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WoW Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold Guide | 10 & 25

Tol Barad raid Cataclysm Classic
Argaloth strategy Cataclysm Classic

Welcome to my favorite raid guide: Baradin Hold! Among all the raids you’ll encounter in Cataclysm Classic, this one is the best. Guess why? Simple – an interesting mechanic to enter, one boss, tons of loot for each season, limited tries to get the gear, and of course, many players forget to switch to their PVE gear after the intense battles in Baradin. So let’s start our Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold guide. From it, you’ll learn:

  1. The plot of the Baradin Hold raid.
  2. The entrance and requirements to enter the dungeon.
  3. Tactics for all three bosses: the Season 9 boss, the Season 10 boss, and the final season boss.

And maybe some other helpful information hidden between tactics and loot!

WoW Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold Guide | Overview

This raid is unique due to its PVP gear mechanics and is accessible only to the winning faction controlling Tol Barad. Get ready to face the first boss, Pit Lord Argaloth, known for his deadly Meteor Slash and Fel Firestorm attacks.

LocationTol Barad Peninsula
AccessOnly for the faction controlling Tol Barad
First BossPit Lord Argaloth
Key MechanicsMeteor Slash, Fel Firestorm, Seething Hate
Role RequirementsTanks, DPS, Healers
Special AttacksArgaloth’s Meteor Slash deals fire damage to split among tanks and DPS
PhasesPhase 1: Fight on the ground; Phase 2: Avoid Fel Firestorm on the ground
LootPVP gear and other high-level items

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WoW Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold Raid Instance located | Entrance

To enter Baradin Hold, head to the Tol Barad Peninsula. The entrance is approximately at coordinates 50, 50. You need to be part of the winning faction that controls Tol Barad to access this raid. Grab your guild group and get ready for battle because controlling the island is key. Once inside, your team of tanks, DPS, and healers will face challenges like Meteor Slash and Seething Hate. Make sure to switch from PVP to PVE gear before entering!

Main Requirement: Control Tol Barad

Starting PointRoute to Baradin Hold
Alliance CampFly to Hellscream’s Reach, cross the bridge to Tol Barad, head to coordinates 50, 50
Horde CampFly to Baradin Base Camp, cross the bridge to Tol Barad, head to coordinates 50, 50



Prepare your forces, plan your strategies using a browser if needed, and get ready to defeat Pit Lord Argaloth

WoW Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold Raid | Raid composition

For a 10-player run, you need a couple of tanks to soak up the damage, a few healers to keep everyone alive, and the rest should be DPS to dish out the pain. If you’re going for the 25-player version, you’ll need more of each role to handle the bigger fights. Make sure your crew is geared up, knows their roles, and is ready to take down those bosses!

Raid Composition


Get your team together, switch to PVE gear, and let’s rock Baradin Hold!

WoW Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold Raid boss tactics

You’ll face Argaloth first, with his nasty Meteor Slash, then later Occu’thar and Alizabal as the expansion progresses. Each boss drops tier raid gear, so getting those kills is key for gearing up your team for other raids in the World of Warcraft.

Baradin Hold Bosses

NameInformal CommentaryTierRelease Date
ArgalothWatch out for Meteor Slash!11June 2024
Occu’tharBig ol’ eyeball that targets everyone.12October 2024
AlizabalShe loves to cast chaos and fire.13January 2025

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Get ready to target these bosses, keep your tanks alive, and have your DPS on point to burn them down!

Argaloth tactics

Argaloth, the first boss in Baradin Hold. This big demon is no joke, with some nasty abilities that can wipe your raid if you’re not careful. He’s got Meteor Slash that deals massive damage, Fel Firestorm that fills the room with fire, and Consuming Darkness that targets random players. Let’s break down how to handle this encounter so you can defeat him and grab that sweet loot!

DPS Tactics + Boss Ability

Ability: Fel Firestorm
Tactics: Stay mobile and avoid the fire patches that spawn around the room. Keep your distance and keep pumping out damage.

Tank Tactics + Boss Ability

Ability: Meteor Slash
Tactics: Tanks need to split the damage by standing together in front of the boss. Rotate who takes the hit to manage the fire damage debuff.

Healer Tactics + Boss Ability

Ability: Consuming Darkness
Tactics: Heal the targeted players quickly as the damage ramps up over time. Be ready to move and avoid Fel Firestorm while keeping the raid topped off.

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal Commentary
Consuming DarknessHighHealHeal those targeted ASAP, or they’re toast!
Meteor SlashHighSplitTanks need to split this or everyone burns!
Fel FirestormHighAvoidMove around and don’t stand in the fire!

Argaloth can be a tough fight if you don’t stay on top of his abilities. Keep your tanks coordinated, your DPS mobile, and your healers ready to react, and you’ll defeat this prison boss in no time!

Occu’thar tactics

Occu’thar, the second boss in Baradin Hold. This eyeball menace deals heavy fire and shadow damage and requires precise control and quick reactions. With abilities like Focused Fire and Eyes of Occu’thar, your team needs to be on point to survive this encounter and secure the loot.

DPS Tactics + Boss Ability

Ability: Focused Fire
Tactics: Move away from the targeted location immediately. Keep an eye out for the marked area and stay spread out to minimize damage.

Tank Tactics + Boss Ability

Ability: Searing Shadows
Tactics: Tanks need to face Occu’thar away from the raid and swap to manage the Shadow damage debuff. Always be ready to taunt and control the boss’s position.

Healer Tactics + Boss Ability

Ability: Eyes of Occu’thar
Tactics: Heal players with the Eye debuff quickly and be prepared for the burst damage when the eyes explode. Keep the raid topped off to handle the ticking damage.

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal Commentary
Focused FireHighMoveGet out of the fire zone or you’ll be BBQ!
Searing ShadowsHighSwapTanks need to swap and keep the boss facing away!
Eyes of Occu’tharHighHealHeal the debuffed players fast before they blow up!
Occu’thar’s DestructionHighAvoidDetonation hurts everyone; healers be on high alert!

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Dealing with Occu’thar requires tight coordination and quick reactions. Keep your tanks swapping, DPS moving, and healers ready to counter the heavy damage.

Alizabal tactics

Alizabal, the third and final boss in Baradin Hold. This deadly warrior deals massive physical and fire damage and requires precise positioning and quick reactions. With abilities like Skewer, Seething Hate, and Blade Dance, your team will need to stay on their toes to defeat her and secure those high-tier rewards.

DPS Tactics + Boss Ability

Ability: Seething Hate
Tactics: Stack with the targeted player to split the damage. Stay close, but not too close to others, to manage the fire damage effectively.

Tank Tactics + Boss Ability

Ability: Skewer
Tactics: Tanks need to swap immediately after Skewer. The stunned tank will take increased damage, so the other tank must taunt quickly.

Healer Tactics + Boss Ability

Ability: Blade Dance
Tactics: Heal through the raid-wide damage and ensure everyone is topped off before Blade Dance. Keep an eye on the tanks and be ready for burst healing.

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal Commentary
SkewerHighSwapTanks swap fast, or your tank is toast!
Seething HateHighStackStack with the target to split the fire damage!
Blade DanceHighHealHeal through the spin and keep everyone alive!

Taking down Alizabal requires tight coordination and quick reactions. Keep your tanks swapping, your DPS stacking, and your healers on high alert for heavy damage.

WoW Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold Raid | achievements

In Baradin Hold, you can score some cool achievements by taking down the bosses with your guild and showing those demons who’s boss. Whether it’s defeating Pit Lord Argaloth or handling the giant eyeball Occu’thar, each achievement is a badge of honor for surviving the past crimes of these deadly foes. Here’s a quick rundown on how to snag these achievements:

NameHow to reach
Baradin Hold Guild RunKill all bosses with your guild group
Occu’tharDefeat the eyeball boss that deals massive damage
Pit Lord ArgalothTake down Argaloth, the big fiery demon


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WoW Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold Raid | Plot

Baradin Hold is an ancient prison on Tol Barad Island, where powerful and dangerous demons are locked up. The Horde and Alliance battle for control of the island to gain access to this prison. The bosses in Baradin Hold are demons captured and imprisoned for their terrifying crimes in the past. Argaloth, the Fire Lord, burns everything around him; Occu’thar, the giant eye, destroys minds; and Alizabal, the skilled warrior, delights in slaughter. These demons are too dangerous to be let loose, so they are kept locked up. However, their power makes them valuable targets for heroes seeking rare and powerful loot.

WoW Cataclysm Classic Baradin Hold Raid | Conclusion

Baradin Hold in WoW Cataclysm Classic is an exciting and challenging raid located on Tol Barad Island, where the Horde and Alliance battle for control. This ancient prison holds powerful demons like Argaloth, Occu’thar, and Alizabal, each with unique abilities and mechanics. Mastering this raid requires a well-coordinated team of tanks, DPS, and healers who can handle the intense damage and complex tactics.

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