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Wow Classic Era Anniversary Blackfathom Deeps Quests Guide

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Wassup adventurers, to the simplest, most profanity-laden, awesome guide on how to rock the Blackfathom Deeps Attunement in WoW Classic Era. Horde or Alliance, this guide will hold your hand through the madness and leave you laughing (and crying) in equal measure.

  1. Overview of Blackfathom Deeps Attunement Quests
  2. Blackfathom Deeps Quest Details
  3. In Search of Thaelrid Quest Guide WoW Classic
  4. Head of Kelris Quest Location Horde WoW Classic
  5. Knowledge in the Deeps Walkthrough Ironforge NPC
  6. Researching the Corruption
  7. Twilight Falls Quest Guide Alliance Only WoW
  8. Allegiance to the Old Gods Horde Quest Chain Guide
  9. Baron Aquanis Quest Guide Horde Classic Era
  10. The Orb of Soran’ruk Warlock Quest
  11. The Incredible Lore of Blackfathom Deeps

Blackfathom Deeps Attunement Quests | Overview

Allegiance to the Old Gods Horde quest chain guide

If you’re a fan of crushing Naga, looting treasure, and dunking on Twilight Cultists, Blackfathom Deeps has it all. Both Horde and Alliance players can grab quests to dive into this dank, creepy dungeon. These quests range from finding rare items to slaying cultists—and all end with the satisfaction of completing an iconic WoW Classic Era adventure.

QuestFactionKey Objective
In Search of ThaelridAllianceLocate Thaelrid inside the dungeon
Head of KelrisHordeObtain Kelris’ head
Knowledge in the DeepsAllianceFind the Lorgalis Manuscript
Researching the CorruptionAllianceLoot Corrupted Brain Stems
Twilight FallsAllianceCollect Twilight Pendants
Allegiance to the Old GodsHordeDefeat Lorgus Jett
Baron AquanisHordeLoot the Strange Water Globe
The Orb of Soran’rukWarlock OnlyCollect fragments in multiple dungeons

In Search of Thaelrid Quest Guide WoW Classic era anniversary

Find Dawnwatcher Shaedlass in Darnassus to start this quest. Head into Blackfathom Deeps, where Thaelrid is chilling just past the turtle boss. Talk to him, and you’re good.

Quest GiverDawnwatcher Shaedlass in Darnassus
ObjectiveLocate Argent Guard Thaelrid

Head of Kelris Quest Location Horde WoW Classic

Horde players, kill Kelris in the dungeon and loot his head. That’s it. Heads roll, loot drops, you’re a legend.

Quest GiverAuto-accept on looting Kelris’ Head
ObjectiveLoot Head of Kelris

Knowledge in the Deeps Walkthrough Ironforge NPC

Alliance players grab this from Gerrig Bonegrip in Ironforge. The Lorgalis Manuscript is hidden in a chest near Ghamoo-ra. Dive, fight some Naga, and profit.

Quest GiverGerrig Bonegrip in Ironforge
ObjectiveFind Lorgalis Manuscript

Researching the Corruption

Start this in Stormwind and head to Auberdine. Collect 8 Corrupted Brain Stems from mobs inside BFD. Might take multiple runs. Classic grind vibes.

Quest GiverGershala Nightwhisper in Auberdine
ObjectiveCollect Corrupted Brain Stems

Twilight Falls Quest Guide Alliance Only WoW

Darnassus calls! Collect Twilight Pendants from Twilight Hammer cultists deeper in the dungeon.

Quest GiverArgent Guard Manados in Darnassus
ObjectiveLoot Twilight Pendants

Allegiance to the Old Gods Horde Quest Chain Guide

Start by looting the Damp Note outside the dungeon, then kill Lorgus Jett inside. Bonus evil vibes guaranteed.

Quest GiverJe’neu Sancrea in Zoram Strand
ObjectiveKill Lorgus Jett

Baron Aquanis Quest Guide Horde Classic Era

Kill Baron Aquanis in BFD, loot the Strange Water Globe, and return to Je’neu Sancrea.

Quest GiverAuto-accept on looting the Globe
ObjectiveReturn Strange Water Globe

The Orb of Soran’ruk Warlock Quest

For Warlocks, this epic chain sends you to Shadowfang Keep and Blackfathom Deeps. Loot fragments and build the Orb of Soran’ruk!

Quest GiverDoan Karhan or Takar the Seer
ObjectiveCollect Orb fragments

The Lore of Blackfathom Deeps

Once a temple of Elune, Blackfathom Deeps was corrupted by the Twilight Hammer and Naga forces. It’s now a chilling underwater cavern filled with ancient secrets, deadly creatures, and epic loot. Deep beneath Ashenvale, it whispers of Azeroth’s dark past.


Boom, you’re done! Whether you’re Horde, Alliance, or a lone Warlock, Blackfathom Deeps Attunement Quests in WoW Classic Era are worth the grind. Dive in, loot big, and always remember: Naga and cultists hate you for a reason—because you’re awesome!

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