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WoW SoD 6 Release Date & Overview

Dragons of Nightmare fight tips
How to gather supplies for Ahn'Qiraj War Effort

Oh, Okay. There’s a new Phase, new Discovery, new Warcraft. So it’s time to create the New Wow Sod 6 Release date & overview guide. We’re giving you the key info you need to fall right into the new content. Here’s what’s coming in this epic phase. Today you will learn:

  1. Introduction to WoW SoD 6 — A quick overview of what’s new in Phase 6.
  2. Release Dates and Timeline — Key dates and events to remember for this phase.
  3. The Scepter of the Shifting Sands Questline — How to start this legendary quest and earn unique rewards.
  4. Ahn’Qiraj War Effort — What it takes to prepare for the big battle.
  5. Opening of the Ahn’Qiraj Raids — Dive into AQ20 and AQ40, and face the mighty C’Thun.
  6. Nightmare Grove Overview — Meet the Dragons of Nightmare and earn special rewards.
  7. New Mounts and Rewards — A list of mounts and items you can earn in this phase.

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WoW SoD 6 Release Date

WoW SoD 6 new mounts

WoW Season of Discovery (SoD) Phase 6 begins on November 12 with the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest. Players will gather items to help open the Ahn’Qiraj Gates. The Ahn’Qiraj War Effort starts on November 21, and on December 6, players can enter the Ahn’Qiraj raids and the Nightmare Grove. This phase brings new bosses like C’Thun and the Dragons of Nightmare and new rewards for those who take on extra challenges.

Event or FeatureDateDescription
Scepter of the Shifting Sands QuestNovember 12Start this quest to make the Scepter of the Sands; finish it by December 6 for a special mount.
Ahn’Qiraj War Effort BeginsNovember 21Players bring supplies to help the war effort and earn rewards.
Ahn’Qiraj War Effort EndsNovember 29Last day to add supplies for the war.
Anubisath and Qiraji AttacksDecember 4Fight these enemies in different zones to earn gold, XP, and rare items.
Ahn’Qiraj Raids OpenDecember 6Two raids open, with new challenges and better rewards.
Nightmare Grove InstanceDecember 6Fight the Dragons of Nightmare in one instance, accessible through Emerald Dream portals.

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WoW SoD 6 TimeLine

Season of Discovery Phase 6 starts on November 12 with the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline. Then, on November 21, the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort begins, where players help gather supplies for the big battle. The War Effort ends on November 29. On December 4, qiraji warriors appear in different areas, signaling the coming raid. Finally, on December 6, the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj, and Nightmare Grove open. Players can face the Dragons of Nightmare and fight C’Thun for big rewards and tough challenges.

Scepter of the Shifting Sands Release date

The Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline opens on November 12 in WoW’s Season of Discovery Phase 6. Players can begin this special quest to create the Scepter, which will let them ring the gong at the Ahn’Qiraj Gates. Those who complete the quest by December 6 get a special Qiraji mount as a reward. This questline helps prepare players for big battles and rewards in the upcoming phase.

Questline OpensNov 12
Questline EndsDec 6

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Ahn’Qiraj War Effort release date

The Ahn’Qiraj War Effort begins on November 21 in WoW’s Season of Discovery Phase 6. In this event, players from both the Horde and Alliance must gather supplies to help open the Ahn’Qiraj Gates. This phase also includes a new reward system, where players who take on tougher challenges can earn better loot. The War Effort ends on November 29, paving the way for new battles and rewards.

War Effort BeginsNov 21
War Effort EndsNov 29

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Temple of Ahn’Qiraj release date

The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj opens on December 6 in WoW’s Season of Discovery Phase 6. This raid lets players face the powerful Old God C’Thun and unlock new rewards. Players can take on harder challenges for better loot, but too many deaths can mean no rewards at all. This raid also features the chance to get Qiraji mounts and defeat classic bosses in a unique instance.

WoW SoD 6 Overview

The World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 6 brings new adventures to classic WoW, letting players face major challenges and earn great rewards. This phase includes the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline, the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort, and two new raids—the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj and Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj. Players will battle C’Thun, an Old God, and the Dragons of Nightmare in a single instance.

Key FeatureDescription
Scepter of the Shifting SandsA big questline where players create the Scepter of the Sands to open the Ahn’Qiraj Gates. Completing it lets you get a unique Qiraji mount.
Ahn’Qiraj War EffortPlayers from both factions gather supplies to prepare for the war. Contribute items to support the upcoming battles.
Anubisath and Qiraji IncursionsQiraji warriors attack in different zones. Players battle them for rewards like gold, experience, and rare items.
Temple of Ahn’Qiraj RaidA high-stakes raid with C’Thun, an Old God. Teams can unlock harder mechanics for better loot. Too many deaths risk losing all rewards.
Nightmare Grove InstanceFace the Dragons of Nightmare—four powerful bosses—in one location. Accessible through portals in the Emerald Dream.
New Reward SystemPlayers can now choose harder options in raids for better rewards. Balancing risk and reward is key to success.
Improved Ahn’Qiraj RaidsAQ20 and AQ40 raids are smaller and more accessible. Players can run AQ20 twice a week for more loot opportunities.

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WoW SoD 6 Overview | New mounts

In Season of Discovery Phase 6, players can earn new mounts, including the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal, which is rewarded to players who complete the Shifting Sands questline and ring the gong. These mounts offer exciting ways to travel the new areas, like the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. Each mount is a prize for players who brave the challenges in this phase.

Black Qiraji Resonating CrystalAwarded for completing the Shifting Sands questline and ringing the gong. Usable in the open world and Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.
Red Qiraji Battle TankA unique Qiraji mount that players can ride only inside the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.
Blue Qiraji Battle TankAnother rare Qiraji mount exclusive to the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.
Green Qiraji Battle TankA collectible Qiraji mount available for travel within the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.
Yellow Qiraji Battle TankMount for riding the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, found as a rare drop.

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WoW SoD 6 Overview | Ahn’Qiraj Raids overview

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 6, two Ahn’Qiraj raids open — the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj and the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. These raids bring new challenges and rewards. The Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj is designed for smaller groups, while the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj is a larger raid with powerful bosses, including the Old God, C’Thun. Players can unlock harder mechanics for better loot, but too many deaths could result in losing rewards. The raids will also offer new mounts, special mechanics, and a thrilling battle against the Qiraji warriors.

Ruins of Ahn’QirajA 10-20 player raid in Silithus. Features 6 bosses. Players can use mounts inside. Resets twice a week.
Temple of Ahn’QirajA 20-40 player raid with 9 bosses, including C’Thun. New Descent into Madness system allows for higher rewards if players survive challenging mechanics. Resets weekly.

WoW SoD 6 Overview | Ahn’Qiraj War Effort

In WoW’s Season of Discovery Phase 6, the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort is a massive event where both Horde and Alliance players gather supplies for the war against the Qiraji. Players turn in items like bandages, herbs, and metals to prepare for the upcoming battles. When both sides finish gathering, the war heralding begins, with Qiraji warriors attacking. This event brings new challenges, rewards, and a chance to work together across factions to unlock content.

Gathering SuppliesPlayers from Horde and Alliance gather items like bandages, herbs, and metals for the war effort.
War Effort QuestsTurn in items for rewards and gain Commendation Signets to increase faction reputation or get more supplies.
Commendation SignetsUsed to get reputation with main cities or exchange for War Effort supplies with higher-level items.
Preparation in Ironforge & OrgrimmarSupplies collected by players are stored and transported to Silithus over five days.
Scarab Gong EventWhen supplies are ready, players with the Scepter of the Shifting Sands bang the gong to start the war.

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WoW SoD 6 Overview | The Scepter of the Shifting Sands

In WoW’s Season of Discovery Phase 6, the Scepter of the Shifting Sands is a legendary questline for dedicated players. Completing this quest allows players to ring the Scarab Gong, which starts a huge battle event and unlocks the rare Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal mount. This questline is long and challenging, requiring help from friends and guilds, plus a lot of dedication. Only players who finish it and ring the gong in time can get this special mount.

Quest StageDescription
Start of QuestBegin the quest with Baristolth in Silithus and meet Anachronos in Tanaris.
Reputation GrindCollect Silithid fragments to gain reputation with Brood of Nozdormu, which takes many hours.
Collect Scepter ShardsGather three shards—Red, Green, and Blue—from bosses and dungeons.
Red Shard (Blackwing Lair)Defeat Nefarian in Blackwing Lair within a time limit to earn the Red Shard.
Green Shard (Emerald Dream)Face tough elites at Emerald Dream portals and complete a final raid with Keeper Remulos.
Blue Shard (Azshara)Complete quests, gather items, and fight Maws in Azshara for the Blue Shard.
Final StepReturn to Anachronos and receive the Scepter of the Shifting Sands.
Ring the Scarab GongRing the gong to open Ahn’Qiraj raids and start the Ten Hour War event to earn the rare mount.

Nightmare Grove Overview

In WoW Season of Discovery Phase 6, players can enter the Nightmare Grove, where they face the Four Dragons of Nightmare. These powerful dragons—Emeriss, Lethon, Taerar, and Ysondre—wait in an instance that can be reached through the Emerald Dream portals. Each dragon is a challenging boss with unique abilities, offering new runes and rewards for players who dare to face them. This content adds exciting battles and tougher mechanics, creating fun and hope for many players looking for something new in the classic season.

DragonLocationDescription of week dragons
EmerissNightmare GroveA deadly dragon that spreads plague and decay, testing players’ endurance.
LethonNightmare GroveKnown for shadowy attacks, summoning shadow creatures to add difficulty.
TaerarNightmare GroveUses fear effects to disrupt players, requiring teamwork to overcome.
YsondreNightmare GroveUses powerful nature spells, challenging players to avoid deadly attacks.

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Players can access each dragon one by one, teleporting between them within the instance.


WoW Season of Discovery Phase 6 brings a lot of new content for players. Starting on November 12, the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest begins, leading up to the opening of the Ahn’Qiraj Gates. Players gather supplies in a server-wide War Effort, unlocking new content and preparing for intense battles. As the event unfolds, Qiraji warriors appear across zones, creating a sense of life and activity in the classic game.

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On December 6, players can enter the Ahn’Qiraj raids and the Nightmare Grove. Here, players will face iconic bosses like C’Thun and the Dragons of Nightmare, each with unique, challenging mechanics. The raids offer the chance to unlock class-specific runes, special mounts, and better rewards for those who push forward and face these bosses. This classic version update adds a lot to explore, bringing both challenge and fun for many players.

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