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WoW Classic Era Anniversary Profession guide | All you need to get the Artisan in Wow classic Era!

Best profession pairings WoW Classic
WoW Classic professions guide 20th Anniversary

It’s the 20th Anniversary of Classic WoW, and professions are still a big deal. Back then, they were your way to make gold, craft cool stuff, and not look like a total noob. Now? Same deal.

Professions let you craft gear, brew potions, and rake in cash like a pro. They’re the secret sauce to raiding better, PvPing harder, and just having fun in Azeroth.

This WoW Classic Anniversary Professions Guide will help you:

Ready to crush it?

TailoringCookingFishingFirst Aid


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WoW Classic Era Anniversary Professions overview

Professions in WoW Classic are like your character’s part-time job—except way cooler because they make gold, gear, and potions that save your raid from certain doom. They’re your ticket to crafting sweet items, gathering shiny resources, or even cooking up some mana-restoring chili. Think of them as your character’s side hustle that pays in power, survival, and cold, hard cash.

Some professions are about making stuff (crafting professions like Alchemy or Engineering), while others are about gathering resources (like Skinning or Mining) or offering unique perks (Enchanting, anyone?). You get two primary professions to pick from—so choose wisely—and three secondary professions that every player can learn: Cooking, First Aid, and Fishing. Whether you’re here to dominate DPS charts, PvP like a boss, or swim in gold, professions can turn your Classic Era grind into a celebration of efficiency and success.

ProfessionTypeKey FeaturesBest PairingsHighlights
AlchemyCraftingMakes potions, flasks, and transmutationsHerbalismGold-making, raiding consumables, PvP boosts
BlacksmithingCraftingCrafts weapons, armor, and sharpening stonesMiningPlate gear, epic weapons like Arcanite Reaper
EnchantingCrafting/ServiceEnhances gear with permanent buffsTailoringDisenchant for mats, spell power boosts
EngineeringCraftingCreates gadgets, bombs, and PvP gearMiningGoblin vs. Gnomish, ultimate PvP gadgets
LeatherworkingCraftingMakes leather/mail gear and armor kitsSkinningGreat for Hunters, Rogues, and Shamans
TailoringCraftingCreates cloth armor and bagsEnchantingCloth gear, bags, resistance gear, raid sets
HerbalismGatheringCollects herbs for Alchemy or sellingAlchemyGold-making, Black Lotus farming
MiningGatheringGathers ore, stones, and gemsEngineering, BlacksmithingSmelt Dark Iron, farm Arcane Crystals
SkinningGatheringSkins mobs for leather and scalesLeatherworkingDevilsaur Leather, gold-making, rare scales
CookingSecondaryMakes food for health/mana regen and buffsFishingWell Fed buffs, fun recipes (Savory Deviate!)
FishingSecondaryCatches fish for cooking, Alchemy, and eventsCooking, AlchemyNightfin Soup, Blackmouth Oil, rare catches
First AidSecondaryCrafts bandages for self-healingSaves lives in PvP and Hardcore

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WoW Classic Era Anniversary Professions Bonus

In WoW Classic Era, professions aren’t just about making shiny things or raking in gold. They also give your character sweet bonuses, like extra stats or unique abilities. These bonuses can make you hit harder, survive longer, or just be that guy in the raid everyone cheers for when their gadgets save the day. Think of it as hidden power-ups that make your life in Azeroth a little easier and a lot cooler.

Some bonuses come from crafting gear only you can use, like the engineer-exclusive helmets. Others, like Tauren’s extra +15 Herbalism or Gnome’s +15 Engineering, come baked into your race. Then there are special enchants, items, and recipes that make you the MVP, whether you’re tanking a boss, farming Black Lotus, or cooking up some raid-night grub. Choose wisely, and the perks might just carry you to glory.

ProfessionSpecific Bonus
AlchemyFlasks (e.g., Flask of Supreme Power: +70 Spell Power), Potions, and daily Arcanite Transmute
BlacksmithingArcanite Reaper (weapon), specialized gear via Armorsmith/Weaponsmith paths
EnchantingEnchants for gear slots (e.g., +100 Health to Chest, Crusader enchant for weapons)
EngineeringGoblin Sapper Charge (massive AoE damage), Gnomish Mind Control Cap, Field Repair Bot
HerbalismBlack Lotus access (used for flasks), Swiftthistle for Rogues (Thistle Tea)
LeatherworkingDevilsaur Set (+Hit for melee DPS), Core Armor Kit (defensive boost for raid gear)
MiningSmelt Dark Iron (used for crafting), extra materials like Arcane Crystals from mining nodes
SkinningDevilsaur Leather (craft Devilsaur gear), Pristine Hide of the Beast (epic gear crafting)
TailoringBloodvine Set (Spell Crit for casters), powerful bags (e.g., Runecloth Bag)
Fishing (Secondary)Nightfin Snapper (mana regen food), Oily Blackmouth (Alchemy oils), event-based items
Cooking (Secondary)Well Fed buffs (+25 Strength/Agility/Stamina, etc.), rare recipes like Dirge’s Chops
First Aid (Secondary)Heavy Runecloth Bandage for 2000+ healing in combat, anti-venoms for poison removal

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WoW Classic Era Anniversary Profession Key items

Professions in the Classic Era Anniversary are your ticket to powerful gear, rare crafts, and unique buffs that make you a hero. From engineering bombs that blow up PvP battlegrounds to alchemy flasks keeping your raid alive, every profession has its shining moments. Some items are so iconic they define the profession: Arcanite Reaper for Blacksmithing, Bloodvine for Tailoring, and Goblin Sapper Charges for Engineering. The key is knowing what you want—gear, gold, or just gadgets that make people laugh. Here’s the quick breakdown of the must-have profession items.

ProfessionKey Item
AlchemyFlask of Supreme Power (DPS boost)
BlacksmithingArcanite Reaper (legendary axe for Warriors)
EnchantingEnchant Weapon – Crusader (proc heal/DPS enchant)
EngineeringGoblin Sapper Charge (AoE damage in PvP/PvE)
HerbalismBlack Lotus (essential for flasks)
LeatherworkingDevilsaur Set (Hit bonus for melee DPS)
MiningArcane Crystal (needed for Arcanite bars)
SkinningDevilsaur Leather (key for Devilsaur gear)
TailoringBloodvine Set (Spell Crit for casters)
Fishing (Secondary)Nightfin Snapper (mana regen food)
Cooking (Secondary)Dirge’s Kickin’ Chimaerok Chops (+25 Stamina food)
First Aid (Secondary)Heavy Runecloth Bandage (combat healing)

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WoW Classic Era Anniversary Profession | best pairings

Professions in Classic Era aren’t just jobs—they’re your ticket to domination. Whether you’re raiding, PvPing, or swimming in gold, the best pairings maximize your grind. Gather your materials, craft the goods, and earn your keep. Some combos, like Alchemy with Herbalism, are a no-brainer. Others, like Tailoring and Enchanting, make magic happen for casters. If you’re a solo player or someone who loves min-maxing, choosing wisely will save your time and your sanity.

Profession 1Profession 2Why They Pair
AlchemyHerbalismHerbs fuel potions, flasks, and gold-making
BlacksmithingMiningMining provides all the ore for weapons and armor
EngineeringMiningOre feeds your gadgets, bombs, and crazy PvP toys
TailoringEnchantingMake cloth gear, disenchant for materials, enchant gear
LeatherworkingSkinningSkins craft gear and armor kits for rogues and hunters
Fishing (Secondary)CookingFish become buffs and gold with rare recipes
EnchantingTailoringBoth use no gathering, perfect for casters
HerbalismAlchemyCore pairing for raids, buffs, and cash flow
SkinningLeatherworkingHunter and rogue dream for armor and profit

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Best professions for Feral DPS Druid

Feral DPS Druids are all about unleashing claws and shredding through content, but picking the right professions adds more bite to their bark. Engineering is your MVP here, bringing gadgets like the Gnomish Battle Chicken for group-wide haste buffs and Goblin Sapper Charges to compensate for weak AoE. Blacksmithing is your sidekick, offering essential trinkets like Glimmering Mithril Insignia to counter fears in PvE and craft upgrades like Iron Counterweights for weapon haste.

ProfessionKey Benefits
EngineeringGnomish Battle Chicken for party haste, AoE Sappers
BlacksmithingFear resistance trinkets, Iron Counterweights for DPS
EnchantingSmoking Heart of the Mountain for magic resistance
Herbalism + AlchemyFarm and craft consumables like Elixirs for raids
Skinning + LeatherworkingDevilsaur Armor for early-game gear boost

Best professions for Feral Tank Druid

Feral Tank Druids are bears in spirit and gameplay. Their job is to soak up damage, hold aggro, and keep things under control. To make the most of their tanking potential, Engineering is the ultimate pick. With tools like Goblin Sapper Charges for AoE threat and Gnomish Battle Chickens to boost party DPS, Engineering turns your bear into a raid MVP. Pair it with Blacksmithing to craft the Glimmering Mithril Insignia, giving you a Fear counter—a lifesaver when holding aggro on bosses like Onyxia or Magmadar. These professions keep your Druid tough and your raids smoother.

ProfessionKey Benefits
EngineeringAoE threat tools (Sapper Charge), Gnomish Battle Chicken
BlacksmithingFear resistance trinket, weapon enhancements (Counterweight)
EnchantingCraft Smoking Heart of the Mountain for resistance
Herbalism + AlchemyFlasks and potions for tank survivability
MiningEssential for Engineering and Blacksmithing materials

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Best professions for Healing Druid

Healing Druids are all about mana, efficiency, and keeping the raid alive. To thrive, Herbalism and Alchemy are your bread and butter. Herbalism lets you gather the precious herbs for potions and flasks, while Alchemy gives you the ability to craft them. Flasks like Distilled Wisdom keep your mana flowing, while Mana Potions are lifesavers. If you’re feeling adventurous, Engineering can add some spicy gadgets like Goblin Sapper Charge or even repair bots for raids. Pair these wisely to be the unsung hero of every fight.

ProfessionKey Benefits
HerbalismGather herbs for potions and flasks, make gold on the side
AlchemyCreate mana potions, flasks (e.g., Distilled Wisdom)
EngineeringUtility gadgets for PvE and PvP (e.g., repair bots, grenades)
EnchantingBoost your gear with custom enchants
SkinningPair with Herbalism early for easy gold-making

Best professions for Hunter in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Hunters need the right tools to hunt beasts, win fights, and make gold. The best professions for a Hunter in WoW Classic Era are Engineering and Skinning. Engineering is king for PvP and raids. Use gadgets like Goblin Sapper Charge or Iron Grenade for big damage, or reflect spells with gadgets like Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector. Skinning makes money fast since Hunters solo tough mobs like Black Dragons for leather. Pair Skinning with Leatherworking to craft Devilsaur Armor, or just sell the leather to buy potions or gear. You can also swap Skinning for Herbalism later if you want to farm Black Lotus for Alchemy.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
EngineeringPvP gadgets like Goblin Rocket Helmet, AoE bombs for PvE, reflectors for defense.
SkinningFarm Devilsaur Leather and Black Dragonscale for crafting or gold-making.
LeatherworkingMake gear like Devilsaur Armor for early-game power.
HerbalismGather herbs like Black Lotus for Alchemy or sell for gold.
AlchemyCraft potions and elixirs to boost stats in raids and PvP.

Best professions for Mage in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Mages in WoW Classic Era are powerhouse spellcasters, and the right professions make them even better. Tailoring is a must for crafting top-tier gear like the Robe of the Archmage and later the Bloodvine set, giving you huge boosts to DPS. Pair it with Engineering for gadgets like Goblin Sapper Charge and Gnomish Rocket Boots, perfect for PvP or high-damage fights. Tailoring helps you farm gold fast since Mages clear mobs like pros, and Engineering adds PvP perks like spell reflectors. These two professions make you strong, rich, and ready for any fight.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
TailoringCraft best-in-slot Mage gear like Robe of the Archmage and Bloodvine set.
EngineeringEssential for PvP gadgets like Goblin Sapper Charge and spell reflectors.
EnchantingEnchant your gear for more stats and boost profit by selling enchants.
AlchemyMake potions and elixirs like Flask of Supreme Power for raids.
HerbalismPair with Alchemy to gather herbs like Black Lotus for crafting or selling.

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Best professions for Ret Paladin in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Retribution Paladins hit hard, but their professions need to pull weight too. For a Ret Paladin, Engineering and Mining are the dream team. Engineering brings the big toys—Goblin Sapper Charges for AoE damage, Gnomish Battle Chicken for party buffs, and reflectors to bounce spells back in PvP. Mining feeds Engineering with materials and helps stack gold for your epic mount. If gold-making is your priority, swap Mining for Herbalism and pair it with Alchemy to craft potions and flasks for raids or profit. Ret Paladins thrive on these profession combos to boost combat, gold-making, and utility.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
EngineeringGadgets for DPS boosts, AoE damage, and PvP tools like spell reflectors.
MiningGathers materials for Engineering and makes gold easily while leveling.
AlchemyCraft potions and flasks like Flask of Supreme Power to enhance raid performance.
HerbalismPairs with Alchemy to gather herbs like Black Lotus for crafting or selling.
EnchantingAdds stat bonuses to gear and helps with utility like disenchanting items.

Best professions for Healing Paladin in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Healing Paladins are the backbone of any group, and the right professions make you even stronger. Alchemy and Herbalism are the top picks—Alchemy lets you craft potions like Major Mana Potions and Flasks of Distilled Wisdom, giving you more mana for longer fights. Herbalism pairs perfectly by supplying the herbs you need to make these consumables. If you’re into utility and PvP, Engineering is a solid choice with gadgets like Goblin Sapper Charges, Field Repair Bots, and spell reflectors. For those focused on self-sustain, Enchanting is a good pick for boosting gear stats and making a bit of gold on the side.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
AlchemyCraft potions and flasks to boost mana and stats during long fights.
HerbalismSupplies materials for Alchemy and generates steady gold.
EngineeringPvP gadgets, utility tools, and AoE damage options like Goblin Sapper Charge.
EnchantingAdds stat bonuses to gear and provides a way to profit from disenchanting.
MiningPairs with Engineering and makes gold by gathering valuable ores.

Best professions for Healing Priest in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Healing Priests are all about mana and utility. The best profession combo is Tailoring and Enchanting. Tailoring lets you make powerful early-game gear like Truefaith Vestments and craft bags for profit. Enchanting pairs perfectly, letting you add stat bonuses to gear and disenchant items for materials. If you want more consumables for mana and buffs, go Alchemy with Herbalism—this combo saves gold and keeps your mana potions stocked. For utility and PvP gadgets, Engineering is a strong alternative. With the right professions, you’ll always be ready to heal, earn gold, and boost your raid.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
TailoringCraft Truefaith Vestments and bags for gold-making or storage.
EnchantingAdd stat bonuses to gear and disenchant for materials and profit.
AlchemyMake potions and flasks like Major Mana Potion for sustained healing.
HerbalismGather herbs to support Alchemy and save gold on crafting materials.
EngineeringOffers PvP tools, spell reflectors, and raid gadgets like Field Repair Bots.

Best professions for Shadow Priest in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Shadow Priests thrive on mana, damage, and utility. Tailoring is a must-have for early game gear like the Bloodvine set, which boosts spell hit and crit—perfect for Classic Era’s tougher raids. Pair this with Engineering, the ultimate DPS toolkit, offering gadgets like Goblin Sapper Charges and trinkets for both PvE and PvP. Need mana sustain? Go Alchemy for flasks like Distilled Wisdom and potions that keep you casting in long fights. Combine it with Herbalism to farm your own mats and save gold. With these professions, your Shadow Priest will dominate in both combat and the economy.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
TailoringCraft Bloodvine set for spell hit and crit bonuses; perfect for raids.
EngineeringOffers Goblin Sapper Charges, AoE damage, and PvP gadgets like reflectors.
AlchemyMake Distilled Wisdom flasks and mana potions for longer fights.
HerbalismGather herbs to support Alchemy and save gold on crafting materials.
EnchantingEnhance gear with stat bonuses and earn gold by enchanting for others.

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Best professions for Rogue in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Rogues live for burst damage, sneaky escapes, and making enemies regret their life choices. Engineering is your go-to profession—loaded with gadgets like Goblin Sapper Charges for AoE damage, grenades for stunning targets, and Gnomish Rocket Boots for fast escapes. Pair it with Mining to farm mats for your engineering projects. Want to make gold? Skinning is perfect for rogues who are always close to their prey, while Leatherworking can craft armor to boost your agility and stamina. Whether you’re picking locks or picking fights, these professions have your back.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
EngineeringCraft grenades, Goblin Sapper Charges, and escape tools like Rocket Boots.
MiningProvides materials for Engineering, like ore and stones.
SkinningGather leather from enemies to sell or use for crafting.
LeatherworkingCraft agility-boosting armor and resistance gear for PvP or raids.
AlchemyBrew potions like Free Action or Agility Potions to dominate combat.

Best professions for Elemental Shaman in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Elemental Shamans bring the lightning and fire, but they need the right professions to keep up the storm. Engineering is a top pick—it gives you grenades for extra AoE damage, trinkets for utility, and even the Gnomish Battle Chicken to boost melee speed for your group. Pair it with Alchemy for endless mana potions and spell-enhancing elixirs like Flask of Supreme Power. If you’re farming for gold, Herbalism pairs well with Alchemy, letting you harvest materials for potions while exploring the world. Want steady gold? Try Skinning or Mining for gathering raw materials.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
EngineeringGrenades, Goblin Sapper Charges, and trinkets for PvP and raid utility.
AlchemyCreate mana potions and spellpower flasks to keep your DPS high.
HerbalismFarm herbs like Black Lotus for potions and flasks.
SkinningEarn gold while farming mobs for leather.
MiningCollect materials for Engineering or sell ore for steady gold.

Best professions for Healing Shaman in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Healing Shamans are the spirit walkers of WoW Classic, bringing chain heals and totems to every fight. For professions, Alchemy is your best friend. It keeps you stocked with mana potions, flasks like Flask of Distilled Wisdom, and other elixirs to maximize your healing power. Pair it with Herbalism to farm the herbs you need for crafting, saving you a pile of gold. Want a side hustle? Enchanting lets you enhance gear for yourself or others, while Engineering is great for PvP gadgets, like grenades and Goblin Sapper Charges. If gold is your game, Skinning or Mining are solid gathering professions.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
AlchemyCraft mana potions, flasks, and elixirs to keep your healing sustainable.
HerbalismGather herbs for Alchemy or sell them for steady gold.
EnchantingImprove your gear and make money enhancing others’ gear.
EngineeringUse gadgets for PvP, like grenades and reflectors, and raid utilities.
SkinningFarm leather for gold while leveling or grinding.
MiningGather materials for Engineering or sell ore for profit.

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Enough resources to upgrade your profession to the maximum level!

Best professions for Warlock in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Warlocks live and breathe chaos, shadow, and smart profession choices. In the Classic Era Anniversary, Tailoring is a no-brainer. Craft epic gear like Robe of the Void and later the Bloodvine Garb set for serious spellpower. Need a boost in both PvE and PvP? Engineering has your back with Goblin Sapper Charges, grenades, and gadgets like the Bloodvine Goggles. If you’re after gold, pair Alchemy with Herbalism for crafting potions and flasks while farming herbs to sell. For raw gold or gathering materials, Skinning and Mining are simple, effective picks.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
TailoringCraft best-in-slot gear like Robe of the Void and Bloodvine Garb.
EngineeringUse grenades, gadgets, and Goblin Sapper Charges for PvP and PvE utility.
AlchemyBrew potions and flasks for raids or profit.
HerbalismGather herbs for Alchemy or sell for gold.
SkinningSimple way to farm gold by collecting leather.
MiningGather ores for Engineering or sell raw materials.

Best professions for Fury Warrior in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

Fury Warriors are all about hitting hard and fast, and their professions should boost their raw power, gold-making ability, and PvP utility. For gear and utility, Engineering is king. Craft gadgets like Goblin Sapper Charges, grenades, and even Gnomish Battle Chicken for raid-wide attack speed buffs. For weapons and armor, Blacksmithing is a strong choice to create gear like Arcanite Reaper or Lionheart Helm. If you’re all about gold, pair Mining with Blacksmithing or go full gold-making mode with Herbalism or Skinning for steady income.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
EngineeringExplosives like Goblin Sapper Charge, grenades, and powerful PvP gadgets.
BlacksmithingCraft epic weapons like Arcanite Reaper and raid-ready armor.
MiningSupplies materials for Blacksmithing and Engineering while making gold.
HerbalismEasy gold through selling herbs for Alchemy users or crafting consumables.
SkinningFarm leather to sell or craft and make consistent gold on the side.

Pro tip — If you want maximum raid DPS and PvP edge, Engineering is almost required. Grenades, helms, and gadgets will save your life and destroy your enemies. Pair it with Mining to fund your explosive habits.

Best professions for Tank Warrior in WoW Classic Era Anniversary

A Tank Warrior’s life is about soaking hits, holding aggro, and saving the day. For that, Engineering is your bread and butter. Explosives like Goblin Sapper Charges add AoE threat, and tools like Masterwork Target Dummy can save your raid from disaster. Pair that with Mining for steady materials. If you’re after tank gear, Blacksmithing lets you craft armor like Lionheart Helm and weapons like Arcanite Reaper for DPS swaps. Need steady gold for repairs? Go Herbalism or Skinning. Tanks don’t farm much, but they sure spend gold on consumables and upgrades.

ProfessionWhy It’s Great
EngineeringExplosives for AoE threat, gadgets for utility, and gear like Force Reactive Disk.
BlacksmithingCraft top-tier tanking gear and epic weapons for versatility.
MiningSupports Engineering and Blacksmithing with ores and steady gold.
HerbalismEasy gold by farming herbs for potions and flasks.
SkinningQuick gold-making by selling leather or crafting materials.

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Wow classic Era Alchemy guide

Alchemy is the crafting profession for potion chuggers and stat junkies. In WoW Classic Era, it’s not just about mixing potions — it’s about mastery, my dude. You’ll craft elixirs to boost stats, flasks for raids, and oils to enhance gear. Pair it with Herbalism, and boom — you’re saving gold while collecting herbs in your downtime. Trust me, you’ll need stacks of Peacebloom, Briarthorn, and Goldthorn to reach 300 skill.

This isn’t just some boring “secondary profession.” Alchemy brings bonuses for PvP, raids, and even casual grinding. Got mana issues? Brew a potion. Need a stat edge? Pop an elixir. Love gold? Sell your crafts. Plus, it’s the anniversary — what better time to show off your potion prowess? Just ask a guard for an Alchemy trainer location, grab your materials, and start brewing. Get ready to crush recipes, solve artifact issues, and dominate the Classic Era world.

Skill Level RangeRecipeIngredients Needed
1-60Minor Healing Potion65 Peacebloom, 65 Silverleaf, 65 Empty Vial
60-110Lesser Healing Potion65 Minor Healing Potions, 65 Briarthorn
110-140Healing Potion35 Bruiseweed, 35 Briarthorn, 35 Leaded Vial
140-155Lesser Mana Potion20 Mageroyal, 20 Stranglekelp, 20 Empty Vial
155-185Greater Healing Potion35 Liferoot, 35 Kingsblood, 35 Leaded Vial
185-210Elixir of Agility30 Stranglekelp, 30 Goldthorn, 30 Leaded Vial
210-215Elixir of Greater DefenseWild Steelbloom, 5 Goldthorn, 5 Leaded Vial
215-230Superior Healing Potion15 Sungrass, 15 Khadgar’s Whisker, 15 Crystal Vial
230-265Elixir of Detect Undead45 Arthas’ Tears, 45 Crystal Vial
265-285Superior Mana Potion60 Sungrass, 60 Blindweed, 30 Crystal Vial
285-300Major Healing Potion40 Golden Sansam, 20 Mountain Silversage, 20 Crystal Vial

Wow classic era blacksmithing guide

taking molten metal and turning it into epic gear. You’re here to create items that make your enemies weep and your allies cheer. You’ll pound anvils, smash ores, and craft sharpening stones like a true hammer-swinging legend. Pair it with Mining for a constant supply of materials and avoid the rip-off Auction House prices.

Blacksmithing isn’t just another crafting profession — it’s a gateway to custom gear for your chosen professions, solutions to artifact problems, and even boosts for PvP content. You’ll craft gear, tools, and even weapons that grant major bonuses for different classes. Plus, at skill 200, you can specialize as an Armorsmith or Weaponsmith to craft items that’ll make your character shine in combat. Get ready to forge your path to greatness, my dude.

Skill RangeRecipeMaterials NeededQuantity
1 – 30Rough Sharpening StoneRough Stone40
30 – 65Rough Grinding StoneRough Stone110
65 – 75Coarse Sharpening StoneCoarse Stone25
75 – 90Coarse Grinding StoneCoarse Stone70
90 – 100Runed Copper BeltCopper Bar100
100 – 105Silver RodSilver BarRough Grinding Stone5 + 10
105 – 110Runed Copper BeltCopper Bar50
110 – 125Rough Bronze LeggingsBronze Bar90
125 – 140Heavy Grinding StoneHeavy Stone105
140 – 150Patterned Bronze BracersBronze BarRough Grinding Stone50 + 20
150 – 155Golden RodGold BarRough Grinding Stone5 + 10
155 – 165Green Iron LeggingsIron BarHeavy Grinding StoneGreen Dye80 + 10 + 10
165 – 190Green Iron BracersIron BarGreen Dye150 + 25
190 – 200Golden Scale BracersSteel BarHeavy Grinding Stone50 + 20
200 – 210Solid Grinding StoneSolid Stone120
210 – 225Heavy Mithril GauntletMithril BarMageweave Cloth90 + 60
225 – 235Steel Plate HelmSteel Bar, Solid Grinding Stone140 + 10
235 – 250Plans: Mithril SpursMithril Bar, Solid Grinding Stone80 + 60
250 – 260Dense Sharpening StoneDense Stone20
260 – 270Plans: Mithril SpursMithril Bar, Solid Grinding Stone80 + 60
270 – 295Imperial Plate BracersThorium BarStar Ruby500 + 25
295 – 300Imperial Plate BootsThorium BarStar RubyAquamarine170 + 5 + 5

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Wow classic era enchanting guide

In WoW Classic Era 20th Anniversary, Enchanting is the real deal for those who want to make gear shine. This isn’t just a crafting profession — it’s an art. You’ll enhance weapons, cloaks, and bracers, turning ordinary items into powerful artifacts that boost intellect, stamina, or even agility. Pair it with Tailoring to disenchant crafted items for materials — efficient and gold-saving.

Enchanting is for the detail-oriented practitioner who loves making gold and solving artifact problems. You’ll gather Strange Dust, Essences, and Shards to unlock recipes that will boost characters across all classes. Don’t doubt the grind — it’s worth it. Just hit the trainers, level up your skills, and become the go-to enchanter for your guild. Ready to craft greatness? Let’s get enchanting!

Level RangeRecipeMaterials Required
1-50Runed Copper Rod1 Copper Rod, 1 Strange Dust, 1 Lesser Magic Essence
2-50Enchant Bracer – Minor Health48 Strange Dust
50-90Enchant Bracer – Minor Health40 Strange Dust
90-100Enchant Bracer – Minor Stamina30 Strange Dust
100-101Runed Silver RodRuned Silver Rod, 6 Strange Dust, 3 Greater Magic Essence, 1 Shadowgem
101-110Greater Magic WandStrange Dust, 9 Greater Magic Essence
110-135FormulEnchant Bracer – Lesser Strength25 Lesser Astral Essence
135-156Enchant Bracer – Lesser Stamina40 Soul Dust
156-185Enchant Bracer – Strength80 Soul Dust
185-225Enchant Bracer – Strength15 Vision Dust
220-225Enchant Cloak – Greater Defense15 Vision Dust
225-250Enchant Gloves – AgilityLesser Nether Essence, 5 Vision Dust
250-265Lesser Mana Oil60 Dream Dust, 40 Purple Lotus, 20 Empty Vial
265-294Enchant Shield – Greater Stamina300 Dream Dust
294-295Runed Arcanite RodArcanite Rod, 1 Golden Pearl, 10 FormulEnchant Cloak – Superior Defense, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 4 Small Brilliant Shard, 2 Large Brilliant Shard
295-300Enchant Cloak – Superior Defense40 FormulEnchant Cloak – Superior Defense

Wow classic era engineering guide

Engineering in WoW Classic Era 20th Anniversary is where chaos meets creativity. It’s not your average crafting profession — it’s for players who think explosions, gadgets, and mechanical pets are the ultimate way to solve problems. You’ll craft engineering helms, bombs, and scopes, and even dabble in creating items that make PvP content hilariously chaotic. Pair it with Mining to keep the mats flowing and your gold intact.

This profession is for those who want to make epic gadgets, mess with other classes, and bring detail and destruction to every encounter. Choose Goblin or Gnomish Engineering at skill 200, and unlock crafted items like Goblin Rocket Boots or Gnomish Death Ray. Engineering grants fun, utility, and just enough danger to keep things spicy. Ready to tinker your way to glory? Let’s build some chaos!

Level RangeItem CraftedMaterials Needed
1 – 30Rough Blasting Powder60 x Rough Stone
30 – 50Handful of Copper Bolts30 x Copper Bar
50 – 51Arclight Spanner6 x Copper Bar
51 – 75Rough Copper Bomb30 x Copper Bar, 30 x Handful of Copper Bolts, 60 x Rough Blasting Powder, 30 x Linen Cloth
75 – 90Coarse Blasting Powder60 x Coarse Stone
90 – 100Coarse Dynamite60 x Coarse Blasting Powder, 20 x Linen Cloth
100 – 105Silver Contact5 x Silver Bar
105 – 125Bronze Tube50 x Bronze Bar, 25 x Weak Flux
125 – 135Standard Scope10 x Bronze Tube, 10 x Moss Agate
135 – 150Heavy Blasting Powder30 x Heavy Stone
150 – 160Bronze Framework30 x Bronze Bar, 15 x Medium Leather, 15 x Wool Cloth
160 – 175Explosive Sheep30 x Heavy Blasting Powder, 15 x Bronze Framework, 15 x Wool Cloth
175 – 176Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor4 x Steel Bar
176 – 195Solid Blasting Powder120 x Solid Stone
195 – 200Mithril Tube21 x Mithril Bar

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Wow classic era herbalism guide

Herbalism in WoW Classic Era Anniversary is all about bending over, picking flowers, and making fat stacks of gold—or at least trying to. It’s the backbone of Alchemy and a grindy love letter to anyone who likes dodging mobs while farming Peacebloom. Start in low-level zones, follow the herb trail, and climb your way to Plaguebloom, Dreamfoil, and other herbs that make you scream at your screen.

Herbalism pairs perfectly with other professions like Alchemy, letting you craft potions to solve artifact problems or enhance stats. It grants skill-ups, gold-making potential, and maybe a few gray hairs. Got the patience? Grab your sickle, hit the zones, and get ready to out-farm every rogue stealing your spawns.

HerbZoneHerbalism Skill Required
PeacebloomDurotar, Elwynn Forest, Teldrassil, Tirisfal Glades, Dun Morogh1
SilverleafDurotar, Elwynn Forest, Teldrassil, Tirisfal Glades, Dun Morogh1
EarthrootDurotar, Elwynn Forest, Teldrassil, Tirisfal Glades, Dun Morogh15
MageroyalBarrens, Silverpine Forest, Loch Modan, Darkshore50
BriarthornBarrens, Silverpine Forest, Loch Modan, Darkshore70
StranglekelpCoastal Areas in Barrens and Silverpine Forest85
BruiseweedHillsbrad Foothills, Wetlands, Stonetalon Mountains100
KingsbloodHillsbrad Foothills, Wetlands, Stonetalon Mountains125
LiferootHillsbrad Foothills, Wetlands, Stonetalon Mountains (near water)150
GoldthornArathi Highlands, Stranglethorn Vale170
Khadgar’s WhiskerArathi Highlands, Stranglethorn Vale185
Purple LotusSearing Gorge, Tanaris210
SungrassHinterlands, Felwood230
Ghost MushroomHinterlands (caves), Felwood245
Golden SansamHinterlands, Felwood260
Mountain SilversageFelwood280

Wow classic era Leatherworking guide

Leatherworking in WoW Classic Era Anniversary is for those who look at animal skins and see armor, kits, and bags of gold. This isn’t your cozy crafting profession — it’s a relentless grind. You’ll skin mobs, craft gear, and wonder why every recipe needs so much dye and thread. Pair it with Skinning, and you’ve got a solid combo for materials. Without it? The Auction House will eat your wallet alive.

Leatherworking is perfect for Rogues, Hunters, Druids, or anyone looking to make PvP gear or sell crafted items for profit. At level 225, choose Dragonscale, Elemental, or Tribal specialization to solve artifact-level problems and craft unique goodies. It’s sweaty, grindy, and satisfying when you hit 300. Ready to stitch your way to fame?

Skill RangeRecipeMaterials Needed
1-20Light LeatherRuined Leather Scraps
20-45Light Armor KitLight Leather
45-55Handstitched Leather CloakLight Leather, 20x Coarse Thread
55-100Embossed Leather GlovesLight Leather, 100x Coarse Thread
100-125Fine Leather BeltLight Leather, 80x Coarse Thread
125-137Dark Leather BootsMedium Leather, 30x Fine Thread, 15x Gray Dye
137-150Dark Leather PantsMedium Leather, 20x Gray Dye, 20x Fine Thread
150-155Heavy LeatherMedium Leather
155-165Cured Heavy HideHeavy Hide, 60x Salt
165-180Heavy Armor KitHeavy Leather, 15x Fine Thread
205-235Nightscape HeadbandThick Leather, 80x Silken Thread
235-250Nightscape PantsThick Leather, 60x Silken Thread
260-290Wicked Leather GauntletsRugged Leather, 33x Black Dye, 33x Rune Thread
290-300Runic Leather HeadbandRugged LeatherRunecloth, 10x Rune Thread

Wow Classic era mining guide

Mining in WoW Classic Era Anniversary is the grind of all grinds. It’s about turning rocks into riches, ore into bars, and mobs into a problem someone else deals with. You’re here to strip Azeroth bare, vein by vein, pickaxe in hand. Whether it’s humble Copper or soul-shattering Rich Thorium, this profession is all about persistence and patience.

Pair it with Blacksmithing or Engineering to craft epic items, or just sell your bars and gems at the Auction House for sweet gold. Trainers are everywhere, so learn your skill ups, grab your Mining Pick (you need it), and hit those nodes. Smelting is your ally for fast progress, but the real gold is in the grind. Ready to dig deep and hit 300? Let’s mine!

Skill RangeOre TypesRecommended Zones
1-65Copper OreDurotar, Mulgore, Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh
65-125Copper OreTin OreSilver OreHillsbrad Foothills, Ashenvale, The Barrens, Redridge Mountains
125-175Iron OreGold OreTin OreArathi Highlands, Desolace, Thousand Needles
175-245Mithril OreTruesilver OreTanaris, The Hinterlands
245-275Thorium OreMithril OreFelwood, Blasted Lands, Un’Goro Crater
275-300Rich Thorium Veins, Thorium OreEastern Plaguelands, Winterspring, Burning Steppes, Un’Goro Crater

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Wow classic era Skinning guide

You see a beast, you kill it, you skin it. Simple, right? Not quite. This profession turns every hunt into a resource run. Pair it with Leatherworking to craft gear, or sell those leathers for gold at the Auction House. Whether you’re skinning wolves in Elwynn Forest or chasing Devilsaurs in Un’Goro, Skinning is all about turning fur and scales into profit.

This is the perfect profession for Hunters, Rogues, or any adventurer who’s always on the move. It’s a straightforward grind, but it grants steady gold, materials, and skill-ups. Get your skinning knife, sharpen your blades, and prepare to leave no beast unslaughtered.

Level RangeZoneFactionMaterials to Collect
1-75Durotar, Dun MoroghBothLight Leather
75-155/165Barrens, Loch Modan, WetlandsBothMedium Leather
155/165-205Thousand Needles, Arathi HighlandsBothHeavy Leather
205-230Feralas, near Camp MojacheBothThick Leather
230-260Feralas Yeti Caves, Southern Hippogryph AreaBothThick Leather
260-300Un’Goro Crater, or grind Yetis in FeralasBothRugged Leather

Wow classic era Tailoring guide

Tailoring in WoW Classic Era Anniversary is the art of turning cloth into gear, bags, and cash. You don’t need Skinning or Mining—just mobs dropping cloth and a needle in your hand. Tailoring is perfect for casters like Mages, Priests, and Warlocks, but any class can jump in and craft. From bags to robes to high-level resistance gear, Tailoring gives you independence and steady gold-making opportunities.

This profession pairs well with Enchanting since you can craft items to disenchant for materials. You’ll collect linen, wool, silk, and other cloth from mobs as you level. Once you hit 225 skill, you can specialize in Mooncloth, Shadoweave, or Spellfire crafting for epic items. Ready to thread the needle and tailor your way to 300?

Skill RangeRecipeMaterials Needed
1-45Bolt of Linen ClothLinen Cloth
40-70Linen Belt40x Bolt of Linen Cloth, 40x Coarse Thread
70-75Reinforced Linen Cape10x Bolt of Linen Cloth, 15x Coarse Thread
75-100Bolt of Woolen ClothWool Cloth
100-110Simple Kilt52x Bolt of Linen Cloth, 13x Fine Thread
125-145Bolt of Silk ClothSilk Cloth
185-205Crimson Silk Vest80x Bolt of Silk Cloth, 40x Fine Thread, 40x Red Dye
220-230Black Mageweave Gloves20x Bolt of Mageweave, 20x Heavy Silken Thread
260-280Runecloth Belt75x Bolt of Runecloth, 25x Rune Thread
290-300Runecloth Gloves72x Bolt of Runecloth, 72x Rugged Leather, 18x Rune Thread

Wow classic era cooking guide

Cooking in WoW Classic Era Anniversary is all about turning raw meat, fish, and random mob drops into stat-boosting meals and feast-worthy gold-makers. It’s not just a secondary profession; it’s a survival skill. Whether you’re crafting food to boost stamina for raids or whipping up recipes for PvP prep, Cooking is always handy.

Pair it with Fishing to catch rare ingredients, or just farm mobs for meat. Cooking grants bonuses for stats like stamina, intellect, and spirit, making it a go-to for leveling and endgame content. Ready to fire up the stove and hit 300 Cooking

Skill RangeDishMaterialsRecipe Source
1-50Charred Wolf Meat55x Stringy Wolf MeatZamja
Roasted Boar Meat55x Chunk of Boar MeatEunice Burch
Brilliant Smallfish55x Raw Brilliant SmallfishVendor
50-100Boiled Clams55x Clam Meat, 55x Refreshing Spring WaterAska Mistrunner
Coyote Steak55x Coyote MeatDuhng
100-175Curiously Tasty Omelet50x Raptor EggKendor Kabonka
175-225Roast Raptor50x Raptor FleshKeena
225-300Monster Omelet65x Giant EggHimmik
Poached Sunscale Salmon35x Raw Sunscale SalmonGikkix

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Wow classic era fishing guide

Fishing in WoW Classic Era Anniversary isn’t just a skill — it’s a test of your patience and sanity. You’ll spend hours staring at a bobber, hoping for that rare catch or the perfect fish for Cooking buffs. It’s a grind, but it pairs perfectly with other professions like Cooking or Alchemy, and it grants steady gold if you’re willing to stick with it.

From catching your first Raw Brilliant Smallfish to rare fish like Nightfin Snapper or Oily Blackmouth, every cast brings you closer to maxing out your Fishing skill. The best part? No profession slot needed.

Skill RangeFish TypeZonesNotes
1-75Raw Brilliant SmallfishDun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Tirisfal Glades, Durotar, Teldrassil, MulgoreStarting zones—fish your heart out. Don’t expect much variety.
75-150Longjaw Mud SnapperDarnassus, Stormwind, Ironforge, Orgrimmar, Undercity, Thunder BluffCities are safe, but boring. Stick to capital zones for easier access to trainers.
150-225Raw Spotted YellowtailDustwallow Marsh, Alterac Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Thousand NeedlesMake friends with Old Man Heming in Booty Bay.
225-300Raw Nightfin SnapperFelwood, Feralas, Tanaris, Un’Goro Crater, The Hinterlands, Western PlaguelandsUse Bright Baubles to avoid losing your catch.
Quest FishFeralas AhiMisty Reed Mahi Mahi, etc.Stranglethorn Vale, Feralas, Swamp of Sorrows, DesolaceRequired for the Nat Pagle Quest—good luck finding them all.

Wow classic era first aid guide

First Aid in WoW Classic Era Anniversary is the unsung hero of professions. It doesn’t cost gold to level, doesn’t take up a profession slot, and it keeps you alive when mobs are chewing on your face. If you’re out of mana or just hate waiting to heal, First Aid is your best friend.

This secondary profession is a must for all classes, especially if you’re soloing or grinding. You’ll craft bandages from cloth drops, patch yourself up mid-fight, and save cooldowns for when it counts. First Aid isn’t flashy, but it gets the job done. Ready to become a bandage boss

Level RangeBandageMaterials Required
1 – 40Linen Bandage50 Linen Cloth
40 – 75Heavy Linen Bandage90 Linen Cloth
75 – 80Heavy Linen Bandage30 Linen Cloth
80 – 115Wool Bandage60 Wool Cloth
115 – 150Heavy Wool Bandage120 Wool Cloth
150 – 180Silk Bandage50 Silk Cloth
180 – 210Heavy Silk Bandage100 Silk Cloth
210 – 225Mageweave Bandage30 Mageweave Cloth
225 – 240Mageweave Bandage30 Mageweave Cloth
240 – 260Heavy Mageweave Bandage60 Mageweave Cloth
260 – 290Runecloth Bandage50 Runecloth
290 – 300Heavy Runecloth Bandage30 Runecloth

Wow classic era lockpicking guide

First Aid in WoW Classic Era Anniversary is the unsung hero of professions. It doesn’t cost gold to level, doesn’t take up a profession slot, and it keeps you alive when mobs are chewing on your face. If you’re out of mana or just hate waiting to heal, First Aid is your best friend.

This secondary profession is a must for all classes, especially if you’re soloing or grinding. You’ll craft bandages from cloth drops, patch yourself up mid-fight, and save cooldowns for when it counts. First Aid isn’t flashy, but it gets the job done. Ready to become a bandage boss?

Skill RangeLocationDetails
1-100Buccaneer’s Strongboxes near RatchetEasy grind on respawning boxes. Watch out for mobs if you’re low level!
100-150Zoram Strand, AshenvaleLook for Waterlogged Footlockers along the shore.
150-200Angor Fortress, BadlandsBattered Footlockers (skill 150) upstairs; Dented Footlockers (skill 175) downstairs.
200-250The Slag Pit, Searing GorgeTons of footlockers in the cave—start low, then move higher at 225 skill.
250-300Blackrock Depths (BRD) DungeonOpen Shadowforge Locks and reset the instance. Pickpocket mobs for extra boxes.


Professions in WoW Classic Era are more than just a grind—they’re the secret sauce to gold-making, gear upgrades, and epic moments in raids and PvP. Whether you’re crafting gear, brewing potions, or blowing things up with gadgets, there’s a profession for every playstyle. Choose wisely, and you’ll turn your grind into glory.

Pairing the right professions is like finding the perfect raid group—synergy is key. Herbalism with Alchemy? Perfect for gold and consumables. Engineering with Mining? A match made for chaos and profit. From farming herbs to mining ore, every profession has a purpose, and mastering them adds a personal edge to your Classic Era journey.

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