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Buy WoW SoD Qiraji Battle Tank Boost and finally get the silithid mount that actually works outside the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj raid. You read it right, this isn’t your granddad’s raid-only bug mount anymore. In World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery Phase 6 Blizzard thought these mounts are too cool to be stuck inside AQ. And thats why now you can ride the mount anywhere! Who wouldn’t want to roll into Orgrimmar or Stormwind on a giant, glowing beetle? I would deffinetly want to have that kind of fun!
But the thing is that grinding these things his nothing common with the term ‘fun’. Let Epiccarry help you skip the agony of farming. Our pro-team is focused on raiding and heavy clicking so you can be focused on picking which color tank best matches your gear. Go ahead! Imagine your friends’ faces when they see your fancy new ride. Hop on, hold tight, and please, avoid stepping on any small critters because Druids of Cenarion Circle won’t love it!
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Estimated Start Time: 30 – 60 minutes;
Estimated Completion Time: flexible.
Add 1000 Gold – an additional 1000 gold will be added to your order, enhancing your gameplay experience.
Stream – upon request, we'll provide a personalized stream to improve your experience.
Active World of Warcraft subscription.
Level 60 character. Use our Season of Discovery leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
Did you see those news? Blizzard finally decided that those iconic silithid mounts can’t be stuck in AQ prison anymore! What a good time to live. Back in 2004 we could only dream about it. How many of us were thinking about riding a gigantic bug across Azeroth? If peak WoW flex exists than this is it! Forget that old-school “only usable in the raid” nonsense. Now, these battle tank mounts work everywhere, and it’s time for you to get one! Wait, did you just thought about grinding alone? Oh, no, no, no. You simply pick the color and we do the rest. Let’s break it down. This is how our World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Qiraji Battle Tank Boost works in a nutshell:
World of Warcraft Season of Discovery is about having fun. It is not like Vanilla Classic where you grind all the time. Our team is all about efficiency. We get in, kill bosses, and grab loot. Simple as that. We work day and night so you can enjoy your new Qiraji Battle Tank mount. Come one! Pick your color, hit that order button, and let us help. The bug life is calling!
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 6 dropped a swarm of new Battle Tanks, turning Silithus into a color-coded rave party. Here’s what you’re working with:
These tanks are now usable outside of AQ. If you’re eyeing these mounts but don’t want to dedicate your life to farming, WoW SoD Qiraji Battle Tank boosting service from Epiccarry can help you!
In the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Blizzard reworked these mounts. Now you are allowed to be ride Qiraji Battle Tanks outside the Ahn’Qiraj raid.
However, not all Qiraji Battle Tanks are created equal. The Black Qiraji Battle Tank has always been the VIP of bug mounts, usable anywhere since its introduction. This mount was a reward for the first brave souls who banged the gong during the opening of Ahn’Qiraj back in the day. Now they are unavailable. For those without a DeLorean, there’s 9 different Qiraji Resonating Crystals to choose from in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 6.
If you’re looking to expand your mount collection without putting much work into it, consider WoW SoD Qiraji Battle Tank carry to help you. After all, life’s too short to spend it all in Silithus.
Here’s a short tip how to get a Qiraji Battle Tank mount in Season of Discovery. First, you’ll need to hit AQ40. Mounts will drop from bosses like C’Thun are tied to special activity added in SoD. We are talking about Hardcore Mode of Temple of Ahn’Qiraj raid. It is going to be a challenge for unprepared players who has no time to wipe learning tactics.
Epiccarry exist for a reason. We help players to enjoy the game. Check out our World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery Qiraji Battle Tank Mount Farming Service. There you will find 9 different mounts to your taste. Pick any you like and place the order, our manager will do the rest.
Temple of Ahn’Qiraj or AQ40, if you’re cool and abbreviate everything is located in Silithus. This is the sandy, bug-infested wasteland. The raid entrance itself is at the southern part of the zone, near the Scarab Wall. Can’t miss it. There you will see a big spooky temple thing with enough bug carcasses lying around to make an orc puke. Walk through the archway, and face the raid entrance. Just don’t get distracted by the endless elite silithid trying to eat your face on the way in.
And hey, while you’re at it, trying to find the entrance? With a Qiraji Battle Tank boost you could already have had the mount! Hear me out, we’ve got all the raiding things you need. We have even got a warlock to summon you, no need to run through the entire Azeroth to meet us!
For AQ40 in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, you don’t technically need an attunement to enter the raid. But back in the day, Blizzard made us do a whole Scarab Lord drama thing to open the gates. Now? Gate’s already open. Feel free to walk in!
If you’re not ready to handle AQ40 with PUGs or idiotic guild leaders who master loot mounts to their friends, you can always hit us up for SoD Qiraji Battle Tank Boosting service. You focus on making memes in raid chat, we’ll handle the rest.
Temple of Ahn’Qiraj Hardmode mechanics is called Descent Into Madness. When you roll up to the first boss you’ll see an ominous obelisk. By default, the obelisk is active, meaning the raid is at “Normal Difficulty.” Raid Leader can interact with it to deactivate the obelisk. And that’s when the fun of Hardmode begins.
Deactivating the obelisk introduces new mechanics for every pull. Plus, you get a limited number of attempts to beat the next three bosses. No pressure. If you run out of attempts before you kill a boss, you’ll still get loot, but not from the bonus chest. And you can’t interact with the next obelisk.
Now, about those bonus chests. They only appear if you have attempts left when you kill a boss. You can skip opening the chest and keep your remaining attempts intact for the next boss. In this way you can snowball rewards. But one mistake turns the raid run into an awkward silence on Discord. Checkpoints work like this:
You can cash in your loot at each checkpoint or keep diving deeper into madness. Just know the deeper you go, the crazier the mechanics, the less sanity you’ll have.
Epiccarry offer WoW Season of Discovery raid boosts! Check out or list of orders and choose the one you need!
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