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Bonfire Bash Activity rounds are available only during the Solstice of Heroes event and are located in the European Aerial Zone (EAZ) in the Destiny 2 game. Completing activity runs may take quite a bit of time, and will reward you with Silver Leaves, which can convert to Silver Ash.
Buy Bonfire Bash activity boost and get powerful new weapons and sunlit armor from the Solstice event in the shortest terms for your Guardian. Skip boring farming and let professionals do the hardest work and kill enemies in Solstice challenges instead of you. Do not miss out on the Solstice of Heroes event to grab valuable rewards. The event happens once a year only to get the limited time weapons and armor!
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Estimated Start Time: 1-4 hours.
Estimated Completion time:
Stream – follow the Bonfire Bash Boost process via the personal stream link.
Solstice of Heroes event.
If you want to increase your Power level, please check out the Power Leveling boosting service offer.
Complete Bonfire Bash activity in this year’s Solstice of Heroes event can be really challenging, but it is worth the drop rewards. Completing the Solstice challenges – Bonfire Bash will rewards you with Silver Leaves currency drops that you can convert to Silver Ash and get armor and weapons upgrades, including glow shades. To succeed in the Solstice event, you will need to spawn Ignition Carrier. This can be done when you kill enemies. Solstice armor and weapons you can get only once per year, so you should not miss out on the chance to complete the Bonfire Bash activity for the best possible rewards, including the newest Crowning Duologue weapon. Keep in mind, that once the Guardian is wearing the Solstice armor, it will grant more Silver Leaves drop per Bonfire run. Follow these simple steps to make an order for the Destiny 2 Bonfire Bash activity Boost and participate in the Solstice event this August:
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Bonfire Bash is a Solstice activity designed for 3 Guardians to fight the enemies. Completing Bonfire Bash rounds drop unique weapons and activity currency that can be used to forge the Solstice Armor set. Valuable weapon rewards you may get from Solstice challenges are:
The Bonfire Bash runs can be launched from the Tower Map as soon as you talk to Eva Levante. The main goal is to light a large bonfire at the center of the map by throwing Ignition Charges into it. They come from Ignition Carriers bosses that shows up in specific locations within the European Aerial Zone (EAZ). You must kill regular small bosses in those areas to grab the Ignition Charges.
Ignition Carrier drops three orbs once you defeat it. Pick these up and toss them into the pyre to fuel the flames. When you successfully land ten orbs, a Taken Interference event kicks off. Here, you’ll need to eliminate three Taken minibosses and destroy any Blights that pop up to keep things moving. The activity will end when you conquer the Taken boss. It will show up after the timer runs out or if your team of Guardians has deposited 30 orbs, whichever comes first. The easiest part left – just grab your most powerful Heavy weapon and defeat the boss quickly. Once you’ve killed the boss, go back to the pyre to gather your rewards. Don’t forget to collect a new set of armor bounties to maximize your gains before you return to gameplay.
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