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The War Within expansion continues the idea heavily used in the Dragonflight expansion. The first season will feature 8 Mythic Dungeons, 4 brand-new dungeons, and 4 dungeons from previous expansions. Below, you can see the full set of Mythic+ Dungeons for the first season of The War Within:
You can choose any Mythic Dungeon from this list, and our WoW Mythic Dungeon boost will help you complete it quickly and efficiently.
The time allotted to complete the keystone does not depend on its difficulty but on which Dungeon you went to. Below, you can see all the time limits of The War Within Season 1 dungeons:
Selecting the Within Timer option for our WoW Mythic+ Boost will guarantee you a Keystone boost of at least 1 level.
Mythic Runs are a source of great rewards that can greatly increase your character’s power. Below, you can see information about the loot at the end of dungeons and from the Great Vault after the Weekly reset:
Thanks to our Loot Traders, you can get Mythic Dungeons Loot Runs, where all the items will be given to you. This will greatly speed up the collection of equipment for your game character and will be an insanely useful additional option during our Mythic+ Boost.
The affix system in mythic+ dungeons is very different from the usual one. World of Warcraft does not stand still and is constantly evolving, bringing something new for a varied gaming experience.
As with previous expansions, Mythic Plus Rating can earn you three Feats of Strength achievements: Keystone Conqueror, Keystone Master, and Keystone Hero. While the set of achievements and their requirements remain constant, the achievements and rewards themselves change each season. Below, you can find information about these achievements for Season 1 of The War Within:
However, there is an even more prestigious reward. WoW players who reach the top 0.1% of the RIO Score will receive the Tempered Hero: The War Within Season 1 achievement and the Tempered Hero Title.
On our website, you can find carry services that will allow you to quickly complete many dungeons at a high keystone level and get the desired Mythic+ Dungeon Rating and great in-game rewards.
At first, Mythic+ Dungeons may seem pretty easy. However, you will need to go a long way to perfection, and it can take a lot of time. We have collected for you some tips that will help you improve your skill for WoW Mythic Plus Runs:
To start a Mythic+ Dungeon one of the group members needs to have a mythic keystone for that dungeon. Once you’re in the instance, the owner of the keystone has to interact with a Font of Power and use his mythic key in the UI to set the dungeon difficulty and level to that of the key.
Generally, yes. Every Mythic+ Dungeon in WoW is much harder than its Normal or Heroic version. The difficulty of different WoW Mythic+ Dungeons, however, depends on the level of Mythic+ Dungeon, group composition and active affixes. You are better off asking such a question in the game chat because it changes from week to week.
Also, keep in mind that the power of enemies in Mythic+ Dungeons scales with the level of Mythic Key that you used to start it. The higher the key, the more difficult your dungeon will be. At levels +7 and higher Mythic+ Dungeons are so challenging that your average group is very unlikely to beat it first time around. That’s why achievements like Keystone Master and Keystone Hero are so prestigious.
Luckily you can buy Mythic+ Dungeon carry service from us and forget about countless fruitless attempts to beat higher keys. Join our team of professional Mythic+ players and your runs will be butter-smooth and lightning-fast!
First of all, you may never be certain that you will get to the last boss at all, let alone beat the timer with random players. The Mythic mode requires high levels of group coordination and strategy from every member of the group. Most teams just run for the fun of it and achieving the best result with them is a dice roll.
Second, while it is fair to say that everyone can access any dungeon, there is a caveat. Mythic+ is a highly competitive community, and players have created an unofficial rating system that tells the recruiting groups exactly how skilled you are in a given dungeon.
The system is called Mythic+ Rating, previously known as RIO score, which was a a third-party website that tracked your progress in WoW Mythic Plus Dungeons. This was so popular that it got implemented in World of Warcraft.
Having such a handy way to track Mythic+ progress makes choosing the best candidate a matter of comparing numbers. It also means it’s all but impossible to find a good party after a realm transfer or for your alt. This problem is very real if you try to find a decent group on your own, but completely non-existent if you buy WoW Mythic Dungeon boosts from us.
We began selling Mythic carry runs back when the latest expansion was Legion. Since then, we polished the process and expanded our roster of Mythic plus teams to be able to deliver the best quality of boosting services on the market. Buying a Mythic boost from us, you’re guaranteed to get what you paid for, and even more.