Destiny 2 Vex Milk Guide – Best Place to Farm Vex Milk in Destiny 2

Destiny 2
By: friolt
7 min read
Where To Farm Vex Destiny 2

Hey you, Guardian? Are you miss our Dawn Guides? You’re Welcome, Today, we’re strive to farm Destiny 2 Vex Milk. So, especially for you, we create a big guide. This guide is not as simple as it looks on a first impression. For example, we’re separate it for the three big parts.

  1. The most optimal way in how to get vex milk destiny 2. With routes, tricks and others.
  2. The standard guide in where to farm vex (based on the previous Dawn events from 2021 to 2024).
  3. What is the Vex milk.

And of course, you’ll learn in where to spend your farmed vex milk for the dawn event in the Destiny 2.

The best route for farming vex milk

Where To Farm Vex

Let’s be maximally laconic. in our Destiny 2 Vex Milk Guide To farm the Vex milk. All you need is just kill the Vex Enemies, wherever you’d been, whenever you’d want. But there’re different zones.

We’re add the table of zones, in why, and where in our honest opinion is the best way to farm those Vex Enemies to get the those Vex Milk

NessusThe Orrery Lost SectorLocated in a cavern off the drop in Artifact’s Edge. Abundant in Vex, making it ideal for repetitive farming.High density of Vex, making it a great spot for farming. The repetitive nature of the Lost Sector allows for continuous farming. Rating: 4/5
EuropaBunker E15 and Perdition Lost SectorsBoth sectors are rich in Vex. Perdition has an easier final boss, while Bunker E15 offers a good balance of challenge and Vex density. Asterion Abyss is another option, though Vex are more spread out.Bunker E15 and Perdition Lost Sectors, EuropaRating: 3/5 Good density of Vex, but slightly less concentrated compared to The Orrery. Both offer a balanced mix of challenge and enemy density.  
MoonGarden of Salvation Raid EntranceAccessible from the Moon’s patrol area. Starting from Sorrow’s Harbor, head towards a large, red bridge leading to the Lunar Battlegrounds, then a cave on the left. This area swarms with Vex and is suitable for farming.Garden of Salvation Raid Entrance, MoonRating: 4/5 High density, especially near the entrance. It’s a hotspot for Vex, suitable for farming, but accessibility might be an issue for solo players.  
NessusSpire of the Watcher DungeonIntroduction part of this dungeon is excellent for farming, with numerous Vex spawning continuously. More practical than restarting Lost Sectors repeatedly.Spire of the Watcher Dungeon, NessusRating: 5/5 Extremely high density of Vex. Continuous waves of enemies make it an excellent location for farming Vex Milk to do bake cookies.  
Vault of Glass Raid EntranceSpecific to Raid farm vex milkWhile not solo-friendly, this location offers a substantial number of Vex, especially useful if already in a group for the raid.Vault of Glass Raid EntranceRating: 3/5 Good density, but less ideal for solo players. Best utilized when already in a group for the raid while you defeating enemies.  

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Who’re the Vex Enemies

Destiny 2 Vex Farm

The Vex? They’re like robotic time-traveling hive-mind dudes, all about converting planets into their machine worlds. Picture this: You’re in Destiny 2, blasting through these mechanical monstrosities with your submachine gun or auto rifle, maybe even getting up close for some melee kills. These guys bleed radiolarian fluid, not blood – weird, right?

You’re likely to run into dozens of them during the Dawning event. They’re not just any NPCs; they’re your ticket to farm materials for those Dawning recipes like Telemetry Tapioca. Think of them as walking, shooting signs that it’s time to collect some Vex Milk and other goodies. Just remember, each defeat of these Vex gets you closer to those sweet rewards.

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And hey, if you’re lucky, you’ll rack up some essence too. Whether you’re playing on Xbox or any platform, these guys are your key to success in the game. So, prepare your weapon, join the fight, and bring that personal touch to the Dawning event!

Other ways in how to farm vex milk

Best Place To Kill Vex

To farm Vex Milk in Destiny 2, especially during the Dawning event, follow these methods:

Method NameRatingDescription
Defeat Vex5/5The primary and most direct method. Engage and defeat Vex enemies across various game locations.
Lost Sectors4/5Target lost sectors with high Vex populations for efficient farming. Single runs can be very fruitful.
Specific Missions or Strikes4/5Look for missions or strikes with a high presence of Vex. These are excellent for focused farming.
Public Events and Patrols3/5Join public events and patrols in Vex-rich areas. A fun and engaging way to farm while playing.

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What is the vex milk in the dawning 2024

Powerful Vex Farm Destiny 2

Vex Milk in Destiny 2 is a bit of a quirky item. It’s not dairy milk, but rather a reference to the white, radiolarian fluid that flows within the Vex, which are robotic enemies in the game. This fluid is essentially their lifeblood and is often seen in areas where the Vex are present.

During The Dawning, Destiny 2’s winter holiday-themed event, Vex Milk becomes an important ingredient for various holiday recipes. Players collect Vex Milk by defeating Vex enemies throughout the game. It’s used in the event to bake special cookies and treats, which can then be gifted to different NPCs in the game for rewards and to progress through the event’s quests.

So, in short, Vex Milk is a unique, in-game resource tied to the holiday festivities in Destiny 2, adding a bit of festive fun to the usual gameplay.

For what can you spent farmed vex milk in the dawn 2024

Best Place To Kill Vex Destiny 2

Spend Vex Milk in Destiny 2’s Dawning event to bake cookies. Defeat Vex in lost sectors or other locations for milk. Use it with ingredients like Impossible Heat for special Dawning cookies. Trade cookies for essence and rewards in the game. A sign of festive play!

Recipe NameIngredientsRecipient NPCLaconic Commentary
Infinite Forest CakeImpossible Heat, Vex Milk, Essence of DawningFailsafeSweet treat from Vex Milk! Destiny 2’s Infinite Forest Cake is a hit. Farm Vex in lost sectors for milk.
Lavender Ribbon CookiesPersonal Touch, Vex Milk, Essence of DawningSaint-14Lavender Ribbon Cookies: Melee your way to Vex Milk in Destiny 2. Best Vex farm? Nessus or Europa’s lost sectors.
Radiolarian PuddingElectric Flavor, Vex Milk, Essence of DawningAsher MirRadiolarian Pudding – a Destiny Vex delicacy. Get your Vex Milk by zapping Vex. Best place to kill Vex? Nessus sectors.
Telemetry TapiocaBullet Spray, Vex Milk, Essence of DawningBanshee-44Telemetry Tapioca: Auto rifles & SMGs for Vex Milk. Destiny 2’s best Vex farms are in Nessus.
Fractal RollsPinch of Light, Vex Milk, Essence of DawningBrother VanceFractal Rolls: A Dawning favorite. Use Vex Milk from powerful Vex farm spots in Destiny 2. Nessus and Europa have prime locations.

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Best Vex Farm Destiny 2

We are covered all the essential aspects to ensure you’re well-prepared for this festive season in the game. From understanding the nature of Vex Milk, a unique in-game item derived from the robotic Vex enemies, to exploring the best locations and methods for efficient farming, we’ve provided detailed insights and strategies.

We’ve delved into the best zones like Nessus and Europa, where the density of Vex enemies makes them ideal for farming. Additionally, we’ve highlighted various methods, including defeating Vex in general gameplay, targeting lost sectors, participating in specific missions or strikes, and engaging in public events and patrols. Each method comes with its own set of advantages, offering a range of options to suit different playstyles.

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Moreover, we’ve explored the practical use of Vex Milk drops in the game – baking special cookies and treats for NPCs. This not only adds a fun, festive element to your gameplay but also helps you progress through event quests and earn rewards.

So, whether you’re tackling lost sectors, zapping Vex in various missions, or simply enjoying the holiday spirit in public events, remember that each Vex defeat brings you closer to those delightful Dawning recipes. Prepare your weapons, embrace the festive spirit, and join the fight to make the most out of the Dawning event in Destiny 2.

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Where can I find Vex milk in Destiny 2?

Vex Milk is obtained by defeating Vex enemies. It’s found across various game locations, especially in areas with high Vex populations.

Where can I farm for Vex?

Great farming spots include:

  1. The Orrery Lost Sector in Nessus
  2. Bunker E15 and Perdition Lost Sectors in Europa
  3. Garden of Salvation Raid Entrance on the Moon
  4. Spire of the Watcher Dungeon in Nessus

Where do the most Vex spawn in Destiny 2?

The most Vex spawn in:

  1. Nessus, particularly in The Orrery Lost Sector and Spire of the Watcher Dungeon
  2. Europa, specifically in Bunker E15 and Perdition Lost Sectors
  3. Moon, at the Garden of Salvation Raid Entrance

Where to find Vex on Europa?

In Europa, Vex can be found in the Bunker E15 and Perdition Lost Sectors. The Asterion Abyss is another area, but with less concentrated Vex presence.

How to get Vex Milk in Destiny 2?

Defeat Vex enemies across various game locations. Target lost sectors, specific missions, strikes, public events, and patrols in Vex-rich areas for efficient farming.

What are the best methods to farm Vex Milk?

The best methods include:

  • Directly defeating Vex
  • Farming in lost sectors with high Vex populations
  • Participating in specific missions or strikes with a high presence of Vex
  • Engaging in public events and patrols in Vex-rich areas

How is Vex Milk used in Destiny 2?

Vex Milk is used during The Dawning event to bake special cookies and treats, which can be gifted to various NPCs for rewards and to progress through event quests.

What makes Vex Milk unique in the Dawning event?

Vex Milk is a quirky, festive item representing the radiolarian fluid from Vex enemies. It adds a fun, holiday-themed element to gameplay, vital for completing Dawning recipes.
