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SOD Blackrock Spire Dungeon Guide – Routes, Loot and Tactics | Phase 4

Wow Sod 4 ubrs map
Wow Sod 4 ubrs loot

One of the last, the most iconic, the most painful dungeons in World of Warcraft comes to WoW — Season of Discovery Phase 4. Yup, I’m talking about the Wow Sod Blackspire dungeon. This is one of the four incredible, truly mega dungeons (not that piece of code Blizzard put in retail). So, it’s time to create the mega guide for the mega dungeon. In our SOD Blackrock Spire Dungeon Guide, you’ll find answers to:

  1. How many bosses are waiting for you in the Wow Sod Blackrock Spire version of the dungeon?
  2. Are there any changes from Lower BSD to Upper BSD in WOW SOD?
  3. How to attune the Upper Blackrock dungeon?
  4. Where’s the entrance of BSD in Wow SOD?
  5. Boss tactics for each boss in this piece of hell.
  6. The routes from the entrance to the finish.
  7. Loot table.
  8. Some pieces of the plot.
  9. Quests for the Season of Discovery — Phase 4 Blackrock Spire dungeon.
  10. Factions associated with this dungeon.

And many other interesting, useful, useless, helpful, and helpless facts about World of Warcraft. One of the biggest dungeons among the classic. Yup, there’s Dire Maul, but we’ll review it tomorrow (if you still haven’t found the guide about that dungeon). So, we can’t waste your time anymore. Prepare to kick some orcs’, dwarves’, and drakes’ asses!

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WoW Sod 4 BRS | Overview

Wow Sod 4 slay the spire walkthrough

In the world of Warcraft — Season of Discovery Phase 4, there is a big, scary dungeon called Blackrock Spire. This dungeon is split into two parts — Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) and Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS). Adventurers go here to fight strong monsters, find treasure, and complete quests. Each part has different bosses, and each boss has special powers. Players must work together to defeat these bosses and make it through the dungeon.

Dungeon NameBlackrock Spire
Game VersionWorld of Warcraft — Season of Discovery Phase 4 (Classic)
PartsLower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) and Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS)
Number of Bosses (LBRS)9
Number of Bosses (UBRS)8
Main EnemiesOgres, Orcs, Trolls, Spiders, Wolves, Dragonkin
GoalDefeat bosses, collect loot, complete quests
Special Requirement (UBRS)Need to attune (special key or quest) to enter Upper Blackrock
Member Amount (LBRS)5 players
Member Amount (UBRS)10 players
Notable Bosses (LBRS)Highlord Omokk, Mother Smolderweb, Overlord Wyrmthalak
Notable Bosses (UBRS)Pyroguard Emberseer, Warchief Rend Blackhand, General Drakkisath
Notable Quests (LBRS)The Rescue, Jail Break!
Notable Quests (UBRS)Seal of Ascension, The Eye of the Emberseer

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WoW Sod 4 BRS | Entrance

To get to the entrance of Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) in WoW Sod 4, head to Blackrock Mountain, located between the Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge. The entrance is found inside Blackrock Mountain. You need to go to the lower levels, past the large chains, and find a door on the lower balcony around coordinates (37.0, 80.0). This will lead you into LBRS. It’s a bit tricky, so keep an eye out for enemies along the way!

AllianceWow Sod 4 wow classic lbrs quest to reach LBRS — Start in Stormwind, take the flight path to Morgan’s Vigil in the Burning Steppes, then head north to Blackrock Mountain.
HordeWow Sod 4 lbrs wow guide for Horde — Start in Orgrimmar, take the flight path to Kargath in the Badlands, then head west to Blackrock Mountain.
LBRS Entrance(37.0, 80.0)
UBRS Entrance(42.0, 89.0)

WoW Sod 4 BRS | Attunement

Wanna get into Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS) in WoW Sod 4? You gotta do some special stuff first. Think of it like a secret club, and you need a special key!

How to Get the Key (Seal of Ascension)

  1. Find a dude named Vaelan in Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) and get the quest Seal of Ascension.
  2. Collect Shiny Gems:
    • Unadorned Seal of Ascension — Random baddies in LBRS drop this.
    • Gemstone of Spirestone — Beat up Highlord Omokk in LBRS.
    • Gemstone of Smolderthorn — Take down War Master Voone in LBRS.
    • Gemstone of Bloodaxe — Knock out Overlord Wyrmthalak in LBRS.
  3. Once you’ve got all the gems, go back to Vaelan. He’ll tell you to take the Unadorned Seal and the gems to a blacksmith in Blackrock Depths (BRD) to make it into the Seal of Ascension.
  4. Now you’ve got the Seal of Ascension! Use it to unlock the door to UBRS and go kick some bad guy butt!

Quick and Fun Table for UBRS Attunement

Get the QuestFind Vaelan in LBRS and start the Seal of Ascension quest.
Collect Shiny GemsGet gems from bosses in LBRS — Omokk, Voone, and Wyrmthalak. Random enemies drop the Unadorned Seal.
Make the KeyTake the Unadorned Seal and gems to a blacksmith in BRD to make the Seal of Ascension.
Use the KeyUse the Seal of Ascension to unlock the door to UBRS and start your epic adventure!

WoW Sod 4 BRS | Bosses

In Blackrock Spire, you’ve got two parts — Lower and Upper. In Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS), you’ll face Highlord Omokk, Shadow Hunter Vosh’gajin, War Master Voone, Mother Smolderweb, Urok Doomhowl, Quartermaster Zigris, Halycon, Gizrul the Slavener, and Overlord Wyrmthalak. Up in Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS), you’ll encounter Pyroguard Emberseer, Warchief Rend Blackhand, Gyth, The Beast, General Drakkisath, Solakar Flamewreath, and occasionally the rare spawn, Jed Runewatcher, plus Goraluk Anvilcrack. Let’s overview each of bosses, starts from Lower BlackRock Spire dungeon part:

Upper Blackrock Spire (Upper BRS)

  1. Pyroguard Emberseer — A fiery elemental, with a body composed of molten rock and flames. He radiates intense heat, and his eyes burn with an inner fire.
  2. Warchief Rend Blackhand — A formidable orc chieftain, clad in blackened plate armor. He wields a massive, fiery axe and has a commanding presence, with dark, piercing eyes.
  3. Gyth — A fearsome dragon, with shimmering red scales and a pair of mighty wings. His eyes glow with a fierce intelligence, and his claws are razor-sharp.
  4. The Beast — A massive, hulking core hound with two heads. Each head has glowing, red eyes and fiery breath, and its body is covered in thick, dark fur and spikes.
  5. General Drakkisath — A mighty dragonkin general, with dark red scales and a commanding stance. He wears heavy, ornate armor and wields a large, flaming sword.
  6. Solakar Flamewreath — A dragonkin sorcerer with scales that glow with an inner fire. He wields powerful fire magic and is adorned with fiery robes and a staff.
  7. Jed Runewatcher (rare spawn) — A cunning orc shaman, with dark, ritualistic tattoos and a variety of shamanic totems. He carries a staff imbued with runic power.
  8. Goraluk Anvilcrack — A burly orc blacksmith, with muscles hardened by years of labor. He wears a leather apron and wields a massive hammer, always ready to forge weapons for his allies.

Wow SoD Highlord Omokk BRS guide

Today, we’re off to battle Highlord Omokk in Wow Sod 4 Lower Blackrock Spire. He’s a big, tough ogre boss that loves to swing hard and knock heroes around. Get ready, because he’s not playing nice!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialQuick FixCommentary
CleaveHighAvoid frontDon’t stand in front of him, or it’s chop-chop time!
EnrageHighHeal MoreHe’s mad! Keep those heals coming!
Knock AwayMediumPosition wellKeep your back to the wall or get ready to fly!

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Wow SoD Shadow Hunter Vosh’gajin BRS guide

Shadow Hunter Vosh’gajin in Wow Sod 4 Lower Blackrock Spire. She’s a sneaky troll boss who loves to cast tricky spells and mess with your team. Get your spells and swords ready!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialQuick FixCommentary
Curse of BloodMediumRemove curseGet that curse off quick, or it’ll hurt!
HexHighSpread outDon’t bunch up, or she’ll turn you all into critters!
Adds ControlHighCC and focusControl those priests, or we’re toast!

Wow SoD War Master Voone BRS guide

War Master Voone in Wow Sod 4 Lower Blackrock Spire. He’s a big, strong troll who loves to battle and is pretty tough. So grab your gear, and let’s get ready to rumble!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
CleaveMediumStay backDon’t get in front, it’s choppy!
Aggro SwapHighPause DPSStop hitting if he looks at you!

Wow SoD Mother Smolderweb BRS guide

we’re going to meet a creepy crawly boss named Mother Smolderweb in Wow Sod 4 Lower Blackrock Spire. She’s a big spider who loves to surprise adventurers with her sticky webs and stunning surprises. Get ready, because it’s going to be a spooky fight!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
CrystallizeMediumFace awayKeep her turned! Don’t let her stun the group!
Mother’s MilkHighSpread, cureSpread out and clean that stun quick, or we’re stuck!

Remember, don’t get too close, watch out for her stunning tricks, and keep clean from her poisons.

Wow SoD Urok Doomhowl BRS guide

Let’s gear up to meet Urok Doomhowl, a big and scary boss hiding in Wow Sod 4 Lower Blackrock Spire. He’s summoned using a special pile of ogre heads, and he’s not happy to be woken up!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
Intimidating RoarHighSpread, calmStay cool and spread out to avoid group fear!
RendMediumHeal bleedHeal up those bleeds or they’ll chew through HP!
StrikeHighKeep health upWatch out, his hits pack a wallop!

There you go, heroes! That’s how you take on Urok Doomhowl in WoW SoD 4 Lower Blackrock Spire. Remember to manage those ogre waves cleverly, watch out for his scary roar, and keep those heals handy.

Wow SoD Quartermaster Zigris BRS guide

Quartermaster Zigris in Wow Sod 4 Lower Blackrock Spire. He’s a tough boss who guards all the loot, so he’s not going to give it up easily!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
Mobile AttackMediumKeep upChase him down, but don’t get in front!
Heavy DamageHighHeal fastKeep those heals ready, he hits hard!

There’s your plan to take down Quartermaster Zigris. Remember to keep moving, hit him hard, and stay healed up.

Wow SoD Halycon BRS guide

Halycon, a big, scary worg boss in Wow Sod 4 Lower Blackrock Spire. She’s got a pack of little worg pups with her, so get ready for a wild fight!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
RendMediumHeal it upPatch up those bites, or they’ll bleed out!
ThrashHighKeep steadyHold her steady or she’ll thrash us all!

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That’s your guide to taking down Halycon. Remember, clear her little pups first, then focus all your strength on her. Once Halycon is down, get ready quickly for the next challenge—Gizrul the Slavener is up next!

Wow SoD Gizrul the Slavener BRS guide

Gizrul the Slavener in Wow Sod 4 Lower Blackrock Spire. He’s a big, fierce wolf boss that heals himself while fighting, so he’s not easy to take down!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
Fatal BiteHighQuick DPSHurry and hit him hard before he heals up!
Infected BiteMediumCleanse, healClean those bites or they’ll wear us down!

Remember, he’s tough with his healing bites, so keep the pressure on him, cleanse quickly, and stay healed. After you defeat him, prepare for the next challenge as you move on to face Overlord Wyrmthalak.

Wow SoD Overlord Wyrmthalak BRS guide

Overlord Wyrmthalak, the final big boss of Wow Sod 4 Lower Blackrock Spire. He’s a really tough leader who isn’t going to give up without a big fight!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
CleaveMediumAvoid frontStay behind to avoid big hits.
Demoralizing ShoutMediumHeal moreRamp up heals when this shout is on.
Sweeping SlamHighSpread outDon’t bunch up, or you’ll all go flying!
AddsHighControl addsControl or kill adds quickly to focus on the boss.

Continue to fight smart, focus on your positioning, and handle the adds effectively to defeat Overlord Wyrmthalak.

Wow SoD Pyroguard Emberseer BRS guide

Pyroguard Emberseer, a big fiery boss in Wow Sod 4 Upper Blackrock Spire. He’s a huge elemental that needs to be freed before you can fight him. Let’s heat things up!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
Fire NovaHighStay clearKeep your distance, or you’ll get toasted!
AddsMediumAoE fastBlast those jailers quickly to free Emberseer!

That’s how you tackle Pyroguard Emberseer. Remember, free him first by defeating the guards, then focus on staying cool while you heat up the fight.

Wow SoD Warchief Rend Blackhand BRS guide

Warchief Rend Blackhand, the tough leader riding on Gyth, a fierce dragon, in Wow Sod 4 Upper Blackrock Spire. This battle happens after a long fight with lots of enemies, so be ready for a big showdown!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
Corrosive Acid BreathHighFace awayKeep Gyth turned away or his breath will roast us!
ThunderclapHighStay backBack off when Rend spins or you’ll get chopped!
CleaveMediumAvoid frontDon’t stand in front of Rend, his cleave hurts!

Wow SoD Gyth BRS guide

Gyth is a big, scary dragon that Warchief Rend Blackhand rides into battle in Wow Sod 4 Upper Blackrock Spire. Before you can fight Rend, you have to deal with Gyth and his fiery breath!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
FreezeHighAvoid frontDon’t get melted! Stay away from his mouth!
Corrosive Acid BreathHighAvoid frontWatch out for fire! It’s super hot!
Flame BreathMediumKeep warmShake it off quick, or you’ll be an ice cube!

Remember, Gyth is just the first challenge. Once you’ve got him down, get ready quickly because Warchief Rend Blackhand will be waiting to jump into the fray.

Wow SoD The Beast BRS guide

The Beast in Wow Sod 4 Upper Blackrock Spire. He’s a giant monster with some fiery tricks, so get ready for a hot battle!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoCommentary
Berserker ChargeMediumTop AggroTank must be ready to regain The Beast quickly!
ImmolateMediumAvoid frontDon’t get burned! Stay clear of the front!
FlamebreakHighBack to wallWatch out for knockback—stay near walls!
FearMediumSpread outSpread out to lessen the scare from Fear!

Remember, The Beast is tough with his charging and fiery moves, so stay sharp, manage your positioning well, and keep the heat on him.

Wow SoD General Drakkisath BRS guide

General Drakkisath is the final and toughest boss in Wow Sod 4 Upper Blackrock Spire. He’s got big, fiery attacks and some powerful guards. Defeating him means you’ve conquered UBRS!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal Commentary
CleaveMediumAvoid frontStay behind him or get sliced!
ConflagrationHighSpread outSpread out to avoid burning everyone!
Flame BreathHighAvoid frontDon’t get roasted! Stay out of his face!
ThunderclapMediumHeal upBig shockwave! Heal fast!

Wow SoD Solakar Flamewreath BRS guide

Solakar Flamewreath is a fiery dragon boss in Wow Sod 4 Upper Blackrock Spire. You’ll face waves of enemies before he appears, so get ready for an intense battle!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal Commentary
War StompMediumStay at rangeKeep back or get stunned!
HatchersHighKill quicklyTake down those Hatchers fast!
WhelpsMediumAoE them downClear the whelps before they overrun you!

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To start the encounter, hug the northern wall and clear out some eggs if you can. Take down the dragonspawn before starting the event. Click Father Flame to begin and loot the item. Focus on killing the Rookery Hatchers first, then deal with the whelps. Tanks should control the Rookery Guardians and keep them along the wall. Once Solakar appears, position him carefully, finish off any remaining whelps, and then burn him down. Hug the wall to avoid cracking more eggs as you move out.

Wow SoD Jed Runewatcher (rare spawn) BRS guide

Jed Runewatcher is a rare boss you might find in Wow Sod 4 Upper Blackrock Spire. He’s not too hard to beat, but finding him is a special treat!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal Commentary
ChargeMediumStay at rangeStay back or get knocked around!
Shield BashMediumStay at rangeAvoid getting bashed, keep distance!
Heroic StrikeLowHeal upKeep healing, it’s a strong hit but manageable.

To defeat Jed Runewatcher, keep him against the wall and stay at range to avoid his Charge and Shield Bash. Focus your attacks, heal steadily, and you’ll bring down this rare boss with ease.

Wow SoD Goraluk Anvilcrack BRS guide

Goraluk Anvilcrack is a tough blacksmith boss in Wow Sod 4 Upper Blackrock Spire. He’s strong and hits hard, so be ready for a solid fight!

DPS (Damage Per Second) Recommendations

Tank Recommendations

Healer Recommendations

Boss AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal Commentary
BackhandMediumStay at rangeKeep back to avoid the stun!
Head CrackMediumHeal fastQuickly heal anyone hit by this!
Heroic StrikeLowHeal upJust keep healing through his hits!

To defeat Goraluk Anvilcrack, keep him against the wall and stay at range to avoid his Backhand and Head Crack. Focus your attacks, heal steadily, and you’ll bring down this tough blacksmith with ease.

WoW Sod 4 BRS | Quests

These quests are designed to help you defeat powerful bosses, collect valuable loot, and complete important missions. Whether you’re exploring Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) or Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS), there’s always something thrilling to do!

Quest NameUpper or Lower BRSInformal Description of Task
Put Her DownLowerWow Sod 4 lower blackrock spire quest to kill the big wolf, Halcyon.
Bijou’s BelongingsLowerWow Sod 4 lbrs quest to find Bijou’s lost items and defeat bosses for cool rewards.
The Pack MistressLowerWow Sod 4 lbrs quest to take down Halcyon, given by Galamav the Marksman.
Warlord’s CommandLowerWow Sod 4 lbrs quest for Onyxia Attunement, needing you to defeat several bosses in LBRS.
En-Ay-Es-Tee-WhyLowerWow Sod 4 lower blackrock spire quest to collect spider eggs from Mother Smolderweb.
Kibler’s Exotic PetsLowerWow Sod 4 lbrs quest to capture a Worg Pup by Halcyon for a cute pet.
The Final TabletsLowerWow Sod 4 lbrs wow classic quest to collect tablets from Shadow Hunter Vosh’Gajin and War Master Voone.
The Darkstone TabletUpperWow Sod 4 ubrs quest to find the Darkstone Tablet in the Rookery room.
For The Horde!UpperWow Sod 4 ubrs wow quest for Horde Onyxia Attunement to kill Warchief Rend Blackhand and bring back his head.
Doomrigger’s ClaspUpperWow Sod 4 ubrs quest to retrieve Doomrigger’s Clasp from the Father Flame room in UBRS.
General Drakkisath’s DemiseUpperWow Sod 4 upper blackrock spire quest to kill General Drakkisath for powerful trinkets.
Eye of the EmberseerUpperWow Sod 4 ubrs quest to bring back the Eye of the Emberseer from Pyroguard Emberseer.
Blackhand’s CommandUpperWow Sod 4 upper blackrock spire entrance quest to start the attunement for Blackwing Lair by getting the item from the Quartermaster.
The Matron ProtectorateUpperWow Sod 4 ubrs quest to help Awbee and eventually get the Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight or Legguards of the Chromatic Defier.
Pip Quickwit, At Your Service!UpperWow Sod 4 ubrs wow classic quest to skin The Beast and have Finkle appear to get a special item.
The Demon ForgeUpperWow Sod 4 upper blackrock spire quest for Blacksmithing, to kill Goraluk Anvilcrack and use the Blood Stained Pike on his corpse, then find the Unforged Rune Covered Breastplate.

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WoW Sod 4 BRS | Loot Table

From magical books like the Grimoire of Inferno for Warlocks to deadly weapons like the Felstriker dagger and Blackhand Doomsaw polearm. We’ve got epic armor pieces like the Eye of Rend leather armor and Bonespike Shoulder mail armor. Need some sweet rings and trinkets? Check out the Flaming Band or the Heart of Wyrmthalak. And don’t forget those rare plans and patterns for you crafters out there, like the Plans — Arcanite Reaper and Pattern — Robe of the Archmage.

Grimoire of Inferno WarlockBook
Gemstone of SmolderthornQuest
Gemstone of SpirestoneQuest
Gemstone of BloodaxeQuest
Keris of Zul’SerakDagger
Blackhand DoomsawPolearm
Eye of RendLeather Armor
Bonespike ShoulderMail Armor
Dustfeather SashCloth Armor
Blackblade of ShahramTwo-Handed Sword
Draconian DeflectorShield
Nightbrace TunicLeather Armor
Starfire TiaraCloth Armor
Serpentine SkullerWand
Crystallized GirdleLeather Armor
Butcher’s ApronCloak
Polychromatic VisionwrapCloth Armor
DemonforkOne-Handed Axe
Funeral CuffsCloth Armor
Chiselbrand GirdleMail Armor
Backusarian GauntletsPlate Armor
Pip’s SkinnerDagger
Plans — Arcanite ChampionBlacksmithing Plans
Plans — AnnihilatorBlacksmithing Plans
Plans — Masterwork StormhammerBlacksmithing Plans
Plans — Arcanite ReaperBlacksmithing Plans
Chromatic CarapaceMiscellaneous Item
Wildfire CapeCloak
Flaming BandRing
Truestrike ShouldersLeather Armor
Emberfury TalismanAmulet
Briarwood ReedTrinket
Warmaster LegguardsPlate Armor
Battleborn ArmbracesPlate Armor
Dal’Rend’s Tribal GuardianOne-Handed Sword
Dal’Rend’s Sacred ChargeOne-Handed Sword
Gyth’s SkullPlate Armor
Dragoneye CoifMail Armor
Tribal War FeathersLeather Armor
Blademaster LeggingsLeather Armor
Tristam LegguardsMail Armor
Spiritshroud LeggingsCloth Armor
Blackmist ArmguardsLeather Armor
Bloodmoon CloakCloak
Frostweaver CapeCloak
Seeping WillowTwo-Handed Mace
Painweaver BandRing
Tooth of GnarrAmulet
Brigam GirdlePlate Armor
Mark of the Dragon LordRing
Trindlehaven StaffStaff
Reiver ClawsPlate Armor
Relentless ScytheTwo-Handed Sword
Heart of the ScaleTrinket
Slamshot ShouldersPlate Armor
Fist of OmokkTwo-Handed Mace
Plate of the Shaman KingPlate Armor
Tressermane LeggingsLeather Armor
Skyshroud LeggingsCloth Armor
Flightblade Throwing AxeThrown Weapon
Voone’s TwitchbowBow
Talisman of EvasionAmulet
Rosewine CircleRing
Brazecore ArmguardsMail Armor
Demonskin GlovesCloth Armor
Phase BladeOne-Handed Sword
VenomspitterOne-Handed Mace
Fallbrush HandgripsLeather Armor
Sunderseer MantleCloth Armor
Hurd SmasherFist Weapon
Armswake CloakCloak
BashguuderOne-Handed Mace
Rhombeard ProtectorShield
Wolfshear LeggingsCloth Armor
Bleak Howler ArmguardsLeather Armor
Pads of the Dread WolfLeather Armor
Slashclaw BracersMail Armor
Halycon’s Spiked CollarAmulet
Smolderweb’s EyeTrinket
Fang of the Crystal SpiderDagger
Gilded GauntletsMail Armor
Quartermaster Zigris’ FootlockerJunk
Cloudrunner GirdleLeather Armor
Hands of PowerCloth Armor
Trueaim GauntletsMail Armor
Demonic Runed SpauldersLeather Armor
Slaghide GauntletsLeather Armor
Ribsteel FootguardsPlate Armor
Wind Dancer BootsMail Armor
Globe of D’sakOff-hand Frill
Ogreseer Tower BootsCloth Armor
Magus RingRing
Swiftdart BattlebootsMail Armor
The Blackrock SlicerTwo-Handed Axe
RivenspikeOne-Handed Axe
Recipe — Greater Fire Protection PotionAlchemy Recipe
Handcrafted Mastersmith LeggingsPlate Armor
Handcrafted Mastersmith GirdlePlate Armor
Recipe — Flask of the TitansAlchemy Recipe
Recipe — Flask of Chromatic ResistanceAlchemy Recipe
Pattern — Robe of the ArchmageTailoring Pattern
Pattern — Red Dragonscale BreastplateLeatherworking Pattern
Pattern — Volcanic BreastplateLeatherworking Pattern
Pattern — Volcanic ShouldersLeatherworking Pattern
Formula — Enchant Gloves – Greater StrengthEnchanting Formula
Formula — Enchant 2H Weapon – Superior ImpactEnchanting Formula
Formula — Enchant Weapon – Superior StrikingEnchanting Formula
Vest of ElementsMail Armor
Pauldrons of ElementsMail Armor
Boots of ElementsMail Armor
Gauntlets of ElementsMail Armor
Cord of ElementsMail Armor
Beaststalker’s TunicMail Armor
Beaststalker’s GlovesMail Armor
Beaststalker’s MantleMail Armor
Beaststalker’s BeltMail Armor
Magister’s BindingsCloth Armor
Magister’s RobesCloth Armor
Devout RobeCloth Armor
Devout MantleCloth Armor
Devout BeltCloth Armor
Dreadmist RobeCloth Armor
Dreadmist BracersCloth Armor
Wildheart VestLeather Armor
Shadowcraft GlovesLeather Armor
Shadowcraft BeltLeather Armor
Wildheart BootsLeather Armor
Wildheart SpauldersLeather Armor
Shadowcraft TunicLeather Armor
Lightforge BreastplatePlate Armor
Lightforge SpauldersPlate Armor
Breastplate of ValorPlate Armor
Spaulders of ValorPlate Armor
Bracers of ValorPlate Armor
Flame WalkersMail Armor
Mastersmith’s HammerOne-Handed Mace
Dragonrider BootsCloth Armor
Band of RuminationRing
Feralsurge GirdleMail Armor
Schematic — Hyper-Radiant Flame ReflectorEngineering Schematic
Bottom Half of Advanced Armorsmithing — Volume IQuest
Top Half of Advanced Armorsmithing — Volume IIIQuest
Ace of BeastsJunk
Dragonskin CowlCloth Armor
Kayser’s Boots of PrecisionCloth Armor
Marksman’s GirdleMail Armor
Faith Healer’s BootsCloth Armor
Tome of the LostOff-hand Frill
Spellweaver’s TurbanCloth Armor
Draconic Infused EmblemTrinket
Shadow Prowler’s CloakCloak
Ironweave Cowl MagePriestWarlockCloth Armor
Ironweave Belt MagePriestWarlockCloth Armor
Ironweave Boots MagePriestWarlockCloth Armor
Ironweave Bracers MagePriestWarlockCloth Armor
Tome of Divine RightOff-hand Frill
Heart of WyrmthalakTrinket
The Jaw BreakerOne-Handed Mace
Belt of the TricksterLeather Armor
Lord Valthalak’s Staff of CommandStaff
Draconian Aegis of the LegionShield
Shroud of DominationCloak
Rune Band of WizardryRing
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WoW Sod 4 BRS | Plot

A long time ago, there was this big civil war among the dwarves called the War of the Three Hammers. The Dark Iron clan, led by Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan, decided to summon a big fiery guy named Ragnaros the Firelord to help them out. Bad idea. Ragnaros caused a massive volcanic explosion, and boom! Blackrock Mountain was born. This place became a burning, molten mess with Ragnaros chilling at the bottom.

Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) Now, in the lower levels of Blackrock Spire, it’s a real mess. You’ve got the Blackrock Clan orcs running wild, along with ogres, trolls, and all sorts of nasties. Leaders like Highlord Omokk, Shadow Hunter Vosh’gajin, and War Master Voone are making sure this place stays chaotic.

Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS) Upstairs, in Upper Blackrock Spire, things are even more intense. Warchief Rend Blackhand, the son of the original Warchief Blackhand, is in charge. He’s got help from dragonkin and the black dragon Nefarian. Nefarian’s got big plans to make a new, stronger dragonflight, so UBRS is a big deal for him.


This dungeon has two parts — Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) and Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS). Both are filled with tough bosses and scary enemies.

In LBRS, you’ll meet big bosses like Highlord Omokk, a giant ogre, and Mother Smolderweb, a huge spider. Each boss has special powers that make the fights hard but fun. In UBRS, the bosses are even tougher. You’ll fight Warchief Rend Blackhand, who rides a dragon named Gyth, and General Drakkisath, a powerful dragonkin. These bosses have many tricky moves and bring friends to help them.

To enter these dungeons, you have to go through Blackrock Mountain, complete special quests, and find keys. Getting into UBRS is like a secret club—you need to collect special items and complete a quest.

Each boss fight needs everyone to work together. You need to dodge attacks, handle extra enemies, and heal lots of damage. Everyone in the group has a big job to do. Whether you are doing lots of damage (DPS), keeping the boss in the right spot (tank), or healing your friends (healer), you all need to help each other.

The loot in Blackrock Spire is awesome. You can find powerful weapons, armor, and cool items. Beating bosses and finishing quests gives you great rewards and makes you feel proud.

In the end, defeating the bosses in Blackrock Spire feels amazing. It takes strategy, skill, and teamwork, making the adventure unforgettable.

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