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Wow SoD 6 AQ Nature Resist Guide | How To Get Nature Resistance Gear In World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery

Crafting Bramblewood gear for Nature Resistance in WoW SoD 6
How to obtain Sylvan Crown for Nature Resistance in WoW SoD 6

As you fall into this easy guide on collecting Nature Resistance gear in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 6, relax—it’s not the grind-fest of past phases. This time, we’re keeping it focused and simple to help you survive the poison-filled chaos of Ahn’Qiraj raids.

In this Nature Resistance guide, we’re tackling the essentials, like:

That’s it! Get Gear, survive those poison bolts, and help your raid dominate AQ bosses like a pro.

Why you need Nature resistance in the World of warcraft: Season of discovery phase 6

Top Nature Resistance gear for cloth users in WoW SoD 6

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 6, Nature Resistance (NR) gear is vital for surviving boss encounters that deal heavy Nature damage, especially in raids like AQ40. Without it, players risk taking massive damage from abilities like Poison Bolt or environmental hazards, making fights much harder for healers and tanks. Properly equipped NR gear and consumables, such as Greater Nature Protection Potions, help reduce damage, ensuring your raid survives tough mechanics.

ReasonWhy It’s Needed
Boss AbilitiesProtects from Poison Bolt and other Nature attacks.
Tanks’ SurvivalReduces incoming damage, ensuring tanks can stay alive.
Healer SupportLess healing needed, allowing focus on critical players.
Raid MechanicsKey for mechanics in fights like Princess Huhuran or Viscidus.
Consumable OptimizationHelps reduce reliance on costly potions and elixirs.

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How many Nature resistance you need for AQ in WoW SoD 6

In World of Warcraft: SoD Phase 6, players, especially melee DPS and tanks, need around 150-200 Nature Resistance for Ahn’Qiraj encounters, like Princess Huhuran, to survive her Poison Bolt Volley. Collecting Nature Resist gear ensures players meet this requirement, protecting against deadly Nature damage and reducing the strain on healers. Below is a table of how much Nature Resistance you can achieve with top gear.

SlotNature Resist
Ring 1+20
Ring 2+19
Trinket 1+10
Trinket 2+10

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With 274 Nature Resistance, this setup far exceeds the recommended amount, providing a strong defense for AQ encounters. Let me know if you want further details!

Wow Sod 6 How and Where to Acquire Nature Resist Gear

In WoW SoD 6, Nature Resist gear is crucial for surviving tough raid encounters like Princess Huhuran’s poison attacks in Ahn’Qiraj. Players, especially melee, need between 150-200 Nature Resistance to mitigate her deadly strikes. This gear can be found through various sources including quests, dungeons, and crafting. It’s essential for players who can’t quickly down bosses with high burst damage and those who need to endure through prolonged fights. Below is a table detailing where to find Nature Resist gear across different categories.

SourceAmount of ItemsPossible Nature Resistance Collected
Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40)Multiple(varies by item)
MaraudonSeveralModerate (10-30 NR per item)
StratholmeFewModerate (10-25 NR per item)
World DropsManyLow to Moderate (3-10 NR per item)
TailoringMultipleHigh (up to 30 NR per crafted item)
LeatherworkingMultipleHigh (up to 30 NR per crafted item)
BlacksmithingMultipleHigh (up to 35 NR per crafted item)
Green DragonsMultipleHigh (varies by item)
Dire MaulFewLow to Moderate (5-20 NR per item)
Upper Blackrock SpireFewModerate (10-20 NR per item)
Sunken TempleFewLow to Moderate (5-20 NR per item)
Blackrock DepthsFewLow to Moderate (5-15 NR per item)

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Wow Sod 6 Cloth Nature Resist Armor

Nature Resist gear for cloth users in World of Warcraft: SoD Phase 6 is essential for surviving high Nature damage encounters in AQ raids. This gear can be crafted, looted from bosses, or farmed from specific dungeons. Below is a table of all cloth Nature Resistance items and their sources, helping you build the best set for these encounters.

SlotItem NameNature ResistSource
HeadSylvan Crown+30Tailoring (Cenarion Circle, Honored)
Venomshroud Mask+4World Drop
ShouldersSylvan Shoulders+20Tailoring (Cenarion Circle, Revered)
Pads of the Venom Spider+5World Drop
Venomshroud Mantle+4World Drop
ChestRobes of the Triumvirate+30Lord Kri, Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40)
Sylvan Vest+30Tailoring (Cenarion Circle, Revered)
Polychromatic Visionwrap+20 allSolakar Flamewreath, Upper Blackrock Spire
Embrace of the Wind Serpent+12Avatar of Hakkar, Sunken Temple
Chan’s Imperial Robes+5Mith’rethis the Enchanter, Jinth’Alor
Elemental Raiment+5 allWorld Drop
Venomshroud Vest+4World Drop
Venomshroud Silk Robes+4World Drop
WristVenomshroud Armguards+3World Drop
HandsVenomshroud Mitts+3World Drop
WaistBelt of the Dark Bog+25Lethon, Green Dragon
Chloromesh Girdle+20Razorlash, Maraudon
Venomshroud Belt+6World Drop
LegsCenarion Reservist’s Pants+25Dearest Natalia, Silithus
Wolfshear Leggings+10Gizrul the Slavener, Lower Blackrock Spire
Venomshroud Leggings+6World Drop
FeetRecomposed Boots+20Battleguard Sartura, Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40)
Fangdrip Runners+20Nerub’enkan, Undead Stratholme
Vinerot Sandals+12Razorlash, Maraudon
Acidic Walkers+5Viscous Fallout, Gnomeregan

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Wow Sod 6 Leather Nature Resist Armor

Nature Resist gear for leather users in World of Warcraft: SoD Phase 6 is crucial for surviving Nature damage-heavy fights in AQ raids. Leather gear with Nature Resistance can be crafted, dropped from specific bosses, or obtained from quests. Below is a table listing all leather Nature Resist armor and their sources to help you prepare for these encounters.

SlotItem NameNature ResistSource
HeadBramblewood Helm+30Leatherworking (Cenarion Circle, Revered)
ShouldersUnnatural Leather Spaulders+25Taerar, Green Dragon
Phytoskin Spaulders+10Razorlash, Maraudon
Living Shoulders+3Leatherworking, Elemental Leatherworkers
ChestChimeric Vest+17Leatherworking, Tribal Leatherworkers
Cow King’s Hide+10World Drop
Thick Silithid Chestguard+5 allMoam, Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ20)
Living Breastplate+5Leatherworking, Elemental Leatherworkers
WristDragonspur Wraps+4Any of the four Green Dragons
HandsBile-Covered Gauntlets+20Princess Yauj, Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40)
Stonebark Gauntlets+16Dire Maul, Warpwood Quarter
Chimeric Gloves+12Leatherworking, Tribal Leatherworkers
Arachnid Gloves+10Tuten’kash, Razorfen Downs
WaistBramblewood Belt+15Leatherworking (Cenarion Circle, Friendly)
LegsCenarion Reservist’s Leggings+25Dearest Natalia, Silithus
Crypt Stalker Leggings+18Nerub’enkan, Undead Stratholme
Chimeric Leggings+16Leatherworking, Tribal Leatherworkers
Brusslehide Leggings+10Razorlash, Maraudon
Living Leggings+5Leatherworking, Elemental Leatherworkers
FeetBramblewood Boots+25Leatherworking (Cenarion Circle, Honored)
Drudge Boots+20The Nightmare Manifests questline
Chimeric Boots+12Leatherworking, Tribal Leatherworkers
Albino Crocscale Boots+5Razorlash, Maraudon
Sedge Boots+5The Madness Within, Dire Maul

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Wow Sod 6 Mail Nature Resist Armor

Nature Resist gear for mail users in World of Warcraft: SoD Phase 6 is essential for hunters and shamans to handle the Nature damage-heavy fights in AQ raids. You can get this gear from crafting, quest rewards, and boss drops. Below is a table of all mail Nature Resist items and their sources to help you prepare.

SlotItem NameNature ResistSource
HeadBloomsprout Headpiece+10Meshlok the Harvester, Maraudon
ChestDreamscale Breastplate+30Leatherworking (Cenarion Circle, Exalted)
Sandstalker Breastplate+25Leatherworking (Cenarion Circle, Revered)
Dragonstalker’s Breastplate+10Nefarian, Blackwing Lair
Breastplate of Ten Storms+10Nefarian, Blackwing Lair
Green Dragonscale Breastplate+11Leatherworking (Dragonscale)
WristSandstalker Bracers+15Leatherworking (Cenarion Circle, Friendly)
HandsSandstalker Gauntlets+20Leatherworking (Cenarion Circle, Honored)
Darkspinner Claws+13Nerub’enkan, Undead Stratholme
Stonerender Gauntlets+10World Drop
Green Dragonscale Gauntlets+9Leatherworking (Dragonscale)
Chromatic Gauntlets+5Leatherworking (Thorium Brotherhood)
WaistLight Obsidian Belt+5Blacksmithing (Cenarion Circle, Honored)
LegsSlime-coated Leggings+28Viscidus, Ahn’Qiraj
Cenarion Reservist’s Legguards+25Dearest Natalia, Silithus
Green Dragonscale Leggings+11Leatherworking (Dragonscale)
Legguards of the Chromatic Defier+5 allQuest: The Matron Protectorate
FeetBoots of the Endless Moor+25Emeriss, Green Dragon

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Wow Sod 6 Plate Nature Resist Armor

So, you’re a plate-wearing hero preparing for AQ, huh? You’d think with all that heavy metal, you’d be immune to everything, but nope—Nature damage still hits like a truck. Luckily, Nature Resist gear is here to save your shiny behind. Tanks especially need this gear to soak up damage from AQ bosses like Princess Huhuran. And hey, if wearing “fashionable” Thorium boots with “Ooze-ridden” gloves doesn’t scream warrior pride, what does?

SlotItem NameNature ResistSource
HeadRunic Plate Helm+13Blacksmithing (300)
Helm of the Mountain+10Landslide, Maraudon
Thorium Helm+10Blacksmithing (280)
ShouldersAcid Inscribed Pauldrons+25Ysondre, Green Dragon
Acid-etched Pauldrons+20Nerub’enkan, Undead Stratholme
Runic Plate Shoulders+10Blacksmithing (300)
ChestSilithid Carapace Chestguard+35Fankriss the Unyielding, Ahn’Qiraj
Ironvine Breastplate+30Blacksmithing (Cenarion Circle, Revered)
Runic Breastplate+15Blacksmithing (300)
Judgement Breastplate+10Nefarian, Blackwing Lair
Breastplate of Wrath+10Nefarian, Blackwing Lair
Thorium Armor+8 allBlacksmithing (250)
WristNoxxion’s Shackles+15Noxxion, Maraudon
Thorium Bracers+5 allBlacksmithing (255)
HandsOoze-ridden Gauntlets+25Vem, Ahn’Qiraj
Ironvine Gloves+20Blacksmithing (Cenarion Circle, Friendly)
WaistIronvine Belt+15Blacksmithing (Cenarion Circle, Friendly)
Thorium Belt+6 allBlacksmithing (250)
Heavy Obsidian Belt+5 allBlacksmithing (300, Cenarion Circle)
LegsCenarion Reservist’s Legplates+25Dearest Natalia, Silithus
Runic Plate Leggings+14Blacksmithing (300)
Elemental Rockridge Leggings+10Princess Theradras, Maraudon
Thorium Leggings+10 allBlacksmithing (280)
FeetAcid Inscribed Greaves+25Any of the four Green Dragons
Runic Plate Boots+10Blacksmithing (300)
Thorium Boots+7 allBlacksmithing (280)

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World of Warcraft: Season of discovery phase 6 Other Nature Resist Gear

Let’s face it, even with all your armor, you still need the small stuff—rings, necklaces, cloaks, and trinkets—to really stop Nature damage in AQ. Think of it as accessorizing for survival. Who knew you’d be raiding with the fashion sense of a runway model? Below is a list of Other Nature Resist Gear to complete your look and keep those Nature spells at bay.

TypeItem NameNature ResistSource
CloakGaea’s Embrace+20Tailoring (Cenarion Circle, Revered)
Green Dragonskin Cloak+20Any of the four Green Dragons
Zephyr Cloak+15The Windreaver, Silithus
Grovekeeper’s Drape+10Celebras the Cursed, Maraudon
Shadewood Cloak+7Verifonix, Dire Maul East
Cloak of the Shrouded Mists+6Ragnaros, Molten Core
Venomshroud Cape+4World Drop
RingMalfurion’s Signet Ring+20Waking Legends quest, Green Dragons
Band of Cenarius+19A Humble Offering, Silithus
Ring of Binding+10Onyxia, Onyxia’s Lair
Seal of Ascension+10Upper Blackrock Spire quest
Petrified Band+10Dire Maul, Warpwood Quarter
Seal of the Archmagus+6 allBaron Geddon, Molten Core
Charged Gear+5Mekgineer Thermaplugg, Gnomeregan
NeckAmulet of Foul Warding+20The Prophet Skeram, Ahn’Qiraj
Drake Tooth Necklace+20The Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest
Necklace of Purity+20Battleguard Sartura, Ahn’Qiraj
Nature’s Whisper+8A Terrible Purpose quest, Silithus
TrinketHeart of Noxxion+10Noxxion, Maraudon (equip two!)
Smoking Heart of the Mountain+7Enchanting recipe from Lord Roccor
Ward of the Elements+8Alliance-only quest, Blackrock Depths

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World of Warcraft: Season of discovery phase 6 Nature Resist Offhands and Shields

When you’re holding the line in AQ raids, you’ll want an offhand or shield that not only blocks damage but also gives Nature Resist. Think of these items as your personal “umbrella” against the poison rain. Just don’t expect your enemies to admire your shiny shield—they’re too busy trying to melt your face.

TypeItem NameNature ResistMin LevelSource
OffhandBasilisk Bone+6 all46World Drop
Venomshroud Orb+349World Drop
ShieldHusk of Nerub’enkan+1556Nerub’enkan, Undead Stratholme (Service Gate)
Rock Golem Bulwark+1053Panzor the Invincible, Blackrock Depths
Darrowshire Strongguard+1057The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper quest, Western Plaguelands
Jagged Obsidian Shield+5 all60Plans: Jagged Obsidian Shield (Blacksmithing 300, Cenarion Circle, Revered)
Green Carapace Shield+416World Drop

World of Warcraft: Season of discovery phase 6 Nature Resist Ranged Weapons

When battling poison-spewing bosses in AQ, even ranged weapons want in on the Nature Resistance action! Whether you’re a hunter or caster, these weapons let you attack from a safe distance while shrugging off some of that nasty Nature damage. Just don’t aim for the floor—bosses won’t be impressed.

TypeItem NameNature ResistMin LevelSource
BowBow of Taut Sinew+860Ayamiss the Hunter, Ahn’Qiraj
Polished Ironwood Crossbow+760Emeriss, Green Dragon
WandRod of Corrosion+1051Shade of Eranikus, Sunken Temple
Noxious Shooter+546Noxxion, Maraudon

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World of Warcraft: Season of discovery phase 6 Nature Resist Enchants and potions

If you thought dodging poison was easy, think again. Nature Resist enchants and potions are like your raid’s insurance policy—because nobody wants to be that guy who dies first to Princess Huhuran’s poison bolts. Slap these enchants on your gear and chug those potions. Just remember, they won’t save you if you forget to move out of the green stuff!

ItemNature ResistSlotSource
Enchant Cloak – Greater Nature Resistance+15CloakEnchanting (300), Cenarion Circle, Honored
Savage Guard+10Head or LegZul’Gurub Arcanum (Focus, Rapidity, or Protection)
Enchant Cloak – Greater Resistance+5 allCloakAtal’ai Witch Doctor, Sunken Temple
Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn+5 allShoulderArgent Dawn, Exalted
Nature Mantle of the Dawn+5ShoulderArgent Dawn, Revered
Greater Nature Protection Potion1950-325048Recipe: Greater Nature Protection Potion, Alchemy (290)
Nature Protection Potion1350-225028Recipe: Nature Protection Potion, Alchemy (190)


Nature Resistance in WoW SoD Phase 6 is like wearing a raincoat in a poison storm. Without it, you’ll melt faster than an ice cube in a desert. Bosses like Princess Huhuran love throwing poison at you, so gear up or get wrecked!

You’ll need 150-200 Nature Resistance to survive. Collect gear like you’re shopping during a sale—headpieces, cloaks, even boots. Don’t forget the accessories: rings, necklaces, and potions. They’re your raid’s secret weapon. Think of it as playing dress-up to avoid death!

Tanks, healers, and DPS, don’t be the weak link. If you’re not ready, the raid wipes—and it’s on you.

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