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Diablo 4 Season of Construct – New Vaults & Leaderboards Explained

Diablo 4 Season of Construct - New Vaults & Leaderboards Explained
Diablo 4 Season of Construct - New Vaults & Leaderboards Explained

Diablo 4 starts Season 3, the Season of the Construct. It brings significant renovations, including the addition of the Seneschal companion, capable of dealing damage to targets. Therefore, all gameplay aspects in Diablo 4 Season of Construct revolve around upgrading the Seneschal companion. In this guide, you’ll find information about:

  1. What the Seneschal construct is in Diablo 4: Season of the Construct.
  2. What Diablo 4 Governing and Tuning Stones are.
  3. How to increase your extra stash tab and eliminate burning enemies with a new tree skill.
  4. What Arcane Tremors and Pearls of Warding are.

Finally, you will learn how to maintain the Zoltun’s Warding buff at all times and navigate Nightmare Vaults in the most optimal way. Let’s begin our Diablo 4 Season of Construct guide and delve into the world of the Construct, Seneschal and all the others.

It’s a part of our new compendium about the Diablo 4: Season of the construct:

What to expect in the new Season of Construct

In this season, the big hype is the new Seneschal Champion, a customizable companion that’s like your shadow in battle. You can tweak this bad boy with a bunch of Governing and Tuning Stones to make it hit harder, tank better, or whatever floats your boat. The dope thing? Your Seneschal’s stats are a mirror image of yours – your crit is its crit, your attack is its attack. It’s like having a mini-you but more robotic and can’t die. And guess what? These Governing and Tuning Stones? They’re like candy – 12 flavors of Governing Stones and 27 kinds of Tuning Stones to mix and match.

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Where do you get these stones? Vaults, my friend. These new dungeons are loaded with traps and loot. Dodge traps, keep your Zoltun’s Warding blessing high, and you’ll score big with Wardwoven Chests. And for those who like a challenge, there are Nightmare Vaults for the hardcore players – tougher mobs, but better loot. Oh, and don’t sleep on the Arcane Tremors events. They’re your ticket to farming Pearls of Warding, which you need for those sweet Zoltun’s Warding buffs in Vaults.

Seneschal CompanionCustomize with Governing and Tuning Stones; mimics your stats.
VaultsNew dungeons; dodge traps, get loot. Use Pearls of Warding for buffs.
Arcane TremorsEvents for farming Pearls. Great for leveling up and loot explosions.
Governing & Tuning Stones12 Governing (main skills) and 27 Tuning Stones (support skills which are slower attack speeds for a distant enemies pulls) for your Seneschal.
Nightmare VaultsHard mode Vaults for high-level players; bigger risks, bigger rewards like the stones for seneschal construct dealing damage.

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So, get in there, dodge those traps, smash some enemies, and make your Seneschal a beast. Season of the Construct is all about that customization, strategy, and, of course, scoring that sweet loot

Diablo 4: Season of the construct | New Seneschal companion

In Diablo IV’s Season of Construct, they’re introducing a new companion called the Seneschal Champion. This companion can be customized with various abilities to suit your play style. You can enhance these abilities with three additional support skills. This customization is done through a new character menu, where you use Governing Stones (main skills for your companion) and augment these with Tuning Stones (support skills).

An interesting aspect is that your Seneschal’s stats in diablo 4 season 3 will directly mirror your character’s stats – like attack rating and crit. Plus, any raw stat increases or damage bonuses affecting you will also apply to your companion. You get this companion via the seasonal quest line, and it’s not clear yet if it will be melee or ranged.

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The cool part is your Seneschal Champion in diablo 4 season 3 can’t die, so you don’t have to worry about its survival. It will have two Governing Stones for main skills and three Tuning Stones for each Governing Stone to augment them. These stones can be leveled up for more power.

The Governing Stones (main abilities) and Tuning Stones (support skills) are categorized into different types like offensive, defensive, or utility. The Tuning Stones are non-specializing, meaning they offer general enhancements that can be creatively combined for different effects.

Lastly, there’s some excitement about two hidden fabled Tuning Stones, which might be discovered during the season. These are expected to offer powerful enhancements to the Seneschal Champion’s abilities, adding more depth to gameplay and build options.

So, it’s all about customizing this new companion to complement and enhance your play style, with a lot of options and flexibility in how you do it!

Diablo 4: Season of the construct | Governing stones

In Diablo 4’s Season 3, named Season of the Construct,  you’ll want to upgrade your Seneschal Companion with these cool things called Governing Stones. There are 12 different Governing Stones to grab, plus 27 Tuning Stones for extra spice. You use two Governing Stones to give your robotic buddy special abilities, and then pimp those abilities with three Tuning Stones each.

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Let’s Boost your Seneschal together!

To snag these stones, you’ve got a few options. First, dive into Vaults, these new dungeon types they’ve rolled out. Finish a Vault, and you’ll score a random Tuning Stone. There’s also these Wardwoven Chests at the end of Vaults that might drop some stones, but watch out for traps! The more traps you hit, the less loot you get. If you dodge the traps and keep Zoltun’s Warding intact, you’ll unlock these chests and potentially get more stones.

It seems like the same drill for Governing Stones as well – just play through the season’s main story and you’ll likely stumble upon them. Plus, there’s crafting. Beat up enemy Constructs in the Vaults, collect Shattered Stone, and then head to any Jeweler to craft your own Governing and Tuning Stones.

Governing StoneDescription
AutodefenseSeneschal Construct activates an antimaterial field, shooting down enemy projectiles (not Boss/Player).
BushwhackQuickly ambushes targets dealing damage, possibly hitting the same target multiple times.
FireflyDeploys a construct that targets dealing damage through explosions.
Focus FireThe Seneschal Construct channels a fire ray at targets, dealing damage over time.
GyrateWhirls legs around, damaging surrounding enemies. Also give you a bonus critical strike damage in diablo 4 season 3
ImpalePerforms a line attack dealing damage to enemies in front.
Lightning BoltLaunches lightning, dealing damage and arcing to multiple enemies.
ProtectCreates a protective barrier on the player based on maximum life.
ReconstructThe Seneschal Construct channels a reconstruction beam healing the player.
SlashPummels enemies in front, dealing damage.
TempestElectrifies an enemy, spreading to others if the target is killed.

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Diablo 4: Season of the construct | Tuning stones

To get You can get governing and tuning stones by using the following methods.

Exploring VaultsComplete Vaults, a new type of dungeon in Season of the Construct, to earn random Tuning Stones.
Unlocking Wardwoven ChestsAt the end of a Vault run, these chests appear. The amount of loot, including possible Tuning Stones, depends on how many traps you avoided. Keep Zoltun’s Warding intact to unlock these chests.
Playing Through the Main StoryAs you progress through the Season of the Construct’s main story, you’ll likely find both Governing and Tuning Stones.
Crafting at a JewelerDefeat enemy Constructs within the Vaults to collect Shattered Stone, which can be used to craft Governing and Tuning Stones at any Jeweler in Sanctuary.

Also, catch the complete list full of all tuning stones for your seneschal companion

Tuning StoneDescription
Voluminous SupportIncreases supported skill’s effect size.
Swift SupportGives supported skill an attack speed bonus.
Breaking SupportSupported skill destroys enemy barrier effects, making enemies vulnerable.
Tactical SupportDecreases supported skill’s cooldown.
Efficiency SupportSupporting skill deals damage and grants critical strike chance.
Devastation SupportSupported skill gains a critical strike damage bonus.
Safeguard SupportGrants damage reduction when using the supported skill.
Frigid SupportAdds cold damage over time to supported skill’s damage.
Burning SupportConverts a portion of supported skill’s damage to burning damage over time.
Electrocution SupportSupported skill deals lightning damage over time with a chance to stun enemies.
Bleeding SupportAdds bonus bleeding damage over time to supported skill’s damage, increasing damage when enemies move.
Poison SupportAdds poison damage over time to supported skill’s damage.
Dusk SupportConverts a portion of damage to shadow damage, interrupting non-boss attacks.
Duration SupportIncreases duration of supported skills.
Fortify SupportGrants Fortify when using supported skill, varying with attack speed.
Resource SupportGains primary resource when supported skill first deals damage.
Initiative SupportSeneschal Construct teleports to distant targets, quickly ambushing and dealing damage.
Arcing SupportEnables supported skill to hit multiple enemies.
Multishot SupportSupported projectile skills launch additional projectiles.
Piercing SupportSupported projectile skill pierces multiple enemies.
Gripping SupportPulls distant enemies towards the Seneschal Construct.
Registered Damage SupportRegisters damage, exploding upon target’s death.
Seeking SupportSupported projectile skill auto-seeks enemies.
Slowing SupportSlows enemies’ movement speed when hit.
Mockery SupportTaunts enemies hit by the supporting skill.

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Diablo 4: Season of the construct | New nightmare Vaults

First off, you can’t just waltz into Vaults right away when you start Season 3. To get your hands on these dungeons, you need to grind through the seasonal questline The Span of our Arms. Once you hit the 10th quest, bam, you’ve unlocked four Vaults

But here’s a neat twist: before you dive into a Vault, you can snag this thing called Zoltun’s Warding using a Pearl of Warding. Think of it as a blessing that stacks up. The trick is to dodge as many traps as you can inside the Vault in diablo 4 season 3. The more traps you avoid, the more blessing stacks you keep, and the better your chances of scoring a Wardwoven Chest at the end of the run. These chests can pack some sweet loot.

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Let’s Boost your Seneschal together!

As you’re exploring these Vaults, you’ll start collecting Governing and Tuning Stones. These stones are like upgrades for your Seneschal Construct. They can amp up its damage-dealing abilities, boost its critical strike chances, or even cause enemies to take more damage. It’s like fine-tuning your mechanical buddy to be a lean, mean, dungeon-crawling machine.

Don’t forget about Arcane Tremors. These events scattered around Sanctuary are worth checking out too. They give you more Pearls of Warding, which means more blessings for your Vault runs.

And for the hardcore players in diablo 4 season 3, there’s something even spicier: Nightmare Vaults. Once you level up enough, you can unlock these bad boys using Vault Sigils. They’re a tougher challenge, packed with all sorts of nasties and elite enemies, but they promise even better loot. Just a heads up, you can only tackle these at World Tier 3, so make sure you’re geared up and ready for some serious action.

Diablo 4: Season of the construct | How to get into Vaults

So, if you need to access the Season of construct new vaults, you have to look into this table, and view our laconically explanation, in what to do, how to do, when to do.

Unlocking ProcessUnlocked through the Season 3 questline The Span of our Arms.
Vault TypesIncludes Vault of Copper, Vault of Cinders, Vault of the Loom, Vault of Stone, and more as you level up.
ChallengesFilled with deadly traps and elite constructs, requiring strategy to navigate.
BlessingZoltun’s Warding via Pearls of Warding, offering protection against traps.
RewardsWardwoven Chests with loot, depending on trap avoidance.
Governing and Tuning StonesEnhances Seneschal Construct’s abilities (e.g., dealing damage, gaining critical strike chance). Some of them gain critical strike chance, or can auto seek enemies for a same targets as supported skill’s damage dealt to the same targets.
Additional ChallengesNightmare Vaults at World Tier 3 with tougher enemies and greater rewards.
Enemy TypesFeatures an entirely new monster family, including lesser and elite constructs.
Interactive ElementsTraps that deal damage or explode, altering gameplay dynamics.
Progressive DifficultyWeekly rotating fixed dungeon, increasing in challenge.

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Diablo 4: Season of the construct| Arcane tremors events

Arcane Tremors in Diablo 4’s Season of the Construct are a fresh and exciting event for players. After getting your Seneschal Companion and advancing in the questline, you’ll notice icons for Arcane Tremors on the map. These events involve navigating around Voltaic Obelisks, which are surrounded by Constructs and emit harmful energy. Your task? Dodge the Constructs, interact with the Obelisks to close them, and collect Elemental Cores.

Gathering three Cores lets you activate the Voltaic Brazier, summoning loads of Constructs and the big boss, the Herald of Malphas. Defeating them rewards you with a random Governing or Tuning Stone, key for upgrading your companion. Plus, hanging around the Brazier after activation means you can jump in to help others and snag the same rewards, making Arcane Tremors a great farming spot in Diablo 4 Season 3.

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So, what in the end of Arcane Tremors in Diablo 4’s Season of the Construct:

So, Arcane Tremors: a loot-loaded, fast-leveling, group-friendly frenzy. Dive in, blow stuff up, grab loot, repeat.

Diablo 4: Season of the construct | Pearls of Warding

Pearls of Warding in Diablo 4 are special items used in the Season of the Construct, specifically related to the Vaults. When you enter a Vault, using a Pearl of Warding grants you Zoltun’s Warding, a blessing that stacks up. The key is to avoid traps in the Vault to maintain these stacks.

Arcane Tremors EventsEngage in events, defeat Constructs and Obelisks.
Collect PearlsPearls drop from defeated enemies in Tremors.
Use in VaultsApply Pearls for Zoltun’s Warding, dodge traps for better loot.

The more stacks you keep, the better the rewards, like unlocking Wardwoven Chests at the end of the Vault run. These Pearls are essential for maximizing your loot and benefits from Vault runs in Diablo 4.

Zoltun’s Warding Buff

Zoltun’s Warding in Diablo 4 is like your personal shield against traps in Vaults. When you use a Pearl of Warding before entering a Vault, you get this stackable blessing, Zoltun’s Warding. The more traps you dodge inside the Vault, the more stacks you keep. And here’s the kicker: the more stacks you hang onto, the better the loot at the end, like unlocking those sweet Wardwoven Chests. So, think of Zoltun’s Warding as your ticket to better rewards, just by being a bit more nimble on your feet. Dodge those traps, keep the stacks, and get the goods

Final Thoughts

This season’s all about making your Seneschal Champion, your new robo-buddy, an absolute unit in battle. Think of it like tailoring a mini-you that can’t kick the bucket. You’ve got 12 Governing Stones and 27 Tuning Stones to play dress-up with its skills, beefing it up to hit harder, tank like a boss, or just look cool. And these stones? You’re diving into Vaults to grab ’em. Vaults are these trap-filled treasure troves where dodging danger means better loot – especially with Zoltun’s Warding keeping you safe. Want more thrill? Hit up those Nightmare Vaults for the hard stuff – tougher enemies but way shinier loot.

And don’t forget about Arcane Tremors – these are your golden ticket to leveling up and exploding with loot. It’s like a party where everyone’s invited – up to 12 players – smashing enemies without breaking a sweat. Plus, you get to stash your loot on the go, so no trips back to town. Whether you’re flying solo or with a squad, these Tremors are prime real estate for loot farming and chilling with other players.

So, what’s the takeaway? Season of the Construct is all about beefing up your Seneschal, navigating through deadly but rewarding Vaults, and hitting up Arcane Tremors for the ultimate loot fiesta. Dodge those traps, smash some enemies, and watch your Seneschal go ham. Diablo 4’s Season of the Construct? It’s a wild ride with bonus damage, enemies bursting into flames, and loot exploding everywhere. Dive in, have a blast, and come out loaded!

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