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Guide to Currency Changes in Cataclysm Classic phase 4

Cataclysm Classic currency update February 18
How to prepare for currency changes in Cataclysm Classic

Blizzard will change how some in-game points work. This happens with the Hour of Twilight update (Patch 4.4.2).

Old PointsNew PointsExtra Points Conversion
ConquestHonor35 silver per extra point
ValorJustice47 silver per extra point
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Which Points Change?

The following points will change:

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How Points Will Change

Cataclysm Classic patch 4.4.2 currency changes

Conquest and Honor Points

Valor and Justice Points

How to Earn Valor Points

From Bosses



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From Dungeons


In Cataclysm Classic, some in-game points will change on February 18. Conquest Points will turn into Honor Points. Valor Points will turn into Justice Points. If players have too many points, extra points will turn into silver or gold.

Honor Points will have a cap of 4000. Extra Honor Points will turn into 35 silver per point. Justice Points will also have a cap of 4000. Extra Justice Points will turn into 47 silver per point. The Honor cap increases by 4000 each week. The Justice cap increases by 1600 each week.

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Players can still earn Valor Points from bosses and dungeons. Different bosses give different amounts of points. Some bosses in Baradin Hold and Dragon Soul give more points. Two special dungeons also give 240 Valor Points each.

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