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Buy World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Classic Professions Kits Boost and level up any crafting profession over a day! We will provide you with everything you may need. No more running around old and empty parts of Azeroth looking for herbs and ores that nobody needs. Just log in, grab the materials from our booster, and be happy! We’ve got everything prepared including the crafting guide. Follow it so that you don’t skip any important steppes.
With our Pandaria Classic Professions Kits Boosting service, everything is already calculated! We did all the math and packed materials to level any profession up to the maximum! Just log in, grab the goods, and follow the guide we give you. It’s straightforward: the mats are ready and the rest is up to your ability to follow directions or at least not fall asleep while reading them.
This boost will be completed in Self-Play mode.
Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes;
Estimated Completion Time: flexible, usually no longer than 24 hours.
First Aid Kit — get enough resources to max First Aid secondary profession up to skill level 600;
Cooking Kit — get enough resources to max Cooking secondary profession up to skill level 600;
Stream - watch your Classic Cataclysm boost live.
Add 50 000 Gold - get extra gold upon order completion;
Active World of Warcraft subscription.
Level 90 character. Use our Cataclysm leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
Ever wanted to max out your professions but was scared off with all that grind behind it? Yeah, we get it. Finally, there is someone to do the boring stuff instead of you! Today you have a chance to level up any crafting profession in World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Classic without endless running all over previous expansions. Take a minute and read how our World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Classic Professions Kits Boosting service works, step by step:
That’s it! Enjoy your leveled-up professions and all the benefits that come with them. Now click that buy button, go forth,and let us handle the boring stuff. Do you remember that you are here to enjoy Azeroth?
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
There are 12 professions in total in World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Classic:
Note that one character can only have 2 primary professions and all the secondary professions. You can always unlearn your profession and choose to level another one. If you want to reroll your profession but you are afraid of all that grind behind it be sure to contact our manager and get some professional help! Pun is intended of corse!
To change your profession in World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Classic you need to abandon your current one. First things first, open your Character Info Panel. Default hotkey: C. Click on the “Skills” tab. Select the profession you want to drop and click the red “Abandon Profession” button. That’s it.
Now you are free to visit the appropriate trainer for the new profession you want to learn. You can find a Trainer in all major cities or Vale of Eternal Blossoms hubs like Shrine of Two Moons if you play Horde or Shrine of Seven Stars for Alliance. Pay the required fee to learn the new profession. Note that you’ll start at skill level 1 for that profession.
If you don’t want to level everything from a scratch contact a manager from Epiccarry. We will find you a booster to do that for you or we can provide you with profession kits to make the process a bit more faster and less grindy.
No, you cannot learn all professions on a single character in World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Classic. Each character can have only two primary professions. You can learn all secondary professions though.
If you want to access all professions, you’ll need to level multiple characters, each with different primary professions. In total you will need 6 characters to cover all the primary professions.
If you need any help with World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Character leveling services or profession leveling and profession kits be sure to contact our manager. They will find the best offer for you!
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