Destiny 2 Xur Location – Where is Xur today Nessus explained | 26-29 April

Destiny 2
By: friolt
10 min read
D2 Where Is Xur

Hey, you! Yes, you! You’re the Guardian, right? And you spend all your time grinding for new weapons in Destiny 2, huh? So, wouldn’t it be less of a waste to buy an Exotic weapon in Destiny 2 from Xur today? Yup, we think so too! But where’s Xur? Well, we’re here to provide you with the Destiny 2 Xur location for this week. Please note that the Xur location refreshes each Friday and is available from Friday to the end of Monday. So, if you visit us:

  1. On Wednesday.
  2. On Tuesday.
  3. On Thursday.

You’ll get the previous Destiny 2 Xur location. So, if you need it, you better refresh this page more often! We’ve put the actual location of where Xur is today in the next paragraph. And even if you’re new today, you’ll learn about:

  1. Who Xur is in Destiny.
  2. What Xur is selling this week.
  3. Why people collect their shards to buy exotic armor from Xur when he appears.
  4. Why it’s important to stay up-to-date with the gear for this week.


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Where’s Xur Today. Actual Destiny 2 Xur location. Update 01 – 05 March

This weekend, Xur’s set up shop in the Hangar. If you’re hunting for exotic weapons like the Hawkmoon hand cannon or some solid legendary armor, he’s your guy. We’re updating this Table each weekend.

Date RangeWhere’s Xur at?Finding XurHangout Zone
26-29 MarchTower in the HangarTowerHangar

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Destiny 2 Xur Location - Where Is Xur Today Nessus Explained | 26-29 April

All possible Xur’s Location

What Does Xur Have

If you do not want to search the Current Xur’s location, and visit any sites, like ours. You’re free to search Xur with his Legendary weapons and exotic items in the one of the exact location spots. So Find Xur’s location. Please focus on , we’re provide some exotic locations, which are not available for today, but who knows, maybe with the next update, with all those legendary shards, those Xur locations will be actual again.

ZoneXur’s SpotHow to Get There
EDZWinding CoveDrop into Winding Cove, head north on your ride, look for him near a crashed Fallen ship.
NessusWatcher’s GraveHe’s chilling on a big barge. Just hop over there, can’t miss it.
The TowerHangarFind him lounging around behind Dead Orbit. Just stroll through the hangar, he’s usually hanging out there.
IoGiant’s Scar (Previously)Used to chill in Giant’s Scar, but Io got the boot with Beyond Light, so no more Xur there.
TitanThe Rig (Previously)Before it got nixed in Beyond Light, you could find him at The Rig. Not anymore, though.
Mercury and Mars(Previously)These spots were axed with Beyond Light, so Xur’s stopped showing up here too.

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What Xur is selling (04/26/24 – 04/30/24)

Today Xur is selling next loot

ItemTypeCost (Legendary Shards)Commentary
Hard LightExotic Auto Rifle29“Versatile auto rifle with bullets that overpenetrate and ricochet.”
Lord of WolvesExotic Shotgun29“Delivers a powerful burst of Solar damage with a unique firing mechanism.”
HawkmoonExotic Hand Cannon125 + 1 Exotic Cipher“Precision kills increase reload speed and deliver more damage on the next shot.”
Raiju’s HarnessExotic Hunter Chest23“Allows Hunters to channel their Arc Staff ability longer and more safely.”
Knucklehead RadarExotic Helmet23“Provides radar while aiming, enhancing situational awareness.”
Eternal WarriorExotic Helmet23“Grants an overshield when activating Fist of Havoc, increasing durability.”
Ophidian AspectExotic Gauntlets23“Increases weapon reload and melee attack speed, improving combat flow.”

What Xur is selling (03/01/24 – 03/05/24)

Today Xur is selling next loot

ItemTypeCost (Legendary Shards)Commentary
Hard LightExotic Auto Rifle29“Light up the battlefield. Pew pew with style!”
D.A.R.C.IExotic Sniper Rifle29“Snipe like a pro. Xur’s aiming to please.”
HawkmoonExotic Hand Cannon125 + 1 Exotic Cipher“Surplus style. For those who like it rare.”
Raiju’s HarnessExotic Hunter Chest Armor23“Harness the storm. Look cool while at it.”
Fr0st-ee5Exotic Leg Armor23“Keep your feet frosty and your sprints snappy.”
Peregrine GreavesExotic Titan Leg Armor23“Knee to the face. Titans, fly high!”
Lunafaction BootsExotic Warlock Leg Armor23“Reload in style. Warlocks, step into power.”

What Xur is selling (2/16/24 – 2/20/24)

Today xur is selling the following things, for a following prices

Hard Light29 Legendary Shards“A light show in your hands. Outshine the competition.”
Lord of Wolves29 Legendary Shards“Unleash the pack. Control the hunt.”
Hawkmoon125 Legendary Shards, 1 Exotic Cipher“Snapshot Sights for those sharp, decisive moments.”
Raiju’s Harness23 Legendary Shards“Harness the storm. Be the tempest.”
Gwisin Vest23 Legendary Shards“Strike from the shadows. Leave no trace.”
Wormgod Caress23 Legendary Shards“Embrace strength. Crush your foes.”
Felwinter’s Helm23 Legendary Shards“Mystery and power wrapped in shadow. Become the enigma.”

What Xur is selling (2/2/24 – 2/6/24)

In the start of the February you may found the next items

Item for SaleType/CategoryCostCommentary/Details
Hard LightExotic Auto Rifle25 Legendary ShardsThe light show starter kit.
Prometheus LensExotic Trace Rifle29 Legendary ShardsBurns brighter than your ex’s mixtape.
HawkmoonExotic Hand Cannon180 Legendary Shards, 100,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherSnapshot Sights for those quick, flashy kills.
Raiju’s HarnessExotic Hunter Chest Armor23 Legendary ShardsFor when you want to harness the storm.
Raiden FluxExotic Chest Armor23 Legendary ShardsMakes your arc flow like a pro.
Hallowfire HeartExotic Titan Chest Armor23 Legendary ShardsKeeps the forge in your heart burning.
Felwinter’s HelmExotic Warlock Helmet23 Legendary ShardsFor that ominous, mysterious vibe.


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What Xur is selling (01/20/2024 – 01/24/2024)

For today, Xur is selling the next things

Item for SaleType/CategoryCostCommentary/Details
Hard LightExotic Auto Rifle29 Legendary ShardsA versatile and adaptive auto rifle.
Skyburners OathExotic Scout Rifle29 Legendary Shards
HawkmoonExotic Hand Cannon200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherKnown for its Hip-Fire Grip perk.
Raiju’s HarnessExotic Hunter Chest Armor23 Legendary Shards
Gemini JestersExotic Leg Armor23 Legendary ShardsExotic leg armor, perfect for Hunters.
Peregrine GreavesExotic Titan Leg Armor23 Legendary ShardsExotic leg armor, details unspecified.
Getaway ArtistExotic Warlock Gauntlets23 Legendary ShardsExotic chest armor, details unspecified.

What Xur is selling (01/12/2024 – 01/16/2024)

For today, Xur is selling the next things

Item for SaleCostCommentary
Hard Light29 Legendary ShardsA versatile and adaptive auto rifle.
Merciless (Exotic Fusion Rifle)29 Legendary ShardsJust a great seasonal riffle
Hawkmoon200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherKnown for its Hip-Fire Grip perk.
Raiju’s Harness23 Legendary ShardsExotic chest armor, perfect for Hunters.
Orpheus Rig23 Legendary ShardsExotic leg armor, details unspecified in the provided information.
MK. 44 Stand Asides23 Legendary ShardsExotic leg armor, details unspecified in the provided information.
Wings of Sacred Dawn23 Legendary ShardsExotic chest armor, details unspecified in the provided information.

what xur is selling (12/26/23 – 01/02/2024)

Item for SaleCostCommentary
Hard Light29 Legendary ShardsA versatile and adaptive auto rifle.
Skyburners Oath (Exotic Slug Rifle)29 Legendary ShardsUnspecified details in the provided information.
Hawkmoon200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherKnown for its Killing Wind perk.
Raiju’s Harness23 Legendary ShardsExotic chest armor, perfect for Hunters.
Orpheus Rigs (Exotic Boots)23 Legendary ShardsUnspecified details in the provided information.
Hallowfire Heart (Exotic Chest Armor)23 Legendary ShardsUnspecified details in the provided information.
Contraverse Hold (Exotic Gauntlets)23 Legendary ShardsUnspecified details in the provided information.


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What Xur was Selling (12/22/23 – 12/26/23)

Here’s the quick lowdown on Xur’s goodies this week:

Item for SaleCostCommentary
Hard Light29 Legendary ShardsA versatile and adaptive auto rifle.
Coldheart (Exotic Trace Rifle)29 Legendary ShardsHigh precision and stability, ideal for focused damage.
Hawkmoon200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherKnown for its Snapshot Sights perk.
Raiju’s Harness23 Legendary ShardsExotic chest armor, perfect for Hunters.
Celestial Nighthawk (Exotic Helmet)23 Legendary ShardsExotic helmet, enhances Golden Gun super ability.
Synthoceps (Exotic Gauntlet)23 Legendary ShardsExotic gauntlets, enhance melee attack power.
Felwinter’s Helm (Exotic Helmet)23 Legendary ShardsExotic helmet, offers powerful defensive capabilities.

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Remember, Xur, our mysterious vendor, pops up every Friday in a new spot and dips out the following Friday.

What is Xur sell today (Updated 8-12 december 2023)

Xur Location Destiny

Here’s the quick lowdown on Xur’s goodies this week: He’s got the Exotic Engram for grabs and the cool Jade Rabbit weapon. If you’re a Hunter, check out the Ophidia Spathe armor. Titans can snag the An Insurmountable Skullfort helm, and Warlocks get the Skull of Dire Ahamkara. Hawkmoon’s also on the table for those who want an exotic hand cannon. There’s more legendary loot up for grabs too. Remember, Xur, our mysterious vendor, pops up every Friday in a new spot and dips out the following Friday.

Where Is Xur In Destiny 2 Today
Item for SaleCostCommentary
Exotic Engram97 Legendary ShardsClassic mystery item, could be anything!
Jade Rabbit (Weapon)29 Legendary ShardsSnazzy exotic hand cannon, great for Crucible.
Ophidia Spathe (Hunter Armor)23 Legendary ShardsMust-have for Hunters, stylish chest armor.
An Insurmountable Skullfort (Titan Helm)23 Legendary ShardsTitan’s dream, helm that’s as tough as it sounds.
Skull of Dire Ahamkara (Warlock Helm)23 Legendary ShardsWarlocks, get that mystical vibe with this helm.
Hawkmoon (Exotic Hand Cannon)200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic CipherThe Hawkmoon is back, grab it and rule the game!
Xenology QuestFreeDon’t miss this, especially if you’re cipher hunting.
Legendary Weapons and Armor50 Legendary Shards, 1,000 GlimmerUpdate your arsenal with some cool new gear.

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Who is XUR and why it has exotic weapons

Destiny 2 Always On Time

Xur, in Destiny, is a mysterious and enigmatic vendor known as the Agent of the Nine. He’s got a knack for popping up in new locations every week, selling exotic items like the Hawkmoon hand cannon, the Crown of Tempests, or the Helm of Saint-14. He’s got exotic engrams and other legendary items, making him pretty popular for players looking to beef up their gear. You’ll find him appearing every Friday, ready to trade until the next reset. Hunting down Xur is like a mini-adventure each week, whether you’re after leg armor, a Death Adder, or an exotic cipher for that cipher quest. Just remember, he leaves next Friday, so catch him while you can!

D2 Xur Location

He’s this space-traveling salesman in Destiny, but there’s more to him. Dude’s from way out past the asteroid belt, works for these mysterious big shots called the Nine. Every week he’s at a new spot, selling all this rare gear. It’s not just about selling cool stuff though – he’s kinda like an ambassador for the Nine. There’s definitely more going on with him than just trading, but who knows what that’s all about?

Why Xur’s Change location

What'S Xur Selling

Xur changes his location every week as part of the game’s design, keeping the hunt for his exotic wares like the Hawkmoon hand cannon or armor pieces exciting. It adds a layer of mystery, making players explore and find him anew each weekend. This mechanic keeps the gameplay dynamic, offering a fresh experience in tracking down this getaway artist who sells exotics and other unique weapons. It’s all about keeping players engaged and ensuring that meeting Xur feels special each time he appears.


Xurs Location

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Xur, the Agent of the Nine from Destiny, is your go-to for exotic gear every week. He pops up in places like Winding Cove, selling dope stuff like the Hawkmoon exotic hand cannon and exotic engrams. Xur’s a bit of a mystery, showing up Fridays and peacing out by next week. He’s got a wild collection, from weapons to armor. If you’re looking for a Dead Man’s Tale or a Retrofit Escapade, he’s your guy. Just remember to hit him up before he switches locations again.

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Where’s Xur right now?

HANGAR, Tower of the Hangar

Where can I find Xur’s location this week?

Dude’s currently at tower in the Hangar. Just zoom north on your sparrow and you’ll spot him.

What’s Xur selling right now?

He’s got the Hawkmoon hand cannon, the Lord of Wolves shotgun, and some cool armor like Raiju’s Harness, Gwisin Vest, Wormgod Caress, and Felwinter’s Helm. Plus, exotic engrams and more.

How long does Xur stick around?

He’s here from Friday to the end of Monday. Catch him before he jets off!

Why should I care about Xur’s gear?

Because it’s top-tier, Guardian! Perfect for winning Crucible and Gambit matches, and looking sharp. You must to find Xur before the next September 8 and their unlock the new location with one exotic cipher for other weapons

What currency does Xur accept?

Legendary Shards. Keep ’em handy.

What of Exotic armor can I buy from XUR?

Xur’s inventory for exotic armor and weapons changes every week. Typically, he offers a variety of exotic armor pieces, one for each Guardian class (Hunter, Titan, Warlock), and a selection of exotic weapons. These can range from sought-after items like the Hawkmoon hand cannon to other unique weapons. For the latest details on what Xur is selling, you’d need to check the current in-game inventory or reliable online sources for the most up-to-date information.
