Cataclysm Classic World First Level 85 Achieved by Lmgd1 in Under 3 Hours

By: friolt
3 min read
Cataclysm Classic World First Level 85 Achieved By Lmgd1 In Under 3 Hours

Guess what? World of Warcraft speed-runner Lmgd1 just hit level 85 in Cataclysm Classic only 3 hours after it launched on May 20th! This guy’s a legend. Not only did he plan everything down to the last detail, but he also dealt with Blizzard throwing curveballs by nerfing his XP gains mid-run.

Speedrun Breakdown — 85 in 3 Hours!

Yep, you read that right. Lmgd1 hit level 85 just 3 hours after Cataclysm Classic went live. Talk about fast!

Challenges and Strategies — Blizzard’s Nerf Hammers

WoW Classic content creator Sarthe gives us the scoop in his latest video. He breaks down how Lmgd1 found some sweet hyperspawns in Twilight Highlands to grind XP. But then Blizzard swooped in and nerfed those mobs, so they stopped giving XP just after he hit level 84 on his Shaman. Ouch!

Rolling with the Punches — Finding New XP Spots

Not one to give up, Lmgd1 moved to another area to farm more mobs. And guess what? Blizzard nerfed those mobs too! Eventually, he headed to Deepholm and found a sweet spot, raking in about 6 million XP per hour to finally hit that magical level 85.

Community Reactions — Mixed Feelings and Controversy

Cataclysm Classic World First Level 85 Achieved By Lmgd1 In Under 3 Hours

The community has some pretty strong opinions about Lmgd1’s achievement. Here’s a taste:

  • Momoi — It’s the guy who scammed some other players for tens if not hundreds of thousands of gold in Wrath Classic.
  • Terrifying1376 — At least it’s an Ele Shaman!
  • LarsKochen — KEKW
  • Exasin — And RF Archeology was even faster cuz 10 minutes before Cata launch gg this is ridiculous management.
  • Tornado20 — Lol getting lvl 85 world first with an exploit really blizzard when are u actually going to sanction those kind of players.
  • Vigor1337 — LMGD MMR GG!
  • Holybrat — Who cares? This is not even a true world first. World first was back when Cata actually released, cata classic is not the same as Cata’s original release. Go do something interesting in retail then you can claim a world first.
  • DG2020 — Someone else beat him to it 14 years ago. No one cares.
  • Vanyryt — This guy still not banned? He offered RMT to Jokerd’s stream audience to help him hit 85 day before cata launch, he was offering gold and money paid to PayPal. I checked out a stream he did and he was saying stuff like echo raiders are losers and only in it for the money? No idea why anyone watches this guy. After he hit world first he said something like ‘I only got 4 subs, why am I even doing this.’

What Do You Think? — Will You Use These Speedrun Tactics?

What do you think about the Race to World First Level 85 in Cataclysm Classic? Are you planning to use any of the speedrunner tactics to level up faster!

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Who is Lmgd1?

Lmgd1 is a World of Warcraft speed-runner who recently achieved the World First Level 85 in Cataclysm Classic in just under 3 hours.

How did Lmgd1 reach level 85 so quickly?

Lmgd1 planned his speedrun meticulously and used hyperspawns in Twilight Highlands and Deepholm to grind XP efficiently. He faced challenges when Blizzard nerfed the XP gains from the mobs he was farming but adapted by moving to new farming spots.

What challenges did Lmgd1 face during his speedrun?

Blizzard hotfixed and nerfed the experience gains from the mobs Lmgd1 was farming multiple times during his run, forcing him to find new areas to continue his grind.

What were the community reactions to Lmgd1’s achievement?

The community had mixed reactions. Some praised his speedrun, while others criticized him for allegedly exploiting game mechanics and having a controversial past in the WoW community.

Where can I watch a breakdown of Lmgd1’s speedrun?

WoW Classic content creator Sarthe has a detailed video breaking down Lmgd1’s speedrun, including the areas he farmed and the challenges he faced.

Has Lmgd1 been involved in any controversies?

Yes, some community members claim that Lmgd1 scammed players for gold in Wrath Classic and used questionable methods during his speedrun. There are also allegations of offering real-money transactions (RMT) to help others level up quickly.

