge the dance of the tornadoes!
Ice StormMoves around dropping ice that slows and damages players.MoveSkate away from the chill!
Lighting StrikeTargets a player, causing Nature damage in a cone.SpreadSpread out, don’t chain the pain!
ElectrocuteChannels increasing Nature damage if the tank is out of melee range.Close RangeHug the boss or get zapped hard!
Acid RainContinuous Nature damage to all, increasing over time.MitigateRain’s acidic, shields up!
StormlingSummons adds that increase Al’Akir’s damage taken when killed.Kill QuicklyZap the adds, weaken the boss!
FeedbackIncreases Al’Akir’s damage taken for each Stormling killed.ExploitMore adds down, more boss pain!
Lightning CloudSummons clouds that cause heavy damage if not moved away from.Vertical MovementFly up or down to dodge storm clouds!

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Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid | Mounts

Whether you’re a seasoned raid member or just getting your wings, these mounts serve as a perfect memento of your aerial adventures, and grabbing one is a brag-worthy moment that’ll have you soaring both in-game and in your bragging rights.

Mount NameHow to ObtainDrop RateCommentary
Reins of the Drake of the South WindDropped by Al’Akir in both Normal and Heroic modes.Low (Approx. 1%)Whip through winds with this cool drake—it’s a head-turner!
Reins of the Drake of the North WindRare drop from the cache of the Conclave of Wind on Heroic difficulty.Very Low (Even rarer)Rarer than a calm day in the Elemental Plane—catch it if you can!

Each attempt gives you a shot at glory with these drakes, perfect for anyone looking to add some wind beneath their wings

Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid | Loot table

Reins of the Drake of the South WindMount
Illusion: Windfury ShamanConsumable
Zephyr’s CallCompanion
Breezy EssenceCompanion
Heroic Mistral CircleRing
Heroic Star Chaser BeltMail Armor
Heroic Sky Strider BeltPlate Armor
Heroic Thunder Wall BeltPlate Armor
Heroic Wind Stalker BeltLeather Armor
Heroic Permafrost SignetRing
Heroic Planetary BandRing
Heroic Gale Rouser BeltLeather Armor
Heroic Tempest Keeper BeltPlate Armor
Heroic Soul Breath BeltCloth Armor
Heroic Lightning Well BeltMail Armor
Heroic Star Chaser LegguardsMail Armor
Heroic Sky Strider GreavesPlate Armor
Heroic Thunder Wall GreavesPlate Armor
Heroic Wind Stalker LeggingsLeather Armor
Heroic Cloudburst RingRing
Heroic Soul Breath LeggingsCloth Armor
Heroic Gale Rouser LeggingsLeather Armor
Heroic Tempest Keeper LeggingsPlate Armor
Heroic Lightning Well LegguardsMail Armor
Essence of the ForlornArmor Token
Heroic Stormwake, the Tempest’s ReachOne-Handed Sword
Heroic Stormwake, the Tempest’s ReachOne-Handed Sword
Heroic Stormwake, the Tempest’s ReachOne-Handed Sword
Permafrost CapeCloak
Cloudburst CloakCloak
Mistral PendantAmulet
Planetary DrapeCloak
Planetary AmuletAmulet
Permafrost ChokerAmulet
Mistral DrapeCloak
Cloudburst NecklaceAmulet



Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid | Achievements

In the Throne of the Four Winds, achievements are like badges of honor, each one telling a story of your epic battle against the winds and elemental lords. From tackling Al’Akir with strategic finesse to mastering the chilling mechanics of the Conclave, these achievements are a testament to your skill and precision as a raid member. Ready to check these off your list? Here’s your guide to making those victories count.

AchievementInformal Explanation
Four PlayHit Al’Akir with Feedback and down him—like catching the perfect wind gust at just the right time!
Heroic: Al’AkirConquer Al’Akir on Heroic and claim a title that’ll make the old gods jealous!
Heroic: Al’Akir Guild RunGather your guildies, beat Al’Akir on Heroic, and brag about it forever.
Heroic: Conclave of WindShow the Conclave who really controls the winds on Heroic. Flex those raid muscles!
Stay ChillKeep cool and collected with 7 stacks of Wind Chill while defeating the Conclave—icy!
Throne of the Four WindsBeat the bosses, rule the raid. Welcome to the big leagues of air control!
Throne of the Four Winds Guild RunTeam up with your guild to conquer the Throne’s bosses. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Each achievement is more than just a point score; it’s a milestone in your raiding career, marking moments of triumph over the cataclysmic forces of the elemental plane.

Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid | Plot

Located in the Skywall, the elemental plane of air, the Throne of the Four Winds serves as the lofty domain of Al’Akir the Windlord, one of the Elemental Lords. This raid is intricately tied to the larger narrative of the Cataclysm expansion in World of Warcraft, where the chaotic reshaping of Azeroth by Deathwing also incites the elemental planes into turmoil.

The plot revolves around the resurgence of the ancient Elemental Lords, including Al’Akir, who are manipulated by Deathwing to sow destruction across Azeroth. Al’Akir, in league with Deathwing, aims to fulfill the old prophecies of the Hour of Twilight, bringing about the end of the world as foretold by the Old Gods.

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In the Throne of the Four Winds, players confront Al’Akir after defeating his lieutenants, the Conclave of Wind—three powerful elemental djinn that represent the north, east, and west winds. Each member of the Conclave must be defeated simultaneously, reflecting their powerful elemental synergy. This council-type encounter tests players’ coordination and ability to handle multiple threats at once.

By engaging in this raid, players aren’t just battling for epic loot; they’re acting as key players in quelling the elemental disturbances caused by the Cataclysm, thereby preventing Al’Akir and his tempests from wreaking further havoc on a world already on the brink of destruction.

Cataclysm Classic Throne of The Four Winds Raid | Conclusion

Nestled in the swirling heights above Uldum, this raid challenges players not just with its high-altitude mechanics but also through the lore-rich battles against the elemental lords themselves. From the precise movements required to dodge deadly squalls to the coordination needed to overcome the Conclave of Wind and Al’Akir, this raid tests every aspect of a player’s raiding prowess. Whether you’re here for the loot, the achievements, or the sheer thrill of battle, the Throne of the Four Winds offers a unique raiding experience that combines intense action with the deep lore of Warcraft’s elemental narrative. Keep this guide handy as you and your raid group rise to meet the windswept challenges laid out before you, seizing control of the skies and securing your place among the legends of the Cataclysm!

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