Hey there, check this out – they’re switchin’ up the voice behind Commander Zavala in Destiny. So, remember Lance Reddick? The guy who used to voice him? Well, unfortunately, he passed away back in March. Total bummer, right? But hold on, Bungie’s not lettin’ that stop ’em. They’re keepin’ the legacy goin’ and they’ve got a new voice in town.
Guess who they’ve tapped for the job? Keith David! Yeah, you heard me right. That dude’s got a voice that’s practically legendary in the entertainment biz. He’s lent his vocal talents to all sorts of shows and movies, from the old HBO cartoon Spawn to classic games like the 90s Saints Row and even Rick and Morty.
Here’s the scoop from Bungie themselves: “Commander Zavala’s at the heart of the story we’ve been tellin’ since the OG Destiny days, and we’re gonna keep his journey rollin’.”
And don’t worry, the lines Lance Reddick laid down in the game are stayin’ put for the next release. Keith took to Twitter and said, “I’m honored to carry on Lance Reddick’s work as Zavala. One of Zavala’s qualities that really speaks to me is his honesty and sense of family. I felt like Lance nailed that. And I’m gonna keep carryin’ that integrity forward.”
So, there you have it. Destiny’s keepin’ the fire burnin’, even with a new voice callin’ the shots for Commander Zavala.
Bungie says:
«For me, it’s a huge honor to carry on Lance Reddick’s work as Zavala. One of Zavala’s key qualities that really resonates with me is his honesty and sense of family. I felt that Lance conveyed this wonderfully. I intend to continue embodying this integrity moving forward.»