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WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria PTR Event!

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria PTR Event!
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria PTR Event!

Buckle up because Blizzard is swinging open the gates to an all-new, nostalgia-packed adventure that’s set to make your MMORPG experience go haywire—in the best way possible! Starting this Friday, April 12, at the not-so-witching hour of 19:00 CEST, you’re invited to jump into the “WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria” on the Dark Heart (10.2.7) PTR. Get ready to bid adieu to your social life until Monday, April 15, at 07:00 CEST, because this is one wild ride you won’t want to miss.

Event DurationApril 12, 19:00 CEST to April 15, 07:00 CEST
Level Range10-70
Zones AvailableAll zones in Pandaria
Game ModesNormal and Heroic Scenarios, Dungeons, Raids
Raids IncludedMogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring, Throne of Thunder, Siege of Orgrimmar (LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic)
Progression FeaturesCloak of Infinite Potential, spell gems, new itemization
Special BazaarsInfinite Bazaar in every zone for exclusive cosmetics
AccessibilityNo expansion purchase required, available to subscribers and trial accounts (up to level 20 without subscription)
Feedback OpportunityDedicated feedback threads to be opened for player insight

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What’s on the WoW Menu? Everything!

From leveling blitzes that take you from a modest level 10 all the way to the lofty heights of level 70, to zipping through every lush, detailed zone that Pandaria has to offer, this PTR test is like your favorite all-you-can-eat buffet. With Normal and Heroic Scenarios, Dungeons galore, and enough Raid options to make your head spin—LFR, 10-player Normal, and Heroic, no less—there’s no shortage of challenges to keep you and your guildies on your toes.


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Gear Up and Go!

Forget the old grind for gear that turns into vendor trash faster than you can say “loot!” The Remix version overhauls loot with spell gems and itemization that lets you tailor your gear as you see fit. And if you think that’s cool, wait until you hit up the Infinite Bazaar, a shopaholic’s paradise available in every zone, where cosmetics galore await.

We Want YOU… to Give Feedback

Sure, the thought of crunching through content nonstop is thrilling, but Blizzard’s main game here is feedback. They want to know every nitpicky detail about tuning, rewards, and those pesky bugs that always find a way to creep in. So, as you dive headfirst into this remixed world, keep your notes handy and be ready to hit the forums—they’re counting on your eagle eyes!

The Remix Lowdown

For those who’ve been hibernating under a rock, here’s the scoop: WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria isn’t just a trip down memory lane. It’s a revved-up, high-octane revisit to the mystical lands of Pandaria, amped up with all-new loot systems and an “almost unlimited power” ceiling that’ll let you push your character to new heights of badassery. Best of all? No need to buy any expansions—just have a current WoW subscription, and you’re golden. Even trial accounts can get a taste of the action up to level 20.

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Get Ready for a Wild Weekend

From exclusive achievements that turn into Feats of Strength once the event concludes, to a whole new Bronze Age currency system that lets you buy cool stuff without the auction house hassle, WoW Remix is more than just another PTR test. It’s a full-fledged festival of chaos, loot, and epic battles that’ll have you reliving the glory days of Pandaria like never before.

So, what are you waiting for? Clear your calendar, call your friends, and get ready to experience World of Warcraft as you’ve never seen it before. Pandaria awaits, heroes—let the remix rampage begin!

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