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Buy SoD Quel’Serrar Boost and pull out the Quel’Serrar from your pants any time you want to fight… or brag! We promise heads will turn and jaws will drop. Every girl-elf will admit the size of your Quel’Serrar! Now, let’s be real for a moment. Getting that Quel’Serrar will definitely soak all your free time. Farming the book to start the quest and tempering the blade in the heart of the Onyxia ain’t an everyday routine you know… Instead, buy SoD Quel’Serrar Boosting service, log in after a long day, and there it is in your inventory, the gleaming Quel’Serrar.
Remember that meme dog in the burning room saying, “This is fine”? Those are players who ignore our World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery Quel’Serrar carry service! After all, Azeroth can’t wait for you to farm that bloody sword… Are you ready to wield the power of Quel’Serrar? We can make your loot to be always epic!
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Estimated Start Time: 30 – 60 minutes;
Estimated Completion Time: up to 30 days;
Onyxia’s Lair Attunement – we will do the raid attunement so you can enter and dip the sword into Onyxia’s blood;
Add 1000 Gold – an additional 1000 gold will be added to your order, enhancing your gameplay experience.
Stream – upon request, we'll provide a personalized stream to improve your experience.
Active World of Warcraft subscription;
Onyxia’s Lair Attunement
Level 60 character. Use our SoD leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
So, you’ve decided to get your hands on the Quel’Serrar? Well, you’re in luck! What a weird coincidence that we 0ffer to buy WoW Classic Season of Discovery Quel’Serrar carry service here! Here’s what we will do:
Now that your shiny new Quel’Serrar is in your hands, it’s time to show it off in Azeroth! Whether you’re tanking in a dungeon or standing proudly in Orgrimmar, this sword is sure to attract a lot of attention. Congratulations with your new shiny weapon!
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
It’s not just good; it’s exceptional! With its stamina stat and unique proc that grants an additional layer of protection, this blade is designed to make your enemies cower in fear. Quel’Serrar is a must-have.
Calling all warriors and paladins! If you’re wielding a shield and thirsting for a tanking blade- Quel’Serrar is your new best friend. This sword is perfect for those who charge into battle headfirst.
For paladins and warriors , Quel’Serrar offers a fantastic balance of damage and tanking potential. With its solid stats and special defensive proc players can hold the front line without a problem.
To start, you’ll need to get your hands on a very rare tome in Dire Maul, so prepare for some dungeon crawling!
Once you’ve got the book, take it to Lorekeeper Lydros in Dire Maul’s library. He’ll swap it out for the Unfired Ancient Blade. Next, you’ll need to gather some friends and head to Onyxia’s Lair. Yes, you heard that right – it’s time to face the Broodmother herself.
When she drops low health use the item on her breath to forge your sword in the fires of her fury. It’s a delicate process, requiring perfect timing, so make sure you’ve got your raid team coordinated.
After successfully surviving Onyxia’s wrath and completing the ritual, you have to temper the sword in her blood and return to Dire Maul. Lorekeeper Lydros will finalize the process, presenting you with the legendary Quel’Serrar.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but you can’t dual-wield Quel’Serrar swords. The quest for this legendary blade is unique, and so is the item itself. Blizzard has decided that one epic sword is enough for any would-be dragon slayer. Wielding two of them might just cause the dragons of Azeroth to throw in the towel and retire! Remember, it’s not the quantity weapons but the quality of their deeds.
The book was originally named after a person whose reputation in the community was as fiery as Onyxia’s breath. However, after a scandal involving this individual, Blizzard decided it was time for a change.
In an effort to keep the game’s atmosphere light and enjoyable, Blizzard opted to rename the item. After all, when you’re on epic quests slaying dragons, the last thing you want is to be reminded of outside scandals.
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