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SOD Zul’Gurub Raid Guide – Loot and Boss Tactics Info | Phase 4

Zul'Gurub potions
Zul'Gurub boss loot

Zul’Gurub is back, and it’s time to jump into the action! The 4th phase of the Season of Discovery is here, and we’re diving into the wild jungle of Stranglethorn Vale. Get ready to fight the Gurubashi trolls, take on the Blood God Hakkar, and grab some awesome loot. Here’s what you’ll learn in our Zul’Gurub guide:

Today, you’ll learn about:

And other, major and minor things, which are helpful for going through the raid!

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SOD Zul’Gurub Raid | overview

Welcome to Zul’Gurub! Nestled in Stranglethorn Vale, this classic 20-man raid offers up a ton of fun with zero attunement hassle. It’s the old capital of the Gurubashi trolls, now a hotbed for dark priests trying to wake up their nasty Blood God, Hakkar. The Zandalar Tribe needs your help to stop them, and you’ll want to jump in because this place resets every three days—perfect for grabbing those sweet loots and cutting down some evil.

LocationNortheast Stranglethorn Vale, right past Lake Nazferiti
Party Size20 players
Reset TimerEvery 72 hours
Big BadsFive High Priests and Hakkar the Soulflayer himself
Extra ChallengesOptional bosses like the Edge of Madness lineup
Cool DropsLook out for the Swift Zulian Tiger and those Warblades of Hakkari
Gear SetsGrab Primal Hakkari goodies to craft epic class-specific sets
Reputation GrindFight for the Zandalar Tribe, do quests, get rewarded

It’s an epic throwdown against some of the toughest trolls around.

SOD Zul’Gurub Raid | Entrance

Zul’Gurub is an ancient troll city located in the northeastern part of Stranglethorn Vale, at approximately coordinates 53, 17. This raid instance, part of WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery, offers a treasure trove of challenges, rewards, and opportunities to gain reputation with the Zandalar Tribe. Whether you’re traveling from Grom’gol Base Camp as Horde or making the journey from Darkshire as Alliance, getting to the entrance is an adventure in itself. The path is dotted with trash mobs and enemies, so be prepared for a bit of a skirmish before the real raid even begins.

HordeStarting from Grom’gol Base Camp, head north along the main road. Take a right turn at the fork towards Zul’Gurub. Beware of trash mobs and nearby enemies with very little health. Stick together as a group and clear any threats along the way.
AllianceBegin in Darkshire and travel south through Stranglethorn Vale. Stick to the main road, heading east at the fork. Be cautious of random raid members getting caught by enemies and trash mobs. Clear any hostile NPCs periodically cast AOE sleep abilities. Once you reach the Nesingwary’s Expedition camp, continue east until you reach the Zul’Gurub entrance.

SOD Zul’Gurub Raid | Attunement

No, Zul’Gurub in Classic WoW does not require any attunement. Unlike other raids like Blackwing Lair or Onyxia’s Lair, you can enter Zul’Gurub directly without needing to complete any prerequisite quests or obtain specific items. Just gather your raid group and head to the entrance in northeastern Stranglethorn Vale at approximately coordinates 53, 17.

SOD Zul’Gurub Raid | Boss tactics

Wow SoD High Priest Venoxis Guide

High Priest Venoxis, the first boss you’ll bump into in Zul’Gurub. As a former troll priest turned into a vicious snake, he’s not here to play nice. With his posse of snake adds and a trick up his sleeve that could wipe your raid if you’re not careful, Venoxis is your first real test in the raid. Your goal? Manage his minions, dodge his poison, and smack him down before his Holy Wrath gets out of hand.

For DPS:

For Healers:

For Tanks:

MechanicWipe PotentialInstructionsCommentary
Holy WrathHighAvoidKeep spaced, don’t chain the pain!
Poison CloudsExtremeMoveWhen he raises his hands, run your pants off!
Adds ManagementHighCC/KillControl or chaos, choose wisely.
Phase TransitionModerateFocusGear up for the gear shift when he goes snakey.

Venoxis isn’t too tough if you handle his adds smartly, dodge the clouds, and save your big guns for Phase 2

Wow SoD High Priestess Jeklik Guide

High Priestess Jeklik, one of the first hurdles in Zul’Gurub. As the bat-loving priestess of the troll pantheon, she’s ready to bombard you with sonic screams and a swarm of her winged minions. Jeklik combines intense sound attacks that can silence and disorient, with a penchant for healing herself, making her a tricky boss to handle. You’ll need sharp reflexes and even sharper coordination to take her down before her aerial minions overwhelm you.

For DPS:

For Healers:

For Tanks:

MechanicWipe PotentialInstructionsCommentary
Sonic ShriekModerateAvoidSilence is golden, and here, it’s also safe!
Summon BatsHighKillSwat those bats before they swarm us!
Great HealExtremeInterruptStop that heal or we’ll be here all night!
Fire BombsHighMoveDodge the drops, or it’s a fiery flop!
ChargeModerateManageKeep the bait ready, and brace for impact!

High Priestess Jeklik demands quick decision-making and sharp execution, especially when it comes to managing her bat swarms and dodging her devastating charges. Stay alert, move fast, and cut off her healing to keep the fight under control.

Wow SoD High Priestess Mar’li Guide

Priestess Mar’li, a versatile and dangerous boss who’s as sneaky as she is deadly. Known for her quick changes between troll and spider forms, she’s here to keep you on your toes with a nasty mix of venomous attacks and entangling webs. With adds that grow stronger over time and a nasty habit of healing herself, handling Mar’li is like juggling with knives—you’ve got to be quick, precise, and ready to adapt on the fly.

For DPS:

For Healers:

For Tanks:

MechanicWipe PotentialInstructionsCommentary
Poison Bolt VolleyModerateOutrange/HealStay back or suffer the venomous consequences!
Drain LifeHighInterruptCut off her lifeline quick or she’ll outlast us all!
Spawn of Mar’liHighKillKill ’em quick before these little bugs get big!
Enveloping WebsHighAvoid/FreeGet tangled, get troubled. Keep moving!
Form SwitchExtremeAdaptShape-shifter alert: switch gears fast or fall flat!

Mar’li’s dual nature makes her one of the trickier bosses in Zul’Gurub.

Wow SoD High Priest Thekal Guide

High Priest Thekal isn’t just another boss waiting for a smackdown—he’s a full-on party in Zul’Gurub that turns from a classic raid tango into a wild tiger mosh pit. This guy’s got a trick up his sleeve, transforming from troll to ferocious tiger just when you think you’ve got him beat. Keep your raid group tight because you’ll need spot-on coordination to make sure Thekal and his zealot buddies hit the floor at the same time, or it’s instant revival and you’re doing the dance all over again.

For DPS:

For Healers:

For Tanks:

MechanicWipe PotentialInstructionsCommentary
Simultaneous DeathsExtremeSync killsTime it like fireworks—explode together or bust!
Mortal CleaveHighMitigateKeep healing through the cleave or it’s curtains!
Force PunchModerateBraceStick to the walls—this isn’t a pinball game!
Frenzy/EnrageHighTranq/HealCool him down quick or feel the burn!
SilenceModerateDispelSilence is deadly—clear it fast!
Zulian TigersModerateEliminateTiger trouble? Not in my raid!

Raiding with Thekal is like a wild raid night out—keep the pace, watch your steps, and don’t let the chaos catch you off guard.

Wow SoD High Priestess Arlokk Guide

High Priestess Arlokk, where stealth and savage panthers rule the roost. This boss battle isn’t just about slashing and bashing; it’s a test of your raid’s ability to manage chaos and control. Arlokk herself switches between a troll and a deadly panther, vanishing and reappearing with lethal intent. Your group will need to stay sharp, shuffle quickly, and deal damage smartly to survive her onslaught and the feral friends she brings along for the fight.

For DPS:

For Healers:

For Tanks:

Arlokk’s dance of disappearance and deadly reappearances keeps everyone on their toes. Balancing DPS, managing adds, and avoiding area damage are key. Remember, when she vanishes, it’s time to clear the panthers before she jumps back into the fray.

Wow SoD Hakkar Guide

final showdown in Zul’Gurub against Hakkar the Soulflayer, the notorious Blood God who’s not just a figure of troll nightmares but a real threat that can obliterate your raid if not handled with precision. Known for his infamous Blood Siphon, which can heal him substantially if you’re not careful, battling Hakkar is a dance with death itself. To stand a chance, you’ll need to manage his abilities smartly, counter his healing mechanics, and coordinate your team like a well-oiled machine. Get ready for one of the most intense boss fights that WoW Classic has to offer!

For DPS:

For Healers:

For Tanks:

MechanicWipe PotentialInstructionsCommentary
Blood SiphonExtremeGet poisonedGet stung, don’t let Hakkar get his vamp on!
Corrupted BloodHighSpread outKeep your cooties to yourself, spread out!
Cause InsanityHighManage tanksWhen the tank’s brain takes a holiday, be ready to step in!
Sons of HakkarModerateKill timelyWhack a Son, grab the poison, no time to nap!
Mind ControlHighRotate tanksMind games strong? Keep the tank queue rolling!

Fighting Hakkar is as much about managing his mechanics as it is about sheer firepower. Stay sharp, keep calm, and remember: the right poison at the right time turns his greatest weapon against him.

Wow SoD Bloodlord Mandokir & Ohgan Guide

Bloodlord Mandokir, a formidable boss in Zul’Gurub who’s not just about brute force but also about picking off raid members with his cunning gaze and charges. Mounted on his raptor, Ohgan, Mandokir offers a dual threat that can turn chaotic quickly. This fight tests your group’s ability to juggle aggro, dodge deadly attacks, and keep cool under the Bloodlord’s menacing watch. Get ready to dodge, heal, and strike with precision—or watch as Mandokir levels up from your mistakes.

For DPS:

For Healers:

For Tanks:

Key Boss Mechanics Table:

Battling Bloodlord Mandokir is like playing a high-stakes game of red light, green light, combined with the urgency of keeping a deadly beast and his pet under control.

Wow SoD Gahz’ranka Guide

one of the most water-warped madness bosses of Zul’Gurub, Gahz’ranka. Originally just another resident crocolisk of the murky waters near Yojamba Isle, this beast has been twisted into a terrifying guardian by ancient magic. Facing Gahz’ranka isn’t just a boss encounter—it’s an epic battle against nature itself. This fight is a test of your raid’s ability to adapt and conquer under pressure, making it a hallmark of classic raids. Keep your nature resistance gear handy, and prepare for a splashy showdown that could sweep your entire raid off their feet if you’re not careful.

For DPS:

For Healers:

For Tanks:

Key Boss Mechanics Table:

MechanicWipe PotentialInstructionsCommentary
Massive GeyserHighSpreadUp, up, and away! Keep spread to avoid a wet wipe.
Frost BreathModerateDodgeChill out of the chill zone, or you’ll freeze in place!
Random TargetingModerateStay AlertGahz’ranka loves surprises—don’t get caught off-guard!
RepositioningHighRepositionGet back in place fast—this isn’t a spank fight, it’s tactical!

Gahz’ranka’s battle is a dynamic test of your raid’s ability to withstand and adapt to environmental hazards while managing a giant beast’s brutal attacks. Managing these challenges efficiently not only secures a victory but also potentially great rewards and a boost in reputation within the world of Warcraft.

Wow SoD Jin’do the Hexxer Guide

Jin’do the Hexxer, the master of curses and mind games in Zul’Gurub. This encounter is not just a test of strength but a battle of wits, where managing chaos becomes as important as dealing damage. Jin’do manipulates shadows and torments adventurers with his hexes, turning raid members against each other and spawning deadly shades that can only be seen by those ensnared by his delusions. Prepare for one of the most cunning and complex fights in WoW Classic, where every move and every decision can tip the scales between a triumphant victory and a devastating wipe.

For DPS:

For Healers:

For Tanks:

Key Boss Mechanics Table:

MechanicWipe PotentialInstructionsCommentary
Delusions of Jin’doHighDon’t dispelSeeing things? Good, you’re on Shade duty now!
HexHighDispelTurned into a frog? Hop to it and dispel fast!
Powerful Healing WardExtremeDestroyKill that totem or Jin’do’s just laughing at us.
Brain Wash TotemModerateDestroyMind control’s a no-go, smash those totems ASAP!
Shadow ShockModerateMitigateShock therapy! Keep those shocks in check, team.
Teleport to Skeleton PitModerateRescueGot dropped in the pit? Time for a bony beatdown.

Jin’do the Hexxer demands top-notch awareness and swift reactions from the entire raid. With his arsenal of disruptive and deceptive tactics, every raid member must play their part flawlessly to dismantle his defenses and prevent him from overpowering the group with his dark voodoo

Wow SoD Edge of Madness Guide

Edge of Madness, a mysterious subzone guarded by four unique and formidable bosses who rotate bi-weekly. Each boss demands a specific strategy and offers a distinct challenge, making this part of the raid a true test of adaptability and teamwork. Whether you face the strength of Gri’lek, the stealth of Renataki, the sorcery of Hazza’rah, or the stormy wrath of Wushoolay, each encounter is designed to push your raid group to its limits. Successful teams will need to think on their feet and respond quickly to the unpredictable dangers unleashed by these madness bosses.

For DPS:

For Healers:

For Tanks:

Key Boss Mechanics Table:

MechanicWipe PotentialInstructionsCommentary
Avatar (Gri’lek)HighKiteWhen Gri’lek grows, you go! Keep those legs moving!
Vanish (Renataki)HighRevealPlaying hide and seek with Renataki? Bring the AoE!
Mana Burn (Hazza’rah)ModerateDrainKeep Hazza’rah on a mana diet, starve the burn!
Summon Nightmare Illusions (Hazza’rah)HighKill fastNightmares pop up? Pop them down quick!
Chain Lightning (Wushoolay)ModeratePositionStay back or get zapped—Wushoolay’s not kidding around!
Lightning Cloud (Wushoolay)HighMoveSee a storm brewing under you? Time to ship out!

Each Edge of Madness boss brings their own brand of chaos to the fight, testing different aspects of your raid’s ability—from spatial awareness to quick target switching and efficient mana management.

SOD Zul’Gurub Raid | Loot table

The loot table of Zul’Gurub is as diverse as its challenges, offering everything from unique armor sets that meet the reputation requirements of the Zandalar Tribe to powerful weapons perfect for groups tackling this extremely difficult raid. Each of the four bosses, along with numerous adds, drops a variety of items that can enhance AOE capabilities, boost melee and spellcasting prowess, and strengthen defensive stats.

Zulian CoinQuest
Razzashi CoinQuest
Hakkari CoinQuest
Gurubashi CoinQuest
Vilebranch CoinQuest
Witherbark CoinQuest
Sandfury CoinQuest
Skullsplitter CoinQuest
Bloodscalp CoinQuest
Red Hakkari BijouQuest
Blue Hakkari BijouQuest
Yellow Hakkari BijouQuest
Orange Hakkari BijouQuest
Green Hakkari BijouQuest
Purple Hakkari BijouQuest
Bronze Hakkari BijouQuest
Silver Hakkari BijouQuest
Gold Hakkari BijouQuest
Primal Hakkari Bindings HunterMagePaladinQuest
Primal Hakkari Armsplint RogueShamanWarriorQuest
Primal Hakkari Stanchion DruidPriestWarlockQuest
Primal Hakkari Girdle RogueShamanWarriorQuest
Primal Hakkari Sash DruidPriestWarlockQuest
Primal Hakkari Shawl HunterMagePaladinQuest
Primal Hakkari Tabard DruidPaladinShamanQuest
Primal Hakkari Kossack MageWarlockWarriorQuest
Primal Hakkari Aegis HunterPriestRogueQuest
Heart of HakkarQuest
Ancient Hakkari ManslayerOne-Handed Axe
Gurubashi Dwarf DestroyerGun
Zin’rokh, Destroyer of WorldsTwo-Handed Sword
Bloodsoaked LegplatesPlate Armor
The Eye of HakkarAmulet
Cloak of ConsumptionCloak
Fang of the FacelessDagger
Touch of ChaosWand
Aegis of the Blood GodShield
Primalist’s SealRing
BloodcallerOne-Handed Sword
Warblade of the HakkariOne-Handed Sword
Warblade of the HakkariOne-Handed Sword
Bloodlord’s DefenderOne-Handed Sword
Blooddrenched GripsLeather Armor
Hakkari Loa CloakCloak
Talisman of ProtectionAmulet
Swift Razzashi RaptorMount
Overlord’s Crimson BandRing
Halberd of SmitingPolearm
Bloodstained CoifMail Armor
Soul Corrupter’s NecklaceAmulet
Animist’s LeggingsLeather Armor
Bloodsoaked PauldronsPlate Armor
Jin’do’s JudgementStaff
Jin’do’s Evil EyeAmulet
The Hexxer’s CoverCloth Armor
Bloodstained LegplatesMail Armor
Overlord’s EmbraceCloak
Blooddrenched LeggingsLeather Armor
Jin’do’s HexxerOne-Handed Mace
Jin’do’s Bag of WhammiesOff-hand Frill
Animist’s BootsLeather Armor
Zanzil’s SealRing
Bloodsoaked GauntletsPlate Armor
Bloodtinged KiltCloth Armor
Thekal’s GraspFist Weapon
Betrayer’s BootsCloth Armor
Seal of JinRing
Ritualistic LegguardsCloth Armor
Zulian Stone AxeTwo-Handed Axe
Zulian SlicerOne-Handed Sword
Swift Zulian TigerMount
Fang of VenoxisDagger
Runed Bloodstained HauberkMail Armor
Zanzil’s BandRing
Blooddrenched FootpadsLeather Armor
Zulian Tigerhide CloakCloak
Sceptre of SmitingOne-Handed Mace
Will of ArlokkStaff
Arlokk’s GraspFist Weapon
Overlord’s Onyx BandRing
Bloodsoaked GreavesPlate Armor
Panther Hide SackBag
Zulian DefenderShield
Jeklik’s CrusherTwo-Handed Mace
Bloodstained GreavesMail Armor
Primalist’s BandRing
Zulian HackerOne-Handed Axe
Arlokk’s Hoodoo StickOff-hand Frill
Jeklik’s Opaline TalismanAmulet
Band of JinRing
Mar’li’s TouchWand
Animist’s SpauldersLeather Armor
Bloodtinged GlovesCloth Armor
Mar’li’s EyeTrinket
Gri’lek’s BloodQuest
Renataki’s ToothQuest
Wushoolay’s ManeQuest
Hazza’rah’s Dream ThreadQuest
Nat Pagle’s Fish TerminatorStaff
Lizardscale EyepatchLeather Armor
Tigule’s HarpoonPolearm
Nat Pagle’s Broken ReelTrinket
Gri’lek’s GrinderOne-Handed Mace
Gri’lek’s CarverTwo-Handed Axe
Pitchfork of MadnessPolearm
Renataki’s Soul ConduitOne-Handed Sword
Wushoolay’s PokerDagger
Fiery RetributerOne-Handed Sword
Hoodoo Hunting BowBow
Flowing Ritual RobesCloth Armor
Mandokir’s StingBow
Seafury GauntletsMail Armor
Zulian Ceremonial StaffStaff
Shadow Panther Hide GlovesLeather Armor
Seafury LeggingsMail Armor
Shadow Panther Hide BeltLeather Armor
Seafury BootsMail Armor
Gurubashi HelmPlate Armor
Peacekeeper GauntletsPlate Armor
Peacekeeper BootsPlate Armor
Peacekeeper LeggingsPlate Armor
Primal Hakkari IdolMiscellaneous Item
Cloak of the Hakkari WorshipersCloak
Might of the TribeCloak
Zulian Scepter of RitesOne-Handed Mace
Sacrificial GauntletsPlate Armor
Gloves of the TormentedMail Armor
Belt of Untapped PowerCloth Armor
Blooddrenched MaskLeather Armor
Zulian HeaddressCloth Armor
Band of ServitudeRing
Seal of the Gurubashi BerserkerRing
Tome of Polymorph: Turtle MageBook

SOD Zul’Gurub Raid | Plot

Zul’Gurub isn’t just your average spooky troll ruins—it’s like stepping into a horror movie set deep in the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale. This place has a vibe that screams ‘bad news’ with every creepy corner and shadow. Originally built by the Gurubashi trolls, it was a place buzzing with life and wicked celebrations. But then, internal conflicts and the whispers from the not-so-chill Blood God, Hakkar the Soulflayer, turned the party into a nightmare. Now, the place is a mess of corruption and dark magic.

As you and your raid group dive deeper into Zul’Gurub, you’ll quickly realize this is no walk in the park. The Atal’ai priests, big fans of Hakkar, are hell-bent on bringing back their Blood God. Imagine the worst possible house guests, then multiply that by ten—that’s these guys, trying to unleash ultimate evil into the world. This raid isn’t just for kicks; it’s a full-on battle to stop a catastrophic apocalypse.

The bosses here aren’t your run-of-the-mill baddies—they’re like the bosses from your worst nightmares. Each High Priest or Priestess has gone full animal-god mode, thanks to Hakkar’s influence. From High Priestess Jeklik flapping around with her bats and sonic screeches to High Priest Venoxis slithering around with his venomous antics. Then there’s High Priestess Mar’li, spawning spiders that could give Arachnophobes a run for their money, and High Priest Thekal, who pounces around like a tiger with a toothache. And don’t get me started on High Priestess Arlokk, who loves playing hide and seek in her panther form, jumping out just when you think it’s safe.

Every step closer to Hakkar, the air gets thicker with voodoo vibes and the stakes get higher. By the time you reach Hakkar, you’re not just fighting his physical form but also battling against the dark mojo he’s got swirling around him. His favorite party trick? Blood Siphon, where he literally sucks the life out of your raid, healing himself unless everyone’s coated with poisonous blood—talk about a toxic relationship!

This raid will test your mettle, your gear, and your ability to stay cool when every random raid member is two seconds away from being dead or turned into a frog. And for those who thrive on reputation, remember, crushing Hakkar earns you more than just loot—it ramps up your rep with the folks who hate his guts as much as you do.

SOD Zul’Gurub Raid | Conclusion

Zul’Gurub is a thrilling raid located in the heart of Stranglethorn Vale, brimming with danger and dark magic. This raid doesn’t require attunement, so you can fall straight into the action with your group. Inside, you’ll face fierce bosses influenced by the Blood God, Hakkar, each bringing unique challenges. High Priestess Jeklik bombards you with bats and sonic attacks, while High Priest Venoxis poisons you with serpentine abilities. High Priestess Mar’li’s spiders and High Priest Thekal’s tiger pounce keep you on your toes, and High Priestess Arlokk’s stealthy panther attacks add to the chaos.

As you battle through the corrupted city, the plot unfolds with every encounter, leading up to the final showdown with Hakkar. His Blood Siphon ability demands perfect coordination, as he heals himself unless your raid is prepared with poisonous blood. Victory not only brings epic loot and class-specific armor sets but also boosts your reputation with the Zandalar Tribe. Surviving Zul’Gurub is a true test of teamwork and strategy, offering both high rewards and intense challenges in the world of Warcraft.

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