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WoW TWW Lunar Festival guide | War Within Lunar Festival Guide

Lunar Festival 2025 schedule and events
How to complete “Elune's Blessing” quest

Lunar Festival is a big event in World of Warcraft. It happens every year. This year, it starts on January 28 and ends on February 11. Players can honor Elders, earn Coins of Ancestry, and buy cool items. A new mount, Lunar Launcher, is now available. You can also earn achievements, fight a boss called Omen, and get rewards like transmog items, toys, and fireworks. The event happens in Moonglade and other zones. Players can use a guide to find Elders and complete quests.

Event DatesJanuary 28 to February 11, 2025
Main ActivityHonor Elders to earn Coins of Ancestry
New MountLunar Launcher — Flying mount, costs 75 Coins of Ancestry
AchievementsElders of Khaz Algar, Firework achievements, “Elune’s Blessing”
BossOmen — Summon and defeat for rewards
RewardsCoins of Ancestry — Use to buy toys, transmog items, and fireworks
Key ZonesMoonglade, Khaz Algar, Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Northrend
Transmog ItemsFlower crowns, dresses, dragon costumes
VendorsLocated in Moonglade — Sell pets, heirlooms, and more
Phasing HelpZidormi fixes phased zones where Elders are missing

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WoW TWW Lunar Festival | Release date & end date

Lunar Festival 2025 starts on January 28 and ends on February 11 at 10 AM (PST). This event celebrates Azeroth’s ancestors. During this time, players can honor Elders, earn Coins of Ancestry, and collect rewards like the Lunar Launcher mount or cool transmog items. Use this time to finish achievements, visit Moonglade vendors, and defeat the boss Omen for the Elune’s Blessing quest.

Start DateJanuary 28, 2025
End DateFebruary 11, 2025 at 10 AM (PST)

WoW TWW Lunar Festival | New 2025 features

Lunar Festival 2025 brings Khaz Algar Elders for a new achievement! You can find these Elders in places like The Isle of Dorn and Azj-Kahet. A new flying mount, the Lunar Launcher, is available from vendors for 75 Coins of Ancestry. New flower crowns transmog quests and Trading Post updates add fresh rewards. Don’t forget to check the new fireworks achievements and defeat Omen, the festival boss, for Elune’s Blessing!

WoW TWW Lunar Festival | Khaz Algar Elders

In 2025 Lunar Festival, you can honor Khaz Algar Elders to earn a new achievement. These Elders are in places like The Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, and Azj-Kahet. Visit them to get Coins of Ancestry and other rewards. Check the coordinates to find them fast and finish the Elders of Khaz Algar Achievement.

LocationElder NameCoordinates
The Isle of DornArchivist Rubbleglint40.91, 87.35
Archivist Coppermoss48.62, 13.95
The Ringing DeepsArchivist Farolt48.9, 67.3
Archivist Silsigra67.29, 52.98
HallowfallElder Knythall25.88, 51.93
Elder Swornvow66.27, 46.28
Azj-KahetElder Ikk’zivan66.91, 85.53
Elder Ikk’xataz46.82, 57.21

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WoW TWW Lunar Festival | Activities

The Lunar Festival has fun activities! You can honor Elders to get Coins of Ancestry, fight the boss Omen, or collect cool rewards like the Lunar Launcher mount. Visit vendors in Moonglade for transmog items, fireworks, and even flower crowns. Don’t miss achievements and toys, too!

ActivityHow to Do It
Honor EldersVisit Elders in Azeroth, like in Khaz Algar, to earn Coins of Ancestry and achievements.
Defeat OmenGo to Moonglade, summon Omen with fireworks, and defeat him for the quest Elune’s Blessing.
Earn Coins of AncestryComplete Elder quests and spend Coins at vendors for mounts, toys, and transmog items.
Lunar Launcher mountBuy this flying mount for 75 Coins of Ancestry from Moonglade vendors.
Lunar Festival questsFinish quests like Lunar Preservation to unlock flower crowns and other transmog rewards.
Firework achievementsLaunch fireworks and rocket clusters to earn achievements like The Rocket’s Red Glare.
Collect toys and itemsGet dragon costumes, lantern pets, and fun collectibles from vendors.

WoW TWW Lunar Festival | Phasing

In the Lunar Festival, some Elders are in different phases. If you cannot see an Elder, find Zidormi. Zidormi helps change the phase so you can honor the Elder. This is important for Khaz Algar Elders and others in phased zones. Don’t miss any Elders for the Elders of Khaz Algar Achievement!

Zone/LocationElder NameZidormi Location & Coordinates
Undercity (Tirisfal Glades)Elder DarkcoreZidormi near Ruins of Undercity at 69.4, 62.8
Blasted LandsElder BellowrageZidormi at North Blasted Lands entrance, 48.2, 7.2
Teldrassil/DarnassusElder Bladeleaf, BladeswiftZidormi in Darkshore outside Lor’danel, 48.8, 24.4
SilithusElder Bladesing, PrimestoneZidormi at Valor’s Rest in Silithus, 78.8, 22.0

WoW TWW Lunar Festival | Locations

In the Lunar Festival, you need to visit many places to honor Elders. Each Elder gives a Coin of Ancestry and counts for achievements like Elders of Khaz Algar Achievement or Elders of Northrend Achievement. Use the coordinates to find them fast. Don’t forget, some locations need Zidormi to change the phase!

Zone/RegionElder NameCoordinatesNotes
The Isle of DornArchivist Rubbleglint40.91, 87.35Part of Khaz Algar Elders
HallowfallElder Knythall25.88, 51.93Khaz Algar Elders achievement
Azj-KahetElder Ikk’zivan66.91, 85.53Check dungeon entrance
Tirisfal GladesElder Graveborn69.4, 62.8 (Zidormi)Requires Zidormi phase switch
SilithusElder Bladesing53.0, 35.5Near Cenarion Hold
MoongladeLunar Festival Vendors48.5, 39.2Buy Lunar Launcher mount here!

WoW TWW Lunar Festival | Rewards

In the Lunar Festival, you can get many cool rewards! Use Coins of Ancestry to buy items like the Lunar Launcher mount, transmog clothes, and even dragon costumes. You can earn coins by visiting and honoring Elders. Some rewards, like flower crowns, need special quests. Go to Moonglade vendors for most items, and don’t forget to try for Omen’s loot!

Reward TypeItem NameCost (Coins)How to Get
MountLunar Launcher75 CoinsBuy from vendors in Moonglade
TransmogFestive Dress or Pant Suit5 Coins eachBuy from Moonglade vendors
ToysDragon Costume (Head, Tail, Body)10-25 CoinsCollect all pieces from vendors
Flower CrownsCrown of Good Fortune, etc.25 CoinsFinish Lunar Preservation quest
PetsLunar Lantern/Festival Lantern50 CoinsMoonglade vendor (Horde/Alliance specific)
AchievementsElders of Khaz Algar AchievementCoins + LocationsHonor new Elders in Khaz Algar

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WoW TWW Lunar Festival | Vendor items

During the Lunar Festival, visit vendors in Moonglade to buy many fun items! Use Coins of Ancestry to get mounts, toys, transmog, pets, and fireworks. Some items, like the Lunar Launcher mount, cost more coins, so honor many Elders to collect enough. Flower crowns and dragon costumes are very popular this year!

Item TypeItem NameCost (Coins)Description
MountLunar Launcher75 CoinsFlying mount, buy from vendors in Moonglade
ToysDragon Costume (Head, Body, Tail)10-25 CoinsMake a dragon dance with friends
TransmogFlower Crowns (4 types)25 CoinsNeed Lunar Preservation quest to use anytime
ClothingFestive Dress or Pant Suit5 CoinsFun holiday outfit
PetsLunar Lantern/Festival Lantern50 CoinsMagic pet, different for Horde and Alliance
FireworksRocket Clusters/Firecrackers1-5 CoinsFor achievements and fun celebrations

WoW TWW Lunar Festival | Battle pets

The Lunar Festival has two special battle pets you can buy in Moonglade. They are the Lunar Lantern (for Alliance) and the Festival Lantern (for Horde). Each costs 50 Coins of Ancestry, so honor many Elders to collect coins! You can buy only one pet per character, but both can be traded or sold in the Auction House.

Pet NameFactionCostDescription
Lunar LanternAlliance50 CoinsMagical pet with cool light abilities
Festival LanternHorde50 CoinsHonors ancestors with a glowing aura

WoW TWW Lunar Festival | Transmog items

In the Lunar Festival, you can buy cool transmog items like flower crowns, festive dresses, and pant suits in Moonglade. Use Coins of Ancestry to buy them. Finish the Lunar Preservation quest to wear flower crowns all year. Other items might appear in the Trading Post later!

Item NameTypeCostNotes
Festive Green DressCosmetic5 CoinsBuy from Moonglade vendors
Festive Black Pant SuitCosmetic5 CoinsMatches the festival vibe
Crown of Dark BlossomsFlower Crown25 CoinsYear-round after quest completion
Crown of Infinite ProsperityFlower Crown25 CoinsEarned through Lunar Preservation

WoW TWW Lunar Festival | Achievements

Lunar Festival has many fun achievements! You can honor Elders in places like Khaz Algar to earn Coins of Ancestry. Use these coins to buy cool items. Defeat Omen for a special buff. Complete all achievements to get the title Elder!

Achievement NameHow to CompleteReward
To Honor One’s EldersComplete all Lunar Festival achievementsTitle: Elder <Name>
Elders of Khaz AlgarHonor new Elders in Khaz AlgarAchievement points
Elune’s BlessingDefeat Omen and get Elune’s Blessing buffElune’s Lantern
Frenzied FirecrackerUse 10 Festival Firecrackers in 30 secondsAchievement points
Lunar Festival FineryBuy festive transmog (dress or suit)Achievement points

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WoW TWW Lunar Festival | conclusion

This event in World of Warcraft happens every year, and in 2025, it runs from January 28 to February 11. During this time, you can visit Elders all over Azeroth to earn Coins of Ancestry. These coins let you buy cool things like the Lunar Launcher flying mount, festive clothes, flower crowns, toys, and even dragon costumes! Vendors in Moonglade sell most of these items, so don’t miss them.

There are also big activities to enjoy! You can summon and fight the boss Omen in Moonglade to get special rewards. Plus, there are new Khaz Algar Elders to find this year, which gives you an achievement. Don’t forget to light fireworks for fun and complete firework challenges for even more achievements!

If you have trouble finding Elders because of phasing problems, go to Zidormi, who can fix the zone for you. You’ll need this help for some Elders in places like Khaz Algar and Tirisfal Glades.

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