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Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2024 – Rewards and Schedule Info

Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2024 - Rewards and Schedule Info
Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2024 - Rewards and Schedule Info

Guardian Games 2024 throws you into the competitive spirit of Destiny 2, pitting Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters against each other for ultimate bragging rights and coveted rewards. It’s a time to showcase class pride, strategize your gameplay, and claim victory through teamwork and individual prowess. As the destiny 2 guardian games event unfolds, Guardians will navigate a series of tasks and challenges, all while contributing to their class’s standing and working towards the prestigious Champ title.

So if you ready to learn:

  1. What are these Destiny 2 Guardian Games?
  2. What is changed in the Destiny 2 Guardian Games, exactly on this week?
  3. How to farm those medallions?
  4. Which of Iconic weapons, will be on this iteration of the Guardian games.

And many other things about the D2 Event.

So, prepare to dive into it. Also you may interested in our other guides:

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What is Destiny 2 Guardian games

Guardian Games in Destiny 2 pits classes against each other. Titans, Warlocks, Hunters fight. Class items key. They compete weekly until event ends. Victory brings rewards, rights. All aim for top points by event’s end. Activities yield Medallions. Class items, worn, count. Each class vies for glory at the Tower. Guardians seek victory, weekly. Rewards for the skilled, brave. In the end, one class wins. Pride, rewards follow. Victory in the Tower, for a week, till next.

Strike ScoringIntroduced in the previous year’s Guardian Games, featuring updated milestones and challenges.
Guardian Games Ops PlaylistRegular and Competitive variants, with strike scoring active.
Crucible SupremacyClass-based matchmaking for a unique take on Supremacy.

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Destiny 2 Guardian Games Schedule

In the current iteration of Destiny 2 Guardian Games, you may find all the activities by a schedule:

Date RangeEvent ActivitiesKey Rewards
March 5 – March 26, 2024 Guardian games endsGeneral ParticipationMedallions, Guardian Games weapons, Exotic emotes 
Weekly until the event endsStrike Scoring, Class-Based MatchmakingStrike Medals, Event Card Challenges, Unique Glows, Event Title (“Champ”), Class Item Color Change 

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Destiny 2 Guardian Games Rewards

In the current Iteration of Dedstiny 2 Guardian games, you can expect for the next rewards:

Reward TypeDetails
WeaponsThe Title Void SMG and Taraxippos, the Legendary Strand Scout Rifle, are featured weapons this year.
Event CardOffers challenges for additional rewards, including two new Exotic emotes. Upgrading the Event Card with Silver unlocks more rewards.
Guardian Games CupTeams compete in Technical and Charitable categories for unique prizes, including custom art and Bungie Store discount codes.

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How to get started in the Guardian Games with the Best in Class Quest

Kicking off in the Guardian Games with the “Best in Class Quest” is your ticket to showing off your class pride and grinding for glory in Destiny 2. It’s all about throwing down the gauntlet, representing Titans, Warlocks, or Hunters, and climbing to the top of that class standing.

Here’s the rundown:

Getting started with the Guardian Games means suiting up, strategizing your play across various activities, and contributing to your class’s victory.

How to earn and deposit medals in the Guardian Games

First up, make sure you’ve got your Guardian Games class item on. This is step one, non-negotiable. No item, no medal – it’s as simple as that. You’re invisible to the medal gods without it.

Next, you’re gonna want to visit Eva Levante for those Contender and Platinum cards. Think of these as your ticket to medal city. They’ll give you specific tasks like “run this activity” or “take out X number of baddies.” Follow the instructions, and you’ll be raking in medals in no time.

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Now, about the actual gameplay, dive into the Guardian Games playlists. This is your playground for earning those shiny medals by completing whatever the game throws at you. Just by playing and completing activities here, you’re going to earn medals.

Once you’ve got your hands on some medals, you need to head over to the podium in the Tower to deposit them. This part’s crucial because it’s how you actually score quest points for your class. All the medals you’ve earned won’t count for squat if you don’t deposit them here.

Remember, the Guardian Games isn’t a one-and-done deal. There are weekly resets that bring new challenges and more chances to earn medals. So, keep at it. The more you play, especially after each reset, the more chances you have to contribute to your class’s standing.

And here’s the competitive spirit – it’s all about beating the other classes. Every medal you earn and deposit puts your class closer to victory. It’s a group effort, but every player’s contribution counts.

Lastly, keep an eye out for extra challenges that pop up now and then. These can offer additional ways to earn more medals. They’re like the cherry on top of the Guardian Games sundae.

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So there you have it. Suit up with your class item, pick up tasks from Eva, hit those playlists hard, deposit your medals, and keep pushing through until the end of the event. Oh, and try to outdo the other classes while you’re at it.

How the Focus Activity works in guardian games cup

What’s the Deal? Every so often, the game picks an activity to be the “Focus.” It’s like the spotlight’s on that activity for a bit.

Join the BandwagonParticipating in the Focus Activity aligns you with your class. Completing it earns points, helping show the other classes what you’re made of.
Team EffortThe points you earn contribute to your class’s total. The class that racks up the most points during the Focus period wins.
Winning LootVictorious in the Focus Activity? Enjoy the spoils with a Champions Package, filled with contender cards, platinum medallions, and more.
Keep ‘Em ComingFocus Activities rotate and are crucial until the Guardian Games conclude. Each offers a new opportunity for your class to shine before the next weekly reset.

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How to complete the time-gated Shoot to Score and Vying for Supremacy Quests

To complete the Shoot to Score and Vying for Supremacy Quests:

  1. Tackle event-specific activities. For Shoot to Score, hit the Competitive playlist. For Vying for Supremacy, dive into Supremacy matches.
  2. Rack up points by defeating opponents. The more you outplay other players, the quicker you progress.
  3. Watch the Clock These quests are time-gated, meaning you can only advance to a certain point before waiting for the next weekly reset.
  4. After each reset, sign back in and keep at it until you win the title or the Guardian Games end.

Remember, every bit helps your class win the overall event title.

How to earn The Champ title for the Guardian Games class item

To snag The Champ title for the Guardian Games, here’s the lowdown:

  1. Keep that Guardian Games class item equipped at all times. It’s your ticket to participate and rack up those points.
  2. Hit up every Guardian Games event, from Focus Activities to completing Contender Cards. This is how you’ll earn those crucial platinum medallions and points.
  3. Keep an eye on your event card for specific challenges. Completing these will get you closer to that Champ title.
  4. Remember, the Guardian Games don’t sleep, and neither should you. With each weekly reset, new opportunities to earn points and advance your standing pop up.
  5. Regularly swing by the Tower to deposit those medallions. It’s not just about earning them; depositing contributes to your class’s victory.

Guardian Games 2024… What exactly changed?

So, in comparison to the previous Destiny 2 Guardian games, let’s view what had to changed in the game.

FeatureGuardian Games 2024Previous Seasons
Hoverboard ManiaIntroduced hoverboards allowing players to skip map sections, adding strategic play.No hoverboards, players followed traditional paths in activities.
Enhanced Medallion SystemPlayers work with Contender, Platinum, and Diamond medallions across various playlists, with rewards scaling by difficulty.Primarily focused on a simpler medallion system without the tiered structure and broad playlist integration.
New Gear and RewardsNew gear like the Hulao grenade launcher and Gallahorn-themed armor; introduction of Twitch drops.Mainly event-specific gear and weapons without Twitch integration for earning event-specific rewards.
Class Item and Quest StructureEssential Guardian Games class item given at start; event structured around activities completed with this item.Class items were part of the event, but the structured quest system around these items was less emphasized.
Focus on Class UnityEmphasizes completing raids with full fireteams of the same class for rewards, promoting class unity.Class competition existed, but less focus on unified class activities like completing raids with the same class

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Tips and tricks for Destiny 2 guardian games 2024.

Guardian Games 2024 introduces a host of new elements and tweaks to the Destiny 2 event structure, aiming to provide a fresh and engaging experience for players. This year’s event not only brings new gameplay mechanics but also emphasizes strategic participation and class unity, offering a plethora of rewards for those who dive into the competition. Let’s break down the key aspects and strategies for maximizing your Guardian Games experience.

  1. Equip Your Class Item: Always have your Guardian Games class item equipped. Without it, you won’t earn medallions, which are crucial for your class’s victory and your personal reward haul.
  2. Understand Medallion Types: Get familiar with the different medallion types (Contender, Platinum, Diamond) and their associated activities. Strategize your play to maximize medallion earnings and contribute effectively to your class’s standing.
  3. Use the Hoverboard: Leverage the hoverboard to navigate maps more efficiently, especially in Nightfall strikes. Just remember, in some activities like Nightfall, at least one player must follow the traditional path to progress the activity.
  4. Participate in Focus Activities: Focus activities are time-limited challenges that offer a boost in medallions and contribute significantly to your class’s score. Keep an eye on the tower director for active focus activities and participate to earn the Winner’s package, which is packed with rewards.
  5. Balance Your Play Across Playlists: Engage in a mix of Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit, and seasonal content to earn a variety of medallions. This not only enhances your gaming experience but also maximizes your contribution to your class’s victory.
  6. Watch for Twitch Drops: Link your Twitch account and watch Destiny 2 streams with drops enabled to earn a Diamond Medallion once a week. This is an easy way to boost your contributions without even being in-game.
  7. Aim for the Skimmer Sparrow: Don’t miss out on earning the Skimmer Sparrow, which becomes a permanent exotic item upon completing the quest. It’s a standout reward that’s both fun and functional.


As you dive into the Guardian Games 2024, every Guardian’s dream is to see their class lift the Guardian Games cup, symbolizing the ultimate victory and earning the “Guardian Games All-Stars” title. With every class item equipped, you’re not just a participant; you’re a key player in your class’s standing.

From the weekly reset to the Guardian Games end, engage in a series of event challenges that will test your mettle. Whether it’s completing the gold event challenge on your event card or chasing the supremacy quest for those platinum cards, every activity brings you closer to victory.

Embrace the competitive spirit in the competitive nightfall playlists and other seasonal activities. With your Guardian Games class item proudly equipped, contribute points to your class’s total by defeating opponents, earning higher ranked medallions, and completing Guardian Games bounties.

The focus activity offers a special twist, bringing Guardians together in ritual activities. Achieve the highest score with your same class team and earn bragging rights along with special rewards like the Champions Package.

The Guardian Games event isn’t just about the competition; it’s also about the loot! From the special glow of diamond medallions for achieving high scores in higher difficulty challenges to new weapons like the Hullabaloo Grenade Launcher, there’s plenty to earn. Don’t forget to keep your medallion case filled—higher ranked medallions contribute more points toward your team’s victory.

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As the Guardian Games edges closer to its conclusion with each weekly reset, the competition intensifies. Keep an eye on the class standings, and remember, the winning team gets more than just the Tower’s top spot—they earn the event’s ultimate rewards and eternal glory.

Destiny 2 Guardian Games isn’t just about winning; it’s about the friendly rivalry and camaraderie that makes this event a highlight. Whether you’re completing the event challenge, earning medallions, or cheering for your team from the Tower, it’s all in good fun.

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